Audio Transcript
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Hi, this is Kat with beadaholique.com and i are kids you get all of the tools and the beads to make these so I'm just gonna kind of dive right in and draw your attention up to my bracelet display that I have here now I have a lot of different styles on here and from what I can see from a lot of the trends it's really about mixing styles and colors and just different ways to use different charms and kind of bring them all together so I'm gonna draw your attention over here to start so I've made a stretch bracelet with some gemstone and wood beads and I use some little metal seed beads on the inside there and added a tassel so just a really nice simple bracelet now you could wear this by itself but I wanted to kind of add in some other elements so you can see it that I have a thin strip of loom work here and this is bead woven and what's really nice is this is actually part of one of our kits and it has a really nice adjustable clasp so let's say you wanted to wear it a little lower on the wrist you might need something a little smaller or a little wider if you wanted to wear it a little higher on the wrist I also have an adjustable bangle here and I just added two tiny little charms so I didn't really load this up with stuff I just wanted to add a little bit of interest because as you can kind of see it ties into my next one here where I did another little stretch bracelet and I just sort of color-blocked those gold and turquoise seed beads to kind of bring this all together and I added a nice little Buddha charm there and then another thing that we often see with these is macrame so this is a really thin piece of macrame and I've connected it with a button here and this has two loops on the side so it's a lovely little connector and just a nice little slide clasp on the other side so you can just sort of see how you could stack up just these five pieces to get a really fun look so we have that type of style and if you want to go a little bit further you can add in some interest here this is a braided cork and this is actually memory wire so I'm gonna go ahead and take this off of my bus you can kind of see this so this is a lovely little loop of memory wire and again this is a kit and it has two little charms on the side so this is really really just nice and sweet and you can tell that it sort of brings together the wood and the brown there so you can kind of put it there as well and now you can stack these in any order which you choose but it's all about just trying to bring in just one of the colors and you can see that I've made sure that all of this is gold for this one so just kind of really stack it up and make it really beautiful on the wrist now another option is to do a bangle here and I'm gonna go ahead and remove this again from my bust I have a lovely little thin cup chain just running through the center there and this is just using a little bit of glue to add that in there and it's a nice little seamless add-on so it's a great little touch where you could wear this by itself or you could of course just stack it up and keep adding it to our bracelets so one last one that I have up here is using a little bit of chain and some lovely tiger's eye gemstones now this is a fun little bracelet and again it could look very nice all by itself but let's say you wanted to start adding some pieces let's even take one of my extra loom pieces that I have over here so you can start adding that up to it and let's say I wanted to add something else I could add on another part of one of our kits now this is a flat kumihimo so you can just start to see how it can just really start to add up and look really really fun so I'm gonna start talking about some of the other pieces that you can use once I get these off my wrist there there we go alright so just to draw your attention over here so I have some of our loom kits that I brought out now we have loom duo kits which is what you're seeing right here so I pulled out the Chevron piece I think that's a really classic style to utilize and this is another thin piece so you're gonna get the duo so you can actually use both in the same piece or just wear one it's entirely up to you but we also have lately wider so you can see on the end clasps here how they get just get a little bit wider so you could have a really beautiful focal loom piece with adding in the thinner piece and let's say you wanted to add in some cork to just add a little interest so you could definitely do that or your piece here which is gonna add a little gemstone so it just all kind of comes together and the thing that I want to tell you to focus on is focus on the textures the beading the colours that you're gonna use now you can absolutely mix and match metals there's no wrong way or right way to do this there's just some ideas here that I have for you so another thing here as I have another of our loom pieces just with a slightly different pattern here in the blue and gold so lots of options there so another piece that I want to try to talk to you about is we talked about the cork here and we have another style with the cork now this is more of a bangle with a little bit of a sparkly focal so it's a nice little draw your attention in but I think even on this side if this were to kind of land on the top of your wrist it's still nice and interesting so that's just sort of another way to add color is with some of the braided cork we do have some beautiful greens and some natural colors as well so definitely check those out all right so one of the other trends that we see a lot is the wrapped style which is going to be these guys here so I have a couple examples this one here uses leather and Swarovski pearls and seed beads this one here uses a black cotton cord with some seed beads and some faceted czech glass you can just see how different that look is and then I have a double wrap here and this features a gemstones so lots of really fun stuff and this is leather here on the side as well so and these two are kits this is a project that we have available on our website but just some really fun ideas too let's say you want to stack this up with something else that will kind of complement it and let's see what do I have on my table here okay so this is a kumihimo and this is flat kumihimo with beads on it now this together is actually one full kit so we've already sort of given you the idea to take a triple and then a single rap but let's say you wanted to kind of bring it all together and I wish my beads were more silver here but you kind of still get the idea here but you could just kind of add that up and it's just a really nice little stacked wrist and depending on how heavy or how light you want to go is entirely up to you so lots of fun little ideas you could also instead add a loom piece on the center there or just even just those two actually kind of looks nice you can just kind of stack that up there you could take out the small one and just do the triple wrap so there's a lot of fun ideas here all right and speaking of kumihimo we do have some round kumihimo ones and this is actually a really fun little kit and I love that it has a easy magnetic clasp and it's just I always like things that are easy for me to put on but if you wanted to do like a black and white you could do something like that and even just having two there so you don't have to go crazy it doesn't have to go all the way up your arm you could just kind of stack on one or two and let's say I just want to make it a little bit more interesting for myself and I'm gonna add a little bangle on there so you just see how easy that comes together just by focusing on the metals and just bringing in the colors together no because it's black and white I would say I wanted to add in a different color here um I just wanted to add in this guy so there we go so now I have a little bit more color there personally I kind of like it without this guy but you can just see how if it's your style you can definitely kind of add that up now let me remove the black one here and I think it actually starts to look a little bit better so yeah so even just something like that so really nice and simple and the great thing is is that I don't know about you but I try to keep my jewelry just generally coordinated like I do have a few pieces that you know I just I just love and it's sort of my outlier but for the most part I am the sort of black and gold and white kind of girl so like this is definitely my wheelhouse my family so I do have a lot of pieces that I can mix and match so it's good to think about as you're considering a kit or a new project kind of thinking Oh what could that really go with so that's just another little tip now one of the other things that I have down here is I've taken a couple of stretch bracelets and added them with a trio of adjustable bangles now if you look at this one there's not a lot going on I have a couple little charms and a little little dangle there and this one again has a couple those little charms a couple little Swarovski crystals you know so not a whole lot happening here this one has a lovely charm and some more of those crystals and this is actually a Scorpio term so if you're into zodiacs this is a great little idea a great little gift idea so what I wanted to do is I wanted to really kind of just take this to the next level so I'm gonna go ahead and put these on so you can kind of see how it's gonna wear so I have one bangle on so far and I'm gonna add on one of my stretch bracelets and then I'm gonna add the middle bangle with the exciting charms on here or I should say the bigger charms then I'm gonna add another stretch bracelet and this one I did half and half so you can kind of get black on one side and that silver on the other and then I'm gonna add on my final bangle here so now now it's a piece now it's a style it's there's something going on and it just kind of continues to fall around your wrist as you move it's a really fun fun piece so now I have something that I'm really excited about and this is a full project that you'll find at beadaholique.com but be sure to check out all of our kits you'll get really inspired by a lot of our loom pieces our rapid pieces our pieces featuring cork and even we have some more stretch bracelet kits as well so be sure to check all of those out at beadaholique.com and if you enjoyed this video be sure to hit that subscribe button below you
Hi, this is Kat with beadaholique.com and i are kids you get all of the tools and the beads to make these so I'm just gonna kind of dive right in and draw your attention up to my bracelet display that I have here now I have a lot of different styles on here and from what I can see from a lot of the trends it's really about mixing styles and colors and just different ways to use different charms and kind of bring them all together so I'm gonna draw your attention over here to start so I've made a stretch bracelet with some gemstone and wood beads and I use some little metal seed beads on the inside there and added a tassel so just a really nice simple bracelet now you could wear this by itself but I wanted to kind of add in some other elements so you can see it that I have a thin strip of loom work here and this is bead woven and what's really nice is this is actually part of one of our kits and it has a really nice adjustable clasp so let's say you wanted to wear it a little lower on the wrist you might need something a little smaller or a little wider if you wanted to wear it a little higher on the wrist I also have an adjustable bangle here and I just added two tiny little charms so I didn't really load this up with stuff I just wanted to add a little bit of interest because as you can kind of see it ties into my next one here where I did another little stretch bracelet and I just sort of color-blocked those gold and turquoise seed beads to kind of bring this all together and I added a nice little Buddha charm there and then another thing that we often see with these is macrame so this is a really thin piece of macrame and I've connected it with a button here and this has two loops on the side so it's a lovely little connector and just a nice little slide clasp on the other side so you can just sort of see how you could stack up just these five pieces to get a really fun look so we have that type of style and if you want to go a little bit further you can add in some interest here this is a braided cork and this is actually memory wire so I'm gonna go ahead and take this off of my bus you can kind of see this so this is a lovely little loop of memory wire and again this is a kit and it has two little charms on the side so this is really really just nice and sweet and you can tell that it sort of brings together the wood and the brown there so you can kind of put it there as well and now you can stack these in any order which you choose but it's all about just trying to bring in just one of the colors and you can see that I've made sure that all of this is gold for this one so just kind of really stack it up and make it really beautiful on the wrist now another option is to do a bangle here and I'm gonna go ahead and remove this again from my bust I have a lovely little thin cup chain just running through the center there and this is just using a little bit of glue to add that in there and it's a nice little seamless add-on so it's a great little touch where you could wear this by itself or you could of course just stack it up and keep adding it to our bracelets so one last one that I have up here is using a little bit of chain and some lovely tiger's eye gemstones now this is a fun little bracelet and again it could look very nice all by itself but let's say you wanted to start adding some pieces let's even take one of my extra loom pieces that I have over here so you can start adding that up to it and let's say I wanted to add something else I could add on another part of one of our kits now this is a flat kumihimo so you can just start to see how it can just really start to add up and look really really fun so I'm gonna start talking about some of the other pieces that you can use once I get these off my wrist there there we go alright so just to draw your attention over here so I have some of our loom kits that I brought out now we have loom duo kits which is what you're seeing right here so I pulled out the Chevron piece I think that's a really classic style to utilize and this is another thin piece so you're gonna get the duo so you can actually use both in the same piece or just wear one it's entirely up to you but we also have lately wider so you can see on the end clasps here how they get just get a little bit wider so you could have a really beautiful focal loom piece with adding in the thinner piece and let's say you wanted to add in some cork to just add a little interest so you could definitely do that or your piece here which is gonna add a little gemstone so it just all kind of comes together and the thing that I want to tell you to focus on is focus on the textures the beading the colours that you're gonna use now you can absolutely mix and match metals there's no wrong way or right way to do this there's just some ideas here that I have for you so another thing here as I have another of our loom pieces just with a slightly different pattern here in the blue and gold so lots of options there so another piece that I want to try to talk to you about is we talked about the cork here and we have another style with the cork now this is more of a bangle with a little bit of a sparkly focal so it's a nice little draw your attention in but I think even on this side if this were to kind of land on the top of your wrist it's still nice and interesting so that's just sort of another way to add color is with some of the braided cork we do have some beautiful greens and some natural colors as well so definitely check those out all right so one of the other trends that we see a lot is the wrapped style which is going to be these guys here so I have a couple examples this one here uses leather and Swarovski pearls and seed beads this one here uses a black cotton cord with some seed beads and some faceted czech glass you can just see how different that look is and then I have a double wrap here and this features a gemstones so lots of really fun stuff and this is leather here on the side as well so and these two are kits this is a project that we have available on our website but just some really fun ideas too let's say you want to stack this up with something else that will kind of complement it and let's see what do I have on my table here okay so this is a kumihimo and this is flat kumihimo with beads on it now this together is actually one full kit so we've already sort of given you the idea to take a triple and then a single rap but let's say you wanted to kind of bring it all together and I wish my beads were more silver here but you kind of still get the idea here but you could just kind of add that up and it's just a really nice little stacked wrist and depending on how heavy or how light you want to go is entirely up to you so lots of fun little ideas you could also instead add a loom piece on the center there or just even just those two actually kind of looks nice you can just kind of stack that up there you could take out the small one and just do the triple wrap so there's a lot of fun ideas here all right and speaking of kumihimo we do have some round kumihimo ones and this is actually a really fun little kit and I love that it has a easy magnetic clasp and it's just I always like things that are easy for me to put on but if you wanted to do like a black and white you could do something like that and even just having two there so you don't have to go crazy it doesn't have to go all the way up your arm you could just kind of stack on one or two and let's say I just want to make it a little bit more interesting for myself and I'm gonna add a little bangle on there so you just see how easy that comes together just by focusing on the metals and just bringing in the colors together no because it's black and white I would say I wanted to add in a different color here um I just wanted to add in this guy so there we go so now I have a little bit more color there personally I kind of like it without this guy but you can just see how if it's your style you can definitely kind of add that up now let me remove the black one here and I think it actually starts to look a little bit better so yeah so even just something like that so really nice and simple and the great thing is is that I don't know about you but I try to keep my jewelry just generally coordinated like I do have a few pieces that you know I just I just love and it's sort of my outlier but for the most part I am the sort of black and gold and white kind of girl so like this is definitely my wheelhouse my family so I do have a lot of pieces that I can mix and match so it's good to think about as you're considering a kit or a new project kind of thinking Oh what could that really go with so that's just another little tip now one of the other things that I have down here is I've taken a couple of stretch bracelets and added them with a trio of adjustable bangles now if you look at this one there's not a lot going on I have a couple little charms and a little little dangle there and this one again has a couple those little charms a couple little Swarovski crystals you know so not a whole lot happening here this one has a lovely charm and some more of those crystals and this is actually a Scorpio term so if you're into zodiacs this is a great little idea a great little gift idea so what I wanted to do is I wanted to really kind of just take this to the next level so I'm gonna go ahead and put these on so you can kind of see how it's gonna wear so I have one bangle on so far and I'm gonna add on one of my stretch bracelets and then I'm gonna add the middle bangle with the exciting charms on here or I should say the bigger charms then I'm gonna add another stretch bracelet and this one I did half and half so you can kind of get black on one side and that silver on the other and then I'm gonna add on my final bangle here so now now it's a piece now it's a style it's there's something going on and it just kind of continues to fall around your wrist as you move it's a really fun fun piece so now I have something that I'm really excited about and this is a full project that you'll find at beadaholique.com but be sure to check out all of our kits you'll get really inspired by a lot of our loom pieces our rapid pieces our pieces featuring cork and even we have some more stretch bracelet kits as well so be sure to check all of those out at beadaholique.com and if you enjoyed this video be sure to hit that subscribe button below you
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