SKU VID-0551
Julie Bean
This video discusses the various types of Wubbers pliers available including their classic and baby series. Learn which plier is right for your needs and the differences between them. In another video we discuss some of Wubbers mandrel pliers.
Audio Transcript
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Hi, this is Julie with and today wanna talk to you about the Wubbers brand of jewelry-making pliers. I'm going to focus on three different collections here the baby line, the classic series and the Designer Series. I'll go through each one of these pliers with you to give you a better understanding of how they work and what they're all about. Also when you do buy a pair of Wubbers on the back of the packaging. So this is the card that's included with them it does tell you what gauge wire to use the particular pair of pliers with it'll also tell you what type of sheet to use with it as well This is very handy to know that you're going to have that information. Wubbers are a very distinct plier because they have these nice turquoise soft foam fitted handles. I'm actually gonna press in on it a little bit you can see it's not rigid which is good if you're making a lot of jewelry and using these a lot they're very comfortable to use and that's the biggest thing about Wubbers they're really were designed with the jewelry maker in mind Wubbers creator Patti Bullard was a jewelry designer and she was using tools that were not meant for jewelry because at that time there really weren't a lot of jewelry specific tools on the market so she created tools that were comfortable to use, fine tips, precision quality that really were meant for jewelry and whenever you see a pair of Wubbers in addition to the lovely turquoise foam fitted handles, you see an nice boxed joint and you also notice that all of the actual hardware here is stainless steel and has been hand finished to protect your jewelry against any type of marring or slipping. So let's get right into talking about the pliers and I wanna look at the baby line first as the name suggests they are smaller, heres from the classic line, you can see that the baby is smaller it's five inches from tip to the bottom of your handles which is good for people with smaller hands, traveling or just you know different people have different comfort levels. I personally love the baby line, they fit my hand better. I use them all the time if I'm doing chain mail in particular because they are so nice and sturdy even though they are compact. So the chain nose which is here. You'll see it comes down to a nice point and that's going to be a chain nose plier also in the baby line is a flat nose and you can see the difference between the chain nose and the flat nose and it is as the name suggests it's a nice flat nose. Then we also have a bent nose again as the name suggests it has a nice curvature to the nose and these are great if you're going to be opening jump rings. So I do do a lot chainmail and I love using a bent nose and a chain nose to open up my jump rings also the curve of the bent nose will allow yoou to really get into the difficult spots when you're doing something like chainmail or intricate jewelry design, these are very helpful and then the final piece in the baby collection is the round nose. I just have a piece of wire right here you can see with a round nose you can just twist the wire into a nice loop and those come to a nice point is well so that is the baby collection. There's four pliers in it and now let's look at the classic collection. So classic one the handles are the larger but this is good too I said I like to use baby ones for chain mail but when my hands get a little sore which they do when you do a lot of chain maille I switched to the large size because the handle is gonna hit me at a different spot which is nice. So this is the chain nose in the classic collection, it is 6.5 inches instead of five inches like the baby and then what's nice is there are three different sizes of flat nose we have the wide, the medium and the narrow flat nose and you can see their tips line up a really nice and you can see how they look compared to the chains and then you're also going to have a round nose in the classic collection as well as a bent nose pliers and these are really nice and strong with the round nose the narrowest part is approximately 1.5 millimeters and the largest is approximately six millimeters and then finally I wanna talk about the designer series and designer series allows you to do a little something different than what a classic pliers are going to do you've got three different sizes of a bail making plier now on the large one here is gonna be the smaller side a smaller nose is gonna be six millimeters in diameter and the larger nose is going to be eight millimeter on the medium size one your large nose is going to be five millimeters and your small nose is gonna be three millimeters and then on the small one which is my particular favorite the large noses is going to be two millimeters and the small nose is going to be 1.5 millimeters and what's so nice about these is in contrast to a pair of round nose it's tapered. So every time you use then you might get a slightly different size loop. Then the bail making pliers are completely uniformed all the way through. So I'm gonna show you that. So no matter where I put them on the actual nose as long as I'm doing it on the same side my loops are going to be identical every time which is great for jewelry making and the final plier in the Designer Series is the wire looping plier and these are specifically made to be used with 20 gauge wire I have some 20 gauge wire right here and these allow you to make perfect eye pins every time I'm going to take it, you can see that there's a concave side and then a uniform round nose part and going to take my wire, put it into the curve part, walk it around when I get to the end I'm going to bend it and I have gotten an eye pin and every time my eye pin is gonna look identical to this and because the pliers are specifically made with 20 gauge wire in mind I'm not marring my wire at al. So these are also great if you wanna make wrapped wire loops put the wire into the pliers itself wrap it around, then we can just make a nice wrapped wire loop and take our chain nose and tighten that up so that is an overview of the baby series, the classic series and the Designer Series of Wubbers pliers and in case you're curious how Wubbers got their unusual name it started with the initials of another company named wired up beads. So W U B which is now part of the Wubbers company so I hope this explain a little bit about the three different series of Wubbers pliers and in the next video I'm actually gonna talk to you about some very fun Wubbers pliers which are mandrel pliers and you can see we've got an oval, a round, a triangle and a square and these come in a variety of sizes for your jewelry making needs. Go to to purchase beading supplies and to get design ideas!
Hi, this is Julie with and today wanna talk to you about the Wubbers brand of jewelry-making pliers. I'm going to focus on three different collections here the baby line, the classic series and the Designer Series. I'll go through each one of these pliers with you to give you a better understanding of how they work and what they're all about. Also when you do buy a pair of Wubbers on the back of the packaging. So this is the card that's included with them it does tell you what gauge wire to use the particular pair of pliers with it'll also tell you what type of sheet to use with it as well This is very handy to know that you're going to have that information. Wubbers are a very distinct plier because they have these nice turquoise soft foam fitted handles. I'm actually gonna press in on it a little bit you can see it's not rigid which is good if you're making a lot of jewelry and using these a lot they're very comfortable to use and that's the biggest thing about Wubbers they're really were designed with the jewelry maker in mind Wubbers creator Patti Bullard was a jewelry designer and she was using tools that were not meant for jewelry because at that time there really weren't a lot of jewelry specific tools on the market so she created tools that were comfortable to use, fine tips, precision quality that really were meant for jewelry and whenever you see a pair of Wubbers in addition to the lovely turquoise foam fitted handles, you see an nice boxed joint and you also notice that all of the actual hardware here is stainless steel and has been hand finished to protect your jewelry against any type of marring or slipping. So let's get right into talking about the pliers and I wanna look at the baby line first as the name suggests they are smaller, heres from the classic line, you can see that the baby is smaller it's five inches from tip to the bottom of your handles which is good for people with smaller hands, traveling or just you know different people have different comfort levels. I personally love the baby line, they fit my hand better. I use them all the time if I'm doing chain mail in particular because they are so nice and sturdy even though they are compact. So the chain nose which is here. You'll see it comes down to a nice point and that's going to be a chain nose plier also in the baby line is a flat nose and you can see the difference between the chain nose and the flat nose and it is as the name suggests it's a nice flat nose. Then we also have a bent nose again as the name suggests it has a nice curvature to the nose and these are great if you're going to be opening jump rings. So I do do a lot chainmail and I love using a bent nose and a chain nose to open up my jump rings also the curve of the bent nose will allow yoou to really get into the difficult spots when you're doing something like chainmail or intricate jewelry design, these are very helpful and then the final piece in the baby collection is the round nose. I just have a piece of wire right here you can see with a round nose you can just twist the wire into a nice loop and those come to a nice point is well so that is the baby collection. There's four pliers in it and now let's look at the classic collection. So classic one the handles are the larger but this is good too I said I like to use baby ones for chain mail but when my hands get a little sore which they do when you do a lot of chain maille I switched to the large size because the handle is gonna hit me at a different spot which is nice. So this is the chain nose in the classic collection, it is 6.5 inches instead of five inches like the baby and then what's nice is there are three different sizes of flat nose we have the wide, the medium and the narrow flat nose and you can see their tips line up a really nice and you can see how they look compared to the chains and then you're also going to have a round nose in the classic collection as well as a bent nose pliers and these are really nice and strong with the round nose the narrowest part is approximately 1.5 millimeters and the largest is approximately six millimeters and then finally I wanna talk about the designer series and designer series allows you to do a little something different than what a classic pliers are going to do you've got three different sizes of a bail making plier now on the large one here is gonna be the smaller side a smaller nose is gonna be six millimeters in diameter and the larger nose is going to be eight millimeter on the medium size one your large nose is going to be five millimeters and your small nose is gonna be three millimeters and then on the small one which is my particular favorite the large noses is going to be two millimeters and the small nose is going to be 1.5 millimeters and what's so nice about these is in contrast to a pair of round nose it's tapered. So every time you use then you might get a slightly different size loop. Then the bail making pliers are completely uniformed all the way through. So I'm gonna show you that. So no matter where I put them on the actual nose as long as I'm doing it on the same side my loops are going to be identical every time which is great for jewelry making and the final plier in the Designer Series is the wire looping plier and these are specifically made to be used with 20 gauge wire I have some 20 gauge wire right here and these allow you to make perfect eye pins every time I'm going to take it, you can see that there's a concave side and then a uniform round nose part and going to take my wire, put it into the curve part, walk it around when I get to the end I'm going to bend it and I have gotten an eye pin and every time my eye pin is gonna look identical to this and because the pliers are specifically made with 20 gauge wire in mind I'm not marring my wire at al. So these are also great if you wanna make wrapped wire loops put the wire into the pliers itself wrap it around, then we can just make a nice wrapped wire loop and take our chain nose and tighten that up so that is an overview of the baby series, the classic series and the Designer Series of Wubbers pliers and in case you're curious how Wubbers got their unusual name it started with the initials of another company named wired up beads. So W U B which is now part of the Wubbers company so I hope this explain a little bit about the three different series of Wubbers pliers and in the next video I'm actually gonna talk to you about some very fun Wubbers pliers which are mandrel pliers and you can see we've got an oval, a round, a triangle and a square and these come in a variety of sizes for your jewelry making needs. Go to to purchase beading supplies and to get design ideas!
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