hi this is kat with beadaholique.com and in this video i'm going to show you how to make the graduated kumihimo bracelet kits by beadaholique.com now i want to start by showing you the color patterns that we have available for you so this is a graduated pattern so it goes from one color to a second color and you can see that it's a nice sort of random pattern there so this one is the creamsicle we also have the luxe version here which is a beautiful teal to gold and then we have the beach side version which goes from a beautiful coral to a turquoise and in this video as you can see i'm going to be doing the nautical version so that's going to be that beautiful blue and white now in your kit you will receive your disk your clasp your cord your seed beads your e6000 glue and your bobbins what you'll need to provide yourself is a pair of scissors or snips a kumihimo weight and you can always make your own if you don't own one of these gator clips and you will also need a ruler now if you're familiar with our kits you might know that we do refill kits and what that means is that you can purchase one full kit and you'll get everything or you can purchase a refill kit and that will only give you the clasp cord and seed beads of your choice because we know that you already have that disc you'll have plenty of glue to work with and you already have your bobbins so there's no extra added bulk which is actually a really great thing so if you wanted to get one foot one full and then you can get other refills so you can make multiple colors so all right so let's assume you have everything ready to go let's go ahead and dive in okay so the very first thing we want to do is we want to get our cord set up so let's go ahead and take our cord here and what i recommend doing is we're going to do four links of eight feet each two three four five six seven and eight all right i'm gonna go ahead and cut that off and then i'm just gonna use this as a guide to cut the rest of my cord so i'm just going to kind of draw it along the side there and it'll kind of unravel itself so i'm going to continue to make four lengths total okay so gather up all four chords together and what we're going to do is we're going to find those ends kind of put them together there and just run it all the way down because what we're looking for is that midpoint on all four of those chords just like that all right so now go ahead and take it and what we're going to do is we're just going to do a nice overhand knot and just sort of bring that through just getting all four loops there and go a little a little bit bigger there we go and just pulling that through just a very simple overhand knot don't worry it doesn't need to be pretty this will get cut off later all right so now we have a nice little spot to use our gator clip when we are ready to clip that on so the next part here is we are going to thread it down through the center of our kumihimo board and now we are going to separate out each cord and you're going to put them on either side of each of the little dots there so just kind of separate them out wherever they want to go you can kind of let them talk you through sometimes we don't want to cross over too much although it doesn't really matter we're going to kind of braid this out so just sort of set them into those extra little those little spaces there on either side of the dots all the way around the board okay and my kumihimo disk here is nice and fresh so everything is nice and tight if you do a lot of kumihimo this is something that you might need to replace as you as you work because sometimes these can get a little um you know worn out but that could take many many kumihimo bracelets so you should be all good with your brand new one here all right so now what i want to do before moving on here is i want to talk about the pattern that we're going to develop on this board so going around you have eight warps eight cords there so we are gonna actually number them and i've done so on my little bobbins here so you can see i've just used a little bit of masking tape to just mark a little number one and i've done that through one through eight on all of my little things you can use painters tape you know and just use a little pen or a marker you can always use a sharpie if you want to permanently mark your bobbins it's entirely up to you but what i want that to correlate to is this chord right here between 31 and 32 is gonna be number one number two number three number four number five number six number seven and number eight and the reason that's important is because we want our pattern to show up like so and if you go ahead and grab your pattern that came with your kit you'll be able to see that we want to string our beads along that pattern there so i'm going to take my number one cord here which is the one between the 31 and 32 i'm just going to kind of move everybody else out of the way there and then i'm going to come in and this is where we're going to have a chance to talk about some sizing so the pattern begins and ends with four of one color seed beads and four of the other color seed beads so it's going to start with four white in this case and it's going to end with four blue now the reason i did that is because i want you to be able to size your bracelet so i'm going to bring my ruler in one more time and i'm going to grab one of my other examples here and bring it in to show you so if you look along my ruler here mine is seven inches now this is the pattern that you will get here but you'll notice that that pattern is about six inches now i do want to let you know that your clasp will add an inch about um here i'll even i'll show you it'll add just just kind of a hair under an inch there so you can just see just under an inch so with that said this is a technically seven inch bracelet from end to end however because it is a thick braid that inner diameter is closer to 6.25 now there are differences with the braiding that you do you can have something be a little tighter of a braid sometimes your braid will be a little bit looser so what i recommend is if you want a longer bracelet just extend that little extra piece there so you can see that first gold bead that comes in there so this is those four beads so that's what that looks like there so that is just about a half an inch so if that helps guide you however much longer or shorter you want your bracelet to be take and use that as a guide that every four beads you're going to add so you might want to start with eight of the whites or six of the whites and then end with the same number on the other side so you have that nice even pattern but that won't affect the main portion here okay i hope that gives you a little bit of a guide so now what we're going to do is i'm going to pick up that first row and i'm going to do this one with you here so we are going to pick up four white beads here and here's a little extra trick and i'm glad it kind of happened on my first one here i have a little extra tail there so i'm just going to snip that off and what you can do is you can just sort of snip it at a little angle there and it'll make a nice little sort of needle point for you to be able to pick up those beads easily because these are eight oc beads so you really shouldn't have any trouble picking these guys up okay so that's one two three four and on my first row here i'm gonna go ahead and pick up one blue two whites one blue one white one blue one white one blue oops come back here we go all right he's just he's just going to be over there now all right one blue all right so i'm going to pick up the rest of the rose i'm going to show you what it looks like here in just a moment okay so we have our first row completed and this is 40 beads so now what we're going to do is we're going to take that end and we're going to take our number one bobbin here and just go ahead and pop that open lay it inside and we're just going to wind that bobbin all the way around and just kind of capture that little cord there make sure it's nice and tight and just wind it up and let that slide all the way down to the disc there and then we're going to close our bobbin you just kind of fold it in on itself there we go so one is completed so now you're going to repeat with the other eight chords here following along with your pattern now i know that you it goes from one color to the second color and that will be indicated on your individual instructions if you would like to flip-flop those you will still end up with a very similar pattern uh each bead is is numbered you know sort of correctly so you'll be able to um kind of make it your own but just in case you want to make the exact one that you see in the example that will be there for you all right so i am going to load up all of my bobbins and then we are going to come back and we are going to start doing kumihimo okay so our disc is all ready to go so go ahead and pick it up the last thing we need to do before we begin our kumihimo is go ahead and take that gator clip and go ahead and clip it you can either clip it to the loops there whatever feels secure or you can clip it right to that knot there on the end so then we're going to flip our disc over now what i recommend is kind of holding it up and what i'm going to do here is i'm going to kind of let mine fall down because i want you to be able to see the pattern that's going to be happening with this rotation here so let me just kind of get everybody situated so again keeping in mind we have our numbered bobbins what you're going to want to do first is you're going to start braiding without um any beads so the simple uh excuse me so the simple kumihimo will look like this you're gonna start in your left hand here with the one between the 16 and the 17 go ahead and remove that from the notch and what we're going to do is we're going to bring that up and over and it's going to sit between the 30 and the 31 so go ahead and set that down just like so and now we're going to do the 32 and the one and we're going to pick that up and we're going to go down through the 14 and 15. so now what we're going to do is just give it a little 90 degree rotation there and we're simply going to repeat that on the next side so up between 24 and 25 and bring it over between the six and the seven and set it in there and then again between the eight and the nine so this is your kumihimo and now you just continue to rotate and bring it around to the other side all right so i'll show you one more time we just take that and it doesn't matter the numbers will change but the braiding will not and one more there we go rotation okay now if you ever find that you need to put your kumihimo down you need to remember your place so go ahead and start one by taking one and moving it up to the side there that way if you start with three up and one down you know exactly where you're going next so you can come to this cord here and go ahead and bring that down so i'm gonna braid my whole inch there and then i'll be right back to show you how to add those beads okay so you can see down there in the center that i have my braiding and you can see it's really nice and tight that's what we're looking for so i want to point out something um that i i want you guys to really take to heart so that this pattern comes out for you so i am at a different point in the disc i've kind of woven all around all around all around and now i'm getting ready to add the beads i have enough cord there and that's just kind of how i judge it as long as i have enough there i can make it work but i am back to my one two three four five six seven eight on my bobbins and this is why those numbers are important so now we're gonna take bobbin number six and this is where we're gonna start to add our beads so when i get down to this point i'm going to go ahead and take that out and let that bead slide all the way down now what we don't want to happen is we don't want that bead to come up and over across so what you're going to need to do and sometimes you might need to help it here on these first few rows you want it to catch underneath that cord that's coming out to the side here you can see that it's sort of caught it's almost like a little angle there that's what we want we don't want our beads to pop up and over so now every time you pick up a cord go ahead and just kind of let one bead slide down and again not like this we want it to catch underneath that cord that's right there you can kind of help it along and push down all right and now continue to rotate and we're just going to do the same thing again and i'll show you how this starts to develop here so you should be on your number eight bobbin now so go ahead and release that cord slide that down and then let it kind of you can see i'm just kind of helping it with my thumb and now here's where you want good tension but we don't want to pull too tight because we don't want that bead to go up and over and that is how easy this part is so all you're going to do is you're going to add all of your beads just in the same manner just continuing to rotate continuing to do that beautiful braid and then when you are ready you are just going to as though the beads were never there you're just going to continue your kumihimo and you are going to finish with one inch of that cord like we did in the beginning because that's going to go into our clasp so we can tie it off all right so i will see you on the other side when it is ready to add our clasp go ahead and do all of your kumihimo and i'll be back here to show you how to finish it off okay so by now your kumihimo is all finished and should look like this so let's go ahead and remove that gator weight you can set him aside we don't need that anymore and then go ahead and take your scissors and just cut off all of those without your magnetic clasp attached and go ahead and just cut off all of those bobbins there and you can just set all of those aside you want to give some nice tails here so cut as close to the bobbins as you can and two more over here all right perfect so now go ahead and kind of come up through and just go ahead and pinch that we're just going to pull those cords out and remove them from our disk set our disk aside we are done with that go ahead and gather all of those cords together and we're just going to create a nice overhand knot just like so and making sure it kind of sits right at the top of our braid don't worry if it's pretty we're cutting it off anyway all right so now this is the braid that we should have all finished and ready to go so for the clasp two things one go ahead and separate it and separate it to the sides we want to leave our piece drying so it's unclasped because sometimes that little glue can seep through there and if you let it dry while it's clasped you can actually glue it together so we'd want to avoid that so that's just my little reminder to set them aside okay so we're going to be using some toothpicks here you can also use just a scrap of wire whatever it is and that's going to help us with that glue but because the well of our clasp is a little large to fit over this nice thin braid we have here we're going to need to bulk up that end so we're going to take one of our bobbins and just kind of undo it and we're going to actually use this little scrap piece so this is going to be a perfect length it's just a couple of feet there and before we get to the gluing go ahead and take that come in here and leave about six inches on one side and what we're going to do is we're just going to tie a little overhand knot there and bring that as close as we can to the base of our beads we want to make sure that we're not catching any of our beads there perfect and now we're just going to tie a double knot just for a little extra security i'm always a double knotter all right so now take the little side and go ahead and kind of fold that up along the braid there and now we're going to take this longer side and what we're going to do is we're just going to wind it around our braid and we're going to go up about the length of the well of our clasp now one thing to keep in mind here is that you can just keep winding and winding make sure you're not catching any of those beads you can tell mine really wants to there so you can just take your clasp and kind of eyeball it the edge of your clasp is only really about oh even less than a quarter of an inch there at the top so what we want to do is we want to make sure that we're going to get it all um sort of bulked up so that it's going to fit in there so you're just kind of winding it around again this does not need to be pretty we are gonna add glue and get rid of this guy anyway all right so just keep on winding there you can just see that i'm trying to just wind it really really tight i'm really holding that with my fingers okay so that looks good so now what i want to do is i want to take that end and i'm going to take the end that i was working with there and what i'm going to do is i'm just going to kind of hold that really tight and make a little knot and kind of bring that down as close as i can to my kind of big bulk section right there perfect all right and then of course you know me i'm going to double knot that and secure it okay so now what i recommend is i recommend you do this on the other side uh before you move on but i'm gonna go ahead and do it all here at once so go ahead and now take your e6000 your glue is going to be fresh so go ahead and just poke it on the edge there of your glue cap and go ahead and squeeze a little bit out onto your work surface and we want to keep it from drying up so go ahead and close that up now what we want to do is kind of just drag our toothpick around you can just see that i'm kind of just twirling it there this has a really kind of stringy glue so what we want to do now is we want to set it down into the well and just sort of maneuver it around into the well of our little clasp there we want to kind of get it down into those corners we want to make sure we have a really nice strong bond so you can kind of see what i'm working with there all right perfect so now i'm going to grab just a little bit more of a dab and i think i'm just going to set that down right in the center so you can see i'm just kind of twisting my toothpick as i take it out okay so now that is all set to go so in one kind of step here i'm gonna snip off these little ends just like so there we go and i am going to snip off and you kind of have to saw this one because the braid is really thick now very quickly you want to just kind of dip it in the glue just at the very end there we just want to seal that little end piece and now we're going to put it into our clasp but as you do this what i recommend you do is kind of just slip it on but sort of twist it around and kind of let that glue get all in there we really want to make sure that it's really forming a tight little bond don't worry if you have a little bit on the outside there you can see next to my finger i have just a little bit you can always just kind of pull that off this glue is very forgiving which is lovely until it is dry and then it is nice and solid for you all right so that is one side i'm going to do the other side because i want you guys to be able to see what this is going to look like all right so we have our beautiful bracelet all set to go remember to let it dry kind of laid out like this but i just wanted to show you all four colors together there at the very end so we have two silver two gold some beautiful colors for you to choose from i hope you enjoyed this video you can get all of these exclusive kits and even more kits by heading over to beadaholique.com
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