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Leather Double Wrapped Loom Bracelet - Green/Copper - Exclusive Beadaholique Jewelry Kit SKU: KB-C-054NP $34.99 |
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Hi, this is Kat with beadaholique.com now for these tips you're going to be using the Professional Series duo by rabbit loom and I'm going to show you show you how to set that up in just a moment but I just want to show you some of the beautiful color ways that we have here so no matter which color way you have you're going to follow the same video and it will be the same instruction so we have a beautiful pink a purple a black with a beautiful silver button there and we have an orange we have a beautiful turquoise color and into what I'm going to be doing in the video here is going to be a nice green so what you're going to receive is you're going to receive two cards of Griffin silk your gemstone beads you're going to receive one button your Deming round Toho seed beads you're also going to receive your lengths of leather cord as well as your e6000 and what you'll need to just complete this is a little scrap of paper and some toothpicks to help you with your glue a pair of flush cutters or you can use scissors or snips and a ruler to help you with your sizing so if you have all of your tools ready let's go ahead and get started so to begin I'm just going to move some things other way here and we are going to set up our loom and there we go alright so you're going to have two tracks and two feet here so go ahead and line up your tracks so you'll have this sort of male end and a female end and you're just going to go ahead and slide those down so that until they attach together and just go ahead and press that together so that is your track now go ahead and flip that over and you're going to take your feet and I like to put mine either in the second or third notch just to give it some stability so I'm going to put mine in the third on both sides on the bottom make sure it's nice and secure and now go ahead and flip that over and you have two ends here you have your slider n which are going to attach to the very back and that will just slide right on and then you have your other end here and you're going to look for that male end again and it's just going to snap right onto the top so now this is your loom all set up and ready to go alright so I'm going to set that aside for just a moment here while we prep our other material go ahead and take your Griffin silk out of its packages and you're going to take both of the lengths of cord off of the cards and you're also going to see that there is a twisted wire needle to one end here so go ahead and just sort of take that off and you can see that I'm just kind of stretching it with my hand a little bit just to get some of those kinks out and you're going to do this with both of those cards there is my first mate and I'm just going to repeat it with the second link there making sure to get that needle out of there all right and now I have my second link make sure to not get them tangled there and then I'm just going to take my gemstone beads and get them off of my cord here now just while I'm kind of doing this I'm just going to give you a few little sizing notes here with the materials that we are giving you here you should be able to make a nice long wrapped bracelet that will wrap around the wrist twice you should have enough of the gemstone beads provided and I'm going to show you a nice little trick to add a little extra length onto the end alright so go ahead and take your leather cord here and you're going to have about two yards so go ahead and take one end you're going to flip on your button and you're going to flip it on just like so now what you're going to want to do is make sure that that falls right in the center so go ahead and line up your two ends and pull your button all the way down until it's right at the center there we go so just like so so you want to make sure that your cord and are nice and lined up on the other side so that you your button is right in the middle so now the first step here is to just make an overhand knot but it will sit right behind that button so just take both cords and through your fingers just like so pull it through and now you're going to want to kind of take your time and scooch that knot so it's nice and up-close making sure to keep those cords nice and even again and you're going to want to leave just a little bit of space between the knot and the button so that your loop will fit over that nicely so go ahead and just make that nice and tight perfect so now go ahead and take your ruler and what we're going to do is we're going to measure from not into our next knot which we want to be about 15 inches so right there I'm just going to hold my finger and again I'm just going to tie another overhand knot and with this one take your time making sure to get that knot nice and even because you want to keep both of those cords nice and tight so go ahead and just before I tighten it all the way one of my turtles chords are even and my mouth flip down a little further than I wanted it to so I'm just going to adjust making sure to tighten that in all right there we go that's a little bit better okay so now I have 15 inches from not to not now what I'm going to do now is I'm going to move about 3/4 of an inch because you want your button to be able to slip through there and you're going to tie another knot just very much the same thing and you can kind of slip here and the stur if you like ok all right and again just before you officially tighten it up you just want to make sure that your button is going to be able to slip through there there we go that'll be nice alright and while my buttons say I'll just go ahead and tighten that there we go now this is all just the setup phase and once you get to doing these this will be really really easy alright and now we're just going to repeat that step again moving down another quarter three quarters of an inch to an inch and you're just going to have to do that again type it overhand knot alright that looks about equidistant but I just want to double check make sure we're going to fly it through okay yep there we go okay perfect alright so now you'll have a nice adjustable bracelet that you can put your knot here or here now if you want you can always do another one you'll have plenty of cord as you can see to make that bracelet as long as you need it to be alright so go ahead and remove your ruler and we're going to get our tool all set up here so now I have my slider end on my right-hand side here and on the left-hand side is this little kind of grippy tool I'm just going to try to show that to you right there so what you're going to do is you're just going to grip your tool slide your button in there so it's nice and closed and that your knot is exposed all right and then on this side you're going to go between your first and second knot and just go ahead and slide that into the opening that is on the other side of your tool so now just to get that tension going you're just going to pull back slightly and we now have tension so we are all set to go and I'm just going to kind of rotate mine a little bit just because I want these two cords to be nice and separated all right for the next step go ahead and take your two pieces I knocks it out otherwise I'm going to go ahead and take your two pieces of Griffin silk find the two ends without the needles attached making sure to not get anything tangled all right so my two ends where my needles are not attached so what I'm going to do is I'm going to tie a surgeon's knot which is just going to kind of look like an overhand knot so I just twisted let's show you that again so you just sort of twist over the top and around and now this up here is going to be an overhand knot and just pull that down together and give it a nice little tug and a nice little tug and for a little extra security I'm going to take those two ends and try one more overhand knot now we'll be adding a little touch of glue to this at the very end so don't worry I know the Griffons folks might seem a little slippery alright so now we have our big lengths of Griffin silk so we're ready to attach it to our loom here alright so now we're just going to go over the top and you're going to take that knot and kind of line it up right the center there now what you're going to do is take the right hand side here and loop it over and around and you know actually I'm going to turn that I'm going to rotate this so you can see a little bit easier okay there we go so I just rotated it for you alright and now I'm going to take the left hand side and go underneath that first chord and go ahead and pull the whole length out to the side all right so now this is what we have we have our not going around and our right hand side sorry I keep knocking meta right hand side out to the side and our left hand side out to the side so now what we're going to do is I'm just going to scooch that up because I want that not to kind of fall right in the center there and I'm just going to repeat that one more time all right and take the right hand down and out to the side and the left hand down and out to the side all right so that is our nuts up at the top all right and now just tie a little overhand knot alright and that will give you a lot of nice security up towards that knot don't worry if it looks a little crowded up there we're going to actually trim all this later and add a little dab of glue like I said all right so now we're ready to start the Loom so the basic process is going taking your right hand cord going down and around to the side taking your left hand cord going down and around to the side and now you're going to take your right hand needle here and we're going to start by picking up one single stem around and now you're going to crisp with your other needle from the left-hand side and now you're going to pull them to the opposite sides now in the beginning here you're going to have a lot of cord that you're going to work with so just be gentle with it because you don't want to get knots all right so now you can see that it just wants to sit right in between there so just go ahead and scoop that up so it's nice and tight there we go and now we're just going to repeat taking your right hand cord down and around to the side left hand cord down and around to the side all right and now we're going to pick up two of those down your own onto our right hand needle and make sure that when you take your left hand needle you're going through both of those beads so that you catch both of those and the crisscross all right and now pull them down together you and those will sit nice and in the center there just like so so again repeat with the right hand cord and the left hand cord and now we're going to take our right hand needle and pick up three of those demi rounds and I'm going to go ahead and slide this one first pretty much all the way through there we go whichever technique you prefer you can kind of get both needles in there and sort of pull them out to the side or you can do one at a time it's up to you all right now we have our three beads in there and go ahead and screw them up give it a nice little tug making sure everybody is nice and snug as a bug in a rug in there and we're going to just repeat again and with this next pass we're going to start the pattern that we're actually going to use for the rest of the bracelet and that is adding in those gemstones so I'll show you one or two passes of that and then I'll leave you to continue so for the pattern here we're going to pick up one seed bead one of our gemstone beads and one seed bead so it'll be nestled nice and in there so you're going to have this pattern for the rest of the bead bracelet so I'm actually going to go ahead and slide these all the way down there we go and now taking my needle going through the other way making sure you are going through speed and pull that through you can see this kind of come down and this one you're going to have to nestle in there we built it up a little bit but you'll see that it's going to want to jog out there to the side all right so we started our nice little point there and again I'll just repeat one more time just to show you and then I'll leave you to make your bracelet and when you are done I will be here to show you how to finish it off so one dummy around this might be hard to pick up off your table because our needles that we're using on the Griffin silk are you know flexible so you can kind of bend them so it might be hard to pick up your seed beads so you might just kind of have to do it by hand and this one should fit nice and easy in there because we've already made the piece for it now you'll want to continue good tension on this as you work so just every time just give it a nice little tug but you don't want to crowd them too much because we're going to need to give a little extra slack to this so that it fits nicely around the wrist all right so continue your looming and I will be back to show you how to finish off all right so I'm about 90% done with my bracelet here and you can see that there's been really good tension this whole time so what I'm going to do when you get to this point is just go ahead and kick that back end back and let it relax for a little while because you've put so much tension on that leather you don't want to have your beads kind of bubbling over each other so you want to give it a chance to relax and I recommend letting it relax for actually a few hours overnight if you want to but I've let mine relax for a little while so I'm going to go ahead and continue but I just kind of wanted to show you that step just to let your beads sort of lengthen out and really just kind of figure out where they want to sit okay so I'm just going to go ahead and pull my tension back so I can continue now and again when you get to this point you're going to need to start deciding how many more of those beads the gemstone beads you're going to want to add because you don't want to get it to be too close because you're still going to need to add those few little seed beads just the same as we did on the starting side so I think I can get at least one more in here so I'm going to do that really quick and now I'm getting to the end here so I'm just going to kind of stick my needle through the center to wrap it around there we go and you'll see that you have plenty of cord still to work with so don't worry about the length of that if you're concerned working your way through here or especially at the beginning when you're trying to leave that little tail so you don't have to be too stingy but this is just the same pattern that we were just doing and pulling that there we go and let's see here I'm just going to kind of run my fingers along just to I'm just sort of gauging you can see I have a few few bubbles so what you can do is just kind of run your fingers along there and it'll kind of even out for you you'll see where there are any issues you can just kind of pull along and play with it because you just want to wrap nicely around the wrist so I have about let me see let me go ahead and measure that for you if you understand here there we go I have about 3/4 of an inch and I'm going to go ahead and start to decrease so to do that we're just going to repeat kind of what we did on the same side but instead of going from 1 2 3 we're going to go 3 2 1 so again just continue to do your wraps on both sides and now I'm going to do is I'm going to pick up three of those Demi round seed beads all right size three on my needle there and go ahead and slide that all the way down and they're just going to stay a little trapped in my little finger there and thread through making Kurush making sure to catch all three and this will feel a little awkward because we're need to be kind of tightening it up so just go ahead and continue and wrap yours around and now we're going to decrease to two but you're going to see kind of what's going to happen it's going to sort of pinch itself in there so there you go alright so now onto our cord we're going to do two demi round go through with the other needle pull through to the other side doing our criss cross and you'll see the start to pull type there we go and now this is where you're definitely going to need to use the needle side to pull through because you won't be able to fit your fingers through there anymore alright and our last pass here is going to be that one final seed bead so go ahead and just one seed bead all the way down to the other side criss cross and now just go ahead and pull that down so it sits right there so you're going to want a little bit of space on the side because we're going to start to do our knotting now so now again same process go down and around with both sides of your cord here there we go and down and around alright now we're going to take the two cords making sure they're however this shows today there we go and now we're just going to tie an overhand knot and we're going to repeat that one more time so go ahead and take your cords doing that brat motion again with your right hand cord and again with your left hand cord here all right and now we're going to do a double overhand knot which is tie one there we go and now we're just going to tie again all right now you're not just being nice and tight in there so what we're going to do is we're going to let a little bit of black out there I'm going to kind of move that out of the way go ahead and take your e6000 and you can use either a scrap of wire or a couple of toothpicks so go ahead and unscrew your glue and you're going to have a little seal on there so you just take the cap and just kind of puncture it there we go and then you can spill out some of that East 6-thousand onto your piece of paper you don't even need that much really you just need just a little dab so what we're going to do is just take a little bit onto our toothpick you can see just how very little you're using and I'm just going to place it on to my little knot there and even that's too much there we go so you don't want to be too gluey technical term alright you just want to make sure that it gets nice and into that knot now the nice thing about this silk is that it will take that glue so it will really kind of absorb that and so now I'm just going to move to the first side here and just repeat that process for our knot up here and just add that glue and what you're looking at here believe it or not is the underside of the bracelet so you won't see these knots when you wear this so just to kind of give you a little bit of an idea if you're worried about like oh I'm going to see the knots in the glue now you won't so don't worry about that and then just go ahead and get that glue right up there and you can use the other side of your shoes though just to make sure to clean it up you don't want to have all that extra glue alright so now I'm going to do is I'm going to let this sit for I prefer to let it fit for 24 hours before I try to remove anything but that's just sort of the last step so I'm going to let this sit for at least a couple of hours and then I'm going to come back and just take it off the loom and show you how it finishes up so now we are all set to take it off of our loom so we've let our knots dry from the top one here all the way down to the bottom one so what I'm going to do now is I'm just going to kind of move it towards the center and I'm going to flip the knot out of the back end here and then carefully on the top end you can just release and flip it out all right let me remove my loom here and now I'm just starting at the top here I'm going to take my flush cutters and just snip off those little ends there now like I said you can use scissors or other pairs of snips if you want to kind of get in a little closer I wouldn't nip it too close but you definitely don't want those tails alright I'm just going to repeat that here on the bottom there we go ah just remove my Griffin silk there all right and now before you clip your leather here go ahead and just kind of wrap it around your wrist and see if that feels comfortable for you and that's nice and comfortable for me that's about a seven inch bracelet but if you did find that you did need a little extra this is the opportunity for you to add another knot there if you wanted to but that looks good for me so I am just going to move to the side and I'd say about an inch or so down and I'm just going to clip my ends all right and then you are all set like I said your nuts will be on the inside there so let me just go ahead and close this up so you can see what you're going to get alright and there you are you're all done so be sure to check out all of our exclusive beautifully it's you have many more at beadaholique.com and we will also be selling these as full kits where you'll get the full loom with it and we'll also be selling retail kids so once you've fallen love with this design you'll be able to purchase the additional beads to make the other colorways so it's a really fun project and you'll want to make all of them I promise I hope you enjoyed this video like I said you can get all of these supplies at beadaholique.com and if you enjoyed this video be sure to hit the subscribe button below you
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