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Hi, this is Kat with beadaholique.com and own as craw so cubic right angle weave is a beautiful thing so I want to show you a couple examples here so let me show you this beautiful mint necklace here and this is cubic right angle weave that is done in just a rope style so you can just see that those four millimeter check fire polished beads which is exactly what we're going to be using here in our demonstration today that is how it comes together in just a very simple rope form now I do have what we're going to be doing here which is a nice square so this is a very simple basic shape and it really lends itself really nicely to the cubic right angle weave so what we have here and you can kind of see some of the spaces through there it becomes a nice little 3-dimensional little square and I've just run a chain through the center of it just as a nice little necklace and this uses two millimeter beads so you can just see the vast size difference side-by-side of a four millimeter versus a two millimeter so like I said we're going to be using four millimeter czech fire polish beads here today and I have some fireline here and I'm gonna be using the 6-pound now if your beads are smaller like that too you're probably going to be wanting to use a four-pound but for my demonstration here I wanted to use a nice thick black cord so that it's going to show up nicely for you against those white beads so again I have about a six-pound and I have maybe a yard and a half of thread on my needle and I'm using a size twelve beading needle and the only other tool that we're going to be using today is we have a thread zap you can also use a pair of scissors or snips as well and that's just to help us tie off when we get to the end all right so let's go ahead and get started on this now this is an advanced technique if you are unfamiliar with right angle weave we do have plenty of tutorials showing you how to do just the basic right angle weave that's a nice flat weave and we do have other videos showing you exact how to do that rope which is just that regular cubic right angle weave but for this one I'm going to show you how to do the turns so let's go ahead and start our right angle weave and we're gonna start it the same way as we would start any other right angle weave this we're gonna pick up four of our check fire polish beads and I'm gonna slide those down close to the end here oh the way down there and I'm gonna take my cord and make a nice little overhand knot bringing those four beads together and I'm just gonna double knot that alright give it a nice little tug nice and snug alright so this should look very familiar to you if you've done right angle weave so we have our little unit now when we talk about units this is a unit of four so this is kind of where we're going to start so the first thing I want to do is I want to go up through one of my beads to the side there so I have my thread coming out the top and now what we're gonna do is we're going to pretend like we're doing a flat right angle weave and we're just going to add one more unit to the side so we are going to pick up three beads because we already have one there and I'm gonna go around and go up through that bead right there that we are coming out of and this is gonna come together and create our second little unit now I'm just gonna give it a little tug and tighten everything up we want this to be nice and snug and stiff but not too much so that those beads are crowded but you're gonna kind of see how it all starts to form together alright so now we have our cubic right angle weave now what we're gonna do is we're gonna kind of pretend that that's a little corner there and we're just going to fold it in on each other just like so so now what we're gonna do is we're going to come through and we're going to go through this bead right here at the top and bring our needle through and now we just need to pick up two more beads because we're going to complete that unit at the top bringing these together so you see we started to bring our little units all together there and if you ever get lost just keep going around the thread path that's the best tip I have for you when you're doing right angle weave all right so I'm coming out of this bead right here so now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna kind of rotate my work because I want to get everybody nice and snug here so I'm gonna go up through this first bead and pull that through and then I'm gonna rotate and this is my tail here I'm gonna rotate one more time kind of towards me and I'm gonna go through this second bead that's right here and go ahead and pull that through all right so I'm just gonna give it a little tug make sure everybody is staying nice and snug for me and now I'm going to complete this unit that's on top there so I'm going to add two more beads and I'm going to come around and go through this bead here and I'm gonna go back up through that initial bead that I first strung in this unit and then I'm gonna rotate towards myself and I found the last unit here that I'm missing one more bead on so I'm going to go through that first bead through that second Peete there and you can see my little unit of four is missing a bead on this next one so I'm going to pick up one bead and I'm going to go through the one at the bottom just like so all right so now continue to go around the thread path making sure your tail stays out of the way all right I'm just gonna tighten that up real quick all right and we're gonna go up through a little top bead there and then what we're gonna do because we want all of our units to be nice and connected I'm going to take this piece and I'm gonna rotate it towards the top so you can see that I have four little beads sitting on the top there but they're not actually connected and around so all I'm gonna do is just take my needle and go all the way through and go all the way around making sure that there's a nice thread bridge between all of those beads all right so this is our first little unit so as you can see with those black threads you should have a little triangle in between each one that means they're all connected with each little piece there and I'm actually noticing that I'm missing one right there so go ahead and if you need to this is where it's nice and easy to double check because you want a good sort of anchor unit there we go all right so yeah so that's how you just kind of look at the right angle weave and you know you can just keep going around and around if you need to all right so now that we have this guy here and I'm actually going to pull my other example over here just so you can see it so when you look at this this now four cubic right angle weave we're going to consider this one unit so when you're doing flat right angle weave you're thinking of the top four there as like your flat your that's one unit so it just depends on how you want to count your units sometimes people count the top bead sometimes people count the space in between so you can just see that what we're gonna create is we're gonna create five units connected together before we make our first turn so I'm gonna show you how to do five units and then I'm gonna show you how to do the turn alright so let's go ahead and continue on with our units so I'm gonna go ahead and go up through one of these beads because I like to start with it going up just like this because then I can just kind of rotate it so once you have this unit it's really easy to handle so I'm gonna move a little bit quicker I do have a video that because goes a little bit slower here but I'm just going to kind of move right along here alright so let's pick up three beads and through there and rotate towards myself and one more bead and now I'm gonna pick up two to complete that unit and go through that bead at the bottom bring that together go up through my bead at the top nice little tug and rotate do the same thing because now we're just adding two beads 1 2 picking it up going through the bottom bead and going through that side bead there rotating going up through its going up through that next bead and this is our last little portion here where we just are gonna go through that first bead add one bead and down through and now let's go up and we're gonna go through happy they're rotating taking again a look at our top there and we're just gonna go all the way around and create our second unit so you can see how fast it really does come together so then once we're done here we are ready to start our next unit and just by going through that last bead there again just making sure that everybody is nice and connected alright so now we're ready to do our third unit so same thing picking up one two three rotating going through that bead picking up one two going through that bottom bead now going up through the top rotating going through that next bead picking up two beads going through that last bead and we're a two-hour unit where we just need to add that one bead and then we're just gonna go all the way around here until we get up to the top and now going around I wouldn't try to go through two beads at one time I think you'll kind of mess up your thread so don't try to rush I know I'm moving quickly here but all right so that is as we're gonna count them three units I personally like to count the spaces so 1 2 3 but you'll see that it's the same if you count the top bead of 1 2 or 3 all right now of course on your piece you won't see as much of that thread I just wanted to do it for my demonstration here all right so I'm gonna weave 2 more units and then I'm going to show you how to do that turn so I'll be back as I'm as soon as I'm done with those next two units all right so I'm just finishing up the top loop of that last little unit there and we just want to make sure that we go again all the way around okay all right so now you have a choice to make and it's kind of however you like to work what we're gonna do is we're gonna in essence be going one way or the other on this so obviously I'm not going to be able to add another unit on this direction so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go through well okay let me let me let me put it to you this way however you like to work with your hands you can either start to make the turn and go this direction or you can go up it's just however you want to do it and again this is right angle weave so as long as you're going along the thread path and not jumping across beads you never want to cross the center line of the bead there is you can kind of see you can see my little units they have a nice little thread path thing happening in there so all right so here's we're gonna do I'm gonna rotate mine so that I'm holding it like this so my thread is coming out of the top and it's coming out straight towards me from that bead that is right there on the edge so then this bead over here becomes our corner bead all right so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna do one more unit but we're going to keep it to the side here so you're going to go ahead and you're gonna pick up three beads and we're gonna do it just as though we're looking top-down they're coming around and this should feel just like normal and now what we're gonna do is I'm gonna go towards myself and I'm gonna go down through that bead that I already have there to the side but we want to make sure that he stays just like that so what we're gonna do is the first unit we're gonna do is we're gonna anchor him with two more beads and we're gonna go through and around so we came through and around so now I'm gonna go actually down through that bead that I just added there or that was already there and then I'm gonna kind of rotate my piece up and you can see that there's this little sneaky one in the center there so this is the inside corner so go ahead and take your needle and go down through that corner now you can just see that I flipped the whole piece so we're coming down through and now I'm working on that bead I'm coming out and that one that I added from the last unit so I just need to add two more beads so this is just where it gets a little snug but this is where you want it to be nice and tight and firm because you're making that nice corner all right so now we've made our next unit there and now go back down through that inside corner bead and go through now we're going to kind of rotate one more time and you can see that we're starting to make that little L shape there go down through that next bead there and now you can see that we have our three so we're going to just continue and kind of pull that tight and we're going to add one more bead at coming across like that so we want to go through that top unit and then go all the way around because what we want to do is we want to come back up and just like we did before so now watch me rotate I'm gonna rotate it back the way it should be and then I'm gonna rotate it up because we want to see that beautiful unit at the top again all right now I'm gonna keep mine going this direction you can go the opposite direction another great thing about right angle weave which ever direction you find yourself going it will work so just keep following that thread path all right so now you can see that this is all starting to look familiar because I'm finishing up that top unit and again rotated one more time alright so I have my top unit done and ready to go so now we're just gonna kind of continue our path here just the same as we did it before so we're gonna do five units now don't forget you're accounting this unit twice so we've already technically done one two units so this unit that I'm building right now is the third unit and this we just do exhibits we just do exactly the same so we just rotate and again trying to keep everything with good tension not too tight we don't want to crowd our beads but just nice and tight so I'm gonna continue to build this unit and I want to show you what it looks like when I finish it and we're gonna bring those two ends together here so you're gonna make the third turn and the fourth turn same as we did on that first one and then I'm going to show you how to link those units together once we get all the way down here alright so I'll see you back here in just a moment alright so we have gotten to this point here so I'm just gonna kind of show you I have one two three units at the top and I technically have that fourth unit over here but what we're gonna do or rather that fifth unit but we're going to create that fourth unit right here so this is where my thread is coming out it's coming out of this bead right here so now to complete that unit there I'm going to be adding one bead going through and then adding one more bead here so we're going to pick it up and you have one more bead and I'm gonna go up through this one on the side and this is gonna kind of help pull that and kind of zip it together if you will and then add one more bead and then come down and go through this bead on the side so that is going to complete our little unit right there so now we're just gonna go down through that next bead there and I'm gonna kind of rotate it up so we can look almost towards the back there and pull that through so now I'm coming out of the speed I have another bead right there and then I have this corner bead as my third bead that's going in there so I just need to add one more bead and I'm gonna go through this corner bead here on the inside corner there and I'm kind of coming out the back and pull that through so you can just see kind of on the inside there that's the little unit that we just made so now go ahead and go through our little top bead there and again I'm just kind of really pull it snug this is where we want to tighten everything up we're gonna go down through that Center bead there tour at the back and now we're gonna complete this next unit so we're gonna go down pick up one bead and then we're gonna come across here and go up through that one and completing the unit we're gonna go all the way around here I'm good making sure everything kind of tightens up nicely and go down and then we're gonna rotate our whole piece and now we're just gonna link this whole unit together here because we want to make sure that we again have that thread bridge in between each bead we don't want to leave anybody hang in there and this will tighten it up nicely all right and all the way around there we go so that is how to complete the square so all we have left to do is to tie off our threads so I'm gonna show you really quick how to do that so just kind of go through a few of the adjacent beads now you can see that this has a little bit of mobility to it mine isn't as tight as you can get it so one thing I want to tell you is that you can just kind of keep going through and following along that thread path especially if you already have a nice like thick thread and you have that space to do so it might start to get tight on those kind of inside corners those are generally the tightest spots but just go ahead and keep winding through and then when you're ready to tie off just go through and catch a little thread bridge there pull that up and take your needle and go through that little loop there and that's gonna bring a nice little knot down to the end and then just go ahead and keep weaving through yeah I'll just go around once more and I'm just gonna remove my needle from that side I'm gonna add it to this first side here mmm I'm having a little trouble threading my do so I'm actually gonna show you a little trick I have a pair of chain nose pliers here so I'm just gonna squish the end there and it's gonna create a little flat piece so hopefully this will help me thread my needle a little bit faster all right just a little tip in case you have a little pair of chain nose pliers hanging around alright so we're gonna do the same with this one now this one already does have a knot to it so I just want to go through and just get it away from the other tail a little bit go down catch a thread bridge and pull a little knot and then just go through one more bead there alright listen I'm gonna remove my needle and take my thread zap remove the safety go ahead and put that up it's gonna heat up there on the tip and actually I'm gonna hold it like this so you can see and all that does is just zap off that little thread from that side and zap off that little thread from that side always be sure to put your safety back on and set that aside so that is how to do a little square in cubic right angle weave again you can get this tighter there is a side that feels tighter to me and then you can also have it a little bit looser if you want to create more of a drop shape or if you're gonna be sort of molding that to be part of something else but that is the basic technique to do that little right angle now you can also do a shape where you're doing maybe zigzags you just you know kind of go through and instead of working this way you then go that way and then that way so it's just the exact same technique and you can create lots of really interesting pieces with this and have a lot of fun with cubic right angle weave I hope you enjoyed this video you can get all of these supplies and see even more tutorials and videos by heading over to beadaholique.com
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