September Design Share: Halloween

Get ready for a spooky good time designing jewelry with a Halloween theme - it can be cute, spooky, elegant, or whatever your imagination can dream up. All month long share your designs on our Facebook page under the "Design Share Halloween" post, and also don't forget to add a social link if you want to promote who you are and what you do. Then on the 2nd Tuesday of October (October 10th) we will put the designs into a gallery blog post and share them. At this same time we will also announce the following month's design share. 
For full details on how the Beadaholique Design share works, please see the blog post here.
If you are looking for some inspiration to get started, check out Beadaholique's Halloween Bootique!
Previous article Butterflies Everywhere! Spring Inspiration for DIY Jewelry


Mary A - September 16, 2023

Wow this is so nice

Mary S - September 16, 2023

Wow this is a great giveaway. Love the black hats

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