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SuperDuo Blooms Bracelet - Teal/Cream - Exclusive Beadaholique Jewelry Kit SKU: KB-AB-047TK $22.99 |
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SuperDuo Blooms Bracelet - Pink/Bronze - Exclusive Beadaholique Jewelry Kit SKU: KB-AB-047EX $21.49 |
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SuperDuo Blooms Bracelet - Blue - Exclusive Beadaholique Jewelry Kit SKU: KB-SP-047Q $21.49 |
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SuperDuo Blooms Bracelet - Purple - Exclusive Beadaholique Jewelry Kit SKU: KB-GP-047L $22.99 |
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SuperDuo Blooms Bracelet - Turquoise/White - Exclusive Beadaholique Jewelry Kit SKU: KB-GP-047KS $22.99 |
Hi, this is Julie with beadaholique.com so it comes in a variety of colors really quickly I'm just going to show you them so we've got pretty blues purples a black white and silver nice resort summary one which is a turquoise white and gold this really yummy bronze and pink one and then I love this one too which is nice muted tones and then you can see how they taper at the ends and come to a end point with a magnetic clasp now when you purchase a kit from PETA Holly get everything you need to make the bracelet so for these particular kits that's going to be these items here you're going to get seed beads Czech glass fire polish beads two colors are super duos the one we're going to be making here it's the purple one you're going to get your beading needles and you're also going to get your thread fireline for this project and a clasp and then you're also going to get these really detailed instructions as well so you don't necessarily have to refer back to this video to put your kit together or if you're giving it as a gift the only tool you're going to need is a pair of scissors so let's begin we're going to start to make this bracelet so I'm going to take a moment here and thread my needle with about four feet to 5 feet of thread just however much you're comfortable with you are going to be adding more thread as you go and I'm going to show you how to do that so I've placed a bead stopper on my end and I left a tail about 12 inches I've cut about 6 feet to work with really do work with whatever you're comfortable with because you are going to have to add more so to begin this you're going to pick up one of the super duo's and it can be either color you're going to be checkerboarding your colors like you see here so whichever color you want to start with is fine so I'm going to start with the deep purple so I'm going to pick it up and these super duos do have two holes so you're just going to go through one of the holes and then a seed bead a round bead a seed bead another super duo another seed bead round bead see you bead super to go and then repeat so seed bead round bead seed bead and another super dough so we've got four super duos right now and then we're going to add a seed bead a round bead and a seed bead and now we're going to slide those down to our stopper bead and we're going to go back through the first super duo we strung on going through that top hole so it's the same hole that we originally went through and just pull it so you made a nice little circle I'm going to take your needle you're going to go back through the second hole of that same super do that you just exited it's really fun to work with two whole beads it really increases the design possibilities so now what we're going to do is we want to add a little seed bead between each of the super duo's so we're just going to pick up a seed bead and go through the next super duo and then we're going to go through its second hole as well I'll try to do this as much as I can on the actual cloth here so hopefully be a little easier for you to see what's happening so another seed bead and we went through that second hole that's super duo and then we're going to go through and add another seed bead and go through the second hole of the super duo and what these seed beads are doing is they're pulling all the super duos to the center so it's making a really nice cluster okay so one more seed bead to complete our round and now you are exiting the original super duo you started from so we have got a little cluster now we need to jump up to the outside edge again so we're just you see where our thread is exiting I'm trying to make that clear so we're in the middle here and now we need to jump up to that second hole again of that same super duo and we want to go through the seed bead next to it and then we also want to go through the round bead next to that seed bead so this is where we're at now we are ready to make our second cluster and we already have the round bead which is going to be part of our second cluster so we need to add a seed bead and now we need to use our second color of super duo so we're going to use the lighter purple in this instance and then we're going to add a seed bead a round bead a seed bead another purple the light purple again seed bead round bead seed bead super duo seed bead round bead seed beat oops trying to keep these all on my needle so you can see the pattern and then we need another super duo so we've got our four super duos and because we want to go through this round again we just need to add one more seed bead so you're going to pull that down and you're going to loop around and go back through your round bead and this case you also want to go through that seed bead and you want to go through that super duo again and pull so we've just done the outer edge of this cluster and now to get to the center we need to go through the second hole of that super duo that we just exited and then add a seed bead and grab the second hole of the super duo next to it and just got a little bit of a tangle here just work it out with your needle if that happens that's why I don't want you trying to do this whole project with just one length of thread I did attempt it and I ended up with a lot of knots and it was pretty frustrating so it is easier if you just work with a more comfortable length of thread and then just add more as you go is not hard to add thread in this pattern okay so I'm just working my way around adding a seed bead between those second holes of the super duos which are already attached and then we are back to the original super duo we started from and we've got two clusters so we went through that super duo and we're on the inside hole so now we need to jump out to the outer edge so we're just going to make a little thread bridge on the side of the super duo we're going to jump up to that second hole you'll notice I also went through the seed bead so here is where my thread is and I'm building a train of these clusters so I need to work my needle to this end round bead so all you're going to do is you're just going to retrace your thread path until you get to the end round bead and now you're just going to repeat the process you did before so I'm going to do one more cluster here with you so you get the hang of it and then I'm going to complete my train of clusters off-camera to save a little time here and for this particular bracelet which is going to be seven and a half inches long I want a total of 16 of these clusters so let me just do one more on camera because your needle does keep shifting directions but you'll get the hang of it and it really is quite easy once you've done a few so seed bead super duo seed bead round bead seed bead super do a seed bead round bead seed bead super do a seed bead round bead seed bead super duo I've got my four you notice I'm using the dark purple again so we get that nice checkerboard look okay and now we just go through that round bead and pull and then go through the seed bead and the super duo so that's the outer edge and go through the second hole of the super duo and pull and now we can do the interior so seed bead super duo and those nice seed beads pull the super duo's to the center to create a really pretty I think it looks like a flower design but it's a nice little beaded cluster and now we're back through the original super duo that we started with again and now we just need to jump up to the outer edge by going through its second hole and so wherever your thread is you need to work your way to that round bead on the end so you have a good starting point for the next cluster all right so I am ready to just continue on and I will make a total of 16 of these before I jump up to the second row I finished my 16 clusters and I'm exiting my super duel now at this point you can actually make a decision if you just want to stop here and have it be an arrow bracelet so this is what it would look like narrow and then here's the comparison for the double row so I think both are really a pretty option if you do want to end it now you would just work your thread back to this end round bead you would pick up two seed beads one half of your clasp via the little loop two more seed beads and then just loop your thread back into that round bead and then weave your tail in and tie some knots so it's actually quite easy to do I'm not going to show you that method though right here on camera because I really do want to focus on this kit but just know that that is an option so to create your second row instead of working your way to an N bead you want to work your way to the nearest side bead so I'm just going to take my needle and go through the seed bead and the round bead so here we are and you'll notice I'm actually flipping my beadwork right here because for me is just a little easier to work up top so here our thread is exiting and now we need to pick up another seed bead and then a different color of super do so with checkerboards for us and then a seed bead and around seed bead super duo seed bead round seed bead super duo and then seed bead round seed bead super duo and then a seed bead so we've got our four super duos on there and we've got our seed bead on either end and we're going to go back through that round bead you know what I might just have to pick this up I was hoping to be able to show it to you laying flap is a little easier if you just pick up okay so there's the start of our first cluster of our second row so now we're just going to follow the same pattern we've been doing where we work our way to our super duo and then we go through its second hole and now we need to pick up seed beads for the interior so seed bead second hole of the next super duo Cu bead second hole want to make sure your tension is good you can just pull it tighter if you need to and then seed bead second hole and another seed bead now I notice I have this little gap right here so what I'm going to do to fix that and pick it up there's that little thread bridge on the other side I'm just going to pull that and that's going to help to cinch up those beads and now I'm just going to pull my thread and now that gap has been closed let's see we are exiting the superdude ss right where we want to be okay so we're needing to work our way back to the outer edge so I'm going to jump up to the first hole that super duel and now what we need to do is position our thread so here's how we're looking so what cluster we want to do next is going to be positioned right here so we're going to need to work our thread all the way around to this bead so to do that just go through your existing beads you until you're exiting that interior round bead so if you look at your pattern right here you'll notice that you not only have one of the rounds of the second cluster you also have another round right here so you have to look and see what it is that you need to get to that second round and in this case it's going to be a seed bead a super duo and another seed bead and so now we're just going to go over that next round like so and now we need to work our way back around here so to complete the side of our cluster we need a seed bead a super duo seed bead a round bead seed bead a super duo seed bead round bead seed bead super duo so now we've got three super duos and one right here so that makes four and we need one more seed bead pull those guys down and now go through this round bead right here and then in this case you want to go through the seed bead next to it and the super duo and pull and now we need to do the interior seed beads I'm going to pick it up so to be able to get to that interior section we need to go through the second hole of the super do that we just exited so this pattern really is a lot of your thread constantly changing directions it might seem a little bit challenging to begin with but you really will get the hang of it and I'll just start to feel very natural after you do a couple clusters again watch your tension sure your beads are nice and tight just adding those interior seed beads got one more ok so now we've finished that cluster and we're going to jump up to that outer hole of that super duo and go through the seed bead next to it and again we need to make our way to this bead here so we're going to go through all the beads along the outer edge till we get there now if you'll remember on the last cluster you did your thread was pointing this way well now you're going up this way first so you're going to need a seed bead a super do and pay close attention to your colors make sure you checkerboard unless of course you don't want to checkerboard you can do whatever you like so I'm just picking up the beads I need to make this cluster oops forgot a seed bead for this side I'm going to need three super duos total so I've got my three super duos on there with the round beads and the seed beads between them and now I'm going to go through this round bead and now I need one more super duel and of course super duos are always bracketed in this pattern by seedbeads so I picked up a super duo I'm sorry I picked up a seed bead a super duo and a seed bead and now I'm going to go through this round and the seed bead and the super duo next to it now we've just completed the outside of that cluster and now to do the inside we go through that second hole of the super duel and then a seed bead to go ahead and pull all those super duos to the center all right we finish that cluster so you're going to jump up to the outside edge again I going through the second hole the superdude and work your beads around and you'll notice on this next one we're back to having our thread positioned here so you'll just follow the step that you did here and that's all in the instructions so you'll be able to see the thread paths but it will just become second nature so this is a really good time to show you how to add a thread because I am almost out so I'm going to take my needle off of my thread and I'm actually not tying a knot at this point now I've got my thread I'm just going to grab another comfortable length whatever that might be because for the clasp we're going to cut new links anyways so I have a nice comfortable length and put my needle on it and I'm going to go back here so I want to retrace my steps so that my new thread is exiting exactly where my old thread is so if I look at this visually I can kind of trace a path here so I'm going to go right here and just insert my needle and pull and in this case I don't need to leave a very long tail because I'm gonna start tying so I'm not right here so I'm just going to slip my needle under thread bridge pull and not it go through another couple beads and I'm going to repeat go through and that is not going anywhere at this point so I just tied a couple knots and so just work your thread back to where you left off if you want to tie another knot or two you're more than welcome to that is nice and secure and I'm going to trim off this tail right now so I don't have to think about it and then you would just tuck this tail away for a couple minutes and continue beating with your new thread and your new length and then you would just go back after you've got some beads done put your needle back on this thread and then work it into the bead work which you're going to create and tie a few knots as you go and then just trim this thread so it's not very hard to do but it does make it a lot easier than trying to start with a ridiculously long length of thread so you're just going to continue with this pattern until you reach the end and then what we're going to do is we're going to tie off our thread and start a new thread and then make this little tapered bit here and add the clasp we finished our second row here and you'll see that we're back at the end we started at here's our original stopper bead we worked all the way down here for the first row turned around and came back to complete the second row now because we have an even number of clusters here our thread is exiting the end round bead in this direction which is great that's right where we want it but you do have a lot of extra beads left over and you can make this bracelet longer if you end on an odd number of clusters so this was sixteen but let's say you did one more cluster and it was 17 your thread would actually be exiting this way if that's the case just tie off this thread and add a new thread so here in the instructions you can see it shows you how to do that just so that you're always covered so you just put a little stopper bead right there and then continue on but because I have enough lengths of thread right now and I'm exiting the right direction I can just continue so to taper your end you're going to need one half of the magnetic clasp and you're going to want to pick up three seed beads a super duo and you want what would have been the next colors the next cluster so this is going to the dark purple another seed bead a round bead another seed bead then the light purple and then three more seed beads okay so you slide those guys down and now you're going to go all the way over to your first row and that end round bead and go through like so so when you see this gets pulled down this is what we've got and now pick up your beadwork you're going to add a seed bead now I'm going to go through the second hole of your super duo and you pick up another seed bead now you're going to go through the second hole of the other super duo gotta love it that these have two holes it makes it really fun and easy to design with one more seed bead and now we're going to go back through that end round bead alright so at this point we have a really nice taper but we don't have the clasp so to add the clasp work your way back up through your seed beads here and the super duo you want to go all the way up and through that round bead at the end and now you're going to pick up two seed beads one half of your magnetic clasp and it is going to stick to your needle so just go ahead and slide it down and two more seed beads and now you're going to go back through that round bead so we have just attached the clasp now because you're going to be wearing this as a bracelet when you take it on and off you'll get some where you actually going to want to go back up through those four seed beads again and it could be a little tricky with that magnetic clasp just have to bear with it so we're just reinforcing that loop right there fire line is incredibly strong but why not why not add a little extra security there and now go back through the round bead again and pull now we've just attached our clasp and it kind of Wiggles on top of those round of top of those seed beads now we're going to want to work our way back down the other side and then back through the round again and at this point you have just created that taper and added your clasp so all you need to do now is go ahead and weave in your tail and tie some knots as you go as I showed you earlier in the video how to do it's the same process as if you were just adding a new thread but what you can do here you know I'll just show you real quick to make it easier so you don't have to rewind you're just going to slip your thread under thread bridge pull tight go through a couple more beads tie a couple more knots and then work your thread in okay I'm going to tie one more knot for good measure three knots should definitely suffice and then I'm just going to trim my tail so then you would remove your bead stopper do the same thing with that tail and then over here on the other end you would just start a new length of thread with your bead stopper going right here your needle pointing out here so your thread is exiting the right direction and then follow the same pattern and what you're going to end up with is this where you have the finished bracelet that has two rows of clusters and you've got the tapered ends on both sides so now let me show you what this looks like on and then also that nice tapering effect I think is a really pretty way of finishing off the bracelet let me put this back with the other colors you can see the variety I hope you enjoyed this video showing you how to make the super duo blooms bracelet and all of these are available at beadaholique.com you
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