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E6000 Industrial Strength Glue Adhesive (0.18 fl oz) SKU: XTL-1054 $2.99 |
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Vintaj Clasps, Hook and Eye Natural Brass (2 Sets) SKU: FCL-4640 $4.89 |
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Vintaj Natural Brass Jump Rings 7.25mm Open 16 Gauge (20 Pieces) SKU: FJR-5372 $2.99 |
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Antiqued 22K Gold Plated Rolo Chain, 2mm, by the Foot SKU: CHA-9706 $3.25 |
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Open Eye Pins, 2 Inches Long and 21 Gauge Thick, Antiqued Brass (50 Pieces) SKU: FHP-6281 $5.99 |
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Vintaj Mini Glaze - Metal Sealer And Patina Extender - 0.5 Ounce Bottle SKU: XTL-9090 $6.49 |
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Wubbers Bail Making Jewelry Pliers - Medium 3mm & 5mm Size SKU: XTL-0031 $29.99 |
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The Beadsmith Wire Looping Pliers - Concave And Round Nose SKU: XTL-5032 $14.99 |
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Xuron Jeweler's Super Fine Pliers Chain Nose Flat Nose SKU: XTL-5450 $25.99 |
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Sharp Flush Cutter Pliers - For Cutting Beading Wire (1 Piece) SKU: XTL-5600 $23.99 |
Hi, this is Julie here's a quick sneak peek of the necklace we're gonna make in this video I hope you enjoy in this video I'm going to work on a necklace using these vintage components some patinas and just some other little fun things I'm gonna create this necklace as I go so you can see the design process in progress so bear with me if I end up adding a few more supplies than what you see here I'll definitely list them all in the video description for you though but to start with I have kind of a vague idea of what I want to do and I'm going to be using as my focal this really pretty vintage dragonfly and then I've got this piece of vintage filigree bead cap these great large twisted jump rings a little clasp and then these other jump rings right here which are nice and heavy as well I've got a couple feet of an antique gold color Rolo chain I have this really great big turquoise gemstone bead it measures 30 millimeters across a few eye pins and head pins and then for the actual construction of my necklace the length of it is going to be this ribbon an assortment of vintaj patinas so I've got emerald vert degree whoops clay amethyst rust I got the clays here which I'm going to use as a patina extender and then I've got okra I have some e6000 glue hiding back here and then for my tools I have the vintaj relief block you can tell it's well loved from our design space an assortment of tools I'm not sure which ones I'm going to use if I wanted to pull all the ones I thought I might be so I've got a couple pairs of chain nose pliers a wire looping plier and then I've got the cutter a round nose plier and I've got a bail making pliers right here as well a paintbrush a couple little cups of water from my patinas a plastic bag to mix my betina's on and some paper towels for any mishaps I think I'm probably gonna be using them to wipe away some patina as well so let's get started I'm excited I want to first use my relief block one of my favorites about vintage is how you can really alter their pieces so it's something pretty unique to the vintage line where you can start with these really lovely pieces but you can really change their appearance quite easily so with the relief block I want to expose a shiny brass below to do that I'm just going to scrape over the top of it with the relief block and you see how drastically that is already changing and I want to do that for the filigree as well so you can really see on this one but before and after okay and then same thing with my jump rings and I think I'm going to do it to my clasp as well okay I'm ready to go and I want to now take this dragonfly and curve it a little bit around this bead because eventually I'm going to glue it to the bead so I'm gonna here's the bead hole which I'm gonna went up top and I think it'd be really pretty if it went in this direction so I'm just going to press it to begin with with my fingers around the bead so it looks like he's almost just holding on to that bead now I'm gonna pop it off you see we've actually curved it a bit and I'm going to take my round nose pliers and alter it a little bit more by pulling it in this is what I thought it'd be fun to do this whole process on camera so you can just kind of see how you go about these different steps let's put it back on okay so I can do a little bit more rounding you know you can definitely leave these wings out too if you'd rather have those wings more prominent let's see where did my hole go there we are I like that and his tail - I just want to push his tail down a little bit so he's ready to go now I'm going to be putting these three pieces and that's little flakes you see are just from my very very well-loved relief block so let's see I think for this one I want a little bit of emerald and how about a little bit of their amethyst or okra so you shake these guys up put a little dots on I'm using a plastic bag yeah and that's really easy and then what else do I want I think maybe a little little amethyst and a little okra now I'm gonna use my glaze as well because I want it to be more of a wash as opposed to a solid opaque color so if you do want a solid opaque color you would just use a straight patina and if you want to wash you just dilute it down with the glaze which is also a patina extender in this case I'm going to start with the green you see how that's really lightening up the actual patina and I'm going to paint on it I have my paper towel handy as well I really do want this to be more sheer gonna dab it off as I go and you can probably tell I'm not being super careful just there's a lot happening already on this piece so a little pop of color is nice but I don't really need to worry too much about painting in the lines or anything like that I just want a hint of color okay so I'm going to rinse off my brush and then I want a little bit of yellow see how this looks if you want the color darker just add more actual patina and less glaze there we go oh that's pretty and then I do want to add just a little bit of the amethyst as well all right I think I'm happy with that a little more green right there okay so that guy is done now when I do my dragonfly before my dragonfly I think I want to bring in a little bit of the rust see how bright that is it's pretty bright let me see what the clay looks like so this is what designing is often about is just experimenting seeing what you like what you don't like and then going from there okay so this is going to be put on top of the turquoise bead so although I love the verdigris I'm not going to use too much of it because it's going to be on top of that turquoise bead that's gonna be turquoise on turquoise I do want just a little and I think I want more of the amethyst and I definitely want more glaze because I'm gonna spread that out and while it's still wet I'm gonna pull up a little bit more turquoise and I'm not washing out my brush because I want these to blend together and then I'm also gonna pull a little bit this more energy color again okay that's kind of what I was wanting just really subtle colors and then I don't actually think I want to do anything to the body of the guy the main center of the dragonfly but a little bit more purple on his wings towards the tips okay I think that would be nice and maybe his maybe his tail oops just a little hint of color all right and now my bead cap so for this one let's do more purple just gonna paint over it pretty haphazardly I just want a hint of the purple looks good to me I think I'm done with my patina you could always go back and add more looks like I got a little bit on the stone I'm just wiping it off with my hands once the patina is dry you do not need to seal it so the patina is meant to be used on metal so you're not gonna have to worry about doing a top coat of sealant now it is a pretty quick dry which is nice in the meantime though so this bead cap is actually gonna become a tassel top assess was gonna become in my head if you'll see if it actually materializes so I want to make a chain tassel so to do that I'm going to want to cut some links of chain this chain right here is tangled there we go and to get an idea of how long I want that chain to be I'm gonna open up the face of an eyepin put a length well my uncut length of chain on here okay close that back up now this is still a little wet but I think I can work with it okay so I think I want my tassel to be fairly long I'm gonna call it good right there so I'm going to cut that and now I'm going to use this original piece as a guide to cut all my other links so a quick tip for doing this if you're cutting equal lengths of chain for an application like this like a tassel you can feed one length that you know is the right measurement onto an eye pin I head pin and then you put another section of chain on it and you just look at where they're lined up and let me do that as many times as you need to do that now I'm doing this quickly and they're not all even they're within a chain length a chain link or so even at the end you can definitely trim them up you could do this really slow and methodical and make sure they're all even at the time I know what's gonna happen when I put these in the bead cone is some are gonna end up just by the nature of how we're going to do this technique being a little shorter or longer when they hang so I'm not worried right now about them being exactly perfect but you can get them exactly perfect with this technique you would just go a lot slower than what I'm doing right here in the video so they came off of my hook but that's fine I'll just put one on there so I want to make a tassel but I also want to keep the process going and take into consideration dry time so right now I want to go ahead and glue this guy onto the bead but first I want to put an eye pin through the center of the bead and create a simple wire loop at the other end so I pin through the bead I'm taking my wire looping pliers grabbing it where it comes out the top bending that wire down rotating the pliers up to the top and then pulling the wire around and then where it Criss crosses I'm going to be trimming it and then straightening that up like so okay now let's go ahead and glue on our dragonfly I'm going to be using e6000 glue I'm gonna have a little scrap piece of wire right here so I can put this on my baggy okay carefully grab my dragonfly because I don't know if he's 100% dry or not yet and then on the underside where I know it's going to touch the gemstone bead and I'm going to put glue east 6000 glue starts to dry pretty quickly you'll want to let it dry overnight before you wear it or expose it too much wear and tear but the actual laying down of the glue it does start to dry pretty fast so you'll want to work relatively quickly so and I want just a little bit more glue than that okay let's flip it over and position him on to the bead I'm going to let him dry and I'm actually gonna flip him over so that the weight of the bead itself is pressing down on the Dragonfly because his wingtips if I was to flip him the other way would cause the weight of the bead to press down against the table and then there'd actually be a gap between the bead and the actual piece here the Dragonfly so let's go ahead and make a tassel now I don't think this I pin is going to be as big as I need it to be because I need a much bigger loop to put all the chain links on so let's trim off the eye and let's make a bigger one to do that we're gonna grab our wire looping pliers and we're going to make a bigger simple wire loop than what we started with I think that should be good we're going to open it and this is why we needed it to be bigger because we're going to take the end chain link of each cut piece of chain and slip it on to that loop I think that's all I'm going to actually be able to comfortably fit so let me close that loop back up there we go and this is what I meant when I was talking earlier about I didn't really feel like I needed to make sure each chain was exactly even is you see how some are up here and then some are down here because of the arch of the loop so now we're going to take this feed it through our little bead cap so it dangles below and we're gonna make I'm gonna do a wrapped wire loop so it's just a little bit more secure so where the wire comes out of the bead cone I'm gonna make a loop and where it Criss crosses we're not going to cut it we're actually gonna pull it around the back and then around the front again there's a nice little secure loop right there we're gonna trim it with that little tail that's sticking out we're gonna press it in using our chain nose pliers there we go so while those that's drying and that's ready I want to start on the actual main part of our necklace that will go around our neck so we are some of this away so the idea I had was to take the end string on a jump ring and tie a simple overhand knot that's actually pretty nice and secure I just thought of something this is why you might kind of fun to design on camera sometimes I don't want to finish the other end like this just yet because I need to thread this ribbon through my bail which is going to be this piece here something that is dry okay so I'm going to take my bail making pliers grab it in the middle and bend it over the sides actually I'm going to grab it right here too and bend it I want that gap in the middle to be a little bit bigger there we go so I'm not just grabbing it in the middle I'm also grabbing it along those top Ivy pieces or whatever those leaves are there we go so now we have a bail and now I need to set thread this through the non jump ring end now let's finish this end thread it through so how much did I have here maybe four or five inches a similar length there we go and for the clasp I'm going to open a jump ring so you grab both sides of the jump ring with the slit up top you twist link onto it one half of my class and link that to the jump ring in the back well what will be the back of the necklace and close the jump ring back up we're gonna do the same on the other side close it back up and then I need a way of attaching my gemstone bead and my tassel to my bail so I'm going to use a jump ring hopefully this is wide enough if it's not I probably put through one of the twisty jump rings that's a little tight in there I think I'm going to put a twisty jump ring through there and I want to let's see I want to attach that directly to my dragonfly yeah that'll be pretty all right so I really should wait until that dragonfly is done I know what I'm gonna do so I am going to take a pause here you know wait a little bit till my dragonfly is done probably about half hour hour until I actually want to move him he won't be fully cured to be able to be worn or really manipulated too much but he'll be dry enough for me to actually work with him and then I'll attach the bail to the gemstone bead and the dragonfly and then also the tassel and they'll give me a chance to clean up some of this as well so you can see what the finished piece is really going to look like just a few more steps in our necklace will be done so one thing I forgot to do at the very end of making this tassel was to trim up the ends now they are a little uneven that you can leave them like this if you want I think that's a fine look or you can trim them up a little too trim them up just go ahead pull them between your fingers and snip off any excess links and I'm not a stickler for this being exact it looks a little bit more even so I'm going to attach the tassel first to the base of my dragonfly bead to do that I'm going to open up the simple wire loop slide on the wrapped wire loop from the tassel and close it back up then I may go to the top here open up well actually know what my big jump ring is already open so I'm not going to worry about opening up this loop so I'm just gonna slide that on close this nice big jump ring there we go and we are now done so here is what our finished piece looks like so I'm gonna hang it on a bus so you get a better idea but before I do that I want to show you how the back whoops haha that happens in jewelry making before I do that I want to show you what the back clasp looks like that is our clasp and now I'm gonna hang this guy on a jewelry bust and this bust is too short for how long this necklace actually is so I'm just gonna go like that I'm just gonna latch it in back there we go and I think it's a really pretty statement piece of jewelry that was done creating various vintage pieces that we've altered by using the relief block the patina is curving them with pliers we made our self a little chain tassel I'm pretty gemstone bead and some silk ribbon so hopefully you saw from the video that it wasn't too hard to do it was a number of steps but they all went pretty quickly and we end up with a really pretty piece of jewelry you can find all the supplies for this project and more at beadaholique.com you
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