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Nunn Design Bead Caps, Grande Leaf 14mm, Antiqued Gold (2 Pieces) SKU: BMB-09033 $5.39 |
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22K Gold Plated Dotted Filigree Cone Beads 16mm (10 pcs) SKU: BMB-1908 $5.79 |
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Vintaj Natural Brass Fancy 16mm Filigree Bead Caps (4 Pieces) SKU: BMB-4253 $1.99 |
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Lucite Trumpet Calla Lily Flower Beads Matte Hot Pink 10mm (12 pcs) SKU: BCP-40063 $1.79 |
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Vintaj Natural Brass, Roman Leaf Bead Cap Cone 12mm (2 Pieces) SKU: BMB-7100 $4.29 |
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22K Gold Plated Long Filigree Cone Beads 40mm (4 pcs) SKU: BMB-1901 $5.79 |
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TierraCast Antiqued Silver Plated Lead-Free Pewter Clover Bead Caps 9mm (4 Pieces) SKU: BMB-3989 $2.99 |
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Beadaholique Dapping Set for Metalworking, 8 Punches with Wooden Block SKU: XTL-0294 $44.99 |
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Vintaj Metal Relief Block For Filing, Buffing & Sanding SKU: XTL-2222 $5.45 |
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Floral Drop Lucite Earrings, Pink, - Exclusive Beadaholique Jewelry Kit SKU: KE-AB-023E $9.29 |
hi everyone welcome back to our live class I am cat Silvia I'm joined by Julie bean and today we're gonna be talking all about bead caps and cones yes and this is kind of something that you you know maybe you've been making jewelry for awhile or maybe you're brand new to it and haven't really discovered bead caps and cones yet so we're here to kind of talk about all kinds of different things today yeah they're really an added embellishment they can be the focal of a design they could be an accent you can stack them you can layer them you can alter them you can make earrings bracelets necklaces with them so a whole bunch of different options for them and they are kind of I always think of them as like those little unsung heroes yeah so you know it's summertime and we know people are trying to kind of maybe discover something new or you know like I was saying maybe you've been beating for a while and you just don't know about them so yeah we're gonna be talking all about that and you know we have various different things we have some stringing we just have some eating you know we're gonna be kind of talking about some different things and I'm gonna actually show you how to get you know a really good fit because that's probably one of the questions that we get most often and actually is how does it fit and that was really one of the reasons we wanted to do this class was because we do that get that question all is how do you choose the right bead cap for your bead and so we're definitely gonna address that and then since we are live welcome we're so happy you're joining us ask questions we're here to answer them so this is really a great opportunity if you've had questions about bead caps and cones before and you want to get them answered we would love to hear those questions that we would love to answer them for you yeah and what we've done and we do this for every class we've designed a sort of product collection for you that's going to show you all the pieces that we have here but it's also going to talk about and it'll have all the listings for all the projects that we're going to be doing so you know I'll say this you know kind of just to kick us off here the best way to do the sizing is to kind of let us be your guide so if you're looking at a certain bead cap see what size bead we put with it in a project and then kind of alter it you know to make it your own from there but you know we have that product collection it's on beadaholique.com so you can go there shop there and kind of get a nice little cross section of our mood caps and cones but just know that's a small selection of captain kinds of yeah because we have lots of different finishes and colors and miles and all kinds of different things we can have some crystal ones that we're gonna be talking about later in the class so yeah so we're just excited to kind of show you how to how to use these these great things yeah and if you're not familiar you're familiar if I'm just gonna say it is hot as July its July oh yeah yeah it's July I think it's gonna be 115 degrees today yeah hi without watering at 5 a.m. so if you are experiencing the big heat wave that we are here stay cool yeah stay hydrated it's been absolutely drink lots of water you might see us drinking some water here so I would love first before we even make a project or do anything just to look at this tray right here this is a really great example of just the variety of types of bead caps and cones you can have solid metal bead cones you could have filigree ones that are really long you can have Sourav ski crystal and then over here you see that you can have any bitty teeny tiny little ones these are three point five millimeters or you can have really large ones so just such a range in the variety of styles of bead caps and Comm oh yeah we even have some lucite little flowers here that you know there are little beads but you can really use them as bead cones and actually I in this design here I layered them up so I use the little green ones there and the blue and the pink so just to kind of give it there give it a little extra something extra and then you can actually see that I use a little metallic bead cone or I'm sorry excuse me bead cap right there on the lucite flowers so you can really kind of draw it all in together and just add that extra little splash to to your design you know that you might not have thought of before I love layering bead caps yeah that's probably one of my favorite things because you create this really interesting look and element that you wouldn't be able to get in a different another way yeah you're stacking your layer and you're playing with the shapes the sizes the textures even the finishes I love layering silver and gold I love you know you know me I love mixing my metal so this is the perfect opportunity I'm gonna take that so yeah yeah absolutely well I think we would love to start by making some projects but before we do that you do know we always have a giveaway I almost forgot what did you forget talk about the giveaway hello if you are tuning in and joining us for the first time we do these classes every month and every month we do a giveaway and the way you enter to win the giveaway is by leaving a comment during the livestream here and we're on both YouTube and Facebook and what you can do is say where you're from ask a question tell us your favorite type of bead any comment qualifies you and we will randomly choose a winner at the end of the broadcast we'll announce it live so what do we have here cat so for today's giveaway let me actually start over here this is an older kitten of ours but we've really wanted to revive it for you guys this shows how you know Julie was talking about layering those bead caps and actually Julie has the finished piece here you can see a little bit easier so we are giving you guys the full kit so that you can make your own a pair of earrings with the bead cap so you're gonna be able to dive right into this style that we're gonna be talking about here today and that actually layers for bead caps on top of each other it's such a cool look so we're gonna give you this kit and this isn't a beautiful antique brass and then we're gonna give you you can probably see here these are some kind of funny components there but I'm gonna actually be making these earrings in our class today and so I wanted to give you the components that you could make these earrings and actually you'll be able to make two pairs of these earrings with all the components that you're gonna get in the giveaway so one for you one for a friend and then our other kit that we have here and we just wanted to bring this out it is so fun these are the beatable center line bracelet and ring sets these are brand-new and you're the first to have it if you win this giveaway they are launching today at beadaholique.com and Julie is actually going to show us those in just a second but I just wanted to also add to here that we have some beautiful other bead caps and cones just a nice little selection of metals just to kind of get you started get you thinking about it and let you kind of play around with some sizes and stuff so Julie why don't you tell us a little bit more about these center line bracelet and recess so if you do win this giveaway you will get the purple variation 1 which is botanical cove so you see here it is this basically there's an inset which is cut out of this solid cuff bracelet and then it's got all these wonderful little holes along the edge and almost becomes like a loom design where you're beating back and forth and for these kids you get both the bracelet as well as the ring and get of course all the beads all the thread everything you need as well as the cuff and the ring finding as well so we've got two in silver two in gold-tone and two in a silvertone and of course different patterns different beads for all of these so you really pick which one speaks to you mm-hmm and I have to say these are really fun to do and they come together pretty quickly you know yeah I was gonna say if you haven't done loom before and you maybe want to like kind of test out your skill this is a great little kind of fun quick and easy thing yeah and it's so quick and easy we did it on a beading break we do love so much today so if you're on Facebook just scroll through the feed and you can see where we actually made a ring center line ring and it took us maybe 20 minutes and it was bad I was gonna say it actually it works up very quickly I'm you know so and they're fun and you get a set so you could keep one for yourself and give it to a friend the other one or you can wear both together so let's now go back to bead cap all right that's because are you gonna make anything I am gonna make the earrings so you know like you like I said you're gonna get this beautiful components to make these earrings so these are the Laverne earrings these are as I said listed in that beautiful product collection that we have for you and I'm gonna go ahead and make these very simple and it's a great way to kind of showcase how you can just add a bead cap and it really does make a difference all right so what I'm going to be doing here is these are actually Czech glass and I love this olivine color they have these beautiful little and I'll kind of showcase them both side by side there so they have this nice little sort of petal like well in there so they're really kind of an organic shape which lends it to kind of fitting with different sizes of beads so today I'm going to be using some czech glass pearls these are eight millimeters so you can actually see how they fit here and I'll kind of tip this one up so you can see that there is a little bit extra of the edge but I just really liked that it sort of just looked like this little dew drop there but I have another bead here that I'm going to bring in now this is a twelve millimeter Swarovski pearl and I just want to kind of show you how this fits as well but it's a very different look so you know you can kind of see that bead caps can kind of go with different beads so that's why there's it's hard for us to say like oh there's always one right answer but the reason I made this project is so that you could see how a twelve millimeter bead cap could fit an eight millimeter bead all right so let's get started so very simply I'm just gonna take a head pin and this these little components here these all came from our findings kit which you're going to get there in the gold and our findings kit are great they you know you can really just kind of make a lot of different things with them and they're really really versatile all right so just string on your bead and your bead cap just slide it all the way down there and then I'm just gonna take my round nose pliers here and all I'm going to do is I'm just gonna make a simple wire loop so just gently Bend that back and gripping it with your pliers I'm gonna bend it up and over the top and now just simply rotate your pliers just like so so that's what we've got so far and then I'm just gonna bring it around the front here to make our little loop I'm gonna remove my pliers there take my flush cutters and cut my little leap all right so now all I need to do is just take my pliers here my chain nose pliers and I'm just going to close that loop up all right so that's one of our components so now very simply I'm gonna take and I'm gonna make two more components but this time I'm gonna use our little eye pins here so the eye pins have the loop already at the bottom there so I don't need to make another loop at the bottom I just need to come and make my loop at the top in the same way so again we're just going to bend that back grip it with our pliers wrap it over the top rotate our pliers and bring that little piece of wire right across there so super quick and these are actually just really really fun little components should just make you can make a necklace using these and you know I just I'll show you another sort of little variation in a moment so again I'm just gonna make that component one more time using that I pin sliding on my bead cap coming over with my round nose pliers bending that one back wrap it over the top bring it around and bring in my flush cutters to clip all right so now all we're gonna do is we're just gonna kind of add those all together here so I'm gonna take my chain nose pliers here I'm gonna come to that bottom loop of my little of one of my little eye pins there I'm gonna hook on the head pin this will be the bottom of the earring close that little guy up just like a jump ring and then I'm gonna actually just move right to the other side here and I'm just gonna kind of rotate it so so it's it fits comfortably my hand I am right-handed clearly alright and just adding on that other little loop at the bottom closing that up and then again just moving it to the other loop on the other side giving that a nice little gentle twist to open it and now the last piece is just to add on my earring hook and I'm gonna come in and I made my loops nice and small so that you kind of don't notice them and that's it so easy so it's just some simple wire loops so again like I was saying if you're new to making jewelry and you want to kind of use bead caps this is a great little project to kind of get you started it gets the feel for it but I just want to take a second here and just sort of show you that you could if you wanted to do a bead cap that sort of is facing up that kind of flower that's going up there add on a bead and then sort of add on another bead there so you can kind of see that the bead becomes nestled in there so that's another way to use bead caps and actually Julie has a really neat little project there that shows this same bead cap in a different kind of way so I'm gonna have her kind of bring this over here so this is kind of neat actually so Julie why don't you talk about this design okay so this design I do apologize we don't have this design on the website we do try to always have everything available on the website but this is from a while ago but these mustard-colored of these little petal bead caps are still available but if you look at this design we're using the same bead cap but in different ways so here we've done that nestling technique like Kat just did over here just a single and then you see here we have them actually spread out they're not near this main focal bead they're spread out of ways and facing away from it here they're a little bit closer so we're creating these design home and see shapes there's pieces of interest using the same component but in different ways yeah so you know so there's no kind of one way to use it and this design really showcases that because it's a really nice cohesive design and if you are curious while this project is no longer on our website we do still have these little mustard colored bead caps so if you if you really like that yellow I think it's like I you know and I really love this color combination because it's very primary but I kind of like the lime green and the darker red and the yellow together it's very nice yeah I this is actually one of my favorite color combos it's just freshest very uh just kind of yummy like it just feels good to look at I really like it it's very picnic it's very picnic yeah but this yeah this so this is a great example that you know so obviously you can see that actually and I'm gonna tip this back here I hope you can guys can see that so what was done here was there was actually a little seed bead added to sort of push out that next bead that was there so instead of actually putting it up against the bead you actually can use a little and I want to say that's an 11 OC bead that kind of just sits in there to you know give that a little bit more interest so again it doesn't have to you know fit perfectly around the beads so if you want to kind of create that extra little yeah we you know got an add add that little seed bead in between there so yeah I just wanted to kind of show that project off and you know kind of while I was talking about these guys here so yeah so that's really simple very basic if you just want to kind of get into using some bead caps so that's those are the laverna earrings and you actually get to make two pairs with our giveaway today and I love the colors are fantastic you know it's just like I I went wine-tasting and I think I was inspired thank you all right well Julie you have um you're gonna actually show us a little bit of layering of the BT I am and I want to show you the difference between what it looks like layered and what and I guess a single imminent layered and layered yes alright so these are the Emerald Isle earrings and so you can see that we've actually got a really striking focal and we use patina on it I'm going to show you how to do that here in this class as well because you could Oso patina bead caps and I do have an example of that as well so here we have the same bead as a ten millimeter bead but on this one you see it's got this bead cap here and then it has a smaller little bead cap on top of it so we've layered it to create a really interesting look and then on this B this exact same bead but we've just used that small little 3.5 millimeter bead cap so same bead one is layered with bead caps one just uses those small little petite bead caps and you really do create a different look and you can mix and match within the same design so I'm gonna go ahead and make this whole earring including the patina element here during this class this is really a class about making we definitely gonna convey a lot of information to talk about sizing and different uses but we really wanted to show bead caps being used and how to use them so before I patina that I want to show you an example of using a patina on a bead cap so here you see these pretty little vintage bead caps and I've patinaed the leaf design on them and silver and so it just creates that extra something and it helps to tie the design together so that's another great element of a bead cap is it helps to tie the whole design together make it look very cohesive and in many instances add an extra metal element in addition to the class absolutely and if you're curious we did do these earrings in our statement earrings closet so so if you're interested in those but these are also a project on the website as well yes all right all right I'm gonna pen and sorry it might be a little loud I'm going to shake it so you shake your patina first silence that everybody can hear the shaking okay so I'm going to have my patina I've got a little paper towel here I'll put this on my work surface and then I'll have one ready as well cuz I'm going to wipe them away all right so I'm going to put the patina down and if you're not familiar with vintage patina it is made to work on oh so it is gonna be perfect for these findings and so I've got the actual earring hook right here and I just want to add a little bit of green to it and you can add as much as you want or as little as you want you can be sloppy or you can be really neat and so what I want to do is just add that little bit then I want to take off I just want it to show still the metal through it so I'm just wiping ever so little away and that's good again I'm gonna help tie the whole design together and then for this this is a tierracast pendant I'm gonna just go over the whole design you see I'm doing it really quick I'm not really paying attention to what I'm doing I'm just trying to fill in the cracks and then I'm gonna come through lay it down and just wipe it away that's such a beautiful piece from the caravan collection from tear cast I just love that I do too so otherworldly you know yeah I've really been enjoying all the different Terra cast pieces a lot lately I think we all as jewelry designers go through phases where certain things appeal to us at different times and right now the caravan and the tierracast collections I'm just loving alright there we go so we added that green we wiped it away you saw how quick and easy that way so definitely you can do that with bead caps as well if you want to alter their color so I am going to just because I don't want to worry about this I'm gonna just throw this down on the floor holding a sound everywhere alright so now as that's drying it's gonna dry really quickly I'm gonna go ahead and make my two little components so the first one I'm gonna do is with the tiny little bead cap the bead and another tiny bead cap so it's sandwiching that bead between the two bead caps now cat just need simple wire loops using around nose I'm gonna use wire looping pliers so I'm just going to grab that wire whoo we're exits the bead kind of pinch it together I'm gonna push that wire down rotate my pliers up and pull that wire across so at Chris process and where it Criss crosses I'm gonna snip okay there's one component and now I'm gonna make the second component and again I'm gonna use the tiny 3.5 millimeter bead cap then I'm gonna layer it with a 9 millimeter and then I'm gonna put a 10 millimeter bead on to it so if you see that it's the 9 millimeter bead cap and the bead is ever so slightly bigger than it but it still definitely works and you can do that with a smaller bead cap and a bigger bead when your bead cap is fairly flat so if you look at that profile that definitely works now I'm gonna grab another bead cap that it might not work so well with take a bead cap like this that's definitely got a lot more of a well to it and dimension it's a stiffer material it would be a lot harder to use a larger bead with this bead cap so that's another thing to keep in mind when you're thinking about sizing is is it a large cone shape is it really a stiff like a lead-free pewter what is it made of well and the other thing too is how much of the bead do you want to cover you know these flatter ones kind of just act really is that little kind of cap there you know so they don't cover too much of the bead all right so now we're just gonna make another simple wire loop I love those wire loop and play I will confess that I I use them for everything I really do all right let me just now assemble this and it's the same way cat just assembled hers as well so I'm just gonna be opening and closing my simple wire loops using them really in place of jump rings and we do have a question okay Betsy would like to know if the vintaj patinas work on ceramic that is an excellent question um I think we need to do a little research on that so yeah so if what I've discovered I and you we used to have some ceramic beads and I noticed that some of them were so glazed that it just did not take the patina but something tells me that if it's sort of that unglazed sort of unfinished clay type bead it will probably work but don't hold me to that let's just let's do some trial and error on that Julie yeah that would be actually a really nice video I do too and I would say I'm gonna say this and then I will double check with the manufacturer I would not put it on unfinished ceramic and then try to fire it in a kiln I realize that so if you're looking for like a glaze that you could use on your ceramic that you're gonna fire in a kiln I would probably not do that but we can definitely contact the manufacturer because we know it's really made for metal components mm-hmm and it works fantastic on metal components you don't have to use a sealant and it's it's a permanent ink but I would like to see how it work on ceramic it might be a case where you need to seal it after you've done it yeah I mean you know you can seal it with a heat tool but putting it in a full-on kiln I don't worry about that I do worry about that we will definitely contact vintage they're wonderful we can reach out to them and get some more definitive answers for you for sure yeah cuz I would because we get that question a lot of like you know what kind of things does it work on we actually haven't gotten a question about ceramic yet so Betsy we will definitely look into that because I'd like to know as well because we do have some great ceramic beads absent I do know if you sit on wood we had to use it on wood works Green yeah it does look really nice on wood and if you want it to be a really saturated you can do a couple coats of it mm-hmm on a wood bead so that does work really yeah yeah that we've noticed all right so I made my Emerald Isle areas and they are all done and ready to go but you see how quick and easy you can put together jewelry when you're using bead caps and different beads so it's really a nice element that works up very quickly and you can work a lot of different ways with it too well and you know it really does add a little extra something you know profession little little designer element to it that you know is there's a lot I won't say better but it's a lot different you know I feel like someone my Co that's interesting as opposed to just an eyepin with a bead on it you know it's like oh there's that extra little something you know so it's a great chance to kind of use that and I love how you show the bead where it's just the little ones on the top and the bottom you know because sometimes the the bead holes are not as attractive and I was so like adding just that little metal kind of cap on the end of it really puts the finishing touch on it and you have a really good example of that if we look at this necklace here down here so on this necklace we've used the bead caps down here to surround these big pyrite beads and that helps to just bring that metal element down because we've got the metal chain in the middle class but it brings that metal element really all the way through the whole design but here's a good instance of what Kat was speaking of is I had all these wood beads and your hole was not very pretty it was actually a little bit large for what I was wanting so I just added a little bead cap and it just kind of gave it that finishing touch where again is a little metal element but it covered the larger hole of the wood beads and it just kind of finished off the design mhm so small touches can really make a big difference absolutely and I think that's you know kind of what this class is about is you know cuz like we've been saying maybe you haven't used these before but we're kind of showing you hey yeah and I think you have another really good example of a piece yeah and after for bead caps and how it changes the look of a design so yes I'm actually gonna take this off the bus you can really really see this I'm gonna get some my stuff out of the way alright so this is a necklace this is just a very simple strong necklace so this features Swarovski crystal pearls and very very simple not bad though right Oh fair I like that I like it a lot shows off the colors very beautifully so now I'm going to show you the other one here I'm gonna actually swap it out so you don't even see that one in the frame and now this is the exact same stringing technique but I've added bead caps only around the coral beads there and added these nice little bead cones at the end as a nice little sort of finishing technique so that's sort of what it can look like if you wanted to add the bead cones now with these ones the antique brass so they you know kind of are a little bit darker but it's a little bit of a different element so now you'll get a chance to kind of see them both side by side there so let me just sort of bring these guys out now you can see side by side this one looks a little bit darker with it with the bead caps on it but you have that nice little metal element so if you wanted to kind of tone it down but still kind of incorporate these colors this is very bright and very summer this kind of trend maybe transitions into fall a little bit but it still uses the same colors and the same pattern of the beads so that's sort of a great little side-by-side of using bead caps and cones so just you know kind of something to consider and especially with strong projects I started with this and I was like you know let me have some bead caps and I did and I was very excited about the results so just something to consider yeah it's just a nice added element mm-hmm so and I love that side-by-side comparison it's really fun yeah you know how does it change the design do you like how it changes the design right and then you can really play with it mm-hmm well I feel like we might want to do a little reminder of our giveaway yeah so if you're just joining us we are here at beadaholique on bead caps and bead cones and we're doing a giveaway as well I need to enter to win the giveaway by leaving a comment um so here is our giveaway all right reach and bring these earrings up here so you can see them alright so I made the laverna earrings in the early part of this class here so what we're gonna do is we're gonna give you the components that you can make them and you'll actually get a chance to make two pairs with the components that we're gonna give you we have a beautiful lovely lucite kit and this is again using that lovely stacking technique that you just saw from Julie but we're gonna be using some lucite beads and then to help kind of kick off her a little launch of our center line bracelet and ring set we're going to be giving you at the botanical kovat version which is a beautiful purple and silver and then if you're interested in some bead caps and cones we're going to give you a little assortment here that way you get some different little metals there and some different styles too to play you want to see what you like so all you need to do to enter the giveaway is just leave a comment ask a question I'm not sure what to say let us know where you're tuning in from any any comment enters you to win the giveaway and you can comment throughout the feed will find you okay so we actually I have a whole nother project to build I'm gonna make a strong bracelet in just a moment but I thought it would be fun so look at some of the variety of the bead cap in common yeah thanks that we have out here that are on the beadaholique website where you can find the instructions on how to actually do these techniques but we really wanted to bring out an assortment of just different ways of using the bead caps and the bead cost and first off I love these beauties are so fun they're so fun to create so I had to find the teensiest tiniest of beads but I'm just gonna I'm gonna jiggle this for a sec oh so you kinda feel like how cute they are so what I did is I actually used the bead cap there and because it's a nice filigree piece I just added these little teensy dangles these are the true twos these are Czech Czech fire-pot I'm sorry they're Czech fire polish but let me just kind of show you what the bead cap looks like so low so there's a little bead cap there so all I did and I'll kind of you know give you a little peek there it has these nice little beads underneath there what are which are little oh my gosh hi we are both but I use a little gold bead under there to kind of keep the little silhouette of this little sort of lantern effect but this is a really fun way to use bead caps where it's I didn't have to worry about like oh what would fit there and you know fit inside of it so yeah so just a fun little I was like I feel like they should be jingling because it's like you don't have to use a bead cap with a feed in a traditional way yeah I can actually just be an element of the design exactly which is still gonna and I think something kind of similar was done here different but if we can somebody there's a little bit more chain yeah so here it is again where you're using that bead capping you're hanging things from the outer edge you're not even having like a big bead under it it really just becomes an element mm-hmm and I love that and same with this one here so super fun yeah and this is a great example of you know you can use a bead cap and this is kind of a cool flattened one I'll kind of see if I can knock it to the side there but there's a little tassel inside there so again just kind of a cool little thing mate okay you might not have thought of yeah they definitely can be tassel tops I know times are still so popular and we're seeing them everywhere and I know you have a necklace over on your side I do one as the tassel topper yeah so we did a whole class actually about tassels in the fringe so you got to see this guy here and this is a great little kind of thing where I made all these little beaded Quirrell kind of fringe pieces down here gathered them up and then pull them through and then made this beautiful necklace on the top there but again speaking of sort of a strand reducer style this one you know you're not seeing any bead caps in the actual piece but on the back here you'll see that those cones have been used as a nice little sort of and I did a wrapped wire loop there but those helped me sort of strand reduce and gather them into a nice clean clasp so this is the Summer Splash necklace so very fun to to kind of use you know some of the bead caps and cones in different ways so and this is actually a very traditional way this sort of gathering of the strands and sort of us as a strand reducer well I think we're also always looking for good options for doing that if we're doing like a strong bracelet or a pearl knotted bracelet or a necklace and you've got all these strands suddenly you're like well how do i how do I bring them to an end how do i how do I make this fit how do I add a clasp and that's a really great way of doing it and I think a cone is really a good option usually because it's that tapered look and you have a pretty big well in it so if we look down here there's a couple options that would definitely work as strand reducers on our table so we have this one here in the end cap mentioned before for the tassel it was nice and flat that would make a wonderful strand reducer you have these type cones as well as it all of course depends on how many strands you're trying to get through there and of course you know the thickness of your beads near stringing material but a lot of options here and all of these could definitely be easy strand reducers I've even used this one yeah and this one is fun because you can actually you can make it a little C you can alter the shape and Kats gonna be altering some shapes here at the end but you can use those as standard uses for your multi strung bracelets and necklace yeah well you know I'll talk about this a little bit more but you can also you know we talked about cord ends as well sometimes a cord end can work as a bead cap axis so you know be sure to kind of shop that as well because you might find what you're looking for in that section of our website all right so Julie why don't you now we're gonna actually make a strong bracelet or we are social you work so I would say stringing is a very traditional use of bead caps is a wonderful opportunity and if we look at the example of what I'm gonna be making I'm gonna be doing a color variation of this this is using a chakra component and this is the crown symbol and what I wanted to do is I wanted to really bring this gold tone throughout my design so one way of doing it was using these hematite beads but I really wanted another metal element here because otherwise it would be a break gold here and a break gold here at the clasp and then it would not to me it wouldn't look as cohesive as I would like so I've used these wonderful little tierracast six millimeter hammered bead caps and then we've got this nice gold tone throughout now so I'm going to make a color variation of this project using a different chakra component and I'm gonna be using the root symbol here I'm gonna be using dogtooth amethyst so that's what this is in six millimeter and eight millimeter my little two millimeter haematite beads my six millimeter bead caps a little magnetic clasp some crimp beads some crimp bead covers and some beading wire I'm gonna be using as well in this wonderful gold-tone and then I'm gonna be using some bead Stoppers and I actually pulled out the little mini bead Stoppers feel lovely I like them I'm gonna use some minis thank you I just while you're pouring those out I just want to make a quick correction I'm so sorry you guys I missed I missed named this this is the sparkling summer punch necklace and not the Summer Splash I apologize for that so just in case you're looking for it this is gorgeous this is all beautiful Swarovski crystals and I don't want you guys to miss out so I'm sorry I missed we're probably gonna repeat this hot of it so if you want that to be your comment to enter the contest definitely gonna for you to say it's hot it's where I'm at or whatever you say yeah let us know maybe you're in a nice cool 60 what is your temperature right now I am very curious okay so I've cut about 16 inches of beading wire this is actually more than I need and I'm gonna put a little bead stopper on the end if you're not sure how to use a bead stopper you just pinch it and you just place it on the end and you always want to leave a tail of at least three inches or so because you're gonna need to go back and add your you're gonna need to crimp your crimp bead and before you get too into it there we do have a question okay so the question is how would you know what bead cap would look good with a project um you know I think it depends on kind of the style that you're gonna go for you know like we've shown you we do have different filigree pieces we do have stuff that's a little bit more solid I think one thing to consider is how much metal or crystal or lucite whatever it is how much of that you really want to be a design element for you or how much are you just trying to kind of hide you know do you want to do something that's just a little teeny bit you know like we were showing with the earrings and that kind of thing that's that's a that's a tough kind of design question but I'd say go with go with your gut and you know if you're trying to make things you know before you make your simple wire loops or something try adding a few onto some different eye pins and kind of looking at them see what you like also you know this bead cap or I'm sorry this stringing project with the bead stopper on one end is great because you can actually string all your beads and then you know it's not like you finished one side you know you can kind of look at the whole strand see if you like it take it take some off you know take some off the other end you know kind of rearrange and just kind of just kind of feel it out because you can actually see with the example that I was showing you earlier here this guy I don't have bead caps on all the beads I only did it on those coral beads and you know what I did do it initially on all the beads and it was just too much it made it too dark and I I personally didn't care for that so I went back and I restoring the whole thing and I put it only on those coral beads there and it just it just spoke to me a little bit more you know so it's kind of a personal choice you know kinda what you feel but that's sort of a great way to sort of test and kind of see you know what what you're going for what's the feel and if you kind of just want like a traditional beef cap that fits generally proportionate to your bead in your metal color what you can do is you can take your bead you can measure it or no ahead of time like I have an eight millimeter bead I have a ten millimeter bead you can go on to our website beadaholique.com and you know you're gonna be using a gold earring hook you can filter it down to see all the gold bead caps once you're in that section and then you can filter down even more to see all the ones are maybe eight millimeters to ten millimeters so then you'd have a nice selection of ones that you think will fit your bead and that are in the metal tone you want and then you'd be like oh that has an art deco feel oh that has a really worldly feel oh that's just clean and modern and simple and then you can start to really form your design a little bit more based upon that yeah you know and and even I know is we're creating we are constantly using the filter section of the website because it's like oh I think I want this or then you can kind of unfilter and see how much you may have missed you know so there's a lot of different ways to kind of discover things in the website and what's really nice about shopping online is that you do get a chance to kind of see everything all at once so you can see everything kind of side by side so even if it like the sizing might be a little bit different in the photo you know read the descriptions where we try to be as clear as we possibly can for you guys if you do happen to find a product that you're like oh there's no size listed let us know cuz that's something that we may have overlooked and we definitely want to fix it for you guys so please don't let that's you know you got you guys be our eyes and ears so let us know if we happen to have missed something we try really really hard not to but it happens you know so but let us know mmm all right all right let's get to the project this is a strong project so I'm gonna be using a crimp bead so I'm putting on my little crimp bead I'm actually using a crimp too but first and then I'm going to do a six millimeter bead a little hematite bead and if you're not familiar with stringing using beading wire you don't have to use a needle the end of it is stiff enough that it works just like a needle so I've got the crimp bead the six millimeter I've got the little hematite and now I'm ready for from my first bead cap and I'm gonna want it to surround my bead so I'm putting it on facing up first then I'm gonna put on my 8 millimeter bead so I'm using a six millimeter six millimeter bead cap on an 8 millimeter bead because I really I didn't want it to overwhelm the bead I wanted it to be smaller specifically so it's just like the end cap of the bead and now I want to surround that bead so now I'm gonna add another bead cap but this time facing down so the first one was facing up second one was facing down and now we've got that nice little sandwich okay so now I'm gonna do another haematite bead and another little six millimeter and I love this dogtooth amethyst I love the slight variation in it so it's really a combo of purple and white all right so I've just done that little segment and now I'm ready for another bead cap again facing up followed by another eight millimeter bead and another bead cap facing down and if you're curious as to how my bead caps you think you're going to need you can always do a little sample swatch without the bead caps of all the other elements let's say you've got all the other elements at home and you're just wanting to find which bead caps you want to use to dress up your piece do a little sample swatch measure how long it is and how many beat caps you think you'll need and then you could do the multiplication that's a good tip cuz I know that can be sometimes hard if you're doing a strong project you can be like well how many eve caps am I really gonna need so just do maybe two inches see how many beads you're using and then where you're gonna wanna put those bead caps and multiply it out so just gonna keep going on my pattern I love those little hammered ones very cool I use them a lot they're really versatile I think you use those when you made your chain tassel earrings that right it may be a different size I I threw Julie freely I'm sorry Jeff you know I think I'm up to like 700 projects I know yeah it's like 800 videos 700 projects something like that about remembering them all is tough have to go back into the archives the mental archives it's okay it's hot that's gonna be my excuse all day all summer yeah probably gonna I'm gonna ride that way through July all right so what do I have here cuz I'm just doing a color variation so I want it to match sizing wise - all right so let's see oh good I've added all my beads so if we can see how it looks actually in purple versus the green we're using all those bead caps and it really is just bringing that extra gold element and so that's why I went with a little bit of a plainer bead cap because I really wasn't looking for the design of the bead cap I was looking for the color and I wanted the punch of the gold so again when you're choosing really think about what is your end goal for the bead cap is it to add a metal element is it to add you know a pretty filigree to it what what's the purpose alright so now I'm gonna add another crimp tube and I think I'm going to attach this side to my element here my focal and this is the root chakra and I'm gonna go ahead and go through the loop and now I'm gonna go back through my crimp tube and pull it down and I had a lot of extra beading wire I definitely over overestimated okay so now I'm gonna crimp with my crimp tube and so here's a pair of crimping pliers you look at them closely they've got two notches one which is shaped like a kidney bean which is closest to the handle here and one which is a little more oval-shaped we're gonna put it in the first notch this one here closest to my hand first and then we're going to do the second notch so to do this here we go you want just sitting in that well and we're gonna crimp and if you look at it we've squished it we've made it into that half of that crescent moon kidney shape and now what we're gonna do is we're gonna rotate it so it's standing up right in our plier in that first notch and we're gonna squeeze and it's gonna fold over on itself so you see that little fold and now for this I do want to add a crimp bead cover and I like to add my crimp bead covers right after I crimp my bead and before I finished my stringing because they do add a little extra hair of a millimeter to the the spacing so I am going to throw it all over the table okay so I'm grabbing it so it's facing out in my chain nose and sometimes this takes a couple attempts I will be honest is sometimes a little bit tricky to get it on there oh and this time it actually just worked okay so it's over the crimp tube and I just squeezed it and now it just looks like a bead and now for these beads I am going to and I got that bead stopper on the other end so I didn't have to worry about my beads coming undone what you can do is you can place your beading wire and go through an adjacent bead if it will work sometimes it doesn't work sometimes the hole is a little too small depending on the thickness of your beading wire but if it does is sometimes good practice to do that and now I'm going to take my cutters and snip it off and you could either do this at the end or right now snip it okay now I've got the other end I'm gonna remove my bead stopper we do have another question okay and I'm gonna get rid of some of this link what a lot for me okay that's a good question are there any types of beads that we would advise not using bead caps on um hmm that's a really good question I'm trying to Rack my brain of what bead would I not use a bead cap on I can't think of any yeah you know I was trying to think like is there something that would like wear a coating or you know I I can't I can't think of anything there might be somewhere I wouldn't use a specific good question it's a great question I was ya I'd you know what um the only thing I might caution you on is if the bead is kind of like one of those baroque pearls are kind of an odd shape it might be tough to get it consistency if you're using you know unless you're doing like just one and one it might be sort of difficult to yeah like I said find a consistent and a bead cap that would work especially if it's that kind of like organic kind of a pearl or even like a gemstone or like a drusy kind of thing but no I don't think there's anything that you know would hurt the bead and the bead cap in a design that I can think of no even if you do have a really odd shaped bead you might want to go smaller then larger um so let's say you have like a coin pearl because if you have a coin pearl which is it was just flat and you have a really large bead cap and I like maybe around and bead captain it might sit kind of weird on it if you want much smaller like you did like a two millimeter a three millimeter or four millimeter bead cap it would sit on the top surface we had just never cover that hole yeah yeah that that might be what you want to do but yeah think of a bead that I would say oh no we don't want to use this type we don't wanna use a bead cap with it Ryan question question I know I was like huh what do we got there alright I'm gonna finish this side so I want to show you again for people who just aren't familiar with crimping I want to show this technique one more time and this is a challenging one because it is against that magnetic clasp and so it is going to keep going towards my hand okay so I've got that crimp tube in there I'm going to squeeze it alright and now I've got that crescent moon shape I'm going to try my best to do this with that magnetic clasp kind of in the way and then squish it down so it folded over on itself and I'm gonna add my crimp bead cover again and then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna finish the other half of this bracelet actually off-camera but it will be the exact same technique while Kathy moves on to altering bead caps which is very fun and she's gonna be doing some loud hammering here on live broadcast so that will be interesting alright there we go we've got that other bead cap and crimp bead cover on here oh my gosh the magnetic clasp yeah those are longer okay so we've got one half of the bracelet done and you see how it looks and then we'll put the other one right here and just like I know it's not the same design but just looking at the gemstones that you still have strung there how the metal really makes the purple kind of pop it does you know yeah it really brings it out it no it's kind of like they say when um sometimes if you have a certain eye color and you wear a certain top it makes your eyes pop it feels like that like it really brings out bead caps of the eyeshadows alright I'm gonna keep going I guess I want to finish this by the end but I am NOT gonna do it on camera because the exact same technique alright so I have two ways for you guys to kind of ultra bead caps so the first one that I'm gonna show you here is using a vintaj relief block so I have a couple of antique brass vintage bead caps here now they do look a little dark and I don't know how they're kind of showing up there on camera for you but the vintaj relief block will really kind of bring out almost a brassy gold kind of color so all I'm gonna do is I'm just going to kind of show you and I'll keep the other one kind of down here as well so you can kind of see before but I am just kind of holding it almost like just like a little thimble sorry I'm gonna get those out the way there we go and the vintaj relief lock has a white side a dark gray side kind of a matte gray side and this is the same as the adjacent side there so what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to use this coarse side here and all I'm gonna do is I'm just going to kind of buff it so I'm going to be quiet for a second because it might be hard to hear alright so you can see I've just kind of buffed it there but when you look at the difference in those two bead caps you see a lot more of that gold coming through and you can actually go a little bit further I'm gonna give to a little bit more here just really kind of kind of come across and buff off some of that metal and we're going to get that nice sort of gold popping through so yeah so that's kind of one way to alter it so if you wanted to use you know like I was saying that antique brass can kind of dark in a design if you want to lighten it up a little bit you can use a vintaj relief block and then what's really neat is especially about these filigree ones you saw in the other design that Julie actually used the patina in those as well so I'm just going to actually show you the vintaj relief block on one of these other types of filigree pieces here just kind of again just giving it a nice little buff around the edge I'm only gonna do two sort of half of it so you guys can really kind of see all right so yes you can kind of see how it just becomes a little bit more kind of golden you know so just again really kind of cool option you can even add like I was saying patina on top of that so that's one way to sort of alter a bead cap now the other one that I'm going to show you the other kind of technique is I'm actually going to show you guys how to use a doming or a dapping set which is what I have here so if you're looking at this it kind of is these little heavy pins here and they come in all different sizes and then we have these little kind of wells these little domes here so what I want to kind of show you and you know in case you kind of want to see this a little bit more in depth I did do a full video at beadaholique to kind of learn a little bit more about this and this is actually a great little investment especially if you're going to be using bead caps and you need to kind of adjust it just slightly to fit your bead alright so I'm gonna actually start off with something really simple here so I have these antique brass little guys and if you can kind of see from the side version there and I'll kind of just hold it there for just a moment it kind of almost has a little bit of like a cone like shape to it but what I really want to do is I really want to round it out so that it fits a little bit better so let me kind of show you and this is an eight millimeter pearl so you can see that it kind of has a cone like shape there and it doesn't quite fit the bead so what we're going to try to do is I'm going to come over here and I have just a nice little hammer here that I'm going to use and I'm actually going to try to do this backwards guys so be patient with me alright so I'm just going to set my little bead cap into the little well there so he's facing up and I'm gonna take my 8 millimeter pin here and what I'm gonna do is just place it in the center there just like so so it's right on the bead cap you can see it's a little wobbly and then I'm just going to come and I'm just gonna tap I don't need to whack really hard I'm just going to tap a little bit and you saw that pin kind of go right in there so now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna come and I'm just going to kind of take him out with my little plier there and now he's so much more rounded so what happens is I can come over now with my eight millimeter pearl and it fits so much nicer and that's just with a little little dab dab so that's it that's all that takes so I'm gonna do that again actually with the same bead cap so this is the same style but I'm gonna actually make him a lot wider so I'm gonna come over here and I'm actually gonna use you know what let's use this one here let's use the center the third one there alright so same kind of technique you'll get a chance to kind of see this all happen very gently just sort of placing it in there and you can see just how little I'm really dabbing this and you can kind of move it around there there we go and now I'm gonna take him out and he's nice and flat and actually this will now fit probably pretty nicely on a 12 millimeter so just like so but so that's what I could get and this is where it started and that doesn't look the way I want it to so just by kind of flattening it out and giving it a nice little shape you can really make it fit different beads now here's another example where I'm actually going to show you what it looks like alright so this is an example where the bead cap fits but it doesn't quite fit so when we're talking about fit I tend to think it'll be flush up against the bead so you can just see that it kind of sits like a little cage on top of there so all I did is I did that same dapping technique with this same one and now it fits so much better on that bead there but you can also see that it's flared out just a little bit well you know what because of the way this one is designed you can actually then just kind of take your pliers and just sort of gently Bend littlez in and just work your way around the piece to just kind of alter it ever so slightly now you don't want to be kind of putting too much pressure on it you know you don't want to snap your bead caps but just I'm just kind of just giving it that little curve in because now we flattened to the bottom well now it will fit just a little bit nicer so you can see how it's a little bit more flush up against that bead and you kind of forgive that sort of flare out now another thing that you can do is you can actually use the same bead excuse me the same bead cap in different ways so this example here and I hope this is kind of coming up for you is that what I did and let me kind of try I'll try to grab this with the pliers here so I put it in the dapping set but then I flared out those little petals there to kind of give it a nice little flourish because then what you can do and I'm actually gonna grab this here let me see if I can kind of put something together here for you so let's say I wanted to add on a bead cap that fit just like so and then I wanted to add on a bead cap that had a little extra little crown piece on the top you know and then put another little bead in there so now it's the same bead cap but sort of used in different ways and it has a little different element to it so you can kind of play around with that as well so another kind of interesting little this is actually a cord end so I want to show you this to you guys and I have a larger example here so I use this and I did this in a video so if you guys are curious about this this is a cork cord end that I was able to do there and then I put it in the dapping set and it kind of puffed out like a little flower and it was actually kind of cool and I was like you know for the right piece like that could be kind of neat that you know you're cute it's really sweet and you know I was just having a lot of fun with this sort of dapping set you know you can make pieces smaller you can make them wider but you know again it's really giving you the opportunity to get that really perfect fit also to kind of make your own beat cap you can actually use blanks with this as well so if you have a circular blank and you want to make your own bead cap or cone you can do that and then punch a hole right in the center and voila homemade bead caps yeah I feel like you could get set and just have fun and start playing like dig out your stash and see what you've got and then just go for it and you know and it's really easy you guys like I mean I don't know how it kind of sounded for you but it's a it's really easy you don't need to really whack it or anything and there's kind of no wrong way to do it this is very forgiving so you know this is something that you know I actually use quite a bit yeah it's one of the things that you wouldn't think of until someone points it out to you and that's why I wanted to point out it's buried and I'm like oh maybe I need to pull it out and yes it so thank you all right well before we jump back to you I just want to remind you guys one more time at the giveaway because we're almost done today so get your last comments in say hi tell us how hot it is where you are but we will be giving away our giveaway for today in just a moment so we're gonna pick our winner here so get your last comments all right and good luck and good luck you alright I finished the bracelet I just want to show you the what it looks like complete and I thought Kat had a really good idea of just beads next to it on the strand and really how it does dress them up it really does just add a little something extra to them so there's the color variation I did in this pretty dog tooth and amethyst and we've done all those little 6 millimeter bead caps so I'm happy with that brace I think I'll put that up as a project on beadaholique.com so you'll soon see that as a project yeah very nice yeah it just it really does add something it says I know we kind of keep saying that but you know even even without it it's you know designs can be wonderful but it's it's worth exploring if you haven't gotten into kind of the bead cap and cone arena yet yeah I think we're always looking for something new to to explore and those jewelry makers as artists as crafters we're always like what what new thing is there yeah very classic these have been around forever but a lot of us haven't experienced them and haven't worked with them yeah and you can always find kind of new ways to use a classic or an older kind of piece and that's kind of what we're always looking for here is all right well how do we incorporate that with maybe a newer trend or you know just whatever I mean you know these we incorporated in because we wanted to make big statement area yes so and that was you know and still it is a huge trend and it's like alright well let's add a little extra something well something I have an idea show like these earrings yeah another example of using a bead cone as a strand reducer so well a strand reducer and the tassel top at the same time yeah I put all the strands of this little chain these little seed bead wire wrap chain plate links and I brought them all together and used as a strand reducer but it also became like a little fringe tassel and you know that's such a nice little very boutique look you know there's something very clean about it but just that nice elongated little comment you have there it's very lovely alright are we ready to pick up with it I think so okay so we have drumroll Ariel okay okay I apologize if we miss our analysis um Jamaica respond Purdy and please I'm so sorry if we mispronounce that yes I was like Julie this one's you got a lovely name I was gonna say that's that's a beautiful name I really yeah so all you need to do is just contact service at beadaholique.com and we will get your information and ship this beautiful giveaway out and thanks so much for for joining and for participating and kind of engaging with us you know unfortunately we'll read all the comments after but um but yeah so thank you so much you guys kept doing these classes if you have a class a technique something that you want to see us do a trend you know we've done tassels and fringe we've done everything from you know we've done the loom we've done peyote so you know we have all of these classes actually archived for you there in YouTube and they're also on beadaholique.com so if you're curious about any of our other classes or if you enjoyed this class I want to see more let us know we'd love to hear from you we do love the feedback so well thank you and if you're in a hot place stay cool to stay cool stay cool stay hydrated and thank you again for joining us have a wonderful weekend have a great summer we will see you back on Facebook live next Tuesday yes before a beating break alright have a wonderful weekend everyone we'll see you soon bye you
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