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Hi, this is Julie with beadaholique.com for your bottles and some measuring cups but really quickly before I actually get into the resin making part of this video I want to show you how to make these little pendants which we are then going to cover in resin so if you already know how to do something like this just fast forward onto the resin if not I want to show you how to quickly make these so we're going to be using some ball chain and you see we can either match the color or we can do a different color from mixed metal look and I'm going to use copper here with a little silver bezel and then in the middle I'm going to put a little brass stamping so to make this little pendant we have some crafters pick glue like I said this is really quick to do we're just going to put well it would help if we open our bottle we're going to just put some glue in the base and it doesn't have to be a super heavy coat just enough to cover the bottom going to put the end of the ball chain and we're not pre cutting it so if you have a scrap that's maybe 4 or 5 inches long or you have a couple feet don't worry about pre cutting it now we're just going to place it into the bezel around the outside edge and then we're just going to take our finger and before we go to the next swirl we're just going to push it towards the back now we're just going to swirl it again inside the round that we just made and then do the same thing push it together you have a pair of tweezers you can use a pair of tweezers for this we're just calling it and when you can't coil it anymore it gets too stiff you're gonna take your cutter and snip now you'll see that you do have a hole in the middle and that is where these little stampings come into play so we're going to take I think I want to do another heart and artha we could do the acorn the acorn is pretty cute too maybe we'll do the acorn so go ahead just put some glue in the middle at this point you just need enough glue to touch part of the acorn that you're gonna put on top because of the resin is what's going to really secure it but you just want it to be anchored so it doesn't float up when you put the resin on we covered that little hole and now we're just going to let that dry and then I'll be ready to have resin applied over the top and you see all that white glue is going to dry clear like you see here but if you were to put resin on it right now that white glue would stay forever white it's not going to be able to reach the air and it's not gonna be able to dry so you definitely wanna make sure you let the white glue dry to become clear so we're actually now ready to start with our resin because I have these two pieces I did earlier I'm going to try to share some resin tips with you as I do this so first off if you'll notice the way that the bail is here the little loop it causes the bezel to sit at an angle now if we were to pour resin into it as is the resin would actually gravitate towards the base and it would become uneven or it would spill out so to get to remedy that grant take this stick right here and we are going to set our piece on it and it actually needs a second stick as well so what that does is it makes it nice and even so our resin is gonna be able to be poured on top of there so when you're working with resin you'll want to make sure your pieces are prepped and ready to go before you mix your resin you want to make sure you're working in a well-ventilated area also make sure it's not too cold or too hot residence temperature sensitive so you don't want to be working necessarily in the winter and the snow in your garage and you also conversely don't want to be working when it's 102 degrees out the resin is not going to set up properly ideally you want it to be about 75 degrees so 7075 even up towards 80 much more than that the resin starts to act a little funky it gets dry really fast so just kind of keep that in mind so here is the resin and you've got two parts to it you want to make sure you have exactly equal amounts of Part A and Part B so you've got these measuring cups and we're going to mix a total of one out so we're going to do half an it's a and half an ounce of B and you'll want to get down level when you look at this so if you have it on a table like this don't be looking down when you pour it you're actually gonna want to get on your knees I know it sounds strange and make sure you're looking at it at eye level because that's gonna make a difference in an order for a resin to cure properly it really needs to be equal amounts so I'm actually going to stand up as I do this if you might hear a little wrestling and I'm gonna get down and look at this at the right level so I've got my gloves on you always want to wear gloves and so tip this over and you don't shake the resin first because that's gonna cause bubbles you always want to store it in a nice dry place away from the Sun okay and put the cap back on after you use it of course now that we've got the equal parts you can see that there's a lot of variation in there so we need to mix of that and we got these stir sticks and we're going to mix it up until all striations are gone so it's going to be a couple minutes of mixing and you want to be gentle with it you don't want to whip it but you do want to get the sides this is a pretty full cup so you see I've got my table surface covered just in case any spills out you can also see it got even foggier and that's gonna be what it does until it becomes clear when you're done mixing it's gonna look pretty clear with a few bubbles in it and then what we're going to do to get rid of some of those bubbles before we even do our pour is we're gonna let the resin sit for five minutes before we pour it okay so as we're doing this I'll try to share some tips for you about resin or just some questions that come up quite a bit so you see I've got these two pieces right here that's not going to take much resin that we have mixed this full cup you don't want to mix much less than this because you really want the chemical reaction to be able to take place and if you do to much less than this I've not had as successful as result of results so have other pieces ready so you don't waste this so just have some molds ready or have a couple of other pieces that you've been wanting to work on all set and ready to go so you do your resin and the big batch you can't store this resin so you can't mix this up and use just a little bit of it and expect to keep it for a couple days and pour some more you have to use it right away and you also have to just dispose of your mixing cup also your stirrer stick you're not going to want to clean those okay we've been mixing for a couple minutes I want to show you what it looks like so we do have a few fine bubbles in there so we're just going to let this sit as is for five minutes and then we're going to come back and we're going to pour the resin on top of our glued pieces right here to make our pendants so I have my pieces and I have my resin now I'm going to actually pour these via the stir stick so I'm going to take the star stick I'm going to scrape the base of it to get rid of any excess and then I'm just going to drip resin into the top very slowly so I'm covering that brass stamping and I'm covering the ball chain I'm just doing one drop at a time and resin is self-leveling mean it's good meaning that's going to fill into those cracks on its own so I'm going to let that just work its magic for a moment as I go on to the next one and then I'll come back to it and add more if need be so I'm dripping it mainly in the center resin does take patience you could try to just pour it via the cup but it's very easy that way to pour too much and have it spill over the edges and here's another situation where I'm actually going to stand up and I'm going to look at it on a level to see how much resin I actually have doming over the top of the bezel to create like a nice little curve you don't have to dome it but when you hear the word doming that's what people mean is you've created a little bubble of resin and the surface tension of the rest of the bezel edge is what's keeping it in place okay that's it that's all I want to do I could try for a higher dome but for these particular pieces I really don't need that or want that so you can see what it looks like no I don't see any bubbles which is really great but what I'm going to do is I'm going to check back in 15 minutes and see if there are any so if there are any bubbles you can use a micro torch you can use a barbecue lighter you can use a regular lighter this is my least favorite option just because your hand is closer to the flame I really do like a barbecue lighter myself but this is what we have here you'll want to not touch the flame to the resin but you'll want to just be hovering above it and the heat from the flame is what's going to pull those bubbles up to the top and pop them so you're not actually touching any flame to the resin you're just creating a heat source above the resin but like I said I don't see any bubbles right here and waiting that five minutes for the resin to settle before I poured it is probably why I'm not seeing any which is great but I will check back in 15 minutes to see if any have developed and then if they haven't developed we're just gonna let this cure like this for 72 hours and then what I'll do is I'll come back and show you what the finished piece looks like you really do need to let it cure for that long I know it seems like a really long time but this is resin you're creating a really nice professional look and you want to make sure you give it proper time to fully cure before you wear it and start enjoying it now that my resin has cured I want to show you the finished result so here is what it looks like and you can see that we have no white glue in the base of it because it was fully dried and it just has a really nice shine to it it's not going to dent or become marred it's really strong it would be waterproof you can go in the water with this guy and here's the one that was the gold chain on the silver backdrop and you can see if you look really closely you can see the little bit of silver beneath the ball chain but again just a really nice smooth cover with that resin so if you want to turn these into necklaces I want to show you really quickly how you can do that so I just have some ball chain right here and I have two feet and because the orientation on this bezel we just can go ahead and put the ball chain right through that side bail so we don't need a jump ring or anything else and then we just are going to use this ball chain end here to slip the ball chain in and then we'll do that with the other side so that becomes our clasp just like that and we have a finished piece of jewelry a lot of different variations you can do with this technique you can put the ball chain in all different sizes and shapes and finishes of bezels and then you can top it off with these different types or the different designs of the little metal stampings so I hope you enjoyed this tutorial learning how to use Nunn design resin it really is a lot of fun and there's so much you can do with resin you can find all the supplies for this project as well as a number of other resin tutorials at beadaholique.com you
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