How to Make a Baroque Filigree Ornament with Austrian Crystals

SKU VID-1741
Designer: Alexandra Smith
In this video, you will see from start to finish how to create this design using an openwork filigree stamping, Vintaj patina, and assorted Austrian crystals. First, you will see how to paint your filigree stamping with Vintaj patina. Then you will see how to wire wrap beads into the openings of the filigree using 30 gauge wire. Next, you will see how to attach rhinestone flatbacks onto the stamping using E6000 glue. Finally, you will see how to make a wire wrapped hook for your ornament using 20 gauge wire.

The brand name for the crystals shown in this video is no longer available. High quality Austrian crystals are now available under the PRESTIGE™ Crystal Components line.

Audio Transcript
Note: This audio transcript is auto-generated and may not be completely accurate.
hi this is Alexandra at beadaholique to so you how to make a baroque filigree ornament with Swarovski crystals so this is a fun mixed-media project that has several different stages and what we'll be doing is creating an ornament like this in a gold version and for that we'll be using this Victorian gold vintage patina a filigree openwork stamping I've got a couple gauges of wire 20 gauge and 30 gauge we'll have some glue to put on our flat back rhinestones and for tools I have some flush cutters round nose pliers chain nose pliers I'll also be using some nylon jaw pliers and these bail making pliers to help us with the ornament hook and a paintbrush too so to begin what I'm gonna do is pull in our filigree stamping the neat thing about this is we only carry this at beadaholique in the silvertone but using the Victorian gold metal patina you can make it look old so I'm shaking this up really well and I'm going to pour a small portion out onto my post-it note I do recommend having paper on top of whatever you're covering your work surface with because this can sometimes bleed through but you don't need very much I'm going to take up my paintbrush and just start working over the top and a nice thick coat of gold in vintage patina is so versatile and quick drying you can decide if you want to wipe it off and have it just coloring in the spaces inside of your design or if you want to create a more enameled look it's really up to you for this project we're gonna make it nice and thick to cover up all that silver so I'm going to continue all over the front of the stamping and then I'm going to flip it over and do the same thing on the back now for each side I'm going to want to let it dry at least 10 minutes since we're doing a thicker coat I'm probably gonna get it 15 to 20 just to be safe we apply a little more patina here and keep painting I've got paper towels down you could use butcher paper or whatever sort of cover that you want to use for your workspace we'll also be using some e6000 glue you want to protect your surface for that as well just in case looks like I'm going to use it up every last bit of my paint here all right make sure I get all the crevices all the surface all right I'm pretty happy with that so I'm gonna let this dry for about 15 minutes and then I'm gonna flip it over and I'm gonna do the very same thing on the back side let that dry for 15 minutes and then I'll come back with you and we're going to start the wire wrapping so both sides of my stamping are nice and dry and the next stage is going to be the wire wrapping so for that I'm going to bring in my 30 gauge wire and measure out 5 inches cut that with my flush cutters and I'm gonna fold that wire gently in half this is the very thinnest gauge I don't get to use it very often but it will be good for what we're doing here I'm gonna lift my stamping up and I'm going to send the wire through the back side through two of the holes of the filigree trapping the wire like so and sending it through the center of one of these openings where we're going to want our beats to to lay so now that I have the wire on I'm going to bring the beads I want to string on and for this I'm going to be using a four millimeter bead cap I've got a ten millimeter Swarovski crystal baroque bead another bead cap and a four millimeter swarovski bicone so one by one I'm just gonna send both wires through those beads I'm going through the backside of the first cap so that the wider end will be cupping the wider side of my baroque bead pull those down come through the wider side of my other cap so that it again it cups the bead and bring on my bicone so I've got the two wires going through all those beads and I'm ready to wrap it over the edge of the stamping so for that what I'd like to do is separate the two wires and have one wire going around one side and another wire going around the other side I'm gonna bring in my plier to help me get that through the opening that I want just alongside the bead there and I'm gonna pull it up nice and tight coil that around over the top and do the same thing on this other side bring the wire through the opposite side of the beads and pull it up and around and tuck that in make sure my two tails are clipped you tucked securely and this wire is so thin that it really forms to whatever you're rapping and that's good okay so we have our first beads attached so I'm gonna do the next one here again I'm going to cut five inches of wire curve it over and send it through the backside of the frame through a couple of these openings at the center that will allow the wire to lay straight through the middle I'm going to add on my beads again using a bead cap on one side my baroque bead with the wider side down toward the center pull all that down bring on my other bead cap and my other bicone right bring the two wires nice and taut around the edge of that frame and use my pliers to wrap now they are thin enough that I'll just demonstrate here I could bring the two together around one side if you don't want to separate and do two separate wraps that's what's nice about this 30 gauge wire you really can't see the difference there it just comes off very nice and clean and not very noticeable so I'll go ahead and clip that again tuck those ends in and I'm going to repeat that step two more times to fill in these other two sections and then we'll go ahead and add on some beautiful swarovski flatbacks iron stones okay so now all my beads are wired in there so Carolee and I'm ready to glue in my swarovski flatbacks and these are framed with a beautiful gold accent so let's start that we're gonna take a bit of the e6000 glue and put it on our post it got a little bit of the older glue I'm gonna get rid of there yeah just a bit using my toothpick I'm going to take a small amount of that let me bring in the other ornaments so that we can see what we're doing here and I'm just gonna frame the beads along either side around the rim just by dabbing on a bit of glue to either side basically I searched out surfaces on the filigree that would accommodate the most glue to hold on to these flat backs so I'm just gonna situate that with my finger and take my next one and set that in continue around the edge that way first let me get one Center it into the middle where I want it as well so that's gonna be placed right here and there is an opening in there that I'm gonna go ahead and cover with the glue the e6000 is easy to work with because it behaves pretty much like rubber cement so it really adheres to itself it's fairly quick drawing but you definitely want to give it the full amount of time so once we get these all on here I'm gonna let this sit for a good hour and that will give it a good time to set so let's do another round here I'm going to come up on this side of the bead apply my glue and if you have a little extra glue poking out besides it's easy enough to remove once it's dry tap those in and I'm going to continue in this pattern just setting a bead in the center and toward the edges all the way around we'll let that dry for one hour and then come back and all we'll have left to do is create an ornament hook so all my rhinestones are set and glued and our last step is to make a handmade ornament hooks I'm going to use some 20 gauge wire to do that we do have a full video on DIY ornament hooks so feel free to check that out I'm gonna go ahead and make one here for you real quick it's 4 inches of the wire and I'm going to use the nylon jaw pliers to straighten that out this also work hardens the wire a little bit so if you're not planning to wire whack or hammer your wire this is a good way to stiffen it alright I'll bring in my round nose plier and gripping at the end I'm just gonna turn the wire over and create a small end loop then I'm gonna bring in my bail making pliers this is a 9 millimeter and 7 millimeter size I'm going to grip just off the end there so it's not quite touching the loop that I just made and I'm going to bend that wire into a hook shape just like so I'm going to repeat that step on the other side creating my little end loop gripping with my bail making pliers and curving that around and you can decide how long or short you would like these hooks you'll see that mine is a little bent off to the side you can just adjust that like so and I think that adds a really nice handmade touch so we'll just put that on our ornament by hooking it at the center up there and there we have beautiful gold version of our baroque filigree mis ornament I hope you enjoyed this video all these tools and supplies are available at and be sure to click the bell and subscribe to our youtube channel for all the latest updates thanks for watching

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