Audio Transcript
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hi this is Alexandra with beadaholique.com in this video we'll be embellishing a dreamcatcher ornament if you'd like to learn how to make the hoop for the dreamcatcher we have another video on how to create a dreamcatcher hoop and I've also done a smaller version that's it's more of a Christmas ornament size and it incorporates a lot of neat little dangles Terra cast charms and some quartz Spears carnelian and Czech glass and this person that we're gonna do is more of a winter solstice combination of snowflakes and icicles so what I'm going to start with is stringing my last dangle here and the kind of knot that I like to use is a single overhand knot they've doubles it up like so it hangs the charm nice and straight down from the rest of the beads once I string them close that knot up and clip the extra this is waxed linen same that we used to do the weaving on the inside so it might be it's on you ever need the wax linen to take shape just squeeze it between your fingers in it goes back nicely you've got some wood beads some Czech glass here and a nice spicy color some silver fire polish Czech glass alright so I have all my dangles and I want to decide which ones this Center I'm gonna start by tying the charms on and then we'll add some silk embellishments so decide how long I want my middle and just tie some simple knots to get them on there now I noticed in using s long cord for my smaller version that it's very important to tie tight knots and glue them which is why we have the hypo cement here and just to be safe I'm also gonna do that it's my waxed linen so I'm gonna clip and squeeze and repeat this is a really pretty rustic vintage pinecone charm it is and kind of not over an ox see if that's the length I want well it's long but that quartz spear at the end like leave enough room in between each one for when we add the silk embellishments last one this is a three strand reducer that I'm using as a charm instead it could also be used for a multi strand project but it helped me to add some nice color complementary blue beads that go well with the post Wade that we used all right no no I'm gonna dab some I know cement glue each of those knots to reinforce um this stuff's great for getting in tight spots dank detail work dries clear dries quickly the knots down here I'm not as concerned about because they really got reinforced with that double overhand knot that we did all right so now we're ready to add our silk embellishments and for this I'm gonna cut some 10 inch lengths let's see well remember that design so we'll do three of one and two with the other actually I'm fond of this this end part it's got a little bit of rustic fringe so I'm going to go for that portion right and to attach these we're gonna do our luxe hip knot which is to take the two sides bent in half like so fold it in half and they go over top and pull through folding in half I'm gonna stagger around so I'll put the other one in the center here add this sinner silk cord I'm gonna cut 10 inch portions I'm also gonna cut a portion for the top ribbon there now just get that a 4 inch cord we'll do the same thing bend in half little bit over I'm gonna put the brain winter solstice so I really enjoy making these it's a very creative process can really personalize and get artsy with your combinations of beads and charms embellishments so we've got a Yuletide comp compilation there and then winter solstice version here these project bundles are available at beadaholique.com thanks for watching you
hi this is Alexandra with beadaholique.com in this video we'll be embellishing a dreamcatcher ornament if you'd like to learn how to make the hoop for the dreamcatcher we have another video on how to create a dreamcatcher hoop and I've also done a smaller version that's it's more of a Christmas ornament size and it incorporates a lot of neat little dangles Terra cast charms and some quartz Spears carnelian and Czech glass and this person that we're gonna do is more of a winter solstice combination of snowflakes and icicles so what I'm going to start with is stringing my last dangle here and the kind of knot that I like to use is a single overhand knot they've doubles it up like so it hangs the charm nice and straight down from the rest of the beads once I string them close that knot up and clip the extra this is waxed linen same that we used to do the weaving on the inside so it might be it's on you ever need the wax linen to take shape just squeeze it between your fingers in it goes back nicely you've got some wood beads some Czech glass here and a nice spicy color some silver fire polish Czech glass alright so I have all my dangles and I want to decide which ones this Center I'm gonna start by tying the charms on and then we'll add some silk embellishments so decide how long I want my middle and just tie some simple knots to get them on there now I noticed in using s long cord for my smaller version that it's very important to tie tight knots and glue them which is why we have the hypo cement here and just to be safe I'm also gonna do that it's my waxed linen so I'm gonna clip and squeeze and repeat this is a really pretty rustic vintage pinecone charm it is and kind of not over an ox see if that's the length I want well it's long but that quartz spear at the end like leave enough room in between each one for when we add the silk embellishments last one this is a three strand reducer that I'm using as a charm instead it could also be used for a multi strand project but it helped me to add some nice color complementary blue beads that go well with the post Wade that we used all right no no I'm gonna dab some I know cement glue each of those knots to reinforce um this stuff's great for getting in tight spots dank detail work dries clear dries quickly the knots down here I'm not as concerned about because they really got reinforced with that double overhand knot that we did all right so now we're ready to add our silk embellishments and for this I'm gonna cut some 10 inch lengths let's see well remember that design so we'll do three of one and two with the other actually I'm fond of this this end part it's got a little bit of rustic fringe so I'm going to go for that portion right and to attach these we're gonna do our luxe hip knot which is to take the two sides bent in half like so fold it in half and they go over top and pull through folding in half I'm gonna stagger around so I'll put the other one in the center here add this sinner silk cord I'm gonna cut 10 inch portions I'm also gonna cut a portion for the top ribbon there now just get that a 4 inch cord we'll do the same thing bend in half little bit over I'm gonna put the brain winter solstice so I really enjoy making these it's a very creative process can really personalize and get artsy with your combinations of beads and charms embellishments so we've got a Yuletide comp compilation there and then winter solstice version here these project bundles are available at beadaholique.com thanks for watching you
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