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Long Beaded Kumihimo Necklace - Black & Gold - Exclusive Beadaholique Jewelry Kit SKU: KN-GP-006JX $17.79 |
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Long Beaded Kumihimo Necklace - Black & Rainbow Purple - Exclusive Beadaholique Jewelry Kit SKU: KN-SP-006JL $18.49 |
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Long Beaded Kumihimo Necklace - Blue & Rose Gold - Exclusive Beadaholique Jewelry Kit SKU: KN-C-006QE $18.49 |
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Long Beaded Kumihimo Necklace - Teal & Gold - Exclusive Beadaholique Jewelry Kit SKU: KN-GP-006KX $21.99 |
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Hi, this is Kat with beadaholique.com and echoes now these are exclusive beadaholique.com i hemo disc the bobbins all the beads needed you'll get a clasp your East 6000 glue and you'll get the cord you will need to add a few things from home and for that you'll just need a scrap of wire a pen a pair of scissors a kumihimo Gator clip now if you don't have a clip you can always use a bag of pennies with a binder clip attached to it so you can just use household items for that you'll need some blue painters tape and a ruler now let me show you how beautiful these necklaces are so I have an example here and these necklaces are about 30 inches long and there we go just want to leave it clasped they're really fluid and they're really really fun and they have a sort of graduated pattern going down the side coming to a metallic focal which is just really really nice and you have this nice strong magnetic clasp so it should be nice and tight for you so this is the example that I have right here this is our blue and rose gold and we also have six other color variations and today I'm going to do the teal and gold color variation so if you're ready let's go ahead and get started okay so now we're all set and we're going to start our kumihimo and setting it up so go ahead and take your s LAN cord and for this necklace you're going to need seven feet of cord eight times so just go ahead and measure out your seven feet here and you can just kind of eyeball it but just make sure that you're doing at least seven feet so that's my first strand I'm going to cut eight more just like it and then I'll be back to show you what you're going to do with those okay so I've cut all eight strands seven feet each and I just want to point out that I have plenty of s on so you don't need to feel like you need to be stingy or that that's not enough so go ahead and definitely do at least seven feet so now I have all eight strands together and a couple inches from the tail there I'm just going to tie an overhand knot with all of them and just pull that through and just for some extra security I am going to double knot that go to pull nice and tight and then we have all of our strands ready to go so now I'm going to take my Gator clip here and just open it up and again if you're just using a binder clip you'll just need some sort of weight for the pennies just to hold the tension on your kumihimo so now I'm just going to place that inside my disc right here and now I'm going to take each strand and you'll just see how they sort of want to lay so I'm going to put this one up here and this one to the side and what you're doing is you're just sort of separating all the strands here and you'll notice that I'm putting them on either side of the four dots that are on your kumihimo disk so put this one here okay and you want to just make sure that's in the center so you just sort of pull all your strands nice and tight okay so this is the first part of setting up your kumihimo disk and now you can see I have all these tails here get them all up on the table so you see how much cord we're working with okay so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to go through and I'm going to add my beads to my cord but I do want to point out that I'm going to show you how to do this in the right order in order to make your pattern sit properly so for the first part and let me just show you on my finished piece here for the first part of this necklace which is about six inches it's going to just be all that main color so for right now it's going to be that teal color so I'm just going to load 40 beads onto each strand now here's where you'd want to adjust your length if you think that 30 inches might be too long you'll just adjust the number of beads on each strand accordingly so let's say you wanted it to be a little shorter you can do 35 beads on each strand or if you wanted it to be even Tory to do 30 beads on each strand but I want to let you know that this is the only place that you can actually adjust the length because once you get to here it is a pattern you could take some out of the center here if that's your preference but these two portions right here where you have that graduation you can you just wouldn't be following the pattern that I have laid out for you so just be aware of that before you start okay so now I'm just going to take my strand that is in between my 31 and 32 so just make sure I have that right strand and now I'm going to string on 40 of my teal beads okay so now I've strung 40 of the teal beads on this first strand and I'm going to take my first bobbin and these are nice and flexible so you just kind of pop them open I'm just going to place that tail in there and just wind it around and you'll have a lot of cord on this first one so you'll definitely be winding for a minute okay so I'm going to get about two there and I'm going to close my bobbin and you'll see now that I'm going to let my beads sort of hit the bottom there and I have a little bit of tail to work with now because of what I said earlier with the pattern you're going to take some of that blue tape and what you're going to do is you're going to just use this to sort of hold it in place so just kind of tape your bobbin just like so and I'm going to take my pen and I'm going to mark a number one okay so that's my first one that is all done and now I'm just going to repeat that all the way around and the numbers are going to correspond and I'll show you this when I'm finished but just to get you started this is going to be 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and 8 so go ahead and load 40 beads on each of those and number them appropriately and I'll be right back to show you how to start your Kumi okay so now you should have your disc all set up and ready to go so it would look something like this so I have all of my bobbins down here and they're all labeled with their appropriate numbers so now I'm going to show you how to do the basic eight warp kumihimo braid so we're going to start with our number six down here and I'm going to release that from the disk and I'm going to bring it up over right in between the 30 and 31 and now I'm going to take this strand right here between the 32 and the 1 and bring it down on the other side so it's coming down between the 15 and the 14 and now I'm just going to rotate my disc clockwise and that I'm just going to repeat so you're always going to start with the bottom one here and bringing it up and over and taking your top one and bringing it down and rotate so once you sort of get the hang of this this is really fun and really really easy so we're just going to do a good inch or so before we add the beads because you're going to need a portion to put your clasp so just keep on braiding and rotating and you'll start to see here and a few more what it's going to start to look like and I just want to make a quick note in case you're wondering why I have to use the blue painters tape and the reason is because we're going to do this in sections so you're going to be removing that tape several times you want it to stay sticky without making your bobbins sticky so just go ahead and keep braiding okay so I'm just finishing up my last one here and what I want to make sure to do when I have enough braided and you can kind of see down down here I have about 3/4 of an inch which should be enough to add my clasp and you can see that nice beautiful braiding right there so what I wanted to do is I wanted to finish where my threads are on my dots again so if you look down here at my bobbins I have them in order again so they go seven eight one two three four five six so it doesn't matter where they are on the board you're just going to want them to sort of be in order as you work around because that will help your pattern so now I just finished this part so I'm going to rotate and now we're going to start to add the beads so go ahead and take off your strands the same technique and you're just going to slide one bead down and you're going to want to make sure that it catches underneath that first thread right there before bringing it across so you see how it sort of just sits down right in there so that's what you're going to want to do and now with every braid you're going to want to add one bead and sort of slide it down and just tuck it under right there and just continue to rotate and you'll start to see the beaded pattern develop nicely for you and slide it over and you see how they're just sort of being caught by those threads right there and you'll just continue in the same manner until you've reached the end of your beads here and I do just want to show you one more trick before I let you go off and finish this portion so let's say I want to take a break because this necklace will take you a very long time to complete actually it'll probably take you about six to eight hours depending on how fast you weave so I'm working on this one thread here and now I have three threads up here two two and one so now I can put my work down and come back to it later and when I pick it up I know that I'm going to start with that third thread and then I'm just going to continue so this is a great way to just sort of put it down and you can come back to it whenever you're ready but for now go ahead and continue beating and I will be back to show you the next portion when you are all finished with your six inches okay so I'm just finishing up my last couple of strands here and you'll notice that I now have one bead left on my bottom one and I'm just going to slide that down catch that thread and bring it up top now if you look down here I have my nice beading happening and my strand without the beads which is good and so I'm just going to set my work down just to sort of show you what I'm working with here so all of my strands have no beads left on them but I have three up top here and this is the last strand and this is my last little bead right here and the reason I'm doing this is just to leave my strands so I know where to pick up and again you'll notice that my dots have lined up nicely after the 40 beads and the rotations so now my number one is right over here so I'm just going to sort of set this to the side and I'm going to take my tape off and unravel my bobbin and the next section that we're going to do is the sort of tapered section with the beads scattering down through the side so this is number one and in your instruction pamphlet you'll have the entire pattern to do all eight but I'm going to do this first one with you so that it's very clear what you're looking for so for number one we're going to start with five of your main color and in this case it's the turquoise so there's five turquoise slide that down one accent bead in this case it's the gold and now I have ten of my main color just double-check that's ten there we go one of my accent color eight of the main now to accent colors one and two cycles down five main colors two of the accent three of the main and three of the xn so now I have these 40 beads on my strand and now all I'm going to do is I'm just going to rewind it around my bobbin now each strand will have a different pattern and that is how you get the sort of scattered effect so just pay attention to which thread you're working with and this is why we number them and also if you do want to change up the pattern do so do so at your own discretion but just note that you're going to want to have equal number of beads on each of the eight strands so now you can just move on to number two follow along in your instruction pamphlet and you can string the rest of the beads and then you'll be back and you just continue and you're ready to go so go ahead and add the rest of your beads and then continue with the next portion and I'll be back to show you how to do the focal portion okay so I'm just finishing up my last couple from that section and rotating and I'm going to leave this one here because this over here is my last bead that I'm adding in this section so now you can see sort of how it's developing sort of got that graduated style to it so I'm going to go ahead and put that down and what we're going to do next is we're going to do this portion here which is the metallic focal so now all you're going to do is work in the same order and you're going to add 40 beads onto each strand of your metallic focal color so just go ahead and remove that pop open your bobbin take your thread off and simply just start stringing your beads and I'll be back to show you how to do the next portion which is this portion here showing you how to do graduate it as you go through the other side but go ahead and add all of your beads and continue your braiding okay so now I'm doing my last one here and again I'm going to make sure to leave three up at the top and my last bead is on just this last one that I have working here and my other beads I've worked through them so now I'm going to show you how to do the reverse order to get that nice scatter on the other side so I'm going to find my number one bobbin here oh here we are take my tape off pop open my bobbin undo my thread and now we're going to go in the reverse order to add the beads so I ended with three accent beads so I'm going to start there so I'm going to pick up my three accent beads do three main beads to accent beads five of my main color beads to accent beads eight of my main color beads one accent bead and now ten of my main color eight nine and ten one accent bead and now just five of my main color bead so all I did was reverse the pattern from the first strand and now I have that going the opposite way so this is the same thing that you're going to do for all eight and just follow along in the pattern in your instruction booklet and you will have that nice sort of scatter going the opposite direction so I'm going to continue to string on all the rest of my beads and continue my weaving and I'll come back to show you how to do that last portion okay so I'm doing the last one well the second to last one on my weave here so just making sure again that I just have one bead left on that strand so now all I need to do is we're going to finish it up and just to kind of show you guys what we're working with here now so I have my graduated portion my Center portion the graduated and then the other end so now all we're going to do is take off the the bobbins one at a time and you're going to add 40 of your main color and in this case it's going to be my teal turquoise beads so now I'm just going to add 40 to each strand I'm going to finish my weave and then I'm going to continue to weave without the beads to get another 3/4 of an inch to an inch on the other side and when I come back I'll show you how to tie it off we're going to cut it off and then I'll show you how to finally attach the clasp so we are in the home stretch and I'll see you back here to do all the finishing work okay so now I'm just going to finish up my last one here and now that I have enough of my braid right here you can see in the center I'm going to leave all four out stretch there and let me just bring this all up on the table and now I'm just going to take my scissors and just go around and trim off my bobbins and now I'm just going to go through and just sort of pull that down and remove my disc take my strands tie a nice knot there and it doesn't have to be pretty you're just going to cut this off anyway just to secure these ends go I'll just take all four strands do a quick little knot at the end here we go just to secure those ends so now I'm just going to set up to do my clasp remove all my bobbins here and I'm going to take two of them actually and unwind them and in order to not have any waste I'm going to use these two tails to help secure and fatten up those ends to have that nice seamless magnetic clasp okay so I'm going to do one on camera here as a very important step you're going to take your magnetic clasp and unclasp it set one side aside as it is drying you want to make sure that they don't touch together so go just going to get a little bit of glue on my hang there and now take your end and you're just going to do a nice knot on one side tie that nice and tight and now we're just going to wrap it around and this is what I you know sort of called fattening up that end because we want it to be that nice seamless so you're just going to wrap that right around there just keep it going you looking pretty good so just hold that end that I've been wrapping around and have that end from the inside there I'm just going to tie a little knot and I'm just going to double knot that okay and you can sort of see how deep the well is on your magnetic clasp so you just see like how far down you want it to go and I am actually going to wrap a little bit more just for that extra security there we go okay and when we're not there you go okay so now I'm just going to take my scissors and I'm going to trim off my ends here and I'm going to cut this braided portion here so now my ends look like this okay so now just take your scrap of wire or your toothpick and go ahead and get a nice nice sized glob of glue and what you're going to do is you're just going to put it into your well and just sort of swirl it around make sure it sort of gets all over those edges there and put a little more glue try to get it all the way towards the bottom this is where you really want to secure we go okay and now just go ahead and take your end and you're just going to kind of I like to twist as I'm putting it on so you just kind of swirl it on and then just press it down just a couple of minutes and then like I said you're going to want to let this dry for at least 24 hours before you want to wear it but there you go it looks nice and seamless and make sure again to not clasp them so I'm going to finish the other side off-camera and I will be right back so there you have it that's how to make our exclusive beadaholique necklaces now what's great about these is if you've actually already purchased a kumihimo kit from us it means you already have your disk and bobbins so we do offer what we call refill kits which will actually include the beads the esalaam that you'll needed to make it and your clasp so you can just get started with this and it'll again come with a full complete instructions and you can watch this video again if you like but you can choose from all of our beautiful colors and you can either purchase a kit from us for the first time and we know that you'll fall in love with it so you can come back and buy a refill kit you can find all of these at beadaholique.com you you
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