Audio Transcript
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Hi, this is Julie with beadaholique.com and time earing and you can see it has these wonderful gears as a focal and it has a police box so a really fun design it'd be perfect to wear to comic-con if you do that I do it every year with my husband who exhibits there but just a really fun earring and I do want to show you how to make it this is going to be a long video in it you will learn how to remove the shank from a button because that's what this focal is how to pop out the designs using a leafing pen how to bead embroider is we're going to know how to do a back stitch in bead embroidery and a basic beaded edge and also how to make these little loops I'll show you how to make a wrapped wire loop as well on top of the police box speed and attach the earring as well as attach the backing so a lot of different skills you're going to learn in this video if you know some of them please feel free to fast forward through the parts you already know because this is going to be a long video but I think it'll be a lot of fun too in terms of the supplies you're going to need you're going to need a button and like I said I'll show you how to take that shank off you're going to need two colors of beads I'm using a blue which is this wonderful aqua and then a white as well these are both Touhou size 11 oh I'm gonna need that police box bead it's a wonderful focal a headpin which will make a wrapped wire loop out of an earring hook and some Nemo thread this is a wonderful deep blue color then in terms of supplies or anything a pair of scissors a heavy-duty wire cutter a beading needle a pair of chain nose pliers you need some ultra suede backing for the earring to see right here some beading foundation and I've chosen black and these are just scraps I had around the design space I get a lot of uses out of one piece of it a silver leafing pin these are by krylon some e6000 glue and some crafters pick fabric glue so I know this is a lot of different supplies and I'll show you how to use each one of them through the course of this video so we are going to start by going ahead scooting some of these out of our way so that we can begin what I'm going to need to start with is this beading Foundation and my heavy-duty wire cutters so to take the shank off what we are going to do is we're just going to snip it off now it's always wise to wear protective eye glasses if you're doing this because this metal might go flying and point it away from yourself and away from anyone else of course so we're just going to go ahead snip it and snip it and I'm going to try to hold it so it doesn't shoot out there we go and so it's not totally smooth but it's smooth enough that we can mount it on to our beading foundation beading foundation it comes in black and white primarily I'm chose black to use you know sometimes find it in other colors too but black and white really is very handy so we're going to use e6000 glue to glue it to the foundation and I just want to put some glue in the center I don't want the glue to spread out to the edges and spill over because that will interfere with where my needle is going to go I'm just going to open up the glue put some on the back and this basically to just hold it on to that foundation so I don't need to use too much put that lid back on flip it over and for what I'm going to be doing here I don't need a lot of extra room so I'm going to go ahead and take my scissors even though this is not dry I can trim it really quick so I'm just going to loosely cut around it and then I always like to snip off the corners it helps so that the thread doesn't catch on them as I'm doing my embroidery so I'm going to set this down to dry and I'm going to come back in about 15-20 minutes once it's dry and start to do my stitching we're ready to do our first row of bead embroidery you can see what we've got going so far so we've got the button mounted on to the beading foundation so we're going to do this first row right along the button in this blue color let's go ahead and spread out some blue beads men love color now we've got our beading needle and we're going to take our thread and go ahead and cut off a length about a meter or a yard long just you want plenty to work with so and that should suffice you don't have to be exact thread it onto your needle and leave yourself a good long tail of at least 24 inches tie a knot at the base and I like to just go around and around so it's like a deluxe overhand knot whatever you want to call it I just want to make it bulky enough so it doesn't pull through the beading Foundation there we go and that's gonna be covered by the backing anyways at the end so you've got your needle on your thread you have the knot on the end of your thread as well and we're going to go from the back side forward and where we want to come out is right along the edge of the button and you'll notice that I have not accented the details of the button yet with the leafing pin I want to do that at the very end because I'm going to be doing this for a very long time during this project I don't want to have that paint on there already so go ahead and just see if you can see that a little bit better on camera we're just going to come up right along the edge and it's important that it is along the edge and not a quarter of an inch or an eighth of an inch away because we're gonna end up trimming this and that would interfere with that and we'd end up cutting our threads so go ahead and pick up two beads onto your needle now take your needle and put it down through the beading foundation at a distance of approximately those two beads so you want the space to be matching however many beads you have on your needle and again I'm right along the edge now we're going to come back up and take some poking because you want to come right back up where you originally came out the first time now we're going to go back through those beads and I apologize it can be a little hard to see this because I am trying to use thread that blends in with the background here so I'm going to go through those beads and now those are secure now I'm going to pick up three more beads so I got three on my needle and again I'm going to try to go down through the backing at a distance of those three beads now I want to go back up but instead of just going back through the three I want to go back through four so I'm going to add one of the ones which is already been securely anchored and go through it as well now some people like to do two beads at a time some people like to do three beads at a time it's really up to you I know even people like to do four or five when I'm going around a curved surface like this I like to keep it at two to three beads okay so we're just going to repeat that so three more beads and down and then we're going to come back up but we're going to come back up through four we're gonna repeat please feel free to fast forward if you already know how to do this it is going to be the same step over and over again this is actually gonna be the last one I'm going to show on camera and then I'm going to get to the very end and show you how to finish this row okay so up through four and every time I come up I am coming up right along the edge of that button and every time I go down is right along that edge of that button as well so just keep repeating that process until you've worked all the way around as you can see I've almost finished my row and I have just one more bead to add so I'm going to add it the same way I had been adding the three I'm just gonna pick it up and go ahead and place my needle about the distance of one bead go back down go back to beads now two or three doesn't really matter and go through it but now what I'm going to do is instead of coming up I'm gonna actually keep going through the adjacent beads pull my needle through and now what I want to do is I want to go around all the beads a couple times and that's why we have this extra length of thread so just go ahead and get your needle in there and start going around the beads and what this is doing is it's adding extra security for your beads and it's also making sure that they're all nice and in a row so this step here adds a little extra security for your beads and it also makes them so they're all nice and tight and in a circle in case any we're popping out a little bit okay after you've gotten around go ahead and take your need also should be exiting the front now go ahead and place it right along the edge of the button and pull it through to the back and now we're gonna tie a knot so we're just gonna go ahead place our needle under one of the thread bridges that was used earlier when we embroidered those beads on pull your thread down catch it and knot it and I'm gonna go over to the next thread bridge and do the same I'm gonna catch under it again and make another knot and one more time for good measure and I'm gonna snip off my excess like so and now we're going to go ahead and we're going to trim our beadwork so what we want to do is we want to line up the edge of our scissors against the edge of the beads and we don't want to be at an angle we want to be pretty straight on we're going to be cutting through the beading foundation and just go slowly okay so we've got that trimmed it's always good to look on the other side make sure you didn't accidentally cut any of your threads and that's why we kept them really tight towards the button and we're good it's a nice circle shape because this is really gonna be what dictates the shape of our outer row if we had a big jag in it that's what it would happen to our outer row so I'm going to just make sure we're smooth which we are and now we're gonna go ahead we're going to glue this onto the ultra suede and I have this pretty blue color right here I'm gonna take the crafters pick glue now I'm not using e6000 because sometimes a6000 can over saturate the fabric and actually seep through so I like crafters pick for this and this is a fabric glue so it's really nice and flexible and I'm just going to put it on there and in this case I don't want to go all the way to the edge but I do like to cover my threads again just a little added security there we go flip it over go ahead and place it down onto your ultra suede and just press it into place now we do need to let that dry again I would recommend at least 20 minutes on this one just so that is dry when we work with it and in the meantime we can go ahead and make a wrapped wire loop on top of our police box speed and you can see how that's going to be incorporated into the earring here so I did forget to mention the beginning of the video you need a tool to make a wrapped wire loop you can either use a round nose plier or I want to be using wire looping pliers these are specialty pliers for making wrapped wire loops or simple wire loops but they have a round nose and a concave nose and they're really handy if you make a lot of jewelry if you don't have them a round nose plier would work fine go ahead and place your head pin into the bead and then when it comes out we're gonna go ahead grab it with our wire looping pliers and pinch and what that did is it made half the loop for us and take it rotate and continue wrapping it around and we're just going to actually use our fingers to wrap that wire around the top to make the wrapped wire loop and then I'm gonna take my pliers and just snip off the tail and then I'm going to come back with my chain nose pliers and press that tail into place so we are good and then when we come back I'll show you how to trim the ultrasuede and do the basic beaded edge around the outside and then how to make the loops attach the earring hook and secure the bead our next step is to create a basic beaded edge around the outside and you can see that here now I chose to use the blue thread for this because I really liked the appearance of the stitches you could switch to a white thread though if you wanted it to just disappear so here we go we're going to go ahead and trim out our bead work again so just do a rough cut to start you're done with the ultrasuede and now we're just going to go ahead and cut along the edge here so we're really tracing along the black eating foundation there we go go ahead and thread your needle again not the same length of thread as before 36 inches or so should suffice thread on our needle again leave yourself a tail of a good 24 inches now to do the basic beaded edge we're going to need our beads 11 oz and they're white I apologize that they're white on the white cloth but I'll pick them up on the needle so you can see them a little better and in this case we're not going to tie a knot on our tail and you'll see why at the very end here so to start go ahead take your needle going from the back to the front you're going through the foundation as well as the ultra suede and you're coming up right under your beads along the edge leave a tail of about six inches because at the end we're going to rethread a needle on to this tail pick up two white beads on your needle now we're going to go back down about the length of two beads go back down through the foundation as well as the ultra suede and come out on the other side and pull and those are the first two beads of our edge now we're going to take our needle and go up through the second bead you'll notice in this step I'm not going through any of the layers of foundation and ultra suede now we're going to pick up one bead and we're going to go down through the foundation and the ultra suede going from the front to the back and again you want it to be about the length of the one eat so go ahead and see where that is on your beadwork and then we go up through the beat again and the closer you have your stitches to the edge the less noticeable they'll be with the finished beadwork again one bead and we're going from the front to the back and then up through the bead again and repeat I'll do one more and then I'm going to go ahead and do these off-camera and I'll come back and show you how to finish it up it's got that bead on there I make sure you get enough of the backing and up again there we go and you can see what this has started to look like here so go ahead and do that all the way around and I'll come back on camera when I just need to add one or two more beads and show you how to do that and then how to take care of this tail and tie off both of your ends I just need to add my last bead you can see there's a little gap right here and this is actually a tough call if I need to add one or two beads so I'm going to take one bead and put it in here kind of see if I think I can get two in there or if one is gonna have to do it and I really think it's just going to be one in this case so I'm gonna go ahead and put my needle down the center between those two beads to fill that gap and then come back up so this is the same technique we've been using all along and pull and now I'm going to go back down through that very first bead that we strung on and that we stitched as our outer row there we go and pull it down and now I'm going to go up through an adjacent bead and have my thread exit there so that's nice and tight now at this point I'm going to take my needle off of my thread Reed thread it onto the original tail and I want to get rid of this tail at this point and tie it off so now I'm gonna go up through an adjacent bead pull that go back through an adjacent bead and down into your ultra suede backing now you can either go up into your beadwork stick your needle through and tie a hit and not in there or if you could be really discreet you can just tie a knot right here because this is the backing is up to you so I'm just gonna go under one my thread bridges tie a knot tie one more okay at this point I am going to go up through that bead again pull that knot down through the next bead and come up on the front just so that thread is hidden and now I'm going to snip it off so no one's going to see that thread it's gone now I'm ready to add my little loops and the police box charm that I made as well as the loop for the earring hook so to do that we're going to be using the same length of thread that we did our beaded edge with I'm just going to go ahead and put the needle back on and cut that tip cleaner cleaner edge to thread through the needle if you look at the original earring here you'll notice the orientation of the gears now you can go ahead and mimic that so they're facing the same way you can go ahead and mirror it so they're facing each other or you can just let it be random I'm going to let it be random if you wanted to have it a certain orientation you would just stitch up and down through your beads till you exit the place where you want but since I'm letting it be random it doesn't really matter so to make the little loop to attach the police box we're going to need six of the little blue beads and ten of the little white beads I'm going to thread on three blue beads five of the white ones okay so that's what we've got go ahead put on the wrapped wire loop of your little police box and then we need five more white and three more blue that is what this is going to look like and we're going to go ahead can't our outer beads so we exited this one I want to count to nine so one two three four five six seven eight nine and that ninth one I want to go through it and come out the back side and pull and there is our little loop and it matches the other earring now I need to work my way up to the top to make the top loop for the earring hook and to do that you can do one of two things you can go up through your beadwork and I do recommend going up through a few beads I'm just retracing that path then what you can do is you can either keep doing that all the way to the top or you can go push your needle through to the top side pull it and you can go along this edge and go through your Center beads a little bit quicker if you do it this way now we want these to be even so what I'm going to do is I'm going to count the edge here so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 so 16 beads away from this bottom loop not counting the bead that the bottom loop is coming out of so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 and 16 so it's gonna be this guy right here I'm gonna go ahead keep running my needle along those interior beads till I exit near that's sixteenth bead and then push my needle through to the back side and then come up and out of that sixteenth bead even though we counted we do want to visually look at this and make sure that's right that that looks correct to us and actually to me that looks like it might be a little too far over so before I pull my needle all the way through I'm gonna back it back out and just go one fewer and that looks better to me you'll see what we did here we did one blue bead four of the white beads and another blue bead and there were four beads between them so we exited one and then we counted to three we went into the fourth so let's go ahead and do that same pattern so a blue bead four white beads another blue bead and then we're going to go one two three four down the fourth oops one two three four down the four out the backside and as you're doing this you're making the needle might come off you just go ahead and you rethread it if that's the case so we are almost done so I'm going to go up now through some of the adjacent beads and I do like to catch the foundation and the backing as I go and then I go down one more make sure everything is nice and tight now I'm ready to finally tie off this thread so I'm gonna find a thread bridge and tie a couple knots then I'm gonna go up through that bead get out of their little police box up through that bead so that not pretty much disappears go back through another one and again I want to come out the front and if you trim this close enough you're not going to see that thread at all all right we are down to the final two steps we need to add our earring hook and we need to go ahead and do the detailing with the silver leafing pen so to put on the earring hook you could have just threaded it on there like you did with the wrapped wire loop as you were doing this or you can just go back open up the base the way you'd open up an earring hook slip it on and close it back up we're at the final step and it's a pretty important one we're gonna add the detailing here on the gears of the button we're gonna do that using a silver leafing pen and you're gonna want to get the feel for the pen first before you do this because you have spent a lot of time on your embroidery and this is a step that requires a delicate hand so this is the leafing pen and how it works you depress the tip to get the ink to come out so just do that a few times get the ink flowing and if you're buying this new the tip is actually going to be a neutral color and you're going to depress it probably 1015 times to get the ink to seep down onto it you're gonna want to use a light hand so just kind of get used to it and we're just going to trace really whatever we feel like tracing on the top here and I'm going to pop out this nice gear right here and I'm going very slowly and I'm just touching it ever so lightly and I do want to pop out that center of it a little arrow over here there's a nice gear to pop out and really feel free to do as much or as little of this as you want and you can try to use the tip as well which I'm going to try to use to get into this back feathered part of the arrow that looks nice you don't have to make the to match it's fun to have a little variety if you so choose once you start using these leafing pens they're actually pretty addictive it's a nice way of really altering the look of something very quickly and easily you'll see that my ink bled down there a little bit so I'm gonna go for it I'm just gonna finish coloring in that side why not and as I'm doing this I'm trying to not touch what I've already done mm-hmm I actually like that I think that works you do more you could do less but I think that is nice and I'm gonna let this dry for several hours and then they will be ready to be worn so let me show you them on my hand again these are called the adrift and time earrings and you can find all the supplies for them at beadaholique.com you
Hi, this is Julie with beadaholique.com and time earing and you can see it has these wonderful gears as a focal and it has a police box so a really fun design it'd be perfect to wear to comic-con if you do that I do it every year with my husband who exhibits there but just a really fun earring and I do want to show you how to make it this is going to be a long video in it you will learn how to remove the shank from a button because that's what this focal is how to pop out the designs using a leafing pen how to bead embroider is we're going to know how to do a back stitch in bead embroidery and a basic beaded edge and also how to make these little loops I'll show you how to make a wrapped wire loop as well on top of the police box speed and attach the earring as well as attach the backing so a lot of different skills you're going to learn in this video if you know some of them please feel free to fast forward through the parts you already know because this is going to be a long video but I think it'll be a lot of fun too in terms of the supplies you're going to need you're going to need a button and like I said I'll show you how to take that shank off you're going to need two colors of beads I'm using a blue which is this wonderful aqua and then a white as well these are both Touhou size 11 oh I'm gonna need that police box bead it's a wonderful focal a headpin which will make a wrapped wire loop out of an earring hook and some Nemo thread this is a wonderful deep blue color then in terms of supplies or anything a pair of scissors a heavy-duty wire cutter a beading needle a pair of chain nose pliers you need some ultra suede backing for the earring to see right here some beading foundation and I've chosen black and these are just scraps I had around the design space I get a lot of uses out of one piece of it a silver leafing pin these are by krylon some e6000 glue and some crafters pick fabric glue so I know this is a lot of different supplies and I'll show you how to use each one of them through the course of this video so we are going to start by going ahead scooting some of these out of our way so that we can begin what I'm going to need to start with is this beading Foundation and my heavy-duty wire cutters so to take the shank off what we are going to do is we're just going to snip it off now it's always wise to wear protective eye glasses if you're doing this because this metal might go flying and point it away from yourself and away from anyone else of course so we're just going to go ahead snip it and snip it and I'm going to try to hold it so it doesn't shoot out there we go and so it's not totally smooth but it's smooth enough that we can mount it on to our beading foundation beading foundation it comes in black and white primarily I'm chose black to use you know sometimes find it in other colors too but black and white really is very handy so we're going to use e6000 glue to glue it to the foundation and I just want to put some glue in the center I don't want the glue to spread out to the edges and spill over because that will interfere with where my needle is going to go I'm just going to open up the glue put some on the back and this basically to just hold it on to that foundation so I don't need to use too much put that lid back on flip it over and for what I'm going to be doing here I don't need a lot of extra room so I'm going to go ahead and take my scissors even though this is not dry I can trim it really quick so I'm just going to loosely cut around it and then I always like to snip off the corners it helps so that the thread doesn't catch on them as I'm doing my embroidery so I'm going to set this down to dry and I'm going to come back in about 15-20 minutes once it's dry and start to do my stitching we're ready to do our first row of bead embroidery you can see what we've got going so far so we've got the button mounted on to the beading foundation so we're going to do this first row right along the button in this blue color let's go ahead and spread out some blue beads men love color now we've got our beading needle and we're going to take our thread and go ahead and cut off a length about a meter or a yard long just you want plenty to work with so and that should suffice you don't have to be exact thread it onto your needle and leave yourself a good long tail of at least 24 inches tie a knot at the base and I like to just go around and around so it's like a deluxe overhand knot whatever you want to call it I just want to make it bulky enough so it doesn't pull through the beading Foundation there we go and that's gonna be covered by the backing anyways at the end so you've got your needle on your thread you have the knot on the end of your thread as well and we're going to go from the back side forward and where we want to come out is right along the edge of the button and you'll notice that I have not accented the details of the button yet with the leafing pin I want to do that at the very end because I'm going to be doing this for a very long time during this project I don't want to have that paint on there already so go ahead and just see if you can see that a little bit better on camera we're just going to come up right along the edge and it's important that it is along the edge and not a quarter of an inch or an eighth of an inch away because we're gonna end up trimming this and that would interfere with that and we'd end up cutting our threads so go ahead and pick up two beads onto your needle now take your needle and put it down through the beading foundation at a distance of approximately those two beads so you want the space to be matching however many beads you have on your needle and again I'm right along the edge now we're going to come back up and take some poking because you want to come right back up where you originally came out the first time now we're going to go back through those beads and I apologize it can be a little hard to see this because I am trying to use thread that blends in with the background here so I'm going to go through those beads and now those are secure now I'm going to pick up three more beads so I got three on my needle and again I'm going to try to go down through the backing at a distance of those three beads now I want to go back up but instead of just going back through the three I want to go back through four so I'm going to add one of the ones which is already been securely anchored and go through it as well now some people like to do two beads at a time some people like to do three beads at a time it's really up to you I know even people like to do four or five when I'm going around a curved surface like this I like to keep it at two to three beads okay so we're just going to repeat that so three more beads and down and then we're going to come back up but we're going to come back up through four we're gonna repeat please feel free to fast forward if you already know how to do this it is going to be the same step over and over again this is actually gonna be the last one I'm going to show on camera and then I'm going to get to the very end and show you how to finish this row okay so up through four and every time I come up I am coming up right along the edge of that button and every time I go down is right along that edge of that button as well so just keep repeating that process until you've worked all the way around as you can see I've almost finished my row and I have just one more bead to add so I'm going to add it the same way I had been adding the three I'm just gonna pick it up and go ahead and place my needle about the distance of one bead go back down go back to beads now two or three doesn't really matter and go through it but now what I'm going to do is instead of coming up I'm gonna actually keep going through the adjacent beads pull my needle through and now what I want to do is I want to go around all the beads a couple times and that's why we have this extra length of thread so just go ahead and get your needle in there and start going around the beads and what this is doing is it's adding extra security for your beads and it's also making sure that they're all nice and in a row so this step here adds a little extra security for your beads and it also makes them so they're all nice and tight and in a circle in case any we're popping out a little bit okay after you've gotten around go ahead and take your need also should be exiting the front now go ahead and place it right along the edge of the button and pull it through to the back and now we're gonna tie a knot so we're just gonna go ahead place our needle under one of the thread bridges that was used earlier when we embroidered those beads on pull your thread down catch it and knot it and I'm gonna go over to the next thread bridge and do the same I'm gonna catch under it again and make another knot and one more time for good measure and I'm gonna snip off my excess like so and now we're going to go ahead and we're going to trim our beadwork so what we want to do is we want to line up the edge of our scissors against the edge of the beads and we don't want to be at an angle we want to be pretty straight on we're going to be cutting through the beading foundation and just go slowly okay so we've got that trimmed it's always good to look on the other side make sure you didn't accidentally cut any of your threads and that's why we kept them really tight towards the button and we're good it's a nice circle shape because this is really gonna be what dictates the shape of our outer row if we had a big jag in it that's what it would happen to our outer row so I'm going to just make sure we're smooth which we are and now we're gonna go ahead we're going to glue this onto the ultra suede and I have this pretty blue color right here I'm gonna take the crafters pick glue now I'm not using e6000 because sometimes a6000 can over saturate the fabric and actually seep through so I like crafters pick for this and this is a fabric glue so it's really nice and flexible and I'm just going to put it on there and in this case I don't want to go all the way to the edge but I do like to cover my threads again just a little added security there we go flip it over go ahead and place it down onto your ultra suede and just press it into place now we do need to let that dry again I would recommend at least 20 minutes on this one just so that is dry when we work with it and in the meantime we can go ahead and make a wrapped wire loop on top of our police box speed and you can see how that's going to be incorporated into the earring here so I did forget to mention the beginning of the video you need a tool to make a wrapped wire loop you can either use a round nose plier or I want to be using wire looping pliers these are specialty pliers for making wrapped wire loops or simple wire loops but they have a round nose and a concave nose and they're really handy if you make a lot of jewelry if you don't have them a round nose plier would work fine go ahead and place your head pin into the bead and then when it comes out we're gonna go ahead grab it with our wire looping pliers and pinch and what that did is it made half the loop for us and take it rotate and continue wrapping it around and we're just going to actually use our fingers to wrap that wire around the top to make the wrapped wire loop and then I'm gonna take my pliers and just snip off the tail and then I'm going to come back with my chain nose pliers and press that tail into place so we are good and then when we come back I'll show you how to trim the ultrasuede and do the basic beaded edge around the outside and then how to make the loops attach the earring hook and secure the bead our next step is to create a basic beaded edge around the outside and you can see that here now I chose to use the blue thread for this because I really liked the appearance of the stitches you could switch to a white thread though if you wanted it to just disappear so here we go we're going to go ahead and trim out our bead work again so just do a rough cut to start you're done with the ultrasuede and now we're just going to go ahead and cut along the edge here so we're really tracing along the black eating foundation there we go go ahead and thread your needle again not the same length of thread as before 36 inches or so should suffice thread on our needle again leave yourself a tail of a good 24 inches now to do the basic beaded edge we're going to need our beads 11 oz and they're white I apologize that they're white on the white cloth but I'll pick them up on the needle so you can see them a little better and in this case we're not going to tie a knot on our tail and you'll see why at the very end here so to start go ahead take your needle going from the back to the front you're going through the foundation as well as the ultra suede and you're coming up right under your beads along the edge leave a tail of about six inches because at the end we're going to rethread a needle on to this tail pick up two white beads on your needle now we're going to go back down about the length of two beads go back down through the foundation as well as the ultra suede and come out on the other side and pull and those are the first two beads of our edge now we're going to take our needle and go up through the second bead you'll notice in this step I'm not going through any of the layers of foundation and ultra suede now we're going to pick up one bead and we're going to go down through the foundation and the ultra suede going from the front to the back and again you want it to be about the length of the one eat so go ahead and see where that is on your beadwork and then we go up through the beat again and the closer you have your stitches to the edge the less noticeable they'll be with the finished beadwork again one bead and we're going from the front to the back and then up through the bead again and repeat I'll do one more and then I'm going to go ahead and do these off-camera and I'll come back and show you how to finish it up it's got that bead on there I make sure you get enough of the backing and up again there we go and you can see what this has started to look like here so go ahead and do that all the way around and I'll come back on camera when I just need to add one or two more beads and show you how to do that and then how to take care of this tail and tie off both of your ends I just need to add my last bead you can see there's a little gap right here and this is actually a tough call if I need to add one or two beads so I'm going to take one bead and put it in here kind of see if I think I can get two in there or if one is gonna have to do it and I really think it's just going to be one in this case so I'm gonna go ahead and put my needle down the center between those two beads to fill that gap and then come back up so this is the same technique we've been using all along and pull and now I'm going to go back down through that very first bead that we strung on and that we stitched as our outer row there we go and pull it down and now I'm going to go up through an adjacent bead and have my thread exit there so that's nice and tight now at this point I'm going to take my needle off of my thread Reed thread it onto the original tail and I want to get rid of this tail at this point and tie it off so now I'm gonna go up through an adjacent bead pull that go back through an adjacent bead and down into your ultra suede backing now you can either go up into your beadwork stick your needle through and tie a hit and not in there or if you could be really discreet you can just tie a knot right here because this is the backing is up to you so I'm just gonna go under one my thread bridges tie a knot tie one more okay at this point I am going to go up through that bead again pull that knot down through the next bead and come up on the front just so that thread is hidden and now I'm going to snip it off so no one's going to see that thread it's gone now I'm ready to add my little loops and the police box charm that I made as well as the loop for the earring hook so to do that we're going to be using the same length of thread that we did our beaded edge with I'm just going to go ahead and put the needle back on and cut that tip cleaner cleaner edge to thread through the needle if you look at the original earring here you'll notice the orientation of the gears now you can go ahead and mimic that so they're facing the same way you can go ahead and mirror it so they're facing each other or you can just let it be random I'm going to let it be random if you wanted to have it a certain orientation you would just stitch up and down through your beads till you exit the place where you want but since I'm letting it be random it doesn't really matter so to make the little loop to attach the police box we're going to need six of the little blue beads and ten of the little white beads I'm going to thread on three blue beads five of the white ones okay so that's what we've got go ahead put on the wrapped wire loop of your little police box and then we need five more white and three more blue that is what this is going to look like and we're going to go ahead can't our outer beads so we exited this one I want to count to nine so one two three four five six seven eight nine and that ninth one I want to go through it and come out the back side and pull and there is our little loop and it matches the other earring now I need to work my way up to the top to make the top loop for the earring hook and to do that you can do one of two things you can go up through your beadwork and I do recommend going up through a few beads I'm just retracing that path then what you can do is you can either keep doing that all the way to the top or you can go push your needle through to the top side pull it and you can go along this edge and go through your Center beads a little bit quicker if you do it this way now we want these to be even so what I'm going to do is I'm going to count the edge here so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 so 16 beads away from this bottom loop not counting the bead that the bottom loop is coming out of so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 and 16 so it's gonna be this guy right here I'm gonna go ahead keep running my needle along those interior beads till I exit near that's sixteenth bead and then push my needle through to the back side and then come up and out of that sixteenth bead even though we counted we do want to visually look at this and make sure that's right that that looks correct to us and actually to me that looks like it might be a little too far over so before I pull my needle all the way through I'm gonna back it back out and just go one fewer and that looks better to me you'll see what we did here we did one blue bead four of the white beads and another blue bead and there were four beads between them so we exited one and then we counted to three we went into the fourth so let's go ahead and do that same pattern so a blue bead four white beads another blue bead and then we're going to go one two three four down the fourth oops one two three four down the four out the backside and as you're doing this you're making the needle might come off you just go ahead and you rethread it if that's the case so we are almost done so I'm going to go up now through some of the adjacent beads and I do like to catch the foundation and the backing as I go and then I go down one more make sure everything is nice and tight now I'm ready to finally tie off this thread so I'm gonna find a thread bridge and tie a couple knots then I'm gonna go up through that bead get out of their little police box up through that bead so that not pretty much disappears go back through another one and again I want to come out the front and if you trim this close enough you're not going to see that thread at all all right we are down to the final two steps we need to add our earring hook and we need to go ahead and do the detailing with the silver leafing pen so to put on the earring hook you could have just threaded it on there like you did with the wrapped wire loop as you were doing this or you can just go back open up the base the way you'd open up an earring hook slip it on and close it back up we're at the final step and it's a pretty important one we're gonna add the detailing here on the gears of the button we're gonna do that using a silver leafing pen and you're gonna want to get the feel for the pen first before you do this because you have spent a lot of time on your embroidery and this is a step that requires a delicate hand so this is the leafing pen and how it works you depress the tip to get the ink to come out so just do that a few times get the ink flowing and if you're buying this new the tip is actually going to be a neutral color and you're going to depress it probably 1015 times to get the ink to seep down onto it you're gonna want to use a light hand so just kind of get used to it and we're just going to trace really whatever we feel like tracing on the top here and I'm going to pop out this nice gear right here and I'm going very slowly and I'm just touching it ever so lightly and I do want to pop out that center of it a little arrow over here there's a nice gear to pop out and really feel free to do as much or as little of this as you want and you can try to use the tip as well which I'm going to try to use to get into this back feathered part of the arrow that looks nice you don't have to make the to match it's fun to have a little variety if you so choose once you start using these leafing pens they're actually pretty addictive it's a nice way of really altering the look of something very quickly and easily you'll see that my ink bled down there a little bit so I'm gonna go for it I'm just gonna finish coloring in that side why not and as I'm doing this I'm trying to not touch what I've already done mm-hmm I actually like that I think that works you do more you could do less but I think that is nice and I'm gonna let this dry for several hours and then they will be ready to be worn so let me show you them on my hand again these are called the adrift and time earrings and you can find all the supplies for them at beadaholique.com you
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