How to Create a Scalloped Evil Eye Design on the Wrapit Loom (Old Version)

SKU VID-1319
Designer: Rachel Zaimont
Important: This version of the Wrapit Beading Loom has been discontinued. You can achieve the same results using the new version. See our updated video: How to Use the Wrapit Beading Loom to Make Leather Cord and Button Wrap Bracelets

In this video you'll learn how to make a scalloped, wavy silhouette on the Wrapit Loom by adjusting the number and type of beads you weave in each row. You'll also see how a palette of blue, white and gold Miyuki Delicas creates a sparkling evil eye pattern using this technique.

Note: The Wrapit Pro Series has been discontinued. Multiple Wrapit looms can be joined together for a longer track/longer wrap bracelet. See how to do this at the end of our live class, Beadaholique Live Class Replay: How to Make a Bracelet on the Wrapit Beading Loom, starting at the 1:01:42 mark.
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