Hi, this is Julie with beadaholique.com so you see they come in a variety of colors they're really pretty pink of pumpkin there's this nice cream one I want to show you how this moves and then there's a really pretty green this grape seafoam and a blue as well now when you purchase a kit from beadaholique.com the color-coordinated thread you see this is one we're going to be using here to make these seafoam earrings you're going to get the bugle beads the metallic seed beads the pretty color you're going to also get the pack of needles you're going to get beeswax to condition your thread and you're going to get these really nice detailed instructions so that's something else you're going to get and only thing you'll need to provide are your tools and in this case it is the pair of two pairs of chain nose pliers and a little pair of snips or scissors or whatever you like to cut your thread now if you already have needles and beeswax and you just want the basic supplies for these earrings you can purchase a refill kit and you'll get what you see right here so it's the beads the thread the earring hooks and the jump ring so a couple different options there now these earrings I think are super fun I love the movement and I love that you learn a couple different techniques you're going to learn how to do ladder stitch brick stitch as well as fringe and when these are all done you'll see that they measure about three inches of bead work a little under that from the very pinnacle bead at the top to the very end fringe bead so let me go ahead and begin so at first you're going to start off with your thread and I've actually cut some thread off already you're going to need seven and a half feet of thread and we're going to condition our threat to start with now this is beeswax it does strengthen and condition your thread and what that helps to do is it helps to prevent knotting which is really important when you're doing work like this where you're working with quite a long length of thread and also strengthens it and just makes it a little smoother to work with so what you're going to do is you're going to take the end of your thread put it through one of these notches and just holding it you're going to pull you're pulling it through that beeswax it's adding a nice little coat to it it's not making the thread any thicker but it's just making it smoother you can also see look at how it's straightening out so you see the after and the before the four is all kinky and curly the after is nice and straight and of course you're going to have a lot of wonderful fuse wax left over so you'll be able to use this for all your beading projects so I did it through once and I actually want to do a second one I like to make sure it's just really nice and smooth for me I find it makes speed work even more enjoyable than it already is okay and then I just like to do is like to run my fingers over one last time to get it ready to go I love these earrings because it's a pretty beadwork project that you can really start and finish in one sitting it does take a little while but unlike sometimes like a big bead woven necklace or bracelet please come together relatively quickly so in with your kit you're going to get a pack of size 12 needles you see there's four of them I'm going to open that up and grab one okay we're going to thread our needle just gets a nice cleaner edge there okay so what I like to do because this is a long length of thread I like to scoot it down so it's not necessarily 50/50 but that we've got quite a lot of overlapping here just so they don't have quite as long quite as long the length to work with at any given time so that's about right so you see what my tail looks like here we are going to start by brick stitching as I read start by ladder stitching excuse me the bugle bead row let's get a couple of these guides out on my frame so hopefully you can see my beads a little more clearly so we're going to go ahead and string on two bugle beads you'll notice we have not tied a knot at the end of our thread we does not mean two for this one so I'm going to scoot them down so they're about six eight inches from the tail and we're going to go back up through the very first bugle bead we strung and pull your thread and you'll see what's happening here is it's making a loop if you keep pulling it they end up nice and parallel to each other and we still have our tail sticking out here which is great and your tail needs to be long enough so that at the very end you can tie a knot with it and then thread and needle onto it and work your thread tail into your bead work so now we're going to go back down through that second bugle and pull alright those are nice and tight together we're going to pick up a third bugle bead and bring it up and back down through the one we just exited you can see here is by pulling it too it's going to end up parallel so making a really nice neat row and these vehicles are all very uniform so you're going to get a couple good straight inches on both sides alright so that's what we got so far so we've got three of them about three bugles ladder stitch together and our goal is to have nine and we basically are just repeating the same process we've done here just picking up another one going back through the bead you exited helping them line up and there you go and back down because you want to be able to be exiting your edge bugle see that you are in the position to pull on another one to string on another one okay let's see how many we have at this point looks like we've got six and my tail is getting a little close here to the end so I'm just going to go ahead and make it have a little more length there we go and continue until you have nine all right we have our first section done so I really think of making these earrings as a three-part process so part one is done so we have this nice base row part two is going to be brick stitch in the top and part three is going to be creating the fringe so what I like to do because I am right-handed I find it easier for me to just go ahead and slip my beadwork around so this is how we finished it I like to have my thread over on the left I just find it to be personally easier if you don't and you want to keep it oriented how it was please feel free to do so so now we're going to start with brick stitching and you'll notice with this pattern there's a row of metallic beads followed by the color-coded ones so you're going to pick up two metallic beads in this case gold and if you look here the top-down view you're see these that you will see that there are these little thread bridges between all the bugles and also keeping them together you're going to skip over that very first thread bridge and you're going to put your needle under the second one and pull okay and you can kind of see how those started to line up what you want to do if you want to go back up through that second bead and pull your thread okay so now you've got two beads but you'll notice something looks a little bit off the edge one is popping up a little bit so to counter that you're going to go back down through that first bead that you strung this is why I like to have my thread conditioned it's just when you're doing these multiple passes it makes it easier okay and now just up through that second bead and this is a little extra step that you're going to only be doing on the edge beads at the beginning of your rows and I'll show you that as we progress but there we go now it's laying a bit flatter so now instead of picking up two beads like you started what you're just going to go ahead and pick up one bead and you're just going to go under the very next red bridge over and pull and now you're going to go through your bead and you are brick stitching at this point which is a really fun stitch you can do a lot of different projects with it and we're just going to continue we're going to pick up one go under the thread bridge that's um one over hook through your bead pull tight pick up a bead go under the next road bridge and continue until you are out of thread bridges to go under which in this case will be eight so you will have a row of eight gold seed beads what alright so if this happen you thread gets a little tangled just carefully walk it out don't try to pull it through just go ahead and use your fingers to loosen it up and then pull I'm glad that happened because it does tend to happen when you're working with this much thread email in this condition it is quite a long link but it saves you having to tie off and add more thread as you go which i think is worth it okay last gold seed bead and then we're going to jump up to our next row and do the color-coded seed beads we're doing do the seafoam ones to match a pretty turquoise colored thread and every kit comes with a color-coordinated thread so if you're ordering the pink earrings you get the pink thread and the blue ones you get the blue thread and so on so again I'm going to flip it I really like working from left to right you could go the opposite way if you wanted to okay so it's at the beginning of a row again so this time we're going to be working with the color-coded beads and we're going to be picking up two of them and we're going to again skip over that first thread bridge and go under the second one so it's the exact same process as you did for the first row and all your rows are going to follow this very pattern and what's nice is by skipping over that first thread bridge and just placing as many beads as you have remaining thread bridges for you end up with one less bead per row so you start to get this really nice decrease on both sides and you get a nice triangle shape that forms okay so here we go and I'm going and doing that extra little step and we go so you see it's already starting to slant and now we just pick up one of our pretty sea foam beads and go into the next red bridge over and up through it again and I'm going to show you now how many you're going to have so if you look at this one here we can actually count them one two three four five wait one two three four five rows of the pretty colored seed beads and at the very top and we're going to do a little something different so that we have this nice little triangle of three of the metallic seed beads again but continue beating this exact same way until you have all five rows as a pretty seafoam beads I want to show you where we wrap now we've got our of course our ladder stitched bugle bead row our metallic row and then we got our five rows of the color beads and now we're going to add the very top triangle of gold beads so to do this we're going to flip it again just because I do like to flip it so that my string is exiting on my left and I'm going to work left to right I'm going to go ahead and add the two metallic beads and again just skip over the first thread bridge and go under the second one so this row is identical to all your other rows or brick stitching it's just there's only two beads in this row so once we go up through the second bead we strong and then we're going to do that little extra step of down through the first one back up so it's it's better this row is done so that was a really quick row but it was done in the exact same manner as all the other rows now we need to add one more bead but we actually want it to be on its side like this and to do that we're just going to pick up the and go down through the bead the next bead over so you see it just makes a little loop and then it just sits up there now we're just going to go up through the bead we originally exited and we're going to go through it one more time just to make sure it's good and anchored in there and now at this point we are actually technically done with our triangle brick stitch top of our fringe earrings and we need to now get our thread to be exiting a bugle bead so we can begin our fringe and to do that is really easy we're just going to run our needle all the way down the outer edge of beads like so again if your thread gets a little bit tangled just help it along don't try to pull too quickly I think it got a little twisted in all my actions here so here we go sometimes if you stick your finger through the loop it helps to not tangle alright so we've now exiting this edge bead we just now need to go down through the vehicle but because I know my thread with a little bit twisted I'm just going to straighten it out for one minute to make sure it's good and not twisted any more okay here we go so now we need to go down through the bugle and we are ready to begin our French so remember how I said it was really in essence three steps to this earring excluding just adding the earring hook so we finished that first step of the ladder stitch bugles now we finish the brick stitch top and now we're ready to begin our fringe and I want to show you the fringe pattern here so if you look at the first strand it's going to be a metallic bead a colored bead a metallic one and then a bugle followed by a metallic with five colored ones and another metallic a bugle a metallic five colors and another metallic and if you look right here to create this chevron design that looks really nice we are not changing anything from here down it's the same all we're doing is as we work towards the center the earring we're adding one more of these pretty sea foam beads per strand at the top until we get to the middle strand which has the five colored seed beads between the two metallics and then of course here is stayed the same as the five between the two metallics and a size between the two metallics and then we just work our way backwards so that is also really clearly illustrated in our actions as well I'm going to do a few pieces of Fringe here in on camera so you can see how to do it but it's a really easy pattern to follow so for the first one let's add our first length of Fringe so I'm going to start with a metallic followed by one of the colored seed beads and another metallic a bugle bead a metallic and then here we have the five one two three that's three four five of the colored ones another metallic another bugle and at this point I'm just going to scoot these down a little bit and then we need the lawful segment which is the metallic and then one two three four five of the color-coded and one metallics let's skip these all the way down okay and remember from basically here down this is going to be the exact same sequence on all your links of Fringe the only thing changing up here is going to be how many of these little colored ones are added so to get it looped back around to so this is a nice complete piece of Fringe you want to scoot your beads up there you've got this little gold bead right here so you loop back around and you go through all your beads except for the end metallic one and I still got a couple more to go through sometimes it's a little bit easier to do it in segments okay so here we go I'm going to go through those beads and we're going to go up through the bugle same bugle that we originally exited okay let's look at what we have before I pull it tight be a little easier to see okay this guy out alright so you see how there's a little loop here and that's what's going to keep that metallic one at the very base and what I like to do to be able to cinch this up as I put my fingernail over that little metallic lock and I pull from this part and just cinches it so you don't have too much of a gap because you don't want a gap you want these nice and tight but you don't want them too tight where it makes this piece stiff so this is still loose it can move but we don't see any gaps of thread so now we need to position our thread accordingly so that we are again exiting the base of a bugle to make a second length of Fringe and to do that we just go down the next bugle over and pull there we go and at this point check how flexible that is that's about right you want it to drape and you want to swing if you've pulled it too tight this would be the time to crack that and you would just correct that by pulling it out a little bit okay so we're going to add our second length of fringe so we're going to start again which is one metallic and on this one we're going to add two of whatever colored seed beads you have and another metallic okay so that's what we've got and now we're going to do that same sequence we're going to do the bugle beads a metallic five of the colored ones the metallic another bugle another metallic five of the colored ones and lastly another metallic slide that all the way down here so our second length of fridge and now we just go back up through our beads skipping over the base metallic so it makes a nice little loop and anchor look and I'm doing this on the table so you can hopefully see it a little bit more clearly and my fingers out of the way I find it a little easier to do if you're holding a cold time but totally up to you okay so make sure you've gone through all your beads and then go up through the bugle bead that you originally exited pull your thread okay and I like to hold on to that base metallic one lie all the way and just pull up and it's so fun if you just cinch up nicely and there we've got our second piece of Fringe and you can see it's just a little bit longer than the first one and we are starting to get a nice diagonal pattern and then to get over to the spot where you need to be to do the third piece of Fringe again you just go down that bugle beads next to it pull your thread and you're exiting where you want to go and then you're just going to continue doing that and again when you hit the midway point which is this one right here you're going to have a sequence where you've got the five colored ones in the middle and then you'll just start working backwards and then four three two one and then you're going to be ready to actually tie off your thread at that point so I'm going to go ahead and do all my lengths of fringe again if you're buying the kids you're going to definitely be getting this where you're going to see all the different beads which go where but it is a pretty easy pattern to follow because you're not changing anything but the beads right here so I'm just going to continue on beating until I'm ready to tie off my thread we're ready to do our very last piece of Fringe I'm going to do an on camera just to show you that you do it the exact same way you've done all your other pieces do you know that you have your original tail exiting that edge bugle you're just going to ignore it you're going to pretend it's not even there and proceed as normal I'm going down the bugle beads next to the one I just accident I'm a string on my beads sequins on my beads sequins is going to be identical to the sequins that I had from my very first strand of Fringe with just one metallic one color to bead in one metallic to begin it I do like how this chevron pattern just formed so easily by just changing the number of beads in this top section kind of nice I'm just going to finish with my beads so I did a bugle another metallic five more of the colored ones another metallic another bugle slide those guides down and then my final sequence which is a metallic and five colored so one two three four and five and that's final metallic and we're just going to be careful to keep our tail out of the way scoot your beads down and then go back up through them skipping over that base metallic so it has an anchor okay and then you're going to go up through all your beads and the bugle you exited same as any other length of Fringe pull your beads and then make sure that they sit properly here we go cinch it up and now what you're going to do since you don't have another bugle bead over to the right hand side to go down you are going to go down the one next to it on the left hand side and then something kind of fun is going to happen here or at least an easy and nice you now have two lengths of thread side by side you have your original tail and then the one connected to your needle so what I like to do at this point is I like to cut off my excess thread remember you started with seven and a half feet of thread so you do have plenty to work with you could probably even get away with starting a seven feet of thread if you like I'm going to cut it so I just don't have quite as much length and I removed my needle I just slid it right off going to take my two threads and I'm going to just tie an overhand knot and slide it down to the base and now I'm going to go ahead and do another knot and I go through it twice for good measure and slide it down to the base and it's just resting at the base of the bugle beads now I'm going to thread on my needle and I'm going to work my thread up a bugle beads come out the bugle bead and I pull it to make sure that knot is just tucked right in there is not very intrusive and I'm going to go down another bugle bead and go up another bugle bead and if you like you can tie extra knots as you go or you can even weave your thread into that top part whatever you want to feel secure I feel like this is pretty nice and secure as it is it was a good solid knot I'm just trying to work my tail in a little bit okay and then I'm just going to trim my extra thread I'm going to go ahead take my needle put it back on my original tail and I'm gonna do the same with this one and I go up a bugle bead pull it go down a bugle bead and I like doing it along the bugle beads personally just because then we don't get too bulky or bunched up in this top area where we might see the threads a little bit more and then goes into the one and I'm going to trim it off and we have finished our beaded portion so now all that's left is to add our findings so what we've got here is an earring hook and a jump ring and you're going to need two pairs of chain nose pliers so if you're not salute familiar with opening and closing a jump ring this is an open jump ring there's a little slit in the top of it so you want that slit facing away from you up top you want to grip the jump ring on both sides and twist it open and we're just going to slide it through our top bead and it fits very easily through that and then link on the loop at the base of our earring hook and just twist it back in place and we have a completed Fringe earring so you would just go ahead and you would repeat this exact same process with the remaining beads you see that you get plenty to do the two earrings so that the pair and we had a sample already done here so you can see what it would look like when you get both done so a really fun project and I like it that is something that like I said at the beginning I can just sit down and complete in in one sitting it doesn't take too long to do this earring and I do like all the colors too I think they're very fun so and they move they really that nice movement to them again this is the Chevron fringe earrings it is an exclusive kit by PETA Holly and you can find it at beadaholique.com and then if you did like this video you want to see some videos on our other kids we have a bunch of those as well as other how-to and technique videos all on our youtube channel and also on beadaholique.com thanks for watching you
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These kits and refills are out of stock a lot! Since the design is so popular and no longer new for this year, could you please add a list of materials to these instructions? I did do a "notify" request for the one I want to give a young neighbor, but I'd still appreciate the extra info.