September Musings….

September is finally upon us, and I don’t know about you, but it felt like a long summer. For my family personally, it meant a huge life change of moving back to the US from Portugal. It also was a time when the kids were out of school for a few months. It’s funny, but summer is usually associated with relaxation and fun, but I think for a lot of people it is a time when they make huge life changes like moves, changing the kids’ schools, or other very big decisions. Because of that, I often think of September as a time of restarting. It’s when all the dust is hopefully settled from the summer and new routines are established. It’s when parents get their time back and can start to think clearly again.

September is also a time of excitement because the holidays are just around the corner, and this represents nostalgic comfort, good friends, and fun times. Halloween will be up first with spooky-yet-wonderful decorations, costumes, candy, and parties. It’s when adults get to be kids again and embrace the spirit of the season. Then comes Thanksgiving with its amazing foods and smells. I still can’t think of a better, more soul-nourishing setting then sitting around a large table with friends and family, hearing their laughter, seeing the food and fall-themed flowers, and smelling the turkey, stuffing, and apple pie. Of course, this leads us right into Christmas and the bubbly excitement of the entire month of December. The holiday lights, the music, the tree-lightings, the decorations, the baking – there’s just so much to love.

As the dust settles in my own life, I am looking forward to embracing all that September and the following months have to offer. I have started creating Halloween jewelry designs and I look forward to wearing them soon. I have been inspired by Beadaholique’s Halloween Boo-tique. I also am ready to start making Christmas gifts. Christmas charms are my go-to for Christmas gifts as I can so easily turn them into earrings and simple necklaces. I think I will also be using a lot of Gardanne Beads items for gifts this year, pieces that people can wear year-round. If I get my gifts done early, I can spend time thinking of cute handmade packing for them – which is something I always want to do but run out of time. September is nice because there is still time to do all these projects and still time to think and scheme.

Are you enjoying the start of September as much as I am? What are your plans and what are you looking forward to? I would love to hear your thoughts!

- Julie

Previous article September Design Share: Halloween

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