SKU VID-1597
Kat Silvia
In this video you will learn how to do a traditional 12 warp Kumihimo round braid bracelet. If you are familiar with 8 warp Kumihimo and want to try something new, then the 12 warp braid might be just the thing you are looking for. You will also learn valuable sizing and length information for using 1mm satin rattail cord, as seen in this video.
Audio Transcript
Note: This audio transcript is auto-generated and may not be completely accurate.
Hi, this is Kat with i hemo round braid now you're probably familiar with 1/8 warp so this is gonna be a little bit different it's gonna kind of elevate that design and this is gonna be like I said that 12 warp okay so let's start by looking at what an eight warp kumihimo round braid looks like now this is using the satin rattail cord just because it's really nice and bold because I want you to see the shape that it's going to have there so this is your traditional eight warp so I have four different colors working in my design here so let's go ahead and pick this up this is a 12 warp so you can see that what's gonna happen is we're gonna create a little spiral on the outside and that's gonna happen naturally so it's really nice is this actually it's gonna use five colors you could use six if you want to create a different style of that little wrap but I'm going to show you how to do this version here with some of the colors now I have some really bright contrasting colors here because I want you to see what's happening so this is just really to show you that technique alright so and you can see that this is actually really this is quite a stiff braid so that's why we're going to show you with using the satin rattail so but that's how your little bracelet could look alright so let me show you a couple other examples really quick before we get started so you can see what you can do with the kumihimo and the twelve warp especially alright so I have some other couple examples here and actually I'm gonna start by showing you this example so you know how I was talking about how you can see there's that purple spiral that runs down the center here on this one what I did is I added beads only to that spiral and it kind of creates a little sort of spiral of beads which is really nice now this one is much smaller for this one I used the S one size 18 and I used a couple different colors of blue in there to just give it a little variety now to show you something different this is the same braid but what I did is I added only gold beads to that spiral and then on the inside I added a mix of the Miyuki Delica the heavy metals mix and these are 1100 seed beads both of these these are actually the same seed bead but you can just see the raw braid here of that size 18s on and see just the size difference next to that satin rattail so you can also see how that braid would look if you did it all in one color you just kind of get that nice spiral effect happening so that's another example now we get asked a lot about micro s lon and I'm actually showing you this example to kind of show you that it doesn't work as well so you can actually see when you kind of move this over here you can see how tiny that little braid is and that's still that beautiful coil and this uses the micro s LAN so it's a really really thin cord personally I don't think it works in this application you're not getting enough and the braid is sort of not pulling that tension enough you can actually just see that that spiral is not as tight as the other one I wouldn't recommend it if you wanted to add beads because it does kind of separate the beads a little bit in in in a tough way so it's this is a little bit harder to do and personally I don't like the style as much I'm very happy with this sort of round braid of the beaded kumihimo with again this is the size 18 s LAN with the 11 o Miyuki rounds they go alright so there's some a couple little examples of what you can do with this so I'm gonna set some of these pieces aside here and kind of get them out of the way so that we can actually start doing our give me hemo alright so like I said I have five colors here and you can see that I have two lots of the gold because that's gonna sort of serve as that purple outside spiral there I have my traditional kumihimo disk you do not need an extra disk or anything else like that to do this just as long as you have that 32-point disk round disk you're gonna be good and then I have twelve bobbins because I'm gonna have twelve warps of course and let me just kind of set those aside so I have my little Gator weight and then we're gonna be using some e6000 at the end to help glue in our ends I'm going to show you from start to finish how to do this and I have some toothpicks for that glue I have a pair of scissors and then just a couple pairs of chain nose pliers because I'm going to be attaching a little clasp to the end of this so I'll need that for my jump rings alright so I'm actually going to kind of move my clasp stuff up and out of the way here there we go okay so first things first I'm gonna take one of my cords here and you're gonna get about six yards here now that is more than what you're going to need you're actually going to have a lot left over at the end but if you're just starting out learning this go ahead and take that entire length definitely not knotting it like I'm doing here good lord alright so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to find the ends and then I'm gonna find the midpoint of this there we go alright so I find my other end there and then I'm gonna go all the way down to the midpoint here and I'm gonna just kind of hold that there so I'm gonna do the same with all the other cords and then we're gonna tie a big knot when I get to that end all right so I have my six lengths of cord now this is the midpoint here so I have my two gold a blue a purple a light pink and a dark pink so I'm just gonna take those and sort of make a little loop there and then just tie an overhand knot and just kind of make sure that all those loops slip right through there so it doesn't need to be pretty don't worry we'll be cutting this off later so just go ahead and get all those cords in there nice and tight all right there we go and I just pull a blue one there looks like he's a little loose there we go alright so just take this knot and you're gonna thread it down through the center of the kumihimo disk and I'm gonna take my little Gator Wade and just clip him onto the end there if you don't have a gator weight you can use a binder clip and a bag of pennies but you do need a weight on this it's what's going to help keep your braids where it needs to be as far as tension goes because you want to have a nice sort of tight braid all right now before I add my bobbins here's how I want you to set up your board because what I'm gonna show you is with the bobbins I've actually labeled them all with little numbers so that I know where they go on the outside here but let's go ahead and we're just gonna sort of take our cords and do them this way so take one blue cord and you're gonna bring it up between the 30 and the 31 just like so okay you're gonna take the other blue cord and you're gonna bring it down here between the 15 and the 14 okay so that's going across there and now don't worry that your knots not in the center just yet will kind of adjust that alright so now I'm going to take the purple cord and I'm gonna bring one up here so it's just to the left of that blue cord so that's between the 29 and the 30 and then I'm gonna take my other purple cord now don't worry if these are all kind of messed up here that will even out but that's also why we're gonna do a little braiding and then cut it off later so don't don't worry about that all right so my purple cord is now between the 13 and the 14 so if you're looking at these they've Criss crossed okay alright so now let's take one of our pink the light pink cord and let's put it up between the 1 and the 2 and I'm going to take that other light pink cord and I'm going to bring it down here and I'm going to put it between at the 17 and the 18 okay and then with the pink cord the dark one we're gonna go up between the 2 and the 3 and I'm going to take my other pink cord here and I'm gonna kind of bring this up and over actually like I said don't worry that this is a bit messy that's okay we'll kind of braid out of it and this is gonna go between the 18 and 19 so again you're getting that crisscross happening there alright now I'm actually gonna kind of scooch these up through the center mm-hmm mine did get a bit too tangled there we go oops sorry we are just working with a lot of cord here now once you've kind of figured out the size that you want what I like to do in my design space is I will have a little sample swatch of what works best for which cord that I'm working with so that's just something to kind of keep in mind for yourself if you like alright so now we have four of the gold cords so what we're going to do is we're just going to separate those and they're going to go on either side of that Center dot there so between the 23 and 24 and 24 and 25 and then on this side we're just going to do the same thing and you're gonna go on the either side of that dot it's gonna be the 7 and the 8 there all right now I'm gonna try to fix a couple of these just so that it's not so crazy I know I said don't worry about it but I'm gonna worry about it just a little bit just want to fix it just so that my braid starts off a little bit nicer all right now these are really thick oops there we go these are really thick cords so don't worry too much about that all right so now what's gonna happen is like I said I have all of my bobbins numbered so I like to start from here I consider that sort of my starting point and you just kind of go around clockwise here so I'm just gonna go 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 and 12 so just very simply we're just gonna take our cord here I'm gonna grab my little bobbin and it has my little one on it this is just some painters tape you can do that you don't you don't have to do this step I just like to do it just to kind of show where I'm at in case I lose my spot all right and we can wind our bobbin pretty pretty far I usually leave maybe maybe eight inches or so leaving it out okay so now I'm just gonna go all the way around and attach my bobbins using my little number system and then I'll be back to show you the next step and how to braid it alright so this is the start of my disc you can see I have all of my bobbins down here at the bottom and I have my gaiter weight attached and what's nice is you can just see kind of from the side there that it's nice and flush on the top which is where you want that tension to be all right so I know it looks a little weird right now but let's go ahead and start the braid and you'll see how it's going to develop so we're always going to start down here at the bottom and this is going to be our dark pink one and this is between the 18 and 19 so we're gonna release it from the disk and we're gonna simply move it up so that it's between the 28 and 29 all right so that's our first one there and then we're gonna move over and I'm gonna lift this blue cord between the 30 and the 31 and I'm gonna bring this down so that it comes across and goes between the 16 and the 17 all right now before I rotate I'm gonna do it again at the bottom and I'm gonna pick up the blue cord that's between the 14 and the 15 I'm gonna pick that up and I'm going to bring it between the 32 and the 1 and then I'm gonna pick up the pink cord between the 2 and the 3 I'm gonna pick that up and I'm gonna bring that down here between the 12 and the 13 all right so that's our first cross that's the first sort of X that we're gonna do and then I'm gonna rotate counterclockwise okay so now this part will look familiar this will look more like an 8 warp so we're going to take the gold one that's between the 24 and the 25 and pop it out and bring it up and over between the 6 and the 7 and then I'm gonna take the one that's between the 8 and the 9 I'm going to bring that out and I'm going to bring that down between the 22 and 23 so there's that step so now we're gonna rotate and now we just repeat that whole process again so let me show you one more time because now we have some different colors in play so you're always picking up the one that's furthest to the left here and you're bringing it up to the furthest to the left over here so you're just kind of crossing it up there and then you're taking the right most of this trio and you're going to bring it down on the right side of the other one so you'll have those two colors matching here if you've done this particular kind of colorway and then we're gonna pick up this one here and bring it up and over and then we're gonna pick up this one and bring it down and what you should always have is your colors crossing on each side just like so alright so again doing a nice little rotation 90 degrees counterclockwise and again we're gonna do our gold up and over and our gold up and down alright and I'm keeping a really good tension you can see that is nice and tight in there I know it still looks a little bit messy just hold tight we're gonna get there alright so I'm gonna start moving a little bit faster here so that we can kind of start to see that braid develop and once you get this happening this is very lovely and Zen and if you should ever need to put your kumihimo down what I recommend is taking your main color here and leaving it with three up because you know that when you pick up your board again you're just going to need to bring that back down and you can continue so if you ever need to put it down just go ahead and make sure that you have the three up so that you know which one to come back and put down and then you can just continue now I'm rotating counterclockwise here you can do clockwise but just note that once you've started in a direction you can't really switch so just be sure to keep that in mind for this particular style alright and always be sort of keeping an eye on your colors there just make sure everyone is where they're supposed to be and again you can see that those two colors come together and then you just make sure to continue to rotate alright so I'm gonna do a little bit more off-camera here and then I'm gonna show you the kind of start of how it starts to develop there because I want you to see that actually you're kind of already seeing it a little bit so let me do that so that I can turn it over and show you here so you can just get a little sneak peek as to kind of what's happening it's not a lot but you can see that I I did tell you that it was gonna start to even itself out there which it has so I'm just gonna kind of keep going here you get a little further and I am in this video going to show you finishing technique so that you can actually make a bracelet from start to finish and it's just one of the many finishing techniques but it's just something to kind of get you started into learning twelve warp alright so I'm just doing one more little rotation there and now I'm gonna leave three up there so I don't want to lose my place as I flip this over so you can see how this is developing there it's just really really nice and you can see that actually because I was I had that little hiccup in the beginning there cuz my cords were a little wonky but it just sort of evened itself out so if that happens to you don't worry the braid will all come together and even out so we have that nice spiral happening there so I'm gonna continue I'm gonna do the whole length and then I'll be back and I wouldn't I am gonna show you how to finish this alright so I'm just gonna keep on braiding all right so I'm just doing one more of my little rotations here and you can see and I'll flip it over in a second so you can see where we are with our braid I'm just gonna do one final one here and you'll notice that again I have really good tension up there at the top so everything should be all set to go alright so I don't need to flip one more up because I know that I'm done for today but I just want to show you what has developed down here so this is my braid now let's see here so let me kind of get some of these out of the way so you can see and I'm gonna bring in my ruler here to just give it a little quick measurement and I have just about seven seven and a half inches or so now the reason I did seven and a half is I'm probably gonna be cutting off a good half inch here and a half inch here so that's gonna give me about a six and a half inch bracelet but I also wanted to show you how much core do you have left so if you remember we took six yards of cord and we folded those in half but look at all this extra cord here so when you really get down to it if you're using the one millimeter satin rattail like I am here you're gonna need this is probably about four yards here I'm sorry ya bout four yards here no that can't be right let's smoke you know what let's measure it out cuz I want you guys to actually see it because this will help you when trying to figure it out we get that question a lot here at beadaholique so I'm gonna kind of reverse engineer that for you so like I said don't forget we started with six and a half or sorry six yards folded in half so now we have that's one foot two feet three four five and comfortably six and probably actually about seven feet here but we're gonna need a little bit to tie off there so it keeps getting caught there yes I have almost seven extra feet so six feet so two yards and that's on one half of it so yeah so you're gonna have an extra four yards so it's about two yards here in two yards on the other side cuz don't forget we folded it in half alright so what I'm gonna do is I actually don't need to put this back on my little bobbin here so I'm gonna kind of come down and you want to give yourself a good little length of satin there so I'm gonna cut that off there we go and just set that aside all right and we can go ahead and remove our Gator weight now now you don't need to undo all of your little bobbins right now you can just kind of go around and just cut them all off and you're gonna be fine to do so yeah so just as a guide don't forget we started with six yards and we have four yards left over so give or take it's gonna take about two yards but keep in mind that with kumihimo there's no way to add thread halfway through so or there's definitely no easy way to do it that we've been able to kind of find here but always err on the side of extra because you never know how tight your braids gonna be how long it's gonna be now of course if you're working with a thinner thread it's gonna be a little bit different if you're working let's say with an S lon it's gonna of course be different so just make sure that you're kind of once you have that little sample swatch that you want to work with it's much easier there we go all right so all my bobbins I'm just gonna kind of set those all the side there and now you can go ahead and take all of your cords off of your disc and we're gonna pull that down through and now we're gonna make an overhand knot and again this is also why you'll see that you want a little extra braiding because we're gonna be wrapping around it make sure you get all those cords through there we go and now we're just gonna pull tight creating a big old knot there all right so this is in essence our braid so you can see here that you know I made it a little bit longer but we're also going to be cutting off some of those links so this is actually probably just gonna be about the same so keep that in mind as well you're probably gonna be covering I would say at least a half an inch if not three-quarters of an inch so again just keep that in mind alright so I'm actually gonna undo one of my bobbins here that has the gold on it because that's the color I'm going to use to kind of wrap the edges so what I mean is you'll see here on this example I have black cord going into the ends and that's just to get this particular end to fit in there really nicely because we're gonna be cutting it off so just take your little length of your cord here and we're gonna slip it underneath there and I'm gonna go down like I said about a half an inch and what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna tie an overhand knot and when you get it to the point where you want it you're just gonna give it a nice tight tug there and then take your smaller half I'm gonna turn this around take your little smaller half and hold it up here kind of gather it with the other cords and now you can take this other length and we're just gonna wrap it around to kind of bulk up that end so just a little bit and you want to kind of be wrapping kind of tightly here just like so so I'm just sort of coiling it up there I've gotten a couple of wraps you know this is again a thick cord so you don't need to do too much here let's just do one more and then I'm gonna come back to the other end of my gold and I'm gonna tie a nice overhand knot here up at the top there we go and you can kind of test and just make sure that's gonna fit in there I actually wrapped probably one too many so I'm gonna kind of scooch my knot down actually there we go so that lands a little bit more in the beginning there we go just give that a nice nice little tug and then I'm gonna move quickly to the back side here and do it again just add another little knot here on the backside okay so we just sort of wrapped it around we tied some knots and then we wrapped it around again all right so I'm gonna cut this thread off right now and what I'm gonna do is before I attach my little bullet end cap there I'm gonna get a little east 6-thousand on this satin now this is something you don't have to do necessarily if you're working with the s on the S Alon is just a little bit less slippery than the satin so you don't need to kind of do this extra little step but I'm just gonna take a little bit of that glue and I'm just gonna add it to the little knots there on that one there and just kind of smear it around doesn't need to be pretty don't worry this will be going inside that bullet and then just adding a little bit of extra glue just right there just cuz I don't want anything to kind of come out all right let's set that aside now all right so now I'm just gonna repeat that on the beginning side so this is what I mean where it's like don't worry if your braid is messy in the beginning we're gonna end up cutting that off anyway so you'll get a chance to sort of see this again let's take our cord hang a little overhand knot there about a half inch or so down giving it a nice pull we want to kind of make it nice and tight and thick we don't want it to come out all right and then taking my cord wrapping it around trying to just sort of wind it up the braid up the length of the braid you just got to keep it really tight here I'm coming around to the back I'm gonna take our tail and tie that and you just got to keep really good tension on it as you're doing this step it will just help everything go a lot smoother trust me alright again just kind of making sure that that's nice and secure and we're gonna wrap around back to the other side and tie a little knot on the other side there so you have sort of what will appear like a knot on the top and a knot on the bottom and again this is just really to keep that secure all right and I'm gonna repeat my process here and we need some fresh glue the e6000 does dry pretty quickly however I would recommend at least 24 hours once we finish the class proportion to kind of really let it set up because you don't want to have it come loose on you if you're gonna use it too soon but it does it does start to take pretty pretty quickly alright so on the front knot and on the back not just like so already we're just gonna set that aside and yeah you can see on this first side those nuts are getting pretty good there so just one one quick thing if you do want to not do a sort of end cap like this what I would recommend is you can actually leave all of these here and you have a knot on this other side so you can do the old-fashioned kind of loop there if you don't want to go through all the trouble to finish it off like I'm showing you here this is just one option there's a lot of things you can do with this this is just one of the nice things that's nice and easy now if you had a smaller one let me kind of show you this example here so this is an example with a smaller little bullet clutch so you wouldn't necessarily need to build up that cord as much because you'd see this is the same thickness of cord so it actually fits nicely into one of the smaller little bullet clutches there so you actually don't have to do the whole building part now I do recommend you either use scotch tape or something to kind of keep all kourt's together because once you cut this and try to glue it in there it's all gonna kind of come apart so you do need some sort of little anchor thing so you could always take a little length of you can see how thin this s LAN is and tie it around there and sort of achieve the same result by doing it that way so that's another option for you as well all right so now that I've left this dry for a minute I'm gonna come in I'm going to take my scissors and I'm gonna cut the whole like part of the braid here and this is really thick and I probably need some better scissors but we are just gonna get through this here there we go little extra all right you can set that aside and now I'm just gonna trim off these little cords here these extra ones and I'm trimming close to the knot there yeah all right so I have all of my extras out of the way so this is kind of what it what it will end up looking like here so now I just kind of get a little fresh piece there what I'm gonna do is this is gonna fit inside there so we're gonna get a little more glue and we're gonna take a nice sort of loop there and we're gonna set it into the well and making sure it kind of gets all over there can I get Sanh all the little sides and definitely down at the bottom there and now we're just gonna try to fit this in there so you can see that I'm just kind of squeezing it together and just kind of you know using my nails just kind of pushing it in there you can also use like a chain nose plier just to help kind of get it up into the little finding there because we want it to be tight so that's where this is a little bit difficult because we want it to be tight but we don't want it to kind of look messy all right I'm gonna try to get this a little extra extra part in there there we go and this is why I recommend using maybe the cord that is your outer cord because if you see a little bit of that gold there at the end it doesn't look too bad because it looks like it's part of the design alright so for the sake of time today I'm not going to do the other side but it's the same portion there I'm gonna actually use my original example here and Bend this together and then I have this nice little toggle clasp here and I have a couple of five millimeter 20 gauge jump rings and I'm just gonna simply just attach it to my clasp here alright so I'm just gonna give it a little gentle twist to open slip it onto the Loup add one portion of my toggle and come in and just close up that jump ring making sure it has a nice good closure and then moving I'm saving a little a little glue on my fingers sorry about that and I'm just gonna move to the other side give it a little twist slip on my jump ring and slip on the other portion of the toggle slip on the toggle first there we go mmm that makes it a little easier all right and I'm just making sure that that jump ring is nice and close tightly all right so you can use a toggle clasp you can also use a magnetic clasp here as well but that gives a nice little sort of finished look to our braid in our bracelet so that's all you would need to do is just add a couple of jump rings and finish off your clasp all right so that is how to do 12 or kumihimo you can have a lot of fun with this if you were are wanting to try this and you haven't tried eight warp I recommend starting there and then coming back to the 12 warp it's really really fun but yeah have a good time at doing this wonderful technique and you can find all of these supplies and even more videos and tutorials by heading over to
Hi, this is Kat with i hemo round braid now you're probably familiar with 1/8 warp so this is gonna be a little bit different it's gonna kind of elevate that design and this is gonna be like I said that 12 warp okay so let's start by looking at what an eight warp kumihimo round braid looks like now this is using the satin rattail cord just because it's really nice and bold because I want you to see the shape that it's going to have there so this is your traditional eight warp so I have four different colors working in my design here so let's go ahead and pick this up this is a 12 warp so you can see that what's gonna happen is we're gonna create a little spiral on the outside and that's gonna happen naturally so it's really nice is this actually it's gonna use five colors you could use six if you want to create a different style of that little wrap but I'm going to show you how to do this version here with some of the colors now I have some really bright contrasting colors here because I want you to see what's happening so this is just really to show you that technique alright so and you can see that this is actually really this is quite a stiff braid so that's why we're going to show you with using the satin rattail so but that's how your little bracelet could look alright so let me show you a couple other examples really quick before we get started so you can see what you can do with the kumihimo and the twelve warp especially alright so I have some other couple examples here and actually I'm gonna start by showing you this example so you know how I was talking about how you can see there's that purple spiral that runs down the center here on this one what I did is I added beads only to that spiral and it kind of creates a little sort of spiral of beads which is really nice now this one is much smaller for this one I used the S one size 18 and I used a couple different colors of blue in there to just give it a little variety now to show you something different this is the same braid but what I did is I added only gold beads to that spiral and then on the inside I added a mix of the Miyuki Delica the heavy metals mix and these are 1100 seed beads both of these these are actually the same seed bead but you can just see the raw braid here of that size 18s on and see just the size difference next to that satin rattail so you can also see how that braid would look if you did it all in one color you just kind of get that nice spiral effect happening so that's another example now we get asked a lot about micro s lon and I'm actually showing you this example to kind of show you that it doesn't work as well so you can actually see when you kind of move this over here you can see how tiny that little braid is and that's still that beautiful coil and this uses the micro s LAN so it's a really really thin cord personally I don't think it works in this application you're not getting enough and the braid is sort of not pulling that tension enough you can actually just see that that spiral is not as tight as the other one I wouldn't recommend it if you wanted to add beads because it does kind of separate the beads a little bit in in in a tough way so it's this is a little bit harder to do and personally I don't like the style as much I'm very happy with this sort of round braid of the beaded kumihimo with again this is the size 18 s LAN with the 11 o Miyuki rounds they go alright so there's some a couple little examples of what you can do with this so I'm gonna set some of these pieces aside here and kind of get them out of the way so that we can actually start doing our give me hemo alright so like I said I have five colors here and you can see that I have two lots of the gold because that's gonna sort of serve as that purple outside spiral there I have my traditional kumihimo disk you do not need an extra disk or anything else like that to do this just as long as you have that 32-point disk round disk you're gonna be good and then I have twelve bobbins because I'm gonna have twelve warps of course and let me just kind of set those aside so I have my little Gator weight and then we're gonna be using some e6000 at the end to help glue in our ends I'm going to show you from start to finish how to do this and I have some toothpicks for that glue I have a pair of scissors and then just a couple pairs of chain nose pliers because I'm going to be attaching a little clasp to the end of this so I'll need that for my jump rings alright so I'm actually going to kind of move my clasp stuff up and out of the way here there we go okay so first things first I'm gonna take one of my cords here and you're gonna get about six yards here now that is more than what you're going to need you're actually going to have a lot left over at the end but if you're just starting out learning this go ahead and take that entire length definitely not knotting it like I'm doing here good lord alright so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to find the ends and then I'm gonna find the midpoint of this there we go alright so I find my other end there and then I'm gonna go all the way down to the midpoint here and I'm gonna just kind of hold that there so I'm gonna do the same with all the other cords and then we're gonna tie a big knot when I get to that end all right so I have my six lengths of cord now this is the midpoint here so I have my two gold a blue a purple a light pink and a dark pink so I'm just gonna take those and sort of make a little loop there and then just tie an overhand knot and just kind of make sure that all those loops slip right through there so it doesn't need to be pretty don't worry we'll be cutting this off later so just go ahead and get all those cords in there nice and tight all right there we go and I just pull a blue one there looks like he's a little loose there we go alright so just take this knot and you're gonna thread it down through the center of the kumihimo disk and I'm gonna take my little Gator Wade and just clip him onto the end there if you don't have a gator weight you can use a binder clip and a bag of pennies but you do need a weight on this it's what's going to help keep your braids where it needs to be as far as tension goes because you want to have a nice sort of tight braid all right now before I add my bobbins here's how I want you to set up your board because what I'm gonna show you is with the bobbins I've actually labeled them all with little numbers so that I know where they go on the outside here but let's go ahead and we're just gonna sort of take our cords and do them this way so take one blue cord and you're gonna bring it up between the 30 and the 31 just like so okay you're gonna take the other blue cord and you're gonna bring it down here between the 15 and the 14 okay so that's going across there and now don't worry that your knots not in the center just yet will kind of adjust that alright so now I'm going to take the purple cord and I'm gonna bring one up here so it's just to the left of that blue cord so that's between the 29 and the 30 and then I'm gonna take my other purple cord now don't worry if these are all kind of messed up here that will even out but that's also why we're gonna do a little braiding and then cut it off later so don't don't worry about that all right so my purple cord is now between the 13 and the 14 so if you're looking at these they've Criss crossed okay alright so now let's take one of our pink the light pink cord and let's put it up between the 1 and the 2 and I'm going to take that other light pink cord and I'm going to bring it down here and I'm going to put it between at the 17 and the 18 okay and then with the pink cord the dark one we're gonna go up between the 2 and the 3 and I'm going to take my other pink cord here and I'm gonna kind of bring this up and over actually like I said don't worry that this is a bit messy that's okay we'll kind of braid out of it and this is gonna go between the 18 and 19 so again you're getting that crisscross happening there alright now I'm actually gonna kind of scooch these up through the center mm-hmm mine did get a bit too tangled there we go oops sorry we are just working with a lot of cord here now once you've kind of figured out the size that you want what I like to do in my design space is I will have a little sample swatch of what works best for which cord that I'm working with so that's just something to kind of keep in mind for yourself if you like alright so now we have four of the gold cords so what we're going to do is we're just going to separate those and they're going to go on either side of that Center dot there so between the 23 and 24 and 24 and 25 and then on this side we're just going to do the same thing and you're gonna go on the either side of that dot it's gonna be the 7 and the 8 there all right now I'm gonna try to fix a couple of these just so that it's not so crazy I know I said don't worry about it but I'm gonna worry about it just a little bit just want to fix it just so that my braid starts off a little bit nicer all right now these are really thick oops there we go these are really thick cords so don't worry too much about that all right so now what's gonna happen is like I said I have all of my bobbins numbered so I like to start from here I consider that sort of my starting point and you just kind of go around clockwise here so I'm just gonna go 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 and 12 so just very simply we're just gonna take our cord here I'm gonna grab my little bobbin and it has my little one on it this is just some painters tape you can do that you don't you don't have to do this step I just like to do it just to kind of show where I'm at in case I lose my spot all right and we can wind our bobbin pretty pretty far I usually leave maybe maybe eight inches or so leaving it out okay so now I'm just gonna go all the way around and attach my bobbins using my little number system and then I'll be back to show you the next step and how to braid it alright so this is the start of my disc you can see I have all of my bobbins down here at the bottom and I have my gaiter weight attached and what's nice is you can just see kind of from the side there that it's nice and flush on the top which is where you want that tension to be all right so I know it looks a little weird right now but let's go ahead and start the braid and you'll see how it's going to develop so we're always going to start down here at the bottom and this is going to be our dark pink one and this is between the 18 and 19 so we're gonna release it from the disk and we're gonna simply move it up so that it's between the 28 and 29 all right so that's our first one there and then we're gonna move over and I'm gonna lift this blue cord between the 30 and the 31 and I'm gonna bring this down so that it comes across and goes between the 16 and the 17 all right now before I rotate I'm gonna do it again at the bottom and I'm gonna pick up the blue cord that's between the 14 and the 15 I'm gonna pick that up and I'm going to bring it between the 32 and the 1 and then I'm gonna pick up the pink cord between the 2 and the 3 I'm gonna pick that up and I'm gonna bring that down here between the 12 and the 13 all right so that's our first cross that's the first sort of X that we're gonna do and then I'm gonna rotate counterclockwise okay so now this part will look familiar this will look more like an 8 warp so we're going to take the gold one that's between the 24 and the 25 and pop it out and bring it up and over between the 6 and the 7 and then I'm gonna take the one that's between the 8 and the 9 I'm going to bring that out and I'm going to bring that down between the 22 and 23 so there's that step so now we're gonna rotate and now we just repeat that whole process again so let me show you one more time because now we have some different colors in play so you're always picking up the one that's furthest to the left here and you're bringing it up to the furthest to the left over here so you're just kind of crossing it up there and then you're taking the right most of this trio and you're going to bring it down on the right side of the other one so you'll have those two colors matching here if you've done this particular kind of colorway and then we're gonna pick up this one here and bring it up and over and then we're gonna pick up this one and bring it down and what you should always have is your colors crossing on each side just like so alright so again doing a nice little rotation 90 degrees counterclockwise and again we're gonna do our gold up and over and our gold up and down alright and I'm keeping a really good tension you can see that is nice and tight in there I know it still looks a little bit messy just hold tight we're gonna get there alright so I'm gonna start moving a little bit faster here so that we can kind of start to see that braid develop and once you get this happening this is very lovely and Zen and if you should ever need to put your kumihimo down what I recommend is taking your main color here and leaving it with three up because you know that when you pick up your board again you're just going to need to bring that back down and you can continue so if you ever need to put it down just go ahead and make sure that you have the three up so that you know which one to come back and put down and then you can just continue now I'm rotating counterclockwise here you can do clockwise but just note that once you've started in a direction you can't really switch so just be sure to keep that in mind for this particular style alright and always be sort of keeping an eye on your colors there just make sure everyone is where they're supposed to be and again you can see that those two colors come together and then you just make sure to continue to rotate alright so I'm gonna do a little bit more off-camera here and then I'm gonna show you the kind of start of how it starts to develop there because I want you to see that actually you're kind of already seeing it a little bit so let me do that so that I can turn it over and show you here so you can just get a little sneak peek as to kind of what's happening it's not a lot but you can see that I I did tell you that it was gonna start to even itself out there which it has so I'm just gonna kind of keep going here you get a little further and I am in this video going to show you finishing technique so that you can actually make a bracelet from start to finish and it's just one of the many finishing techniques but it's just something to kind of get you started into learning twelve warp alright so I'm just doing one more little rotation there and now I'm gonna leave three up there so I don't want to lose my place as I flip this over so you can see how this is developing there it's just really really nice and you can see that actually because I was I had that little hiccup in the beginning there cuz my cords were a little wonky but it just sort of evened itself out so if that happens to you don't worry the braid will all come together and even out so we have that nice spiral happening there so I'm gonna continue I'm gonna do the whole length and then I'll be back and I wouldn't I am gonna show you how to finish this alright so I'm just gonna keep on braiding all right so I'm just doing one more of my little rotations here and you can see and I'll flip it over in a second so you can see where we are with our braid I'm just gonna do one final one here and you'll notice that again I have really good tension up there at the top so everything should be all set to go alright so I don't need to flip one more up because I know that I'm done for today but I just want to show you what has developed down here so this is my braid now let's see here so let me kind of get some of these out of the way so you can see and I'm gonna bring in my ruler here to just give it a little quick measurement and I have just about seven seven and a half inches or so now the reason I did seven and a half is I'm probably gonna be cutting off a good half inch here and a half inch here so that's gonna give me about a six and a half inch bracelet but I also wanted to show you how much core do you have left so if you remember we took six yards of cord and we folded those in half but look at all this extra cord here so when you really get down to it if you're using the one millimeter satin rattail like I am here you're gonna need this is probably about four yards here I'm sorry ya bout four yards here no that can't be right let's smoke you know what let's measure it out cuz I want you guys to actually see it because this will help you when trying to figure it out we get that question a lot here at beadaholique so I'm gonna kind of reverse engineer that for you so like I said don't forget we started with six and a half or sorry six yards folded in half so now we have that's one foot two feet three four five and comfortably six and probably actually about seven feet here but we're gonna need a little bit to tie off there so it keeps getting caught there yes I have almost seven extra feet so six feet so two yards and that's on one half of it so yeah so you're gonna have an extra four yards so it's about two yards here in two yards on the other side cuz don't forget we folded it in half alright so what I'm gonna do is I actually don't need to put this back on my little bobbin here so I'm gonna kind of come down and you want to give yourself a good little length of satin there so I'm gonna cut that off there we go and just set that aside all right and we can go ahead and remove our Gator weight now now you don't need to undo all of your little bobbins right now you can just kind of go around and just cut them all off and you're gonna be fine to do so yeah so just as a guide don't forget we started with six yards and we have four yards left over so give or take it's gonna take about two yards but keep in mind that with kumihimo there's no way to add thread halfway through so or there's definitely no easy way to do it that we've been able to kind of find here but always err on the side of extra because you never know how tight your braids gonna be how long it's gonna be now of course if you're working with a thinner thread it's gonna be a little bit different if you're working let's say with an S lon it's gonna of course be different so just make sure that you're kind of once you have that little sample swatch that you want to work with it's much easier there we go all right so all my bobbins I'm just gonna kind of set those all the side there and now you can go ahead and take all of your cords off of your disc and we're gonna pull that down through and now we're gonna make an overhand knot and again this is also why you'll see that you want a little extra braiding because we're gonna be wrapping around it make sure you get all those cords through there we go and now we're just gonna pull tight creating a big old knot there all right so this is in essence our braid so you can see here that you know I made it a little bit longer but we're also going to be cutting off some of those links so this is actually probably just gonna be about the same so keep that in mind as well you're probably gonna be covering I would say at least a half an inch if not three-quarters of an inch so again just keep that in mind alright so I'm actually gonna undo one of my bobbins here that has the gold on it because that's the color I'm going to use to kind of wrap the edges so what I mean is you'll see here on this example I have black cord going into the ends and that's just to get this particular end to fit in there really nicely because we're gonna be cutting it off so just take your little length of your cord here and we're gonna slip it underneath there and I'm gonna go down like I said about a half an inch and what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna tie an overhand knot and when you get it to the point where you want it you're just gonna give it a nice tight tug there and then take your smaller half I'm gonna turn this around take your little smaller half and hold it up here kind of gather it with the other cords and now you can take this other length and we're just gonna wrap it around to kind of bulk up that end so just a little bit and you want to kind of be wrapping kind of tightly here just like so so I'm just sort of coiling it up there I've gotten a couple of wraps you know this is again a thick cord so you don't need to do too much here let's just do one more and then I'm gonna come back to the other end of my gold and I'm gonna tie a nice overhand knot here up at the top there we go and you can kind of test and just make sure that's gonna fit in there I actually wrapped probably one too many so I'm gonna kind of scooch my knot down actually there we go so that lands a little bit more in the beginning there we go just give that a nice nice little tug and then I'm gonna move quickly to the back side here and do it again just add another little knot here on the backside okay so we just sort of wrapped it around we tied some knots and then we wrapped it around again all right so I'm gonna cut this thread off right now and what I'm gonna do is before I attach my little bullet end cap there I'm gonna get a little east 6-thousand on this satin now this is something you don't have to do necessarily if you're working with the s on the S Alon is just a little bit less slippery than the satin so you don't need to kind of do this extra little step but I'm just gonna take a little bit of that glue and I'm just gonna add it to the little knots there on that one there and just kind of smear it around doesn't need to be pretty don't worry this will be going inside that bullet and then just adding a little bit of extra glue just right there just cuz I don't want anything to kind of come out all right let's set that aside now all right so now I'm just gonna repeat that on the beginning side so this is what I mean where it's like don't worry if your braid is messy in the beginning we're gonna end up cutting that off anyway so you'll get a chance to sort of see this again let's take our cord hang a little overhand knot there about a half inch or so down giving it a nice pull we want to kind of make it nice and tight and thick we don't want it to come out all right and then taking my cord wrapping it around trying to just sort of wind it up the braid up the length of the braid you just got to keep it really tight here I'm coming around to the back I'm gonna take our tail and tie that and you just got to keep really good tension on it as you're doing this step it will just help everything go a lot smoother trust me alright again just kind of making sure that that's nice and secure and we're gonna wrap around back to the other side and tie a little knot on the other side there so you have sort of what will appear like a knot on the top and a knot on the bottom and again this is just really to keep that secure all right and I'm gonna repeat my process here and we need some fresh glue the e6000 does dry pretty quickly however I would recommend at least 24 hours once we finish the class proportion to kind of really let it set up because you don't want to have it come loose on you if you're gonna use it too soon but it does it does start to take pretty pretty quickly alright so on the front knot and on the back not just like so already we're just gonna set that aside and yeah you can see on this first side those nuts are getting pretty good there so just one one quick thing if you do want to not do a sort of end cap like this what I would recommend is you can actually leave all of these here and you have a knot on this other side so you can do the old-fashioned kind of loop there if you don't want to go through all the trouble to finish it off like I'm showing you here this is just one option there's a lot of things you can do with this this is just one of the nice things that's nice and easy now if you had a smaller one let me kind of show you this example here so this is an example with a smaller little bullet clutch so you wouldn't necessarily need to build up that cord as much because you'd see this is the same thickness of cord so it actually fits nicely into one of the smaller little bullet clutches there so you actually don't have to do the whole building part now I do recommend you either use scotch tape or something to kind of keep all kourt's together because once you cut this and try to glue it in there it's all gonna kind of come apart so you do need some sort of little anchor thing so you could always take a little length of you can see how thin this s LAN is and tie it around there and sort of achieve the same result by doing it that way so that's another option for you as well all right so now that I've left this dry for a minute I'm gonna come in I'm going to take my scissors and I'm gonna cut the whole like part of the braid here and this is really thick and I probably need some better scissors but we are just gonna get through this here there we go little extra all right you can set that aside and now I'm just gonna trim off these little cords here these extra ones and I'm trimming close to the knot there yeah all right so I have all of my extras out of the way so this is kind of what it what it will end up looking like here so now I just kind of get a little fresh piece there what I'm gonna do is this is gonna fit inside there so we're gonna get a little more glue and we're gonna take a nice sort of loop there and we're gonna set it into the well and making sure it kind of gets all over there can I get Sanh all the little sides and definitely down at the bottom there and now we're just gonna try to fit this in there so you can see that I'm just kind of squeezing it together and just kind of you know using my nails just kind of pushing it in there you can also use like a chain nose plier just to help kind of get it up into the little finding there because we want it to be tight so that's where this is a little bit difficult because we want it to be tight but we don't want it to kind of look messy all right I'm gonna try to get this a little extra extra part in there there we go and this is why I recommend using maybe the cord that is your outer cord because if you see a little bit of that gold there at the end it doesn't look too bad because it looks like it's part of the design alright so for the sake of time today I'm not going to do the other side but it's the same portion there I'm gonna actually use my original example here and Bend this together and then I have this nice little toggle clasp here and I have a couple of five millimeter 20 gauge jump rings and I'm just gonna simply just attach it to my clasp here alright so I'm just gonna give it a little gentle twist to open slip it onto the Loup add one portion of my toggle and come in and just close up that jump ring making sure it has a nice good closure and then moving I'm saving a little a little glue on my fingers sorry about that and I'm just gonna move to the other side give it a little twist slip on my jump ring and slip on the other portion of the toggle slip on the toggle first there we go mmm that makes it a little easier all right and I'm just making sure that that jump ring is nice and close tightly all right so you can use a toggle clasp you can also use a magnetic clasp here as well but that gives a nice little sort of finished look to our braid in our bracelet so that's all you would need to do is just add a couple of jump rings and finish off your clasp all right so that is how to do 12 or kumihimo you can have a lot of fun with this if you were are wanting to try this and you haven't tried eight warp I recommend starting there and then coming back to the 12 warp it's really really fun but yeah have a good time at doing this wonderful technique and you can find all of these supplies and even more videos and tutorials by heading over to
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