Ask a Jewelry Designer: How to Get Started With Jewelry Making

All of us at some point were beginner jewelry makers. Some of us were curious to try a new artistic endeavor, others just loved jewelry and really wanted to know how to make it, and yet others decided from the start to make a business making and selling jewelry. For me, it was seeing a gorgeous handmade necklace in a shop window in Paris and being in awe that someone could actually make that. I am SO glad I decided to pursue jewelry making!

If you are just getting started, it can feel a bit overwhelming. Where does one begin? I personally think there are a few key skills to learn, and once you learn them, it unlocks a world of jewelry designs you can make. They are:

How To Open and Close Jump Rings
How To Open and Close Jump Rings
How to Make a Wrapped Wire Loop for Jewelry Making
How to Make a Wrapped Wire Loop for Jewelry Making
How to Make a Simple Wire Loop for Jewelry Making
How to Make a Simple Wire Loop for Jewelry Making
How to Use Crimp Beads and Tubes
How to Use Crimp Beads and Tubes


For your jewelry making tools, you really need just a few: a beading mat, 2 pairs of chain nose pliers, a round nose pliers (or wire looping pliers), a flush cutter, and a crimping pliers. If you want to do bead weaving or embroidery, you will also need a needle, some thread, and a pair of scissors. As you advance, you can discover all the wonderful specialty tools out there, but for now, these are enough to get started. Two great videos to check out are Jewelry Making Tool Must-Haves and Learn to Bead Video #4: Essential Tools.

Another approach is to pick a type of jewelry making you want to do and start learning things specific to that style. You don’t need to learn everything all at once, pick something that inspires you. For instance, if you want to learn bead weaving, you can start to view some of Beadaholique’s bead weaving videos (we have 246 of them currently just related to bead weaving) and check out our free bead weaving patterns. It’s also great to pick a project which will list everything you need and might even have a specific video to walk you through the project step by step. Browse thousands of free beading projects to discover what style appeals to you. Our Intro to Beading 101 guide is also a great place to start.

The important thing is to just get started and have fun!

If you are new to jewelry making, what can I help you with? What would you like to know?

If you have been making jewelry for a while, do you have any tips to share for someone just getting started?

Please post your questions and tips in the comments. Next Friday, June 10th at 12pm PT on Facebook Live, I will demonstrate some of the basic skills and answer any questions posted here.

Previous article Stretch Bracelet Essentials for DIY Jewelry


Josephine DeLuca - June 5, 2022

I would like to know what wire to use for wire wrapping.Like artistic wire German wire & what gauges Thank you

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