Audio Transcript
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Hi, this is Kat with in now I have an example of what we're going to be making here and this is just it's really simple but it features a pearl cabochon and it is glued with a 6000 on to a beautiful hairpin here so the reason I say a set of ten is because these beautiful hairpins come in sets of ten so what is really lovely is you can make ten that are all the same and all the same color or if you want definitely explore some different colors of the Pearl cabochons that way you'll be able to make different sets and let's say you have four bridesmaids well you can make one set for yourself and then four for your bridesmaids just a great little tip for wedding jewelry so let's go ahead and get started the only tool that you're going to need is a toothpick and I have a stack of post-it notes here just to help me with a place to put my e6000 glue so very simply I'm just going to pour a little dab of e6000 onto my paper here and close that back up and you want it to dry and now I'm just going to take a little bit of that a 6000 and just try to get a good size little glob of it on the tail of my toothpicks I'm going to take my hairpin and rub a little bit of glue right on top there being sure to not go over the side and just kind of pick that off and very carefully I'm going to do a little trick and it's to do it kind of going down onto the pin so that you can Center it right on the back of that pearl cabochon and just press gently to get it right in place just hold for just a minute let it kind of get really tacky and there we go and or all set and you can actually sort of adjust it around if you need to but that is how easy and simple it is and like I said that you just choose your favorite color of the pearl cabochon and you can make a quick and easy set of 10 hair pins be sure to check out we do have many more videos showing you how to do some other Bridal style that I think you'll really love that will help adorn your hair so like I said check out for more tutorials and more videos you

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