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Nunn Design 2-Part Epoxy Resin Kit, Jewelers Grade Clear, 8 Oz Kit SKU: TRC-14 $44.09 |
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Nunn Design Open Pendant, Grande Half Oval 28.5x31.5mm, Antiqued Silver (1 Piece) SKU: PND-08423 $4.99 |
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hi this is becky nunn with nunn design guest designer here at beadaholique.com and put a transfer sheet to create fun looks like you're seeing here let's go through some of these samples you can see this part right here is what we're working on so there's a layer of resin that's colorized in the base then an image that's on a transfer sheet that's placed over the colorized resin once it's cured and then we pour another level of clear resin over the top of that so these are all different samples using the different transfer sheets that we have available you can also use them in the little lapel pins to create fun lapel pins use some of the tiny pieces to make a small little accent cluster them together nicely to make charms or charm bracelets the first step is you're gonna want to select some of the Nunn design bezels to work with there's all kinds of different styles from open back to closed back that you can select from you'll also want to purchase some casting craft opaque pigments I'm gonna just use the white but you can make any color combination that you can think of using all of the different colors and you need to have some Nunn design resin so the first step we're going to do is we're going to move these out of the way and we're gonna start with cleaning our bezels the Nunn design bezels and all of the findings that we have that are cast pewter these are cast and lead-free pewter here in the United States and then they are plated 24 karat gold 0.999 fine silver and copper we then oxidize it which is we put on this blackening surface to kind of give it an aged look on the bezels in particular we don't necessarily want all of that oxidization to be on there because it can easily release and get in the resin so you'll want to do the first step of just taking a q-tip dipping it into the resin excuse me into the rubbing alcohol and cleaning off the surface look you can see that the oxidization is coming off on my q-tip go ahead and do all three of your vessels or the amount of buffs looks like you're going to use for this project once all your pieces are cleaned go ahead and put your rubbing alcohol wait I'm actually gonna grab a fresh sheet this and then I'm going to lay down a couple of business cards on my work surface this will allow me to move my bezels around very easily without having to disturb the resin once I poured them on all right so now your bezels are nice and clean and you're ready to go what you're gonna do is you want to have a solid back so that the resin will have a place to stop so using some packing tape you're gonna want to peel off a small amount of the packing tape once you find the edge there it is right there go ahead and get it started and then with your pair of scissors cut the packing tape lay it on your table and then press your bezel down on to the tape then I'm pressing down and moving back and forth to burnish it snug snugly onto the back of that piece then once you have it in position and go ahead and trim off the excess bits now I just want to point out that this packing tape has has a slight molding in it it's ideal to try to not that there can you see that right there that will actually show up on my resin and we'll we'll see that later but it's ideal to have a very clean area to work with on the tape when you're pulling it off so let's be more mindful when I I'll be more mindful when I get it next time so I'll show you cut off a small now this time I'm looking for a place that doesn't have any of that modeling you can see it right there so I'm gonna work with this section right over here lay your bezel down into it onto it press down snuggly with your finger then burnish it back and forth now that's fully adhered so now we have a backing so when we pour the resin in it develop pour all over the table alright so we have our three vessels we had them all set up on our cards ready to go we have them cleaned and the tape on the back so we'll move those aside and come back to a little bit the next step we're gonna do is we're going to mix some of the Nunn design resin so this is a two-part resin if it has a Part A and A Part B that you need to mix in a one-to-one ratio in order to activate the resin the resin kit comes with a little stir with stir sticks in a little cup like you're seeing here so we're gonna pull out the stir stick I'm gonna use a couple of q-tip toothpicks and I have an extra cup and we're gonna have our colorant so this is gonna be the next step here's one that's already open alright so in order to have the Nunn design resin work properly you have to mix a one taste tablespoon ratio to 1 tablespoon ratio so one tablespoon of a always goes into goes in first and you mix it right up to this line and then the B goes in second place it down on a level table I always like to have some wet wipes handy in my lap when I'm working I'm going to go ahead and pour the resin part a into the cup until I get right to that line of where the 1 tablespoon mark is so as you saw I started out pretty heavy in my pour I lightened up and as I start to get really close to that line I twist my top of my bottle and end the flow and I'm right at that line then with one of my wet wipes just wipe off the surface of the bottle and place the lid back on now we're ready for Part B bringing it up to the 2tbsp line so this is a volume thing not a weight thing that's why you need to do the part a first and then the Part B I'm getting right up to that line starting to lighten my pour need a little more and then I hit right there twist the top wipe off the top and put the lid back on so now we have our resin and we're ready to mix that we're gonna come back to this so when you get our timer out so I'm gonna set my phone the timer on my phone or two minutes and I'm going to start stirring using the tongue depressor that's inside of the kit when you first start mixing the resin it'll instantly sort of be marbled like this the two parts are blending together and that's what activates it into an epoxy resin you'll want to stir the sides blending the two color the two parts together scrape often the stir stick back into your cup and then continue mixing for the full two minutes if you have any overflow I just had a little bit right there just use your wet wipe and just wipe it up so I'm folding my wet wipe or on top of itself so I have a fresh section of the wet wipe to use next time alright so my timer has gone off at two minutes but I can tell that this is not completely mixed I had a couple of times where I stopped because I had some overflow you'll know that it's not completely mixed if you see any of that striation that's going on in there you can see that the two parts are still kind of milky and it's not completely blind blended together and if that's the case just continue just to stir it for like another 30 seconds until these two parts are together and there won't be any kind of it'll be mixed completely together so mixing by scraping the sides scraping the stir stick and continuing to mix so the two-minute mark is where it's ideal but if your resin isn't mixed fully you'll want to stir until it is blended fully together and you don't have that striation so you can see that I've moved through that now by adding a couple of little more time to my mixing there you go see the difference once you're finished go ahead and scrape off the size of your stir stick and we're ready to start colorizing the resin so I'm using a casting craft opaque white for this one this to make this I'm going to only use I'm gonna put this resin into another container on one tablespoon mark because then I can mix multiple cups of resin in different colors so I'll start with just mixing the white so I'm bringing it up to the one tablespoon mark scraping off that edge and now I'm gonna add some casting craft so the casting craft you can add as much as you like as long as it's not over 10% of this resin ratio it has to be less than 10% in order for this to fully cure so I did a pretty hefty squeeze of the white because I want it to be very opaque and then I'm going to mix it together there's some other stir sticks that you can use I actually get these at Starbucks sometimes I break them in half so that I can use use it multiple times when I'm stirring my colorants you'll have plenty of bubbles we're not gonna worry about those oh I'll come out so now I have my mixed resin and I've added some colorant to it if it was kind of milky white and a little bit transparent you would add a little bit more casting craft to it all right now we're ready to bring our pieces back in so we have our pieces that we have on the little cards with the tape underneath showing you an example of using a solid back there's all as well as an open back bezel now we're ready to pour the resin so I have a couple of toothpicks ready to go and for starters you're gonna just drizzle a small amount right into the base of the bezel it's best to under pour and continue to add than it is to put too much in I often work with moldable toothpicks two toothpicks in my hand because it helps me so that I don't touch anywhere around this with my fingers because I can get this tape stuck easily to my fingers and disturb the resin inside of there but I'm putting just enough in so that I can move this resin around to the edges and I'm going around these edges because there's often air bubbles that's get stuck down on the tape and just by agitating it like this it'll bring those air bubbles to the surface so once I put it in and agitated the resin and go ahead and add a little bit more on these pieces when I'm putting the transfer sheets on I like this to be nice and flush to the surface it can be slightly concaved but having it nice and flushes ideal so that one is done you can see there's some air bubbles in there and we'll come back to it and go on to this one same sort of process you pour it in just into the base use your toothpicks OOP this one I'm going to hold at this I don't have the tape on the side and I'm moving it up into those crevices and coming around to side edges agitating to make sure that there's not any air bubbles along those edge I'll dress I got a little on the side here I'll address how we're gonna clean that up so if you got any air if you got any resin on the side edge you're gonna use a q-tip just go in I got it a little bit wet and just go in and just wipe that resin away on that side edge then on the third one there's those some down into the base first go on in with your toothpicks so this has the tape on the side so I can usually hold it in position go in there and agitate that side along those edges on the bottom releasing any air bubbles and then continue to flow more resin into the bezel just up into that inside you can see kind of a line there you want it to be nice nice and flat not domed I have a little edge right here I'm just gonna move that resin right up into now to address these air bubbles that you're seeing in the resin you'll want to just pick up the card I'm gonna move it off the camera carefully pick it up and I'm gonna use my hot breath to blow on it and it'll release the air and pop the bubbles pretty cool huh so go ahead and do that on all three of them you can see that this one batch of resin the small batch will do a lot of bezels so this was a good idea to have plenty of bezels ready now you're gonna let this resin cure for about 12 hours and we'll remove the tape and move on to the next step after about 12 hours your pieces will be fairly firm to the touch and you can remove the tape from the backside these were pieces that I had done earlier and now we're to remove the tape so just peel off the tape from the backside and you will have a little bit of sticky residue that could potentially still be on there let me show you how to address that this one I've already peeled the tape off of and this one was a solid back so the best thing that I have found for removing these sticky stuff is this goo gone and this stuff I think I even got this at a garage sale and and still I have it forever you just go ahead and put a couple of drops of this goo gun onto the back of the piece this one will just even is seeing a little drop and according to the manufacturer's instructions I think it says that you should let it sit on there this is great for removing stickers from cars and all kinds of stuff you let it sit on there for just a minute or two and then you can just scrape it off so as that's activating let's see if it's ready to we can still start scraping but it just removes this stickiness right off you see how it's just coming right up and this will get us a nice clean back on these pieces in particular sometimes I have some resin that will overflow and at 12 hours this resin will be super soft and it's in its soft cure space-time and you can actually take your finger nail like this or even a toothpick and kind of pick at it and it'll peel away that excess resin if it's not if there is any on your bezel so once you've used your goo gun you've scrubbed it a little bit use a wet wipe and just wipe away that goo gone and you can see this is exactly what I was talking about so you can can you see that where that modeling was on the tape it'll show up in your resin so that's why it's important to try to get a nice clean piece of tape because you will actually pick up that imprint off of the tape if you have any residue on here at all and it's night it's not nice and clean you can use a little bit of rubbing alcohol on the back of that and make it nice and clean I'm also just gonna wipe down my card real quick and we're ready to go with that one I'm just gonna wipe away the goo gun on this one wipe down my card and we're ready to go alright so the next step we're gonna move these aside and the next step is gonna involve using a transfer sheet so the Nunn design transfer sheets comes in a variety of different patterns this is printed on a film and when you drop this film in a little bit of water it releases the film from the paper back and you slide it on to the colorized resin so we're going to use this one right here and I'm gonna bring this back in we're gonna kind of get an idea we'll do this one we're gonna get an idea of how we want to design this so I want to make this one my husband's the Sagittarius oh I thought it'd be fun to do a Sagittarius bezel and maybe even include the name so using a pair of scissors I actually don't want that circle on there I want to go into the inside lines of that circle and I'll tell you why in a second these transfer sheets are designed to fit perfectly into the circle bezels letting them design offers but we're not using a circle bezel so we're just going to trim out the inside of it then laying this on here let's see Sagittarius its design goes like that so that's pretty much how that's going to go there and then if I wanted to put the word Sagittarius maybe even on this one and had two pieces on a necklace I can go ahead and trim this you can even do this on a flat tag so now I have my little word Sagittarius and I can put it like this one gated I can see if it'll fit this way if I like it that way I could even put another little thing down here if I wanted or I can even put it on the bottom of this piece over here but I think I'm gonna keep these separate maybe do it that way all right now that we have our transfer sheet trimmed out we've got our design idea down and have a good idea of what they want to do work with these two now you want to have a little dish of water like you see here I just poured some warm water inside of there and I have a little paper towel underneath here so the film like I said it's printed I'm doing one at a time it's printed onto a film it has a paper backing and when I drop it in water the water will help the paper backing release from the film front and it'll start to kind of curl up like a little potato chip and over time it takes about 30 seconds it'll start to kind of flatten out a little bit and as it flattens out I know that this is ready to separate the film from the paper backing pick it up and you can see if it is or not by kind of just seeing if it'll slide and it's still not ready so I'm going to put it back into the water and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about in just a couple of seconds you'll see it start to slide off I'm gonna show you that I already have mixed another batch of resin so this is a clear resin again and I'm going to use to drizzle into the base and then add the transfer sheet on let's see if this is ready and now you can see that the film is releasing from that paper back leave the paper backing on there lay it down onto the paper towel and dry it off we're done with our water so move that out of the way and I'm gonna dry my fingers as well both sides of my piece here and now we're ready to slide it on to the resin piece I'm gonna leave it there for a moment take my mixed resin I'm going to take a toothpick dip it in and slowly twirl it picking up some of the resin on to the toothpick and lay it on to the resin so putting the resin down onto the base of the colorized resin before putting the transfer sheet will help it not trap any kind of air underneath it and that air shows up is like a iridescent I can't describe it any better than that but this allows it to not show any of those cut edges and will allow it to be nice and seamless on the edges oh I forgot how the Sagittarius goes think the two dots up in this corner there you go so now I'm gonna slide it off and with one of my toothpicks I'll hold it down and pull that paper away and now my transfer sheet is on my colorized resin use your toothpick to gently push down any of that resin that's underneath there and any potential bubbles that could be on there all right so my transfer sheet is getting fully attached now to the bezel where the colorized resin is and I've moved out any of that excess air underneath now I'm gonna double-check to see I have it in the right position exactly where I want it and I'm going to drizzle on a little more of the Nunn design resin it's best to drizzle and go slow versus pouring too much on and having to clean it up all right now I'm getting a pretty good amount onto the bezel area I'm gonna grab another toothpick I'm gonna use the non resna side so that I can move this around usually the bezel itself and I'm going to drag the resin over to the side edges so I have a nice clean line so the Nunn design resin is self doming it just wants to know where that side edges and then it'll stop now I have a nice clean line all the way around to the base of the bezel and if I wanted to have a higher dome I can continue to add a little bit more resin and then for the next hour our two hours you're gonna want to babysit this piece because you still might have some air bubbles that surface and if that's the case you'll use your hot breath to gently breathe on the piece what off-camera first I can pick it up use your hot breath and the air bubbles will expand and pop and then you can continue on to do your next one once your resin pieces have cured you can then assemble them into different items here I used one the Leal with the Leo astrology and added a couple of charms here I just actually trimmed out the bird and placed it on the colorized resin and added a couple of the Nunn design beads on the organic hoop it's adorable just as a single little tiny accent or you can mix them with charms and create a charm bracelet I want to show you this piece because this one is a great example of that iridescent that I was showing you so if you don't put your resin down underneath you will get this little ghosting you see that little air and essence that's underneath that piece that's because there's no resin underneath and that transfer sheet went directly on to the colorized resin and it creates that kind of effect you might like it might be fun on your piece this is a Nunn design becky nunn showing you how you can mix colorize resin use it on it in an open back with the transfer sheet to create fantastic pieces like this thanks for joining us you
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