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Hi, this is Kat with beadaholique.com flats now these are exclusive beadaholique.com and a strand of Toho seed beads down the center and we finished it off with a magnetic clasp for easy wear so which you'll receive is you'll get your four millimeter beads here your Rosemont a your seed beads your magnetic clasp and then you'll also receive your fireline and a pack of beading needles what you'll need to provide yourself is a pair of snips a thread zap or a pair of scissors so if you have all your supplies ready to go let's get started so to begin we are going to take our fire line here and this project will use about 4 to 6 feet so go ahead and get yourself a good length you can always tie off and add more thread if you want to and I'm just going to snip that off open my pack of beading needles here and go ahead and thread my needle alright so now I have my thread ready to go and to begin I'm going to start by picking up four of my four millimeter beads here and I'm going to bring them all the way down towards the end I want to leave a little tail because that will help me with attaching my clasp later so you'll want to leave a tail of about eight to ten inches or so and now you're just going to simply tie a surgeon's knot to bring those beads together give it a nice little tug you'll want this first unit to be nice and snug all right there we go so now we have our little right angle weave unit with my tail coming out one side and my thread coming out the other so now what I want to do is I want to reorient my thread so that I can begin my right angle weave so I'm just going to go up through that first bead there pull my thread all the way through and I'm going to go across and then I'm going to go down alright let me just set that down so you can see this is my tale for my class and this is the side with my needle attached so now we're going to add the next unit so to do that with your needle go ahead and pick up three of your four millimeter beads and what we're going to do is we're going to go around and go down through that bead we just strung and it brings us up to our next unit now we need to get our thread back to add the next unit so what we're going to do is we're going to continue that thread path and we're going to go through that bottom bead right there making sure our tail stays out of the mix there we go pull that together and now we're going to go up through that adjacent bead so now our thread is coming out the top and again we're just going to repeat and kind of add as three more beads there and going around and we're going to go down through so you can see that it sort of just continues to loop around and if you ever get lost you just continue to follow your thread path so if I get lost and I'm here well I need to know that my thread needs to be coming out this bead here so I'm just going to go up through that top bead there pull that through and I know that I need to go down to add my next unit so now we're at a point where it's just repeating doing the looping all the way and you're going to complete to the edge of your bracelet now I'm going to keep talking while I do a few more here because I want to talk a little bit about sizing now you'll be able to make a seven and a half inch bracelet and I'll show you actually how to extend that a little bit if you are looking to make a little bit of a longer bracelet but you're going to want to do is thirty units of right angle weave so that is the longest you'll be able to do with the beads that we have given you and I'll show you how to count your units here in just a moment so just very easily just keep going with adding three beads at a time bringing them around to the circle and then just reorienting your thread and down go alright so to count your unit you'll just leave it out in front of you here and you'll be counting along the bottom row so I have one two three four five units so far so I'm going to continue the link to get the length of my bracelet until I have 30 units and then I'll be back to show you how to jump up and do the row on the way back so I have all 30 of my units woven and now I have my needle coming out my last bead here coming out the top but I want to step up so that I can do my row going back so what I'm going to do we just pick up my bead work here is I'm going to take my needle and go through that top bead but I can orient my thread around and now I'm going to add a unit on top so I'm going to pick up three of my four millimeter beads and I'm just going to go back through the same direction of my said okay and you see that nice little unit pop up on top I want to give a quick note as you can see I'm kind of working with my thread here you want to make sure that you have a good tension on your thread but also to keep it a little bit loose because we're going to be putting all those rows Monte's in there so that we'll tighten it up as well so just to kind of give you a little bit of an idea that you can see how floppy mine is but it will come together so I have my thread coming out of my B right there and I need to add my next unit so I'm going to go up through the bead adjacent so now my thread is coming out the top so now I'm going to add two beads and let me just pick up my work here there we go so now I'm going to pick up two beads and I'm going to go through the next bead on the next unit there and you'll see this come together so you just need to add those two beads and now I'm going to go up through that sort of Center bead that's right there and now I'm going to go over and down because what I want to do is reorient my thread to add that next unit so I'm actually going to go through the next bead there and I'm ready to add two more beads so all you're doing is just creating those units same as we did before but now we already have one of our beads strung because they're sharing that Center row which is this row right here that I have my needle laying across so you're only adding two so but it's the same way that we added the first one and just keep following that thread path we go keep following that thread path around in those circles let me do one or two more here it might be easier if I hold it this way for you so I'm going to pick up two more and create that unit by going around through the next one up through that adjacent bead there and continuing to go around those units and here's our next one so like I said if you ever get lost oops alright you can already tell that it's tightening up a little bit you can rest easy about your attention all right pick me up two more beads and go and now just continue your ways and I will meet you back on the other side so now I've woven all the way back through my Janus and added that second top row but I want to address something here that if you've modified your number of rows or if you've gotten your thread turned around no matter what happened the point is is that I want to stress that you need to be coming out of this point omit your bracelet to add the Rosemont ease so wherever you are you can come out through this top bead or you can come out through this bottom bead but I need your thread to be right here because we're going to start crossing over to add those rows Monte's so if you've gotten turned around just make sure that your thread is coming out either the speed here or this bead here so if you've done that we are ready to start adding our rows no cheese all right let me just pick it my work here and I'm just going to put it down sort of in front of me there so I have my tail coming out this side and my needle coming out this side so what I'm going to do is I'm going to pick up one of my rows Monty's here and you'll see that they have a little crisscross pattern in the back just like so so what you're going to do is you're going to go and slide it all the way down to the end of your thread and I'm just going to kind of show you this one this first one really slowly so you can see it and it's going to crisp across the top there and I'm going to go up through the next bead so if you can see it's coming out there you sort of laid across the top and now I'm going to go up through this bead here and you'll see it start to slip into that little pocket there you want to make sure that of course it is facing up so that is my first thread pass there and now because I'm coming up out of this bead I'm going to catch the thread pass that is in the Rosemont II they're going diagonally through pull my needle through I'm sorry pull my thread through and now I'm going to go through the bead just below in the center there and now I'm going to go down and add another Rosemont II so I'm going to pick up a rose Manti here and I'm going to go across and through this speed here so I'm going to do that all in one step this time you see it'll kind of just lay nicely in that little pocket there now I'm going to turn my thread and go through the Rosemont II going up to the side here go through the center bead one more time pull through and now I'm going to orient my thread to come up through that next bead so that I'm ready to add my next or is Monty so I'll show you that whole thing one more time go ahead and pick up your Rose Maki and you're going to go up through this bead here and you'll see that Rose Monte sort of pop into place you just want to make sure not to get your threads tangled I'm coming out that top one and I'm going to go across and through that Center bead there and I'm going to add another Rose Monte to the bottom and I'm going to go through the bottom beat there and up there's a little tug make sure it's secure and then go through that Center bead and up one more time now this again could be very simple if you happen to get lost just make sure that wherever you're coming through you're just criss crossing through the Rosemont ease and working your way around the units so continue to add your Rosemont ease and I will see you back all the way at the end okay so my work is progressing very nicely but I do notice that I'm getting a little shy on my thread here and if you get to this point just note that you're going to need to take that thread and go all the way back through for our last pass but I'm still not done adding my Rosemont ease so what I'm going to do is I'm going to tie this off and I'm going to add a new length of thread so I just want to show you really quick how to do that so I added that last Rosemont see there on the bottom so I have my thread coming out of this bead right here now all I'm going to do is I'm going to take my needle and go down through one of the nearest thread pass and just catch that thread go back and loop it through to tie a little knot so I get nice and snug little knot there and now I'm just going to take my thread and go back through one or two beads and go down a number two always go along that thread path there and right now so now I'm just tied off my thread so I'm going to remove my needle and I'll show you how to use the thread zap here you just take off a little safety and push the heated part up don't touch that it's going to be very hot and then you just very simply just zap off the thread all right so now I have my thread tied in and you can do more nos if you want just it's entirely up to you so I'm going to zap off more thread here well it'll be easier to see how this works there you go just very easy touch definitely put your safety back on and now I'm just going to thread my needle one more time there we go all right and now I have my new length of thread onto my needle and all I'm going to do is I need to get back to where my thread was initially coming out so I'm just going to go back a few steps here so I can weave my thread over to that area so let's go down through the speed here and you don't need to leave too long of a tail because we'll just zap that off anyway so no need to waste thread go through my Center bead there and up and now I'm going to tie a little knot there just same as we did before and just want to make sure that's all nice and secure and I'm actually going to go down through my rows Monty here so that I can orient my thread coming up the right way all right and I'm going to do another tiny little knot there just before I start adding more rows Monty's just to add a little extra security all right and tighten that up nice and tight ready to go with that one and I'm just going to go back and snip off there we go snip off that thread all right so I'm back right where I need to be coming out and ready for my next rows Monty now you can tie off and add new thread at any point you can do it if you are in the middle of the right angle we have portion or you can do it towards the end here but I do recommend trying not to do it too close to when we're going to add our clasp because you want your thread to be nice and secure in there so I'm going to continue with my rows magis to the end and alum each vector okay so I'm coming up to add my last two rows Monty's and I just want to kind of talk you through these last two because they're going to be just a little bit different so far it's the same thread path there you just want to make sure that you're catching them properly again through this in the bead and picking it one more rows multi and going through the side here and now going up and you're going to go through that Center bead there but instead of going up through here we're going to actually go back through that last Rosemont a up into the side and now go through the top bead and down so that we are coming out of this corner right here and you want to be coming from that top bead you don't want to be coming from that side feed there because this is where we're going to add our clasp so you just bring over some of my seed beads here and we have our magnetic clasp and you can go ahead and separate it if you like there we go alright so now what you're going to do you're going to pick up one of your seed beads one of your clasp and it'll be magnetized so just make sure it slides down on your needle and one more seed bead and now you're going to go through the bead that is just below the one that you're coming out and go ahead and just orient your thread so that it is Kamiya so this is how to add the clasp at this point so now what you're going to do is you're going to turn your thread around by going up through the Rosemont II here you're going show down through this bead on the side and up through the Rosemont a going to the other side here and now what you're going to do is you're going to put your needle and you're going to go through to Center bead and now we are ready to add the final touch of adding those seed beads in between our Center beads so what we're going to do is we're going to pick up one of our seed beads and go through one Center bead and now just repeat pick up one seed bead and go through the next Center bead and this just adds a little nice little focal going through the center just to complete the look so you'll continue to do this all the way until we get to the other side and I'll show you how to add the clasp when we get to that point alright so I'm adding that last bead going through the center and now I need to reorient my thread so I can add my clasp so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go and take my thread up through the Rosemont II around through the top and down through the side here and now I'm ready to add the other side of my clasp so go ahead and pick up one seed bead and the other half of your clasp and another CD and we're going to go down through that adjacent bead right there here we go and just making sure that it settles in there nicely just kind of every count perfect and now because I'm here with the other side of my tail I'm just going to do a quick little overhand knot to bring those ends together and then just as we did before we are going to tie off and weave in our threads turning it around here we go now just follow your thread path there through a couple passes and all we're going to do is just go down catch that thread bridge and tie a little knot and just weave it down into my bracelet there that's tied is done I'm just going to remove my needle take the other side please my needle on that end of the thread and I'm just going to go the opposite direction there and this is a good opportunity to get your thread around your clasp again if you just want some extra security here we go alright and one final time I'm just going to go through grab a little thread bridge and come up and tie a little knot and we set it down into the subject all right so to finish this off we are just going to zap off our threads or snip them off whatever is your preference so there we have our completed bracelet now I do want to make a couple notes about sizing if you want to when you get to the ends here you can actually add several more seed beads before you add your clasp so let's say you wanted to just extend it by just a little bit you can do three seed beads add your class and then do three seed beads so they'll give you a little extra length on your class if you want to so that could help with sizing as well but you'll be able to make a seven and a half inch bracelet with the instructions and the beads that we've been able to give you I really hope you enjoyed this video you can find all of these gorgeous kits and many more exclusive beadaholique.com you
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