How to Make the Patchworks Loom Bracelet Kits by Beadaholique

SKU VID-1558
Designer: Julie Bean
In this video learn how to make the Patchworks Loom Bracelet Kit, an exclusive design and kit by Beadaholique. The bracelet is created on a traditional loom but this kit stands out in that it incorporates single hole, 2-hole, and 3-hole beads into the same loom pattern. In the video you will learn how to set up your Jewel Loom, how to add your warp threads at the specific right distances apart to accommodate various shaped beads, how to actually loom with beads of different sizes, shapes, and hole numbers, how to cut your beadwork away from your loom, tie it off, and how to finish it with slide ends and an adjustable chain closure. This bracelet design is a lot of fun to make and looks more complicated then it really is. The video takes you step by step from start to finish on how to make these lovely bracelet kits. Available for sale at both as full kits including the loom and as a refill kit if you already own a bead loom.
Audio Transcript
Note: This audio transcript is auto-generated and may not be completely accurate.
Hi, this is Julie with and it uses single hole beads to hold beads and three hole beads all different sizes and shapes all in the same loon pattern I'm going to teach you how to do that so we have four different colors we have Midtown which is this wonderful black white and silver I do want to show you what that looks like on because I think they're really fun and pretty to look at on so that's the Midtown we have this one here which is the Ashland and they do Sparkle there's what the Ashland one looks like and these are adjustable so you can actually make them smaller or larger all the way up to a ten inch bracelet and then here we have this pretty one which we've called the Hermosa so it's purples and blues and silver and then the final one is the Cambridge can you see what that looks like here and this one is super sparkly and that's what it would look like on so these like I said they are adjustable you can actually make the pattern smaller if you want to and you've got this extender chain on here and you can actually then make it all the way up to a ten inch bracelet so if you're not familiar with beadaholique the kit - most of the standard tools but in this case you do get the main tool with the kit which is the jewel loom which is a nice traditional beading loom so if you purchase this kit you get everything you see here so you get the loom which comes with a needle you get the glue you get these wonderful slide ends you get the chain the head pin the clasp a full spool of Nemo thread you get all the different beads and there's quite a few different beads in this kit so we've got square beads which have two holes we have beam beads which have three holes you're gonna get two different sizes of round beads and you're gonna get two different sizes of seed beads so that is what you get in the full kit now if you've already bought one of our kits and you already have the loom and you already have the glue you can purchase just a refill which will be all the essentials to make the kit - the glue and the main loom all right so that's what you're going to get in the kit to make one of these bracelets and then for your tools some pretty basic tools you're going to need a couple pairs of chain nose pliers just for doing the actual chain part of it a round nose plier for making a little dangle at the end and a pair of cutters for trimming that wire optional you don't need it but I like having a pair of tweezers handy you'll see when I begin what I'm gonna do with those just a pair of scissors to go ahead and cut your thread and then in this instance to apply the glue we just have a little scrap piece of paper and a toothpick so those are your tools and if we've got your supplies now let's go ahead and set up our loom so I'm gonna kind of scoot some of this a little bit off-camera so we have a little bit more room to work so this is a loom that we love we've done a lot of different kits with it it's very handy it travels really well a good standard loom so this is what the jewel loom looks like it comes in this little pouch here and you will get this with the full kit it has a nice instruction manual which I'm going to set aside it comes with a little needle threader as well as a loom needle and then you've got your main loom alright so this is what we're gonna be working with right here and I think just for the sake of being able to have a little less clutter on camera here so you can fully see what we're doing I'm just gonna move some of this aside we're gonna come back to all of it here but I want this to be very clear so I designed this kit and I will say I spent a lot of time figuring out which beads work well together and so that's an advantage of buying a beadaholique kit is we really done the labor ahead of time to figure out which beads fit together especially when you're mixing single hole to hole and three whole beads in the same project alright so here is your loom you got two little pigs and then you have the actual imprint this is jewel loom so you've got this rod you want the pegs to be on the back when you set it up you're gonna go ahead and stick one end of the rod into the hole on one side you're going to then bend your loom so that's the other end of the rod fits right inside so now you are secure you've got this nice bow shape to it that's going to be wonderful for holding your tension and you're ready to actually go ahead and thread on your loom so the warp threads go this way and the weft threads go this way we're gonna use our Nemo and it is color coordinated to match our beads so each kit will come with its own particular color of Nemo in this case it's green to go with this Ashlin kit so I'm going to flip my jewel loom over and I need to tie it to this pig so I'm just gonna wrap it around the peg tie a knot and tie another knot maybe a double knot and we're gonna do that again so you just want to make sure that this is nice and anchored and then give it a tug so once you can tug on it it doesn't go anywhere you are good to go and if you look here you're gonna see all these little grooves and we want to count those grooves and I want to start 12 over because I want both sides to match so I'm working in a straight line I think 12 it's gonna be about here but I'm gonna count it 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 okay I guessed right okay pull it across and to pull it all the way the other side and you want it to be at 12 on the other side 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 so it was one off so I just need to move it space over and then flip it over and then wrap it around this pig and come back up to the top and now you want to go not in the groove next to the one you just did but you want to skip it and go one over pull it across and again you want you decide to match so you're skipping one groove and going to the one over flipping it upside down wrapping it around that peg and now you're going to skip two so you have two grooves and then back to the other side and skip two grooves there's a lot of flipping back and forth all right wrap it around that pig come to the front and now we want to skip three that's gonna be for that nice big bead in the center and on this side skip three as well okay and if you need to count one two three you could put your fingernail in there and it does count it for you okay wrap it around to the back come to the front and we're gonna repeat the other side so we're gonna skip to pull it all the way over skip to get into the backside and now to the front and we're gonna skip one this is our final warp thread pull it all the way to the other side skip one and wrap it around and what I do is I like to wrap it around a couple times on this one it gives me just a little bit more room for me to tie it off and now we can cut this and this is where I usually bring in a tweezer you don't have to do it but you want to hold this so you that you don't lose your tension and your threads come undone so I like to just kind of use a tweezer as an extra hand essentially so I can grab it and wrap it around that peg and once you've got it around that pig once is secure enough that you don't have to keep holding it so if you feel confident doing that with your fingers great you don't need a tweezer if you have a tweezer around the house it is handy so I'm gonna tie a couple extra knots and I just want this to be secure so I am tying probably more knots than you need but you're gonna be doing your lovely beadwork on this you might as well kind of work at it and try to make it secure trim my tails just so that I don't have it coming to the other side and double check your work so at this point just double check what you did because it can be a little bit tricky as you're going back and forth so we were done one warp thread we skipped a groove we did another warp thread we skipped two grooves we did another warp thread we skipped three grooves we did another warp thread we skipped two grooves we did another warp thread we skipped one groove and then our last one we put on there so you have six work threads going across and you are ready to begin your beading for our beading you're going to start with a good length of nine I would say start with whatever you're comfortable with because you are gonna need to go ahead and add more thread later on but I like to start with about six feet that is my comfort zone anything more than that I feel like it gets too tangled so then with virtual loom you do get the needle and you can of course reuse it for project after project you can use that threader if you want to and I like to work with the loom going this way towards my body so it is vertical towards my body and I am going to string on my thread okay and to accommodate that I've got so much thread I'm working with to begin with I'm going to pull this tail down so that it's kind of like a double thread for quite a while okay so I've got that clear all of this out of the way I'm not going to need any other tools than my needle for quite a while now so if you look at the example here and I'm doing the Ashland one let's kind of see what we have going on before we even begin so we have a slider in now in order for the slider in to work something has to be anchored within there and what that something is is your smallest seed beads so I have essentially a fake row of seed beads that I start to begin with that I know are going to get covered up and then you've got all of these square beads in the middle and then we really have two different patterns here we have this pattern here which has these wonderful little three millimeter Czech beads couple different sizes seed beads in the square and then you've got the bean beads with these larger Czech beads and seed beads in the square and then you go back to the pattern that has the smaller Czech beads the seed beads in the square back to the pattern that has the bean beads and then you're gonna finish off with the same pattern you started with to be you know so basically two different patterns put in different increments which is giving it that really wonderful eclectic patchworks look and that's why we called it the patchworks loom bracelet so we're gonna start with that fake essentially fake rose seed beads because it's gonna get covered up and you're going to want to start with fourteen beads on your needle so one let me move this out of the way one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen if you're new to looming you might not know this but the most difficult part of the whole thing is this first row then after that it sets these nice intervals and you it's a lot easier so your first one you're gonna start and should like an inch and a half or so almost two inches from the end is you're going to need to eventually tie those off and in the first groove you want to seed beads in the second groove you want three seed beads the third groove which is the widest you want four seed beads then you want three seed beads and two seed beads so that is what you want take your finger from the underside and push those beads up pull your needle and thread through you've got a lot of thread you're working with here to begin with okay so pull through until you have about a 12 inch tail go ahead take your needle and you're gonna go back through all your beads on the top side of your warp thread so this is your first weft thread so West is going horizontal and we're running our needle all the way through those beads we're coming out the other side I have not released these beads yet I am still holding them do you want to make sure my tail comes out where is my tail there it is all right there's your first row of beads now just take this and just kind of put it out of the way so you don't have to think about it and you're ready for your next row of beads and this is going to be our first two whole beads so I think I'm going to scoot all my beads over here I am right-handed so I think will be easier if I pick these up on the right side if you're left-handed I would love your feedback it's just easier if you have them on the left side so here we go so that way we got all our beads that we're gonna be playing with and let's go ahead and cut this strand right now okay all our wonderful playthings okay so for the next row and this is gonna be the first row that we see on our actual bracelet we're gonna pick up one of the three millimeter Czech beads one of our larger seed beads one of our smaller seed beads one of our squares and it doesn't matter which hole you go through just pick it up the via one of its holes another seed bead of a small size another larger size seed bead and another little three millimeter bead so you've got all of these guys on your needle I'm gonna go from the underside and you're gonna position them in here so what you want is what you see right here so on the narrowest warp thread you want just that one three millimeter bead on the next one over you want the both seed beads sandwiched together in the middle one that wide one you just want the square bead and then you want to repeat it on the other side as well so again I'm pushing it up I'm holding them in place we're gonna pull my needle and thread all the way through okay so you could probably have seen how just kind of sandwich that right there anchored it okay now I'm gonna take my needle and I'm gonna go back through it so again on the top side so that's how these are being anchored you start with the bottom side and you go up over the top so I'm gonna just put my needle all the way through all the beads and come out the other side and just pull and this is a lot of thread to start with but you're gonna see it's gonna very quickly get eaten up by going back and forth for so many times and it's not gonna seem that long shortly alright so we've made two rows alright so now we're gonna pick up our next our third row and it's gonna be another one of these little three millimeter checks a large seed bead a small seed bead but we already have our two whole bead in place waiting for us so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go underneath kind of that little guy down go through the hole pull there okay just hanging out there we're gonna anchor them in just a minute okay and you want to repeat on the other side so now you want to pick up another small seed bead a large seed bead and another three millimeter bead and pull him all the way down as well all right so they're there all right there so now I want to just adjust my needle make sure I've got my tails where I want them and now we're just going to position them in place all I had to do was just push them up you see how they're hanging there just push them up pull this a little bit to make sure your tension is good and go through them and this is how you do loom work with hole with beads with multiple holes we're gonna introduce three hole beads and a little bit I have to say this was one of the funnest kits and loom pieces I've ever done is really fun to get these guys to play nicely together and to get them to sit and then you feel like you've really accomplished something because it's almost like a puzzle and I love puzzles all right we're ready for our next one so our next one doesn't have another hole waiting for us so we're just gonna start with the little three millimeter then a large seed bead a small seed bead another square bead again picking up through any hole you like there's no right or wrong side which is nice some two or three whole beads do have a right and wrong side okay so we got all those beads on there put them under push them up okay just pull your thread through and then go back through them come out the other side if you start to see your thread bunch up just kind of work it out with your needle it's not actually tangled or knotted you just need to give it a little bit of extra help there all right so I'm gonna show you this one again where we're gonna do that second hole of that square bead so again pick up three millimeter a large seed bead listen all seed bead go through that hole under there and then repeat on the other side so we need a small seed bead a large seed bead and another three millimeter slide those little guys down and push them up with your finger and back through there we go and just periodically check your tension make sure that you don't have any big loops or gaps or anything happening we're gonna do one more of this exact same sequence and then we're gonna introduce the next pattern which uses the three whole beam beads so I'm picking up the exact same pattern as I did before just repeating it so we've got those all on there push them up pull it through and go back through the top come out the other side and pull it and now we're ready to just anchor that last hole of that square bead so here we go same sequence okay from the underneath pick up the other beads that we need for the other half and this will actually go quite quickly I'm taking it a little bit slow here in the video because I want it to be really clear because this might be new to a lot of people working with different sized beads together in a loom as well as working with the different number of holes so I'm purposely taking a little bit slope as you do this and you get the hang of it it's gonna be really actually quite quick alright so we're going over the top side and we have finished this segment alright now we're ready to introduce at three whole beads so three whole beads that we are using are these Bheema beads so you see they've got those three holes and we're gonna start by picking one up through an edge hole so not the middle one but the outside hole we're gonna pick up this bigger czech glass bead that we're using and then we're gonna pick up a square bead and then another bigger czech glass bead and another beam bead through the edge so that is what we've got for that sequence so we're gonna go ahead take it under and push it up same as before so really the technique is not changing it's just changing which beads you're going through where you're placing them but the actual technique is not changing all right so now you're gonna go through the same hole just on the top side and come out the other side alright so you've now got two beads in place that still have exposed holes so you're gonna start by just initially before you pick up any beads at all you are just gonna go through that middle hole of the beam bead and pull your thread and you're going to now pick up three seed beads one two three stay on the underside so get your needle back here and now go through the second hole of your square bead underneath here pull it through and pick up three more seed beads one two three and now you want to again go through that middle hole of that beam bead it's just there waiting for you alright so now you've got all of those done push these back up see if you got your fingers there and you're pushing them up through the warp threads and now you're gonna go through the beads again just on the top side and pull your needle through all right so now you look at your pattern and what you've got is you've got another hole left on the bean bead so you're going to start with that and then you're gonna add another one of these larger checks another square bead another check and you're going to go through that end hole of that last bean bead so first we need to get this through the bean beat holes we just go through it on the underside okay we're picking up the larger check another square another larger check slide them down again remember keep it on the underside because you always start on the underside and then you go to the top side so we're gonna put our needle through that last hole on the bean bead pull just push them up and go through all of them again and pull your needle through and now you're ready for another bean bead so the pattern that we're recreating here is there's going to be four beam beads along the edge so we need to pick up another beam beads so this will be our second one again just through one of the edge holes and then if you look at our patterns going large check last three seed beads large check last three seed beads so we need three seed beads one two three and we've already got that second hole of the square bead waiting for us and then we'll need three more seed beads of the tiny size and you'll need another beam bead on the edge hole okay go ahead position those just push them up and go through the top side now we're going to go through that second hole of the bean beat again pull and now we need another larger check feed another square bead and another larger check bead pull that down going from the underside go through the second hole of the bean bead pull those up and they do really they are really very well sized for the warp threads so they do just naturally want to sit where they should right now we're going to go through them again okay and now we have that last hole of the bean beat again so we go around from the bottom now we need three more seed beads one two three go through the second hole of that square bead and three more seed beads one two three and that last hole of the bean bead and now push them up and go through the top side and pull all right so let's look at where we're at because at this point you're just going to repeat to finish your bean beads so here is what we've got we've got the two beading beads and if you look at what's coming up next it is basically Orla is not basically it is what we started with where it's a beam bead the large check bead the square the large check and another beam bead so that's the exact same sequence this is identical to this so for your next step just bead the identical segment here of the two beam beads same pattern and then once we do that we'll get to this middle section we finished it's the first segment of Bheema beads again compared to our sample I think it's good to look back and see where we started and where we're going so the next is actually going to be a repeat of what our beginning segment was so we did it here where we had three of these square beads with all of these wonderful sparkly three millimeter Czech beads and seed beads and so for the Midway section it's actually six square beads so one two three four five six and all of the accompanying beads so to begin it's just going to be like you began in the very first couple steps here we're gonna pick up one of these three millimeter beads a large seed bead a small seed bead a square bead another small seed bead and then little guy then another large seed bead and a three millimeter Czech bead and we're gonna go from the underneath press him up pull and then go back over the top and always be on top of your warp threads with your weft threads there we go and come out the other side and now we again have that second hole of the square bead waiting for us so we pick up a three millimeter bead a large seed bead a small seed bead go from the underside go through that second hole and grab another small seed bead another large seed bead and another three millimeter slide it down and press them up into place where you want them and go back over the top and all the way back through them and pull your thread through and you just did one of the six segments for the middle so you're just going to repeat that until you've got six of these little segments it's easiest when you do count the square beads it's a nice way of keeping track where you're at and where you need to go so you're just going to repeat what you just did here until you have the middle section done which will be of those six square beads and all the little accompanying beads on the side we finished our middle section again we've got those six square beads one two three four five six and now we're just ready to repeat this section here this beam section and we're gonna want to have it symmetrical so we're gonna want to start with the seed beads like we have here so it's surrounded by seed beads so we're gonna pick up one beam bead three of the small size seed beads one Square bead any hole three of the small size seed beads and one more beam bead again an outer hole so this is what you've got on your needle slip it under and just make sure that those three seed beads are trapped within that one section of your warp threads that one doesn't accidentally slip into another another one go pull your thread and go back over the top and you want to go through all your beads again and pull through and now just this can be a little bit because you're starting a new section you want to just make sure that these are straight and pull your thread and now you're gonna go ahead and go through the second hole of the bean bead you're gonna pick up one of your larger four millimeter Czech beads and go through that second hole of the square bead pick up another larger Czech bead go through the second hole of the bean bead and remember we're coming out on the bottom and pull and now go up on the top of all your warp threads and all the way through your beads until you come out the other side and then like I said just on this one here you do just want to scooch it a little bit and make sure all your beads are nice and even and you're working in a nice straight line so now we're gonna do the third hole of the bean bead and now you're gonna pick up three more seed beads one two three a square bead three more seed beads one two three it's a little bit bit under there and go through the last hole of your bean bead on this side pull and because you've already established what the gaps are here those just slip into place this time whereas with the first time you did the seed beads you do have to kind of wiggle them a little bit sometimes but once the the distances have been established they slip into place go through all my beads and pull it out alright now I have about I would say maybe 16 inches 17 inches of thread so I am almost ready to add a new thread I'm gonna do one more row and then I'm gonna show you how to add a new thread because you might have run out of thread earlier you might run out of later and I definitely want to cover how you're gonna add more so let's go ahead and pick up a bean bead by its end we're gonna pick up four millimeter check we're going to go through that second hole of the square bead and another four millimeter check and another bean bead okay and go over the top and run all the way through then come out the other side all right okay so what I'm gonna do at this point is I'm gonna take my needle off of my thread just tug on this make sure that's nice and tight I'm not gonna need quite this much I'm just gonna trim it a little so it's about 12 inches just so it can stay out of my way and now I'm just gonna put it up towards the top and I'm gonna grab a new length of thread and I'm gonna do again now I know about six feet got me approximately two there I didn't measure it exact um I just kind of eyeball this so just give yourself enough I'm gonna probably do about another six feet just to be on the safe side if you run out you always can add more it's not like some bead weaving projects where if you run out sometimes it's really hard to add more or kumihimo if you run out you're kind of stuck loom is very easy to add more threads okay so we've put our needle on it again this is a lot of thread we're working with we want to kind of double it up as much as we can and now we are gonna continue looming as if nothing ever changed so if we'd had more thread our needle would still be on here we would loop around go down here add three seed beads a square bead three seed beads and come out the other side I'm gonna do the exact same thing so just start on where you would have gone next which is gonna be that middle hole of that bean bead pull it so you have about a tail of 12 inches or so hanging out because you're gonna need that at the end to tie it off now we're gonna do one two three seed beads a square beat three seed be and then bring it under and go through that middle hole of that bean bead pull it up now the only tricky part is because this is not anchored to anything is not knotted you could potentially just pull it all the way out which you would know would happen right away and then you would just fix your work and redo it all right so let's make sure that this thread that's where I want it all right we got those guys all lined up we have our tail and now we just run through it like normal and at the end of this video well not quite the end almost at the end I'm going to show you how to tie off all your threads to be able to get rid of them but we don't do that until later okay so we've just done that and now we're gonna continue I'm gonna do one more row and then I'll do some off-camera because it's just repeating the same sequence that you buy now hopefully know how to do so okay we went through that last hole of the bean bead we're gonna pick up one more of these larger Czech beads it's always funny to be we're suddenly working with more thread when you got used to not having that much okay and I'm just tugging on this a little bit more just because I notice it came a little bit loose there as I was working again because it's not knotted or anchored but the more you work along the Loom piece it will feel very anchored because you're getting a lot of distance between that starting thread and what you're doing now all right there we go so we are just going to keep these guys out of the way now and continue doing this and so you want to do this exact sequence again so you have a total of four of those beam beads before you start the final sequence we finished our second beam section and now we're down to our very last section which is just a repeat of this beginning section which has the three square beads and all these accompanying beads here so we're gonna start by picking up a three millimeter bead a large seed b-to-c a small seed bead a square bead another small seed bead another large seed bead and another three millimeter and this is gonna be the beginning of that last segment just fit those guys in there then go through the top come out the other side and now just the other hole needs to be addressed so we're gonna pick up another three millimeter large seed beads small seed bead go through the second hole of that square bead make sure your a tail if you have a tail comes all the way out okay another small seed bead a large one and another of these pretty three millimeter Czech beads and scoot that guy down line them all up again I'm continuing to push them up with my finger from the underside and then running the thread along the top side and that's what's securing those beads in place all right we just did one we only have two more to do so you're gonna repeat that another two times and then you're gonna add your final row of seed beads and then we're gonna be ready to tie off our threads we're down to our final step of bead work and that's gonna be to create that little what will be a hidden row of seed beads so we're gonna pick up 14 little beads 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 so you got your 14 beads on your needle you're gonna slip it under and you want it again spaced so you have two beads on between the outer two warps three beads between the midsection one or the next to the midsection one four in the middle three and two so we got two beads three beads four beads three beads - beads keeping them in place with my finger pull and then go over the top and all the way through those little guys each and every one of them come out the other side and we have finished our beadwork so at this point you can see you've got all your warp threads attached all your weft threads so the next step is going to be to weave in all of your warp threads which is not hard to do I'm going to show that to you right now so we're gonna start by tying off this end thread first so that's just easiest because our needle is already on it so you're not gonna need this much thread so why don't you go ahead and cut it so you have maybe 12 inches 14 inches so enough to work with but you don't need that excess so here's our last row now we're gonna go down one row over and go through your beads okay come back up through your last row of beads again and doesn't matter at this point if you're over or under you just want to go through all the beads and keep in mind that at the end here you're going to be sliding this piece over the beads so you could try to pull it super tight but you could also leave it a little bit looser I like having a little gap there and I just create it with my nail so it's easy to slide I don't want to pull it so tight that that thread is gonna be hard to go over with my little slider in because we're literally just gonna slide it over okay so now go back through that second row of beads and go through the one over and now come up after a couple beads take your needle you're gonna catch under your weft thread you're gonna create a little loop and through that little loop you're gonna stick your needle to create a little knot pull go back through that bead next bead over and this is not a precise science you could have gone all the way through here and started hang it off a little later this is up to you but basically what you're wanting to do is create several knots along the way just by creating little loops with your thread and pulling down you can even do a double knot a knot over your knot if you want and pull and then go through another couple of beads and so you reach the outside again and pull and those knots will really just kind of disappear within the beads and then go over I'm just gonna do one more this is feeling nice and secure so I just tucked my needle under one of my weft threads run your needle through your beads and then come out but in this case where I'm gonna trim my thread don't come out along the edge cuz you're gonna have a little pokey thread there I like to come out somewhere along an interior bead area and then just trim my credit so that's done I'll end up doing that now on the exact same the same method on this side but now I want to show you how to tie off these threads here which were where you added more thread so you do the same thing but what you're going to make sure you do is with the thread that's on top you're gonna run it this way and the thread that's on the bottom you're gonna run it this way so what I mean my thread my needle back onto it all right so instead of now going up this way with the top thread I have the top thread here I'm actually going to go down which means I'm going through the same hole that this other thread is coming out of go through it and through all the beads then I'm going to go over to the next row run through all the beads you know even go through the next row and here I'm going to go through several beads and now I'm going to tie a knot just talk to my needle under that thread made a little loop through the loop go through a bead - the same here's my little knot I lost my thread did you do just need to go ahead and restring on my needle okay go back to where IX is my bead pull it through go over to the next row and I'm just gonna tie one more knot okay and again run my needle through a couple of beads but I don't want to come all the way out there we go and now I'll just trim my thread and since I remembered that I was working with the top one I went down I'm now gonna work with this one and I'm gonna go up so I'll just show you real quick I'll put my needle back onto it and I will just jump up to the next row go all the way through it and then go over come out and start tying my knot so it's gonna be the exact same method I'm gonna do here I'll tie probably three knots along the way and trim it and then I'll go up here and I'll do the exact same thing and then all my weft threads will be tied off and I'll be ready to go ahead and cut this off the loom now that our beadwork is done we're ready to cut our piece off of the loom so this is very easy to do one quick tip though is look at the side that has the most thread and cut that side first I'm going to show you why so just go ahead snip your threads and you want to leave at least several inches because you're gonna be tying it off so now that you've cut that side off you can actually flip your piece around and cut it closer to here so now you're giving that other side which had a little less room more room alright so we got our piece and we're ready to tie our knot so this is very convenient actually because if you count your your warp threads you have one two three four five six so you're gonna pair them off in sets of two and it's nice because you have six it's an even number you're going to be able to tie three knots so what we're gonna do is we're gonna take two threads along the end and we're going to tie it in a knot and slide that knot down towards the beads now I do not recommend pulling super tight because you don't want to start to pull on your threads within your beadwork you just want that knot to really rest up against the beads so once you've done that go ahead and tie another knot and I like to pass through twice get a little more security and I even do an extra knot on top of that we're gonna be adding glue to our knots here in a little bit so they will be very secure and if you notice what I'm doing is I'm just taking this head pin that comes with my kit and I'm just holding it over the threads just to keep them out of the way you can do that on the other side with your loom needle too if you just want them out of the way so you can see what you're working on okay just pull it down again you don't have to pull it too close and too tight and we are going to be hiding all of these knots within our end which is nice within that well of our nice slider end there okay okay I feel good about those knots you see we have three nice knots and now you're just gonna go ahead flip your piece around and tie the knots on the other side as well now that all right we have our knots we're going to add some e6000 to them unscrew the cap it is a sealed container there's a little point on the one side push it into the seal and it will break it now spread it out on your little scrap piece of paper and reseal your glue you always want to do that with e6000 now you're going to take another piece of paper slip it under your beadwork and this is gonna protect your work surface take some e6000 on like a toothpick or scrap piece of wire and spread it into your knots there's one two and then finally the third one and you'll notice I'm really spreading it in two and pushing it into those knots so you don't want too much glue but you definitely want to cover the knots after you've done that let it dry for a few minutes once it's dry you're gonna pick up your beadwork and you're gonna hold it like this so you've got your end straight you're gonna take your scissors and you're gonna trim your tails pretty close to your knots definitely don't cut your knots but you don't want a lot of excess thread there either at this point you're gonna grab some more East 6000 you always want to use fresh East 6000 and put it on your scrap piece of paper again and reseal that cap go ahead and pick up on your slide ends and place some glue inside the well so it has a barrel shape to it and we're just gonna spread the glue on the inside you don't need a lot of it but you definitely want to cover some of that interior surface and then just take the end and slide it over the last row of beads so the little seed beads are being covered up carefully push it down until it is fully secure there and take a chain nose plier and bend over that little tab just a little bit to fully close it you're gonna go ahead and push it down right there against your work surface and that will go ahead and close it's now time to at the clasp and the chain extender so I'm gonna pull over an example here so this is another color variation and you're going to see what we're gonna do so we've got a little bit of chain connected to the lobster clasp and then we have this chain extender here ending in this little decorative dangle so let's start by making that little dangle in with your kit you get a head pin onto that head pin place your large Czech glass bead your small Czech glass bead a large seed bead and a small seed bead so you got four little beads that match your design and now we're gonna make a wrapped wire loop so you're gonna grab a pair of round nose pliers and grab the wire right where it exits the bead and bend it over so you want a nice 90-degree Bend then you're gonna grab the wire again after you rotate your pliers so that one of the round nose is on top of the wire one is below bend it up and over and around rotate those pliers again and pull them all the way over so you've made a nice little loop grab your chain nose you can actually hold on to this loop and then do your wrappings once you wrapped it several times trim your tail and then take your chain nose again and tuck that tail into your wrapping so it's not sticking out there we've got our little dangle and now you're gonna take your chain so if you look here this chain is not quite as long as this I trimmed it you can trim this shorter if you want the full length will give you an over 10 inch adjustable bracelet so you can make this as long or short as you want and what's nice about this chain is this is actually all open links which means that these are not soldered together so you can open and close them and just like a jump ring so we're just gonna grab it on either side of the opening and twist and you see how it just opens up for us which is so nice so I'm going to take that and put that on one end of my bracelet and slide on the other couple little links and I'm gonna close it those are really nice and strong now I'm gonna go to the other side open it slide on my lobster clasp and close it okay one side is done and now is up to you how long you actually want this piece to be I'm gonna cut it just a little bit shorter cuz for me that would be quite a long dangle on my arm so well I don't want to waste any links cuz I could use this for another project let me just open it up right here slide that off use your open link to attach it to the other side of the bracelet mm close it on it final step if the whole design is adding that little dangle we just made and we're just gonna do that by opening up this end link taking our little dangles lighting it on and closing it back up and you're done and you've finished your patchworks loom bracelet kit so really quickly I want to show you the other colors and then I want to talk to you about sizing if you want to adjust this smaller I have a recommendation so here is this pattern here which is the Ashland we've got this pattern here which is the Cambridge we have this black white and silver which is the Midtown and then we have the Hermosa so four different colors and all the same technique and the same pattern of beads but in different colorways alright so now let's talk about sizing so I'm gonna bring out a ruler I'm gonna lay it against the ruler okay so if we go to the end of the lobster clasp and in this one you could attach it to this jump ring so you're looking at about a 7 inch bracelet you can make that a little bit shorter by just perhaps having one jump ring here so maybe have a six and a three-quarter a little bit more than that okay let's say though you want it shorter because this is going to go if we added the extra chain you're going all the way over ten inches here if you want it shorter what I would recommend doing to alter the pattern is I would remove one square and it's matching beads from each side and if we look at that against the ruler that's gonna take us down about half an inch so two of these little squares and all their beads equals about half an inch so when you're building this if you were to take it off both sides one each you would lose half an inch if you were to take two inches off - I'm sorry - from each side which is total of four it would create a full one inch shorter bracelet that is one option if you really love these patches here and you wanted to remove some of this you would always want to remove them in sets of two for how the square beads line up so you would do two from this side and two from this side so if you do that you're going to lose about an inch and a half so that's just a couple quick recommendations about sizing how you would alter it if you do want it to be a little bit shorter and then of course if you want it longer you just use this a nice adjustable chain so I hope you enjoyed this tutorial this bracelet is so much fun to me it is like a wonderful jigsaw puzzle so I hope you enjoy creating it and you enjoy these different colors and you can find it exclusively at you

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Fabulous Design, Skill Building, & Teacher

I am new-ish to beading and this is definitely outside my comfort zone. The tutorial was so easy to follow I made mine with incredible ease. The pattern is repetitive so it’s easy to watch her a few times then just go your own speed. I have never worked with two or three hole beads especially not on a loom and she made it so simple, I felt myself becoming super excited and thinking of all the ways I could mix up other patterns! There were a lot of beads involved, that was the only downside. I bought all my bead separately because I (sorry beadaholique) didn’t like the refill kit colors and most were discontinued anyway. So mine is completely unique! I’m thrilled and will DEFINITELY be making more Patchwork bracelets in the future! I actually have two sets of bracelet components on their way to me now just to make more!