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True2 Czech Fire Polished Glass, Faceted Round Beads 2mm, Jet (50 Pieces) SKU: BCP-00123 $2.35 |
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True2 Czech Fire Polished Glass, Faceted Round Beads 2mm, Silver Plated (50 Pieces) SKU: BCP-00139 $3.29 |
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Wildfire Thermal Bonded Beading Thread .008 Inch - Black- 50 Yd SKU: XCR-8936 $11.99 |
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True2 Czech Fire Polished Glass, Faceted Round Beads 2mm, Jet California Gold Rush (50 Pieces) SKU: BCP-00135 $3.29 |
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Tulip Beading Needles Size #10, Short, 37x0.46mm (4 pcs) SKU: XTL-3023 $8.99 |
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Fiskars 5 Precision Tip Scissors - Super Sharp SKU: XTL-5700 $7.45 |
Hi, this is Julie with beadaholique.com the wrist you can see asperity petite it's a nice little subtle fashion statement but what's also nice about it is you could layer these together you can do multiples of them or you could combine them with other types of bracelets and stack them on your wrist it's a very simple project to make and doesn't require that many ingredients so I'm going to do one in a different color variation here black and silver so you're going to need a clasp and I really like this class it's a snap one you just snap it undone it's got this nice little ball right there that's how you close it and I've got two millimeter fire polish beads and they are faceted in they're gorgeous and they sparkle so I've got black and silver and then I'm going to be using some wildfire point 0:08 thread for this project in terms of the tools I'm going to be using a size 10 short needle and this is a by tulip these are really nice needles and then a pair of scissors so not a lot of tools not a lot of ingredients but a really pretty project and then you might notice right up here I just want to show you one other thing before I begin so this is a little bit more elaborate this is cubic right angle weave and I'm not going to show you how to make this bracelet in this video but it is also using these two millimeter czech fire polish beads and we do have another video on beadaholique.com showing you how to do the cubic right angle weave so different looks both really pretty one a little bit more simplistic and then one a little bit more complicated but a nice way to showcase these beads and also right angle weave whether its traditional or cubic so what do we need to do to start well first off you're going to cut yourself a length of the wildfire and I've got about 40 inches here and I've gone ahead and I've put it on a needle already and then I'm going to separate out my clasp and thread the tail end the non needle side of my wildfire through a little hole at the end of the clasp and pull it through about oh six inches or so I want to leave enough of a tail that I'm going to be able to re thread a needle on to it at the end so I'm just doing this overhand knot to begin with and pulling it down and then one more and pulling it down and you'll notice that is nice and snug and secure on there and because we have this tail we're going to be able to work it into our bead weaving at the very end so I've got my needle on one end and one half of my clasp on the other end and we pull the example that we're going to be following here so what I did was I did all black beads on the bottom and the side and then I did one that had a little bit of gold and copper up top and so I'm going to follow that same pattern where I do primarily black beads with just a little something different happening along this top edge and that different something is going to be these really pretty silver ones so you'll want to start by putting onto your needle three black beads and one silver I'm going to slide those down to the base right so they are right up against your clasp now you're going to take your needle and you're going to go back through three of the beads so when you do this this is a very first one we're doing go ahead and hold these beads in place because you want them to stay close to the clasp so we just made like a big loop with our beading thread now let me take my hand off so you can see what's happening and by pulling it these are going to form a little quadrant of four beads and that is our first segment of right angle weave now what we're going to do because want to make sure we keep the silver beads up top we're going to do one silver and to black now we're only doing two black not three because we've already got the first bead of our second quadrant so now what we're going to do is we're going to take it and go up through that side bead that was part of the last segment and go up just making a nice little loop and pull it and there's our beads now we're going to go back through the silver and through the black as well because you always want to exit these side beads because they are now the first beads of your next segment so now to keep our pattern going we need black first of two blacks and one silver now we're going to go back up and through that side bead pull it and now we need to work our thread back around so we're going to be exiting that side bead I'm going to show you what we have so far we have three segments so here's one here's two here's three s actually a little easier to identify with the silver beads now we're just going to keep going so now we're going to add on one silver bead now you can tell what you're going to need based on the orientation that your thread is exiting that side bead so one silver two black up through the side bead pull it around and then work your needle back so it's exiting that side bead and this is just a right angle weave there's nothing else going on here it's just really pretty with these two millimeter check fire polish beads because they look so sparkly it just creates a really nice delicate little pattern so I'm going to do one more and I'm going to do the rest off-camera till I get to the end and at that point I'll cut back on camera so you can see how you would attach the other half of your clasp how you would tie off your thread and how you would work your threads into your bead weaving so you don't see the tails so let me just work my needle so there's coming out where I need it to come out for the next segment I'll show you what we've got and that's what we've got so far so pretty little pattern very petite and very delicate so you'll just keep going until you make it as long as you want to make it to go around your wrist and then we'll add the other half of the clasp I have one more cluster to complete and then I'll attach my clasp tie off my thread and weave in my tails but before I do that I just want to go ahead and put on my wrist and make sure it's the length that I want it to be so that's a really great way of gauging how long you want this to be is to put on your wrist and see what's comfortable and in terms of ordering supplies you're going to need about 20 to 22 beads per inch so that's just a good number to know so multiply that by however many inches you want your bracelet to be and that will tell how many beads you're going to need let me do that last cluster so I'm exiting here so I'm going to need a silver and two blacks okay now I do want to exit the same way I've been exiting the whole time making sure that I come out on the side bead and I'm going to pick up the other half of my clasp and I want to lay this down first and make sure that my clasp is facing up and properly oriented to the other half so once I know that it is I'm going to go ahead and just take my needle and put it through the loop in the class slide it down and now I'm going to go through that end bead again make sure my clasp is facing up and now you'll notice that the way this thread went was it went under here through the loop and over so now I want to do the opposite so this here is an over thread so I want to now come from under and go through the loop pull that down and now now the thread is on top and I'm going to go through that side bead one more time well that's just a nice way of securing it so I've got two threads securing it and because it was over under under over is going to keep that half of the clasp facing the right direction so now I'm just going to take my needle retrace my thread path and I'm going to tie a knot so I'm just going to take the needle go under one of the threads and just put the needle through it and pull and now I'm going to keep going through another bead and another so I'm not criss-crossing and going anywhere where I don't already have a thread path because I don't want to see this tail I want it to really just disappear into my beadwork now I'm going to catch under that thread bridge again tie another knot and then work my needle to another bead and another and now I'm just going to trim off that tail so one side is done take your needle remove it off of the little scrap that's left and you're going to now rethread it on to your original tail and that's why you left that six inches to begin with and this method works whether you're doing right angle weave peyote stitch any type of bead weaving it's nice to be able to just retrace your steps with the thread path and then tie knots as you go and keep working your tail into your beadwork so I'm just going to work it into my beadwork a little bit now this had a really good secure knot to start with so I don't know how many knots I really need to do on this side so it was already tightly knotted just going to go through one more one more not one more bead and we're going to trim the tail and we are set so here is the one we did in the video and then here was the original and remember I said that it look really pretty layered together I think they do I think it'd be really nice if you had a whole bunch of different colored ones so you can find the supplies for these bracelets here as well as many others at beadaholique.com and again this is right angle weave and it's making a really pretty petite little bracelet you
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