How to Make the Beaded Austrian Crystal Statement Earrings Kit by Beadaholique

SKU VID-1485
Designer: Julie Bean
In this video learn how to make the Beaded Austrian crystal Statement Earrings, an exclusive kit by Beadaholique. These earrings feature rows of Miyuki delica seed beads and True2 Czech glass beads that have been circular brick stitched onto a link. You will learn how to do circular brick, how to add the outer Austrian crystal bicone edging, how to add the beads that you will anchor your jump rings too, how to add the striking pear pendant drops, and how to assemble your entire earring.

The brand name for the crystals shown in this video is no longer available. High quality Austrian crystals are now available under the PRESTIGE™ Crystal Components line.

Audio Transcript
Note: This audio transcript is auto-generated and may not be completely accurate.
Hi, this is Julie with and we've had a lot of fun designing it it comes in a couple different colorways I'm going to show you those first before we actually go into how to make the kit so we have this really fresh one here it's green purple white and silver and then we've got this blue white gold so almost like a nautical theme going on here I just love that majestic blue by Swarovski now these are all Sourav ski crystals that you see on the outside as well as the little pendants and then we've got this one which is just such a vibrant punch of color we've got that wonderful coral orange turquoise silver and again that beautiful bright blue now for the one I'm going to make in the video here is we're going to do this one that has almost like these blush tones with gold and if you look at the actual design you're gonna see that we've done multiple rows of circular brick stitch with an outer embellishment of the bicones we've done that up here to again circular brick stitch and then hung a beautiful crystal from the base so whenever you buy an exclusive kit from you get everything you need to make it so I'm gonna show you what you'll get in your kit you're gonna get all of this so you're gonna get the whole spool of the fireline thread you're going to get these wonderful oops these wonderful rounds that you're going to beat around you're gonna get the earring findings a couple different sizes of jump rings the two different colors of the my Yuki delicacy beads these beautiful pieces down here these are true to Czech glass beads and they just sparkle swarovski bicones a whole bunch of them then these little pendants as well and the needles that you're going to need to go ahead and do your beadwork so only thing you're going to need to supply as a pair of scissors and a couple pairs of chain nose pliers to open and close those jump rings so let's go ahead and begin this is a really fun project and I do think that these are just showstopper earrings are the a piece of jewelry that's just gonna draw the attention to have people commenting about them so you're gonna take one of your needles I'm just gonna open up this pack this is a fresh pack of needles you are gonna get four needles you're only gonna need one if you use that for another project and then you're gonna need four feet of this thread I've already cut that off camera so this here is what the four feet look like and for this particular kit we're using the smoke but for the other ones it uses crystal so you'll get the appropriate color in with your kit so I like to just go ahead and flatten the tip of the fire line a little bit that makes it easier to go through my needle I'm just gonna place that on to the needle so that is ready to go and then at the other end we're going to feed the end of it through this link we're gonna pull out about Oh eight inches or so because you're gonna need to go back at the very end and thread a needle on to it to weave in your tails so you want to have enough to work with so six to eight inches is fine and we're gonna tie a knot and then we're gonna tie another knot and we're gonna go through it twice actually so that's the anchor point that's what we're starting with and just pull that nice and tight now we're gonna circular brick stitch and if you look at our example right here we're starting with the deepest darkest color first and that's this wonderful almost like a burgundy color and we're gonna pick up two beads onto our needle to start slide those guys down and you're gonna take this tail you're not gonna cut it you're just gonna keep it out of the way so I like to hold on to it and now you're gonna go from behind the link go through it with your needle keep those two beads on the outside of the link and then go back up through the second one and pull and what they're going to do and what you're going to help them do in this first step is sit next to each other so just kind of because with your fingers into place so that is your beginning two beads and now we're going to add another one and this time we're just going to pick up one so only for the first two beads of the row so at whether you're doing the first row the second row or the third row you pick up two beads to start but then you're only picking up one bead at a time so we're gonna pick up one bead pull it down go from behind the link through the middle and then go back up through that bead that you just added and what's gonna happen is they're gonna actually sit on the outside of this link and you see it has a nice depth to it has a nice width and so it's like a good platform for them to sit on okay let's add another one same exact process just pull that bead down go from the back to the front and then back up through your bead and I want to show you something right now I'm gonna move my finger away you can see these little thread bridges now I like seeing the thread bridges on this design I think it's a nice element if you'll notice on one that we used the crystal for though you really don't see them as much they're there but they disappear a little bit more alright I'm gonna add another bead same exact process pull it down go through the center from the back to the front and then go back up through your bead and then it should just sit next to the other ones when you pull it so I'm gonna go all the way around until I get all the way back to where I started and then I'm gonna jump up to my second row and I'll show you how to do that as well alright so you can see where we are now we've gone all the way around almost to our starting point and there is a gap so the rule of thumb here is unless you have enough to comfortably add another bead so let's just look at what another bead would look like it's gonna be squished in here is it's close but it is gonna be squished so unless you have enough room to really very easily add that other bead do not push it because you don't want your beads crowded and what you're going to do is you're gonna go down through what was your first bead pull that thread and then go back up through what was the last bead you added so you're making a little loop and watch what happens when you pull it so you got that loop you pull it that bead scoots over and now you have a complete circle you can kind of scoot these a little bit to help fill in that gap but it is just a nice complete circle and you don't have a bead bulging out or being crowded so now what you can do if you want you can either add your next beads right here or for a little extra security since you just closed that gap you can go down through the bead and go up through another bead so up to you on that one just if you want to have a little bit of extra space right there and just move over a little bit so that you're not working right on top of where you just sealed your circle or you can just continue from where you sealed your circle so now we have one complete row it's our inner row and if you look this is actually going to be the same for this top piece as well that we're going to do later and we are ready to add the first two beads of our second row and again we're adding two beads because they're the first ones of the new row and we're going to go under the first thread bridge so if you look at all these beads because of how we've done this there is a thread bridge between them and that is going to be our new anchoring point so we're gonna go under the first thread bridge and you're gonna help your beads again by getting them to sit how you want them to sit and you look at this this top thread bridge right here it's going to be pulled tight but that's what we're going to be using for our third row of beads so now we go back through what was the second bead we added and pull alright so now we've got two beads on our second row so remember you're only adding two beads for the first two beads and now you're just gonna add one bead so we're gonna add one bead and we're gonna go under the next thread bridge from back to the front pull and then go up through your bead again alright now we're gonna add another bead same exact thing so you're gonna go under our thread bridge then up through the bead alright now we're gonna do it again but I want to show you something technically this over here would be our next thread bridge it could be a little hard to see but that's so far away we're gonna end up creating a pretty big gap between our beads so we're gonna pick up another bead and we're actually gonna go under the same thread bridge we just went under and this is really a judgement call because you are adding beads to this row you want this row to have more beads than the first row so you can't just do a one to one ratio where you go under just one thread bridge at a time and keep working around so you kind of look at what's the nearest thread bridge and that's the one you're gonna go under and if you do that all the way around you're going to have a nice tight neat second row same thing with the third row when we get there so just keep picking up one bead at a time and go under the nearest thread bridge whether it's technically the next one over or the same one you've already gone under before so this is what we've got if we lay that down so we're just gonna keep going again all the way around until we get back to our starting point and again we'll have to make that judgment call if we're gonna add an extra bead or if there's a little gap that we're just gonna cinch up so I'm gonna keep doing this until I finished my second row all right I'm almost done now with my second row and now if we look at the gap here this is a gap that's big enough to add one last bead so I'm really glad that the first one was a little tight for a bead and this one was perfect for one so I'm going to add it I can choose which thread bridge I want I actually want to add it to this thread bridge right here even though that one other one is available just because I want this to not be crowded up against that first bead of the second row let's go ahead just get that guy popped in there and you see how he sits down and now we're gonna join this the same way so we're gonna go down through that first bead and up through the last bead make that little loop and pull and we've got our second round complete okay so then again if you want you can go down through a bead and then up through the next one just to work a little bit away from your join okay so now we're gonna start our third row and our third row is no longer gonna be with them I Yukie delicas it's gonna be with these really really sparkly pretty true twos and although you're using a different style of bead you're not going to be changing your technique at all so we're gonna pick up two beads onto our needle we're gonna go through the first thread bridge and going again from that back to the front help these guys sit properly and then back up through your second bead there you go so you've got your first two beads added and you're just gonna do the same technique now one thing I have noticed with this is like a quick little tip I actually took off my wedding ring I noticed with this particular technique it kept snagging in my ring so if you find you're having that problem too if you're wearing some rings just a little quick tip is to take them off when you're doing this all right just adding another bead and working our way around we're gonna just do this until we have a complete third round third row almost complete again we're gonna look at that gap I it's close but I just don't think I can comfortably add another bead in there so I'm gonna just go over to that first bead go down through it and then back up through the last bead all right and pull so even though there's a little bit of a gap right there it's still better than having a bead pop out and now we're ready to do our final row which is really like an embellished row is different it is gonna be using the same principles of circular brick stitch but it's going to be adding a bicone so here we go it just went over another a little bit and now we're going to take some of our dark color so our first row color whatever that may be for your color variation and for in this case it's that pretty burgundy and we're going to take some of these by cons and now instead of picking up two beads so we're gonna pick up is a regular delica a bicone and another delica so we've got three beads on our needle and we're going to slide that down so you can see what that looks like but what we want to do is we want to make almost like a little ruffled edge and so we're gonna go under a thread bridge and this is actually the second thread bridge over and pull it so that bicone stays on the outer edge just like we made like a little arc and now we're just going to go up through our delica and that's about the spacing you want so you want that bicone to just sit between the two delicas and now what you're going to do is you've already got the first delica of the arc going for the next one so you just need one bicone and one delegate and then you're gonna go ahead whoops hopefully not drop your needles and go over and then back up through the delicate and we're just gonna continue now they don't have to be perfectly even spaced it is a little hard to get them just perfect but you want them approximately and when they're all done and all there and together you're not gonna notice any of the slight variations so there we've got a couple of them and you see what that's looking like and I'm just gonna go all the way around until I've finished this fourth and final row all right time to add our last bicone so we're just gonna pick up a bicone and we're gonna go down through that first bead we've completed our circle and then you can go up through this delicous the same process as you've done the whole time with your beadwork and just pull it together so now you almost have like a Sun pendant as what this reminds me of now I want to pull the sample in because we're gonna do something a little different at this point if you look at the way this is constructed you'll notice these beads right here so we've got one here one here one here and one here and this is what we're gonna feed our jump rings through so when you're working with a 1000 delica which is what we have here they are plenty wide enough on the interior of the hole to get a jump ring through especially the jump rings that we're using for this particular kit and I always if I can prefer to add a jump ring through a bead versus a thread bridge because it's too easy for the little slit in the open jump ring for the thread just pull out of it but if you are putting the jump ring through a bead you know that's not slipping off but the tricky part here and this is actually the most complicated part of the kid and it's not really that complicated but it is just a really a judgement call is you have to find where to place these beads so that they're approximately opposite each other so what we want to do is we want to look at our bead or and my my poor needle is bent now because I'm a little rough on my needles I'm gonna pull out a brand new straight needle and what I do is I go around and I see if I can find two of these beads that are approximately opposite each other because you're going to be adding this extra bead in the gap so let's see if we can find two that are approximately across from each other so that's actually not bad if you look at where my needle is is almost in the middle of the circle but you can also kind of walk around it and see if you find one that's a little bit better that's not bad though and it could be a little bit off gravity's gonna help you with these earrings actually that's nice I am liking this one okay so it happens to be where my thread is exiting what you would normally think is a good thing but in this case it's not that's not how I want to attach it so what I'm going to do is I'm gonna go through the bicone pull go through this bead I'm actually gonna go through a couple beads I'm gonna work my way because of what I wanted to do is I want to be exiting this bead here so I can go through the bicone string on that bead and go through the next bicone over so I'm just gonna follow the thread path and work my way over see if I went through here would be coming up not where I want to come up so let's so I'm not gonna go all the way through to the top I go through this bead here so I'm just working my way over all right now I'm gonna go up through this one and now I'm gonna go up through this one so I'm on that outer edge again let me just double-check that this is what I want to do so I want to go through this one and this one okay so I'm gonna go through the bicone gonna pick up a bead you don't need to have the jump ring attached at this point I'm gonna just shoot through the next bicone over so if you look at this depth laying flat there we go and we've got that bead up there now now I'm going to work my way to the other side and I'm just going to be going back through my beadwork and you can do this however you think is easiest you can just do it on the inner circle you can do it on the outside whatever you feel is going to get you over to where you want to be and any of these extra threads are not harming your beadwork of course they're actually just reinforcing it you could always make life easy on yourself too if you wanted to alter the design a little bit you could just add an extra delica between all your bicones which would be really pretty and then just basically just shoot a straight line across here that would definitely work too if you want to do that okay so let's see about where we're at so there's our top one okay we saw the little ways to go getting closer okay so let's see where we want to be I think we want to be going through this bead right here and you can count your bicones - to see if they're approximately even so you got if this is where we wanted maybe be we got one two three four five six seven eight nine ten then here we've got one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven so it's not going to be exactly even and your count may vary a little bit just based upon how many of these you added and where you felt you wanted your thread to be but I do want to place mine right here and so what I'm going to do want it to be here so I need to come out this bead here in this direction so where is my thread okay I went a little too far so I'm just gonna work my way back because I don't have a big thread bridge going across okay and now time to pick up our bead and shoot through the bicone / okay so this is what we've got and you can kind of work with it and gravity will help so it's approximately across from each other it's a little bit off but it's going to hang just fine on your ear so now we're going to work our thread in and tie some knots so that we can trim our tails the way you can tie a knot just go under a thread bridge make a little loop and bring your needle through it and pull and then that knot is just going to disappear and you can just do that a couple times you can even go through the gap in a bead come out the other side and go up and go through the little loop and pull and then what I like to do just go down through another bead so that not really just kind of pulls into a bead and then you can trim your tail and then we're gonna go back to where we started says we still have this tail I'm gonna switch to a new needle you do get a four pack if you are someone like me who is a little bit rough on your needles okay and then for this one I'm just going to go up through a couple beads and remember you do have that tail knotted already so you can choose if you want to tie a knot or if you just want to go up through a couple beads and then trim your tail which is totally fine too okay so there we have our main piece done and now we're ready to go ahead and make our second piece so the second piece could be made the same as the first and its exact same process but you're gonna start with less thread so I just say cut yourself about 20 inches you do get 15 yards of thread with this kit so you're gonna have plenty of thread there you go yeah we're gonna tie it on to a link again again leaving a tail that's long enough that you can go ahead and weave it in when you're done so we're gonna pick up two beads slide it down hold your tail away so that you aren't tangling that up go from the back to the front and then up through that second bead and then help them sit next to each other and then just pick up one bead go from the back to the front and continue on until you have completed your circle okay we're ready to connect our beginning in our end of our first round and this is gonna be the only round on this one so again that gaps not quite big enough to add another bead so we're just going to join the first bead in the last bead and pull it together I mean you can go ahead and scoot them a little bit a little bit more even but there we go we've got that nice round and I'm gonna go ahead and go down through a bead up through another bead and now I'm gonna add one on the outside so if you look here we've got that bead that the jump ring is through so we're just gonna add a bead and go down through the next bead and that's just gonna sit on top there and now we're gonna go up and down through all the side beads till we get to the other side this is a little bit easier than the last one because you just have this one row of beads you're going up and down through okay almost to the other side okay so here again you just want it to be opposite so let's go ahead and count our beads 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 where is my thread okay so my thread is on the inside right now so those of a going out through this will be the ninth one 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 okay so that will work out through this bead and add one and then go down through the next one this is one way of doing it so pretty straightforward way I want to show you a second way of doing it in case you're not happy with the placement so I'm gonna take my this one off this one would work I would absolutely seal that you can see they're opposite each other let's say you don't have it really as an easy placement for some reason just the way your thread bridges are lining up and the way your beads are lining up they don't look like they're opposite each other you can exit a bead grab a bead and then skip over a bead and go down through the next one I want to show you what that one looks will look like so skip over a whole bead and go down so if you notice you can kind of see here you do have a little bit more of a thread bridge but it allows you to alter the placement so that instead of sitting between the gaps of the beads this one now actually sits on top of a bead so you can do that you can see that looks pretty much in line as well so both of those methods work fine it's just is a slight preference but the thread is so hard to see anyway so if you do this method I'll just go ahead I'll seal this one I'll tie this one off like this you are just going to continue to go leave that bead as is thread is really strong so we got that humans scooted a little bit along its third bridge and then you go down through another bead up 3-1 and you just are doing that so it's really tight and secure and then when you can you can knot it and try if you can to knot it on the inside so you don't have a big knot on the outside so when you just look at the profile of this it's nice and clean it could be a little tricky to do I like to try to go under one of these thread bridges that's around the link and just make a little loop and knot it go up through and down through and you can either tie another knot or if you feel pretty good about it you can just cut it off again I'll show you just go under that thread bridge make a little loop and pull it and then you can trim it now if you're trimming it close to this other and just be careful you don't accidentally cut both at the same time if you have a thread zap at home you can definitely use a thread zap as well to trim your threads if you're not sure what that is definitely check out we have some videos on the threads app okay and then for here you just want to go ahead and get this tail woven in a little bit more and it was not it to begin with so you can choose if you want to knot it again or not if you just want to get rid of it okay so we're ready to connect our pieces together yay so we've got the top piece we have the earring hook which we're going to need to connect with a jump ring so it is facing you when you're wearing these because you want the pretty beadwork to face forward then we need a jump ring to connect these two pieces we need another jump ring here and we're going to need a larger jump ring to add our pretty pair pendants so we're ready just to be using our chain nose pliers you're gonna need two pairs of them there is no right and wrong side to this so don't worry about that so to open the jump ring just grab it on both set the both sides of the opening with the opening up top and twist and here we're just going to go right through that bead and we're also going to add the earring hook now we're gonna grab our next jump ring twist and add our main beaded focal again don't worry there's no right or wrong way to this you're not having to line it up with the orientation of the jump rings same thing with your little sparkly pendant at the bottom you're not gonna have to worry about a right and wrong side and then on this one I'm gonna add the jump ring first to the pendants we're just going through that nice hole and closing it up okay so through that bead so we've got it like that now add your pendant and close that on it and you are done so here is our beaded earring and you can see that it is it has nice little sway to it and it sparkles and here's our matched pair and then I do want to show you the other colors real quick because you get your choice of colors they're very sparkly you can see those silver true twos are really pretty too so if you're a silver person or a gold person and these again are called the beaded Swarovski crystal statement earrings and they are an exclusive kit at and if you like this kit we do have hundreds of other kids to choose from as well so have a lot of fun beating and I hope you enjoyed this video

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