Note: Components and tools listed within this INSTRUCTIONS box and the printer-friendly PDF, if available,
may have been discontinued since this project was published. Refer to the PURCHASE COMPONENTS and TOOLS AND
OTHER SUPPLIES sections for current availability.
To make this pretty brooch, you will need to watch a series of videos on how to bead embroider. It is not difficult, but there are a number of steps.
- Begin by using E6000 to glue your vintage style lucite cameo in the center of a 2" x 2" square of Lacy's Stiff Stuff. Let dry.
- Thread a size 13 needle with 4' of black Nymo thread. Tie a knot at one end. Using 11/0 Toho seed beads in opaque frosted eggshell, bead embroider a backstitched row around the cabochon. Next, backstitch bead embroider a row of 11/0 Miyuki delica seed beads in black next to the row you created in eggshell. Tie off your thread and weave the end back into the bead work.
- Carefully trim your Lacy's Stiff Stuff foundation and attach a backing of black ultra suede.
- Thread a size 13 needle with 4' of black Nymo thread. Using 11/0 Miyuki delica seed beads in black , bead embroider a picot edge edge around your piece. Tie off the threads and incorporate back into your bead work.
- Color both of your Vintaj natural brass nouveau crests with a wash of Vintaj patina in agate. A wash is where you mix 1 part agate to 3 or 4 parts glaze. Please see the video HERE on how to do this. When dry, use your Vintaj relief block to expose some of the brass beneath the patina. How much you want to expose is up to.
- Cut an oval of back ultra suede that is the same shape and size as your bead embroidered piece. Embed a pin back into the oval in the center.
- Lay your 2 nouveau crests down on your work table (good side up) with their straight edges touching each other. See photo.
- Place a layer of E6000 glue on the backside of your bead embroidered piece. Turn this over and place in the center of your nouveau crests, keeping them in the same orientation as you had them on your table. Pick up all the piece and carefully press them together so that the glue squishes between the holes in the filigree. Carefully set down, glue side up. You might need to prop something beneath the filigrees so that they stay level. Place a layer of E6000 on the backside of your cut ultra suede piece with the pin in it. Turn this over and center on your filigree pieces, covering where the glued are is. NOTE: you need to line up the cut suede piece and the embroidered piece so that they are in the same orientation and spot on the from and back side of your brooch.
- Let dry.
- May you enjoy this piece for many years to come.
WHAT YOU'LL NEED: (scroll down for purchase options)
- DB-010 - Miyuki Delica Seed Beads 11/0 'Black' Opaque DB010 7.2 GR
Project uses 1 tube. You will need 1 package.
- FCO-9045 - Antiqued Brass Color Glue On Bar Pin Back 1 Inch (27mm) (10 Pieces)
Project uses 1 piece. You will need 1 package.
- JSK-0123 - Toho Round Seed Beads 11/0 762 'Opaque Pastel Frosted Egg Shell' 8 Gram Tube
Project uses 1 tube. You will need 1 package.
- SPCB-54 - Vintage Style Lucite Oval Cameo Black With Ivory Rose Flowers 25x18mm (2)
Project uses 1 piece. You will need 1 package.
- XCR-4202 - Beadsmith Ultra Suede For Beading Foundation And Cabochon Work 8.5x8.5 Inches - Black
Project uses 1 piece. You will need 1 package.
- XCR-8902 - NYMO Nylon Beading Thread Size D for Delica Beads Black 64YD (58 Meters)
Project uses 8 feet. You will need 1 package.
- XTL-1054 - E6000 Industrial Strength Glue Adhesive (0.18 fl oz)
Project uses 1 piece. You will need 1 package.
- XTL-9055 - Vintaj Sealer Glaze For Inks, Patinas And Metal - 2 oz. Bottle
Project uses 1 piece. You will need 1 package.
RECOMMENDED TOOLS:- XTL-3007 - Beadsmith English Beading Needles Size 13 - 4 Needles
- XTL-2222 - Vintaj Metal Relief Block For Filing, Buffing & Sanding
- XTL-5700 - Fiskars 5 Precision Tip Scissors - Super Sharp