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Hi, this is Julie with Beadaholique.com and today I'm going to show you how to read and interpret Miyuki Bead Kit Instructions. They come in a variety of designs. The difficulty level it is on the front of the package ranging from one to five stars one star is going to be the easiest. Five is going to the most difficult. Here I have a neptune choker. It is a three-star so it is a medium level medium to hard so to open it up peel the back and you'll see that all the ingredients are in the kit everything you need supply wise to make this project is gonna be in here pull out the whole package. Everything you need go ahead put the actual packaging aside so I've got the picture. I'm going to put that in front of me so I can follow it I've got my instructions all my ingredients as well so what I'm going to do is take all my little components out of their package so I have them ready to use so after I have opened up my kit, all my ingredients are laid out I also have my tools right here on the front pages. It'll tell you which tools you need before you begin, I have a round nose pliers, a pair of needle nose pliers a pair of scissors and a flush cutters. I'll tell you right here what tools you need I always like to have the standard set pretty handy in case it comes up that I'm going to need them when you open up your instructions what you're going to see are numbers like five, two and so forth. You want to find number one that's going to be where you start and number one is over here there's actually a key as well to your ingredients so before you begin familiarize yourself with what little graphic has been assigned to each of your various beads here I've got my triangle bead in dark blue I can see is gonna be this dark blue little square my seed bead here in silver is gonna be that graphic my triangle bead in blue going to be right here my triangle bead in blue beige is going to be right here they're probably not gonna stay on here. You can line them up like this but you might be moving your paper around but just start by knowing what they're gonna look like on the visual graphic. That's going to help you a lot so also on these instructions it's going to have a measurement conversion chart this is going to come in a real handy when you're measuring long lengths of cord or thread so it tells you one meter equals 40 inches 50cm equals 20 inches but even handier is right down at the bottom of your instructions is you're going to have a little ruler it's in centimeters so when I look at my first instruction it tells me to use 40cm of nylon string to make this component which is component A and there's a little picture of it right there so I would know that I need to measure 40cm and even though this ruler doesn't go up to 40cm I can just go to 20cm hold my place and do 20cm again take my scissors or use my flush cutters as well cut my 40cm so that's ready to begin so a couple tips to reading the Miyuki Bead Kit instructions always keep your tension tight on your string or thread. You don't want your beads to be too loose and then look at the directional areas right here on the graphic you'll see these little arrows going in different directions and that is going to be the direction you're gonna follow for your bead work so if I could show you it's a little narrower than my finger go up here and with this string it's going to come around here because you see how that arrows is going it's going to come up here loop around just keep following the arrow and that's gonna be comparative that you follow the arrows in the beadwork so the starting point is clearly mark. It says the center of your nylon string so what that tells me, I'm going to bring it over a little piece of black right here so that you can see the string if this can start in the center of my string I'm going to line up my two ends I know I'm now going to be working with two ends of string I don't have a knot and just one end of string I'm starting in the middle it's going to be like a double needle method of bead weaving so that's important to keep in mind too since you're gonna be going on both directions. I'm going to show you this first little one real quick so you you can get a hang of it so I see that that little open work circle corresponds to my silver seed bead I would just place it onto my nylon string, I would pull it all the way to the bottom and then I see that my actually arrows are going in both directions so I know I'm gonna be using both ends of my string put another silver bead on and then what happens is pull these down to the bottom bring the black back so you can see this a little bit better got those down at the bottom and then it shows that I got this new bead which I know corresponds to my dark blue triangle bead and look what happens the threads cross so that means that the threads cross on the inside of the bead where ever your threads crossing go in opposite directions I'm going to pick up a blue bead and I don't want my thread to come through in the same direction I want my thread to go in the opposite direction you see right here the thread actually crossed in the middle pull them both through I think that's really quite early like this your strength you can steam nylon thread just be careful not to burn it but that will take the kinks out so I pull back down to the base and at this point we are just beginning a project like this double-check as actually in the middle and that's in the middle if it was askew but let's say you pulled up to the middle check your threads, one was way off all you need to do match your threads up the tail end and pull your beadwork down to the middle, you can do this in the beginning of your project and that's the only time you will be able to do that check before you began make sure you follow those instructional arrows, crisscross your threads keep track of which way you're going with each thread, make sure you keep referring back to your key to make sure you using the right beads as you go and then we get to a point like this in instruction where you see the little dotted mark that's actually telling us a little shadow bead and that bead is actually exists over here when the first beads are strung so that's telling me that I'm actually going to take this and fold it in half because we know we are making like a little tube bead and this here is a key to showing that that string by the time it gets to over here is gonna loop back around to one of the first beads strung fold your component in half and that's a great way of kind of and knowing that that's gonna happen these little shadows, your going through those original beads as you progress along the instructions it'll tell you down at the bottom like this one here you just need to make one piece of this component bead or these two little guys and you can see them in the picture so this one here is that center bead here is going be on either side. It's telling you you're gonna need to make two pieces of this follow this exact instruction twice over here if you have an instruction that looks something like this it's pretty clear you've got a head pin in here, where to place a piece on it and then here is that dotted line showing where this was but you've actually bent it, so the solid line is where you bent it, pretty clearly shows you where to cut it you've got 8mm of length here so what you do is do we take your bead and you can line it up against your centimeters, there 10mm in 1cm so if you had to say your beads on here I'll put it on here really quick so you can see so I know from my key up here that I need this bead and then my big one I need another little spacer bead and then I would line it up against the little ruler, I'm actually going backwards here so that we can see clearly on the video it's about 12mm right now so I could just snip it with my flush cutters at the 8mm point to about right there snip that off and then you make a loop, we actually have instructions on the Beadaholique.com's website showing you how to make this little loop if you're not familiar with it the videos entitled "How to Turn a Bead into a Pendant" so once you finished this you're going to turn over your instructions you know you're done with this page and again you've got the handy keys, you don't have to keep flipping instructions back-and-forth showing you jump rings and there's actually a graphic on how to open and close jump rings and here's a nice graphic too on making that loop if you're not familiar and then you just keep going. Here's two, three, four keep following it and then eventually you'll end up with the finished piece and thankfully there are little keys as you go showing how to make certain component. Check the Beadaholique.com's website some of these basic beading techniques like how to use these little crimps for the cord ends, how to close a jump ring, how to make wire loops We do have videos on that if you rather not look at the graphic and those are some keys on how you read the Miyuki Bead Kit Instructions I hoped this helped
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Clear recently viewedVery handy intro to these kits. Would have loved a bit on how to interpret the instructions for securely finishing components and hiding thread, but it’s still 9/10 as is.