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Triple Wrap Odd Count Peyote Bracelet in Tropic - Exclusive Beadaholique Jewelry Kit SKU: KB-SP-072R $29.99 |
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hi this is kat with beadaholique.com and in this video i'm going to show you how to make the triple wrap odd count peyote bracelets an exclusive beadaholique jewelry kit so here is one example that i have on my wrist here so this is that little tiny triple wrap so we have five rows wide there or excuse me five columns rather wide and we're using a little magnetic clasp there and we have all kinds of different fun patterns that sort of overlap and we're using five different colors here today so this is going to be really fun so this is one example of a color we also do have this beautiful blues and then we have the purples as well so we have three different versions there for you all right so let's go ahead and talk about what you're going to get in your kit so you can see we have our five colors let me go ahead and set that down there we have our five colors that you're going to receive you're going to receive your little magnetic clasp and then you're going to get a needle and you're going to get a spool of thread now today i'm going to be using the black fireline just so that you can see it here on camera but yours will be a crystal color to coordinate with your beads okay so let's talk for a second a little bit about sizing and the pattern that you're going to receive so i have over here this is the colorful pattern that you'll get and it's nice and easy to read now what i want to say here is that you'll notice that we have let me see if i can get on camera there we go we have a through g but you'll notice that g is a little shorter and this is where that sizing comes in so if you follow this pattern top to bottom you'll start at the top of a and just kind of keep working your way down as you go through all these patterns this will give you about 21 a little over 21 inches now the triple wrapped uh when it goes around your wrist is a little over seven inches because we have to leave a little bit of room for that clasp now with that said what you can do is you can either shorten pieces here or you can lengthen pieces so what i mean by that is let's take a look at a so you can see a we have like that blue pink white orange and then it goes back to the silver blue pink white orange then it goes back to the silver now this is an opportunity to shorten that if you wanted to especially here at the very beginning so what you could do is you could actually shorten and just kind of leave off a blue pink white and orange and go right into finishing the silver because the silver starts that next pattern so in between each pattern there is a unique little transition and that's just to kind of get from one to the next if you wanted to let's say extend a piece of the pattern what i would recommend is you can take a piece like this because you can see that it continues up here in c and you can just continue this pattern for a little bit longer just to add a few extra rows if you think you're going to want a little bit more there to add on to here now you're also welcome to do this in pieces and zip the pieces together it is entirely up to you but i just wanted to give you some options there when it comes to sizing all right so i have this pattern here so you'll be able to follow that and let's go ahead now and the oh i did want to mention the only other tool that you're going to need is just a pair of scissors or snips just to help us with that thread so that's the only thing that you'll need to provide okay so if you have everything ready to go let's go ahead and get started on learning that odd count peyote okay so now we are all set to start weaving our pattern and our pattern is going to go with these silver beads first now let me just bring that into frame one more time so i can show you how to read this pattern here so what we're going to do on a is we're going to pick up the first two rows which means we're going to pick up that one that one that one that one and that one so those are the first two rows right there and when we go to turn it around and get our third row we're gonna turn around and this is our third row that one that one and that one so we're all working with the silver beads for right now okay so let's go ahead and we're gonna go one two three four and i'll get that one that flew away five so i can just hold those five in my fingers there and i'm going to come down towards the end of the thread i'm going to leave about a foot because we're going to want that to attach our clasp later so we have our silver beads so now i'm going to pick up one silver bead and i'm going to turn it around and i'm not going to go through that first bead i'm going to go through that second bead right there and this is going to create a little tiny triangle at the end so let me just sort of show you there so we get our little three happening at the very end just like that all right so now i'm gonna go and i'm gonna pick up another silver i'm gonna skip over another silver and then go into the next one here and this is going to start to create that little kind of zipper look all right so we have that just like so now i have one hanging there so what i'm going to do is i'm going to pick up one more silver bead and now i'm going to actually go down and come up through that little bead that was sort of hanging there and what i want to do is get him to sit on top just like so but now my thread's kind of in a strange place so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go through this middle bead right here right there and i'm going to go up through a bead and that top row there and then i'm going to come down through and turn my thread around and you'll be able to see this a little bit easier once i get a few more beads on here so if you can't see this don't worry it will become clear and then you're going to go down through those last two beads on the end and the last step of that turnaround is to get your needle going the right way here and we're going to go back up through this bead here so now referring to my pattern i'm ready to add that next row and that is two silver beads so we're just going to go through that one right like it like that and through this one just like that all right now we're ready to add our next row of beads and on my pattern here it's going to be those turquoise beads so now we're just weaving back and forth so on one side it looks like even count peyote and then on the other side it looks like odd count peyote alright so now we're back to a silver bead in the middle all right and now again you can see that we are at that little spot where we kind of have that little gap there so we're going to take our thread turn it around and go down through and now you can come up through all three of those beads there and this you can kind of just push with your finger and get him to sit right where you need him to be and then you're going to go down through the bead that's underneath the one that your thread is coming out go down and through and then we finish off that little five right there and again we're just gonna go back up through there all right so i'm gonna do a couple more here and get it to a place where it's a little bit easier for you to see you can also follow along with the odd count turnaround uh paperwork that we have with your kit here we want to give you guys all different ways to learn so you know we know that some people learn from reading and then some people are visual learners so we just want to make sure that we can accommodate that i'm going to do this one a little bit faster here so just kind of knock that up there there we go and if you can go through multiple beads at a time do so if you you're finding that your work is really tight and you can't do that that's okay uh just take your time and make sure you know you're not creating unnecessary thread bridges that's what this is all about all right beautiful all right so let me do one more here all right now we're going to move on to the pink ones so hopefully this will be a nice way for you to see it now that i realized that you know there's silver beads and silver needle and i want to make sure this that you guys understand this okay i'm coming there we go all right so we're at that turnaround one more time here is that pink bead that we're going to be adding let me make sure you guys can see this here okay so we're going to go down through and we're going to go up through all three of those seed beads there and we're going to make sure that sits up there and falls into place and then turn it around and we're going to go through that bead that's right there on the bottom so really when you're doing the turnaround and this is no matter how wide your piece is you're only ever working with these last five beads all right and then we're going to come and we're going to go down through those last two beads there you can see it's sort of crossing over and going underneath and then go back up and through and now we're ready to start our next row okay so that is how we are going to start our piece here i'm going to do a little bit more weaving and then i'm going to be back to show you how to finish off the clasp so one thing i want to take a moment to show you really quick is how to tie off and add new thread because as you weave you'll obviously need to be using multiple passes of threads to achieve the length here so don't try to use it all in one all right so what we're going to do is let's say i'm coming out of this bead and let's pretend that my next bead is a pink bead just so that you can see it a little bit easier this is not the pattern please note this is not the pattern this ending here this is just for demonstration so i'm coming out so i've added one more bead there now in order to tie off that thread i'm going to take my needle and i'm going to go underneath and sort of catch that little thread bridge that is between those two silver beads and that's going to create a little bit of a loop there that i'm going to bring my needle back through and i'm just going to tie that off so i have a little knot there so now i'm just going to follow along with the beads i'm just going to go through one and then i'm just going to turn my thread around and go through one maybe two there we go all right so i have that is considered to be tied off so i'm going to remove my needle come in with my little scissors and you want to get as close as you can right up there and snip there we go and now i'm ready to add on that new thread now keep in mind where you are that's why i have that little that little pink pink bead there so now i'm going to take a moment and thread a needle with some more thread okay so now i have my needle with a new length of thread and what i'm going to do here is i'm going to go backwards kind of through a couple of beads so you can see that the one just below that pink bead is the ideal choice so i'm going to go down through that bead kind of coming out this way pull my thread all the way through and you can leave a tail only about a couple inches there you don't really even need to use that much because this is all going to get cut off so now i can come up through that pink bead and what i'm going to do is i'm going to do that same little knot technique but i'm going to do it twice because i really want to secure this new piece of thread so i'm going to go down through between that pink and that silver bead there create a little loop pull tight and now i'm going to go over one more i'm gonna pick up let's pick up another pink bead just so we can see pick up another pink bead and now let's turn it around and i'll go with orange this time just so you can see the the pattern there and now now that i'm going through that last pink bead that i just added i'm going to come down through again and make a little knot now the reason i like to do two is just to secure this nice new piece of thread that i have there because the old one was secured by all those turnarounds because let's assume we continue with our orange beads here and we're going to do our little turn around going down through our little bead and now we are ready to rock and roll so now we've been able to do that turn around so my thread is officially not going anywhere now you can leave this little tail there until you're done weaving and then go back and trim off all of them i'm going to trim mine now just like so all right so that's how you tie off and add new thread as you are weaving so that's an important part that i wanted to just showcase for you there all right if you're ready to do the clasp let's get to it okay so we have your magnetic clasp here and it has these two little loops on the side which is perfect so you can either leave it together you can separate it at this point it is entirely up to you but what i do want to show you is that we've ended the pattern and let me bring it in frame here for you we've ended the pattern with three up beads like that so what we're going to need to do is we're going to need to actually add two more beads and the reason i left it open-ended on the pattern is that i wanted you to know that you could adjust it for size but let's say you have decided that this is the size you've wrapped it around your wrist and you're happy so what we're going to do now is i'm going to actually i'm going to use blue beads so i can talk talk you through this but i would recommend using two silver beads to get that nice sleek finish let me kind of show you on one of the examples here so you can see that i've used all silver beads to do this ending technique that i'm about to teach you but we're going to use blue because i want you guys to be able to see it okay so we're going to go through and we're going to do two beads and pick one up and pick one up now this is normally where you would turn your thread around and add on the third row of beads but instead of that what we're going to do is we're going to turn that thread we're going to go down through that silver bead that's right there so down through the bead that's just below that last one in the row and we're going to weave our way all the way back over so now i'm going through that pink bead and i'm going to go down through that silver bead so you're just zigzagging across remember the name of the game is to not create extra thread bridges and i'm going to kind of see if i can catch two here so i'm going to go through that pink bead and that silver bead because what i want to do is i want to get my thread so that it is coming out of that top blue bead just like that okay so if your thread and your ending piece looks like this and you're coming out that top piece this is where we want to be all right now go ahead and pick up one of those blue beads and go ahead and slide that all the way down and now what we're going to do is we're going to pick up our clasp and i'm going to go ahead and separate mine there we go set one to the side go ahead and go through that loop of that clasp let that fall all the way down and now we're going to pick up another blue bead and we're going to go into the blue bead and i'm going to do this in one step i'm going to go into the blue bead and coming right out of that orange bead there so what in essence we're doing is we're creating this little triangle here up at the top for these to sit in so if i kind of pull that back you see what's happening there so that's what we want to achieve we want those two beads now yours you can probably press it in a little bit to make sure that that it kind of sits in that little hole there so you can sort of move around that little uh the loop on the clasp but now let's secure that and what we're gonna do is we are going to go and we're gonna just repeat that whole thing that i just did so we're gonna go down through a bead and we're going to zigzag our way all the way across the bead weaving going through this one and again if you can catch both catch both now i can feel that this is getting really tight in here which is what we want because this is the clasp and we don't want to lose our work but just take your time because you might only be able to get through one bead at a time all right so now i'm going to go through the bead through the loop and that's as far as i can get there and lovely magnetic clasp we're going to go down through and all the way there we go all right so now i'm gonna go down through that silver bead one more time down through the silver bead underneath it so instead of going through that pink bead that's where i'm headed and now i'm just gonna go back through and i'm gonna come up through those two silver beads on the end and now we can use one of those little side thread bridges to go just underneath my needle is just underneath that thread bridge pulling it tight creating a little loop going through the loop tying it off and now i'm just going to go through a couple more adjacent beads just like so and i think that should do it so now i'm ready to cut that off now the opposite side of this clasp is a little bit different so i'm going to show you that as well so stick with me let me just rethread my needle onto my tail so what i'm going to do guys is just so you know i'm going to take this whole thing and i'm going to flip it over just like that so i want you to know where you are where you are with the pattern um i'm right-handed so it's just the way i like to work so otherwise i would get confused trying to do it the other way i'm so sorry all right now i have my needle all threaded and ready to go and the difference on this side is you'll see that we're coming out of that bead as opposed to going in towards the center of the bead weaving our other thread had it kind of coming in so you have two options here you can turn it around and go through the opposite way or you can just go through that last bead there and just leave it as is and i'm going to pick up some orange beads this time so remember we have to add those two onto the end and i recommend you use the silver beads it's just a nice look so that's all you need to do is just kind of turn that thread around so i don't want you to get stuck there so now we go back through and we go through this whole thing again so back through and again you're just kind of weaving up and down and across remember to go down there we go and then here's where you can again secure those last two beads so if that feels wobbly doing that turn around there you can also like i said you can weave to the other side and kind of do it as a third pass it's entirely up to you all right so i'm gonna pick up pink beads this time i'm gonna pick up a pink bead i'm to pick up my clasp and again you can do this with any any colors you want feel free to mix up the pattern this is entirely up to you picking up that second pink bead and making sure he sits right in the center there give it a little tug perfect and now i'm just going to turn that around you can see that it is getting tighter in there you can just see the resistance but that is okay this is where we want things to be a little a little more snug and fit all right so it looks like i'm only going to get up through oh yep i got through all three and going across through that clasp down through those three and again that's just that same technique of tying off i'll show you one more time this is a really fun pattern you can really change it up and make it your own you're going to get plenty of beads to play with so feel like you can really enjoy the process of making this kit we do have other peyote kits at beadaholique.com so if you're interested in this technique or if you're looking at this thinking it might be a little bit too advanced for you at this time we do have some other projects we do have a lot more video tutorials and we do have some even count peyote which is going to be a little bit uh simpler so we want to make sure that we have something for you at every level so when you're ready come on back to this and you can do this advanced technique all right so that is it i feel confident with that my my very tiny little bracelet there but uh this is a really fun thing i hope you guys enjoy this and oh last thing i'll do is let me just trim off see i thought it was just going to be so easy for me just to trim off my little tail there there we go all right so now we have our finished piece thank you so much for joining me guys i will see you back here very soon this is beadaholique.com if you're new to our youtube channel be sure to hit that subscribe button below to get all the latest from beadaholique.com you
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