Audio Transcript
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Hi, this is Julie with in a host of different colors which i'm going to show you here but also going to show you some projects show you how you might use them so first i'm going to start off with this simple braided bracelet and you see we've got the triangles right here so you can really see their fun shape and all their edges mixed with some tri cut beads as well as some metal seed beads so that's just a simple braid here one of our designers created a pretty necklace using the triangles and she did this with brick stitch and then here is a loom piece again with the triangles and if you look at the side you can see how they stack up which is really cool so my Yuki beads are really known for their nice uniform shape which is a great aspect of these triangles because they do lock into place like that so now I want to show you some of the different colors let me start with the black so nice shiny black and the various sizes there's also matte black and then matte black a B which doesn't look black at all it just looks like this wonderful color but this is matt black a b then over here this green tone is matte metallic patina iris again 50 80 10 0 and then down here we have metallic variegated blue iris and i want to show you this one here is what you see here and look at how it the color really pulls in the middle of the bead it's kind of a fun aspect of that one over here we have the gunmetal again we've got the really nice shiny gunmetal right here which is a nice dark rich gunmetal and then the matte gunmetal almost takes on more of a blue denim look to it very pretty though matte metallic dark raspberry so in the largest size I think it has more of a rust appearance and then as you go smaller especially when you're looking at the 10 owes its really got a nice tone to it up here are dark bronzes so this is the metallic shiny dark bronze and then here is the mat very different looking again but they be really pretty combined together in a piece especially if you may be doing some bead weaving in some blocking out that'd be really pretty when you purchase these you do get a nice big tube so you get lots of beads to play with and they all are going to have that really nice sharp triangle shape to them again you can do all sorts of things with them including the loom work or you see their stack together simple stringing or braiding bead weaving and then the next one I want to try especially with these big guys is a kumihimo bracelet project you can find these mighty sharp delicas as well as a whole host of other my Yuki beads at you

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