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Beaded Flat Kumihimo Bracelet Set - Blue/Antique Brass - Exclusive Beadaholique Jewelry Kit SKU: KB-AB-055QP $25.99 |
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Beaded Flat Kumihimo Bracelet Set - Black/Silver - Exclusive Beadaholique Jewelry Kit SKU: KB-SP-055JZ $25.99 |
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Beaded Flat Kumihimo Bracelet Set - White/Gold - Exclusive Beadaholique Jewelry Kit SKU: KB-GP-055SX $25.99 |
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Refill - Beaded Flat Kumihimo Bracelet Set - Blue/Antique Brass - Exclusive Beadaholique Jewelry Kit SKU: XB-AB-055QP $16.49 |
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Refill - Beaded Flat Kumihimo Bracelet Set - Black/Silver - Exclusive Beadaholique Jewelry Kit SKU: XB-SP-055JZ $16.49 |
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Refill - Beaded Flat Kumihimo Bracelet Set - White/Gold - Exclusive Beadaholique Jewelry Kit SKU: XB-GP-055SX $16.49 |
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Refill - Beaded Flat Kumihimo Bracelet Set - Pink/Gold - Exclusive Beadaholique Jewelry Kit SKU: XB-GP-055EX $16.49 |
Hi, this is Julie with beadaholique.com Hema bracelet sets which is an exclusive kit by betta Halik so you see you can make a wrap one which is actually a triple wrap as well as a single one with just the ingredients from this kit and you can keep one give one wear them both together wear them separately whatever you like so it got a really pretty pink with gold beads a white with gold beads it's great shiny gold and these are metal beads I'll talk about them more in a minute here we've got this really pretty almost like a Wedgewood blue with the antique brass and then over here we have a nice classic black with silver so when you purchase a kit from beadaholique.com a chemo disc which actually will allow you to do the flat braid you see it actually does look quite different from a traditional kumihimo round disc which would create a round braid and I'm going to open this up in just a minute and show you that there are instructions included in it as well you're going to be getting ten bobbins so these bobbins open up like this you're gonna wrap your cord and then pop them shut to keep the cord secure this is a 10 warp braid that we're gonna be doing you're gonna be getting a pack of big eye needles which is gonna help you string on all those pretty metal beads a tube of e6000 glue to secure your ends a whole spool of cord I'm gonna open this up so you can see there's 50 yards in here quite a lot a whole tube of these really lovely metal seed beads and then we're gonna get the findings as well so we've got enough to finish two bracelets so we've got the cord ends the two magnetic clasps and four jump rings now if you have already purchased one of these kits and you got the whole things you've got all of these basic ingredients right here and you just want to make another color variation we also sell the refill which is just going to be the colored cord the coordinating beads and fine so a couple different options there now the things you're going to need to supply that are not included with the kit are some basic tools just a couple pairs of chain nose pliers to open and close those jump rings there's a little scrap pad of paper some toothpicks to apply your glue a pair of scissors a ruler and I'm gonna actually keep that right here and then if you want a kumihimo weight so this is an actually weight that's designed to clip onto the end of a kumihimo braid if you don't have it you can also create one of your own using a binder clip so you would just flip the binder clip over attach that to your braid again this is all gonna make more sense once I start actually doing the project and then just tie a little weight to it maybe just a little bag of pennies or something like that so let's go ahead and actually begin the process so you're gonna first need to determine how long you want your bracelets to be so I'm gonna wrap this along my wrist so you can see what it looks like so that's again that's gonna be that nice triple wrap I probably have a little bit smaller than average wrist so here we go and you see that's nice and loose on me if you wanted to make it even bigger you could go ahead and just braid more here without beads so I'm supplying enough beads to do all the beads here all the beads here and then you're not left with too many more so to extend the length you're gonna need to do a non beaded portion and I'll show you it which actually measures to help you along so this one here measures 15 and about seven so we're looking at about 22 inches for this right here and then it does that nice triple wrap and then this one you can definitely make as long or short as you want the example piece I have here there's about seven and a half inches those are some numbers to keep in mind so to make this project we are going to open up our notice and it does come with some instructions for doing the basic flat 10 warp braid it does not show you how to add the beads you're going to get some supplemental instructions for that and what we want to do is we want to thread all of our what we want to do is we want to wind all of our cord onto our bobbins so pop this open like a bobbin it actually is a bobbin which is great and we're gonna want 8 feet per bobbin so unwind it now with 8 feet you're actually gonna have quite a bit left over on your bobbin at the end I'm just starting with 8 feet so you have the option to make this longer without having to think about how much more cords you'll need to add in this first step 8 feet will be plenty for just about any length you want to do so 15 30 45 60 75 90 and we just need six more inches so ninety six to wind it onto your Bob and pop your bobbin open hold it hold just the end there and start winding now the way you do beaded kumihimo whether you're doing a round braid or a flat braid is you preload your beads onto your cord before you actually go ahead and insert it into the plate and secure it with that court with the UM kumihimo weight so we're gonna add a needle to the end of our cord and these are big eye needles I love these guys they're called big eye because they do have a big eye that is the eye to the needle so that's really cool makes it very easy to work with a bigger cord like this so we've threaded our needle and now we're gonna spill out some of these beads and we want to add thirty to this length so one two three four five and keep going until you have 30 and slide them down until they hit the base of the bobbin so six seven eight nine ten all right we've got 30 they're all slid down towards the base and now we're gonna repeat this action with our remaining nine bobbins so you'll go ahead and you'll cut yourself eight feet of cord wind it onto the bobbin until you have about eighteen inches or so sticking out of the end place your big eye needle onto it and string on thirty beads and you want them all to be identical and then you'll be ready to go ahead and tie a knot and insert it into our plate I've progressed and you can see that I have my 10 strands of cord on the bobbin eight feet each with 30 beads on each so these are all ready to go now I am also standing so that I can show you how to do this so what I did is I have about maybe 15 18 inches of cord hanging off of the bobbins with all the beads down at the base and you're going to be able to these as you go so we're just gonna make a simple overhand knot with our cord ends and we're just gonna pull that so we've got that end and that eight feet was plenty so don't worry if you have a couple inches sticking off here it's gonna be totally fine so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna hold the disc with the smaller numbers so like one two three up top the capital ABC alphabet on the left the lowercase on the right and then down here at the bottom we have 11 through 20 and you're gonna be paying attention to all of these as you do your braiding which I'm going to explain and is also actually really nicely explained here in these instructions as well feed your knot through the center hole and you can just hold it right now you don't have to clamp a weight to it now all your strands have beads on it which is great so you don't have to worry about positioning certain strands with beads and certain without in different places and we're gonna start by having a strand up here in the eighth notch so just go ahead these are a cut so you just pull it so it just holds it in place you don't have to pull it too much it's nice and it anchors it we're gonna have another one in the seven and now they're in the six it's okay if these crisscross a little down here it's not gonna affect your braid cuz you're gonna do a little bit of breeding anyways it's gonna eventually be cut off there's another one in the five the four and the three and once I have them all placed I'm gonna adjust them right now I'm just making sure that they all have a little home so you've got six up top three four five six seven and eight and then your four are gonna go at the bottom okay so on this one we're gonna do 17 16 15 and 14 so 14 15 16 17 so that is your basic line up sick on top four on the bottom if you ever pause with your flat brave kumihimo make sure that you have this orientation I'll let you know where you're gonna start when you pick it back up so we've got all of these guys hanging and for me that's a little bit long so what I'm going to do I'm just gonna take my bobbins pop them open and wind a little bit more just so they're not so long the longer they are the easier it is for them to tangle and wind around each other which just ends up taking a little bit of extra time to have to untangle them as you go and they make this wonderful clanking sound of the bobbins hitting against each other which I kind of love for some reason I was doing this with my son around and he was pretending to be a QT cat and hitting these he was patting at him which was actually quite adorable so here we go we're all set so that's what it looks like and we are ready to put our weight onto our knot so here we go we're just gonna stretch that out flip this over and just clamp it to your knot and then that's gonna help for it to feed the actual braid through the center so the braid is gonna start to form go down through the center and hang out down here and the weight is gonna help to keep your tension even and to feed that braid through so to begin what we're going to do is do some non beaded braid and this is actually going to be the portion then that you end up putting into your end cap here so take the five so the strand that's in the five knotch and pull it over to the lowercase e now take the Strand that's in the six notch and pull it over to the capital II take the 15 and place it in the five knotch now take the four and pull it down to the 15 take the 14 and pull it up to the four and the three down to the 14 so we just did the left side now we're going to do the right side we're going to take the 16 and pull it up to the six the seven down to the 16 the 17 up to the seven and the eight down to the 17 and then we're going to take our lowercase e put it up to the eight and our capital e up to the three and we are back to our starting point so it can seem a little bit overwhelming to begin with it does start to really make sense I'm going to do a couple more rotations here but basically what you're doing is middle strands over to the sides and then you're working the left half and then you're working the right half so let's do that again so the five goes over to the lowercase e the six goes over to the capital E then you've got these two now exposed so we're gonna work the left side so the 15 goes up to the five and you've suddenly created a gap down here so you just pull your working to the left you pull the four to the 15 again work to your left the 14 up to the four again just go over one to your left the 3 to the 14 so the left half is done now we're gonna do the right half we're gonna do the 16 up to the 6 go over to your right now the 17 down to the 16 go over to your right the 17 up to the 7 again just go over to your right and the 8 down to the 17 and return your ease back up top so the capital e over to the 3 another full rotation has been completed and that is it for this entire bracelet project that's really all you do there is a little difference just in the beads sliding down the strands when you start to add beads which I'm going to show you in a minute but the basic braiding pattern never changes even with your beads you're still going to do this exact same pattern so I'm going to show it to you another time so five to the lower case e six to the capital e and then working to the left we're gonna do 15 up to five go over to your left four down to 15 go over to your left 14 up to four go over to your left three down to 14 now to do the right side sixteen up to the six go over to your right seventeen I'm sorry seven down to sixteen go over to your right seventeen up to seven over to your right eight down to the 17 and then lower case e up to the eight capital e up to the three and another full rotations done so we just did three full rotations and you can see your braid has started so that is the basic technique and you're gonna want to do braiding without beads for a good several inches and also depending remember we talked about to begin with if you do you want this to be longer you'll want to have more right here between the end piece the little finding and the bead so you can really make it as long as you want it's just it's at this stage that you make that determination because you're not gonna be able to go back and add more to the beginning here so let's say you want to add three inches to your bracelet you'll want to make sure you have an extra inch and a half on each side so you would add that extra inch and a half here so I'm going to do about two inches of non beaded braid because also when you do cut this there's a gluing process that's involved and I just like to have extra to work with and I do have plenty of cord so why not so I'm gonna do two inches without beads and then I'm going to show you how to add the beads let me show you where we're at at this point if we flip this guy over you can see the braid starting to form and feed through the center so this is what the flat 10 warp kumihimo braid actually looks like flat as its name suggests it's really nice and soft and you've got that nice uniform braid so now we're ready to add our beads to add our beads we're not changing our technique at all all we're gonna do is when we pick up the five we're gonna take one bead and this is why they're pre-strung we're gonna slide it down and let it rest in the center and then just continue over to that lowercase e like we did before and then when we take up the six we're gonna do the same thing just take a bead let it slide down and put it over to the uppercase e so nothing actually changed in our process except for those two beads slipped down into the middle well now even though you've got beads and all these strands you're not gonna add any more beads for this rotation because when you do your strands up and down you'll end up with a different strand at five or six the next time and that's when you're gonna use those beads so we're just going to pick up the one from the 15 carry it up to the five without any letting any beads slip down and continue with our braid as we were doing before nothing has changed ah those little guys want to be down there but we're not gonna let them and then sixteen up to the six seventeen I'm sorry seven down to the sixteen seventeen up to the seven eight to the seventeen and then lower case e to the eight upper case to the three so we finished that rotation and we've just now got those two beads trapped in the center so for the next one we're gonna do the same exact thing with the five let it drop down to the center and carry it over to the e as normal same with the six let it drop over and then continue to your uppercase e and then on all of these guys no beads drop and you continue your braid as usual so I actually want to do a couple of these rotations because there is an and it happens actually pretty frequently where your beads don't sit exactly how you want them in the center and all you have to do is manually manipulate them a little bit with your fingers or if you want your chain nose pliers after they've already set into the well I'm going to show you how to do that so again I just let that one drop let the one from the six drop and you're gonna start to go really quick when you're doing this I'm doing it a little bit slower for camera but when you start to really get into the habit of doing this and you're just talking with friends or watching TV or watching your kids or whatever you might be doing as you're doing this it's just gonna become second nature and you're gonna start to go a lot faster and if you need to pull it so if this is getting a little tight for you right here all you do is you pull on your bobbin and that releases more thread so then it's a little bit more comfortable to work with because these do get up tight towards the kumihimo disk plate you see how you just can easily let those Center beads slip okay so remember when you stop you always want to stop with the sixth Rance up top the four at the base so you know where you left off and let's look first at what our goal is for the look of the beads the goal is to have them all in the center if we look right here in a nice straight line okay so let's see what we've actually got once we've done our braiding all right you see that they look a little wonky they're actually in the right place I'm going to show you the back side too so what you need to do is you just move them with your fingers and I'm just helping guide them to the center and then that shifts them how they need to be they're actually woven into the right place all along it's just a matter of shifting them and then you look at the other side of your braid and you can do the same thing you just shift them so they're right where they should be they just aren't sitting on top of each other because what's kind of nice it might be easy to see on this one it's double-sided you've got beads on both sides of your flat braid and so you're just needing them to really sit on top of each other and that's what you're doing with your fingers you're just making them sit on top of each other and so I would suggest that about every inch you just review your braid and you just go ahead and maneuver them to the center with your fingers if you get one that kind of catches under a warp thread you can just use like a chain nose plier to poke it through but if you're doing the braid and the right sequence they're going to be where they should be in terms of the actual placement of the braid is just a matter of of you know finessing them a little bit and that is what you do to add your beads and so what I've got I've done was I've done a little work off-camera here and I have my braid so it does tend to naturally twist a little bit which can be fun and I've finished all of my braiding you see here I got all those beads and I finished all almost all 30 beads I had a little rogue pin in my thing so I've just got two left I'm going to show you the last two being added to my braid and then I'm gonna show you how to start non beaded braid again at the end and then we're gonna see how to finish this braid so here we go so my last two beads of all of those so just same as what we were doing just a minute ago all right so now we're back to no beads and we just continue breathing as normal and we're just same process without letting anybody slip because we're all out of them and this is where you would add that extra length to this side as well if you wanted a longer bracelet so maybe you started with three inches or even four inches of non braided kumihimo on our non beaded excuse me is operated non beaded kumihimo at the beginning you'd want to go ahead and make sure you have that same amount on this end okay get back to my starting position hmm look so there we've got the beads and you can see if you look really closely we've got some non beaded started there and that's gonna look like this right here where it just suddenly ends up tapering to a non beaded part so I'm gonna go ahead and braid an inch and a half two inches on this side then show you how to remove it from the plate and add your clasp and findings braiding is done we're now ready to remove the cords from the disk and start the process of finishing off our wrap bracelet because this is the long one of course so to remove it just go ahead and pinch your braid up towards the top pull all the strands out of their little notches pull it through and what you're gonna want to do is give yourself some slack okay so pull it through like so and then what you can do is you can just cut it and then you're gonna tie another overhand knot on this side you're going to want that knot it doesn't have to rest right up on the end of your braiding but fairly close just to secure it and we are now for this moment done with the disc and done with the bobbins so I'm not gonna show the entire process of making the second bracelet in the video just because it's the exact same process as you just saw what we did do though when we loaded our eight feet of cord onto these bobbins that means these bobbins are already ready to go for this bracelet you have plenty of cord on it so all you're gonna have to do is stretch out some cord another about 18 inches and grab that big eye needle you have and put four gold beads on each of the ten strands and then it's gonna be the same process and you have a focal point here that is about three inches and so you'll just make this length however long you want for your bracelet so let's say you want a 8 inch bracelet you've got three inches here so you need each side to be two and a half inches so then you'll have two and a half plus two and a half which is five and then the three which will make eight so just that's how you're gonna make this second bracelet but your bobbins are ready to go just add four of your beads to each and you're gonna finish this bracelet you'll notice the closure is exactly the same so let me show you how to go about doing that and this will apply to both bracelets okay you've got your cord with your non beaded portion so do you remember had some plastic that your disc came in if you've already discarded with of this or for whatever reason or maybe you're doing a refill kit and you didn't get the disc again just use parchment paper a ziploc bag something like that that glue won't stick to - careful - too much we're gonna be using our East 6000 glue so you're gonna want just a little like post-it pad and some toothpicks if you don't have toothpicks a scrap piece of wire a popsicle stick all of those work so this is a new thing of glue if you look on the inside of the cap there's a little point so you turn the cap upside down and push and that actually breaks the seal you're gonna put some onto your piece of paper and you're gonna decide where you're gonna want to have your end finding be so if you want it extra length you put your glue down here if you want it to be right up close you'd put it up here I'm gonna do it about right here and you're going to just put a nice amount of glue on there and really smoosh it into the fibers go over it a couple times and then you're gonna do that on the other side and so it helps or at least I find it helps if you line up your two sides together so you can have them equal in terms of where you place your glue and your end finding is gonna actually go over this clue so you're gonna end up cutting with your scissors the glue once it's dried so this is gonna be the placement of your end finding so after you've put that glue on there what I like to do stretch I pull it that does a couple of things one it makes this a little bit narrower to fit nicely into the end finding it also just helps that glue really get in between the cords and it really makes some stick which is nice so I'm just gonna do that with both I want to make sure it's not too lumpy so you just want to be so nice and smooth I'm gonna let that dry and then I'm gonna flip it over and add glue to the other side as well and it does dry pretty quickly I'd say you don't have to wait more than about 10 minutes it's not gonna be dry and solid fully cured they'll be dry enough to flip it over because it's drying into the fibers of your cord so it doesn't take as long as II 6000 would normally take on say like if you were gluing a glass cabochon to a finding or something like that all right we're gonna wait about 10 minutes flip it over and add glue to the other side let's go ahead and add glue to the other side I put down another little glue pile here so I'm gonna take note of where that a glue started right here and I'm just gonna flip it upside down and put glue on this side okay yeah we're gonna do that on the other one as well so kind of note where it was glue okay I'm gonna give it a stretch again and now I'm gonna wait and this time I'm probably gonna wait about 20 minutes cuz I'm actually gonna be cutting through the glue with my scissors and I don't want to gum up my scissors now that our glue has dried at least has dried enough for our purposes it's still flexible we're gonna cut through it and we're gonna add our end pieces here so you've got enough in this kit for both bracelets so we're just gonna use one set roast are gonna be using a magnetic clasp and two jump rings and then of course you have the others for your other bracelet and these are very nice magnetic clasps they're quite strong I like to separate them out it makes a little easier to work with so we are gonna begin by just cutting through the glue bortion and look at how deep these are so we wouldn't want to cut back here because we'd see all that glue so we're gonna cut right up here not even a quarter of an inch from it cuz we want that glute be hidden so just cut right through it and you see it won't unravel it keeps it how you want it keeps that braid nice and secure all right discard this in terms of the tools I'm going to be using now I've got my e6000 still my little pad of paper and me toothpicks I've also brought over my chain nose pliers I'm gonna use one to apply the little end and then I'm gonna use both of them to add the jump ring I have something else here and you don't have to use it I have some tape you could use painters tape or you can just use your regular tape masking scotch whatever you want to use so we are going to let me show you ahead of time so you can see where we're going with this this is how we're gonna be holding our end when we place it over that piece of glue we're gonna add some more glue when you squeeze down it can leave little marks on your metal it's very easy to remedy that by just wrapping your tip in some tape I would say like blue painters tape is best but I don't want you to have to buy that just for this project if you have it around great if not just a little bit of other tape on there and it just helps to buffer it when it gets into contact with a metal so it's not metal on metal right gonna put a little glue down and we're gonna place some glue into the well you're also gonna be squeezing these shut so you're gonna have two measures of security here the glue as well as the squeezing okay grab it and just slide it right over your end and squeeze and I like to squeeze from several different angles you see I'm not marking that finding which is nice okay and we're gonna do the other side the same thing again slide it over and squeeze if you look really closely up Diaz you can see they've got little teeth which help to grip and really secure it on that braid so that is a nice secure end and now we're gonna add our jump ring and our clasp so here we have an open jump ring we are gonna grab it on both sides and twist it open don't have to have the tape still on your pliers at this point actually a little bit of glue came through the middle of my finding I could just wipe it away stick into my flyers okay let's try that one again so these are magnetic clasps they're very strong magnets so you do have to just be aware that they might stick to your tools there we go let's do the other end now same thing we're just gonna open up this jump ring slide it through close it back up and we are done so we've secured the ends you see they'll just snap together like that and then this one's still technically drying so I'm gonna pick up this one to show it to you again the finished piece so we have the end caps we have the magnetic clasp in the middle and then if you want to wrap it around your wrist it looks like this and then it's nice cuz the magnet does a part of the work for you and here you go you've got your bracelet I'll show you the other color ways to add that pretty silver and black we've got the gold and the white and then we have this really pretty blue with the antique brass and for each kit you will definitely be able to make both the wrap bracelet the triple wrap as well as the cute little single bracelet and do remember you can always of course look back at this video but to be able to do the centerpiece you'll be putting four metal beads on each of your 10 strands and your bobbins will already be ready to go with that original 8 feet of cord you put on them so just add the 4 beads do the braiding the exact same way as you did for the triple wrap and also add the clasp the exact same way as well so that process is all the same so I hope you enjoyed this video these are the beaded flat kumihimo bracelet sets and they are an exclusive kit by betta Holly and you can find them on beadaholique.com and you can find many more exclusive kits on beadaholique.com and their instructions there as well as on youtube thanks for watching you
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