SKU VID-1757
Alexandra Smith
In this video, you will see from start to finish how to create this project using components by Nunn Design. First, you will see how to wire wrap the nautilus focal and horizontal metal bead with 22 gauge wire. Then you will see how to assemble the necklace using 6.5mm jump rings and flat cable chain. You will see additional design inspiration, as well as a variety of pendants and charms featured in the Nunn Design Winter 2020 Collection.
Audio Transcript
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hi this is Alexandra at beadaholique to so you how to make the Galatea necklace featuring a Nunn design so let's take a look at these beautiful pieces that have come out for Becky nuns winter 2020 collection we have a couple different sizes of this succulent design in the 12 and 16 millimeter we've got some beautiful big flowers in the signature colorways that she does at the metal finishes in the gold silver and copper there's these neat seventeen millimeter tubular horizontal beads that are actually drilled through the middle we'll be done designing with those and just to see the difference there's a very shiny silver and then the more burnished antique there's these three different sizes the six nine and thirteen millimeter of the faceted round charms and the Nautilus charms which will also be designing with so here's a necklace that uses those neat faceted rounds just to show you how well they go together the pieces just really speak for themselves so let's get started we're gonna bring in our components for this necklace now this is the Galatea necklace which I called after that God is a calm seas I was very inspired by the organic natural style that becky nunn is so well-known for us all we need are some cable chains I've got a couple different lengths here that I have prepared I've got five and a half inch lengths here and then 6 1 inch lengths all prepared I actually didn't have to cut these apart I just separated the links by opening and closing them I've got some at six and a half millimeter jump rings also by becky nunn they're really nice sort of brushed look to give them a bark look dark finish and then a 12 millimeter lobster clasp I've got a couple of itty-bitty 2.5 millimeter metal beads we'll be using one of these horizontal beads and the nautilus shell which is about 22 millimeters I'm also going to need some 22 gauge wire and for tools I'll be using some round nose pliers chain nose pliers bent nose pliers and some cutters so let's go ahead and get started I'm going to begin by cutting ten inches of the craft wire with my flush cutters and I'll bring in my pliers here I'm gonna make a wrapped wire loop on one side just by taking my round nose plier about an inch down make my 90 degree angle rotate my pliers create loop off the top and down over the bottom there open that up just a little bit and I'm going to slide on my Nautilus pendant and close that wrap up just grab my other pair of pliers and create a couple coils once and twice you can clip the extra and now I'm going to slip on one of these tiny beads and this is going to help to stop up that larger hole size of this artisan bead that we'll be using so let me take one on to either side of that bead and I'm gonna create another wrapped wire loop at the top following in the same direction as my previous loop so I'm gonna pull toward my self gripping there at a 90 degree angle come up and over the top match the size of my loop on my plier come around the base and again I'm gonna coil once and twice and just fill the space up to that little tiny bead and at that point I'm gonna take the remainder of my wire and start to create a nice casual coil around this bead coming around crossways once and then around one side in a loop a second loop and a third loop and then I'm going to bring my wire up around the back and over the top and cross to the opposite side of the and do the same thing creating one two and three loops and over the top of the bead here on that upper coil I'm going to trace over my previous wrap and just kind of bulk that up in a neat line and I'm ready to clip and tuck my wire so this is just a nice way to tie in that beautiful organic feel and create a pendant there that's sort of rustic so to put together the necklace I'm going to bring in my bent chain nose pliers and some of these jump rings and just start to piece everything together using these nice big jump rings and I love mixing the metals too that's always fun to do with Becky nuns pieces I'm sliding on the end links of two of my one-inch chains and I'm going to close that up and then I'm going to do the same thing on either side of the necklace just assembling the one-inch chains together using these jump rings the jump rings add their own sort of design element give the piece a nice feeling of space and weight at the same time bring this next one in I'm gonna bring three jump rings on either side of the necklace kind of like bubbles know that I'm thinking of it very watery nautical oops I forgot to add my next chain let me pop that on there mmmh and one more jump ring this one's gonna link these smaller bits of chain unto my longer five and a half inch length so to complete this project you would need about seventeen and a half inches of chain to create a 19 inch necklace and I'm going to go ahead and do the same thing on the opposite side and then I'll meet up with you when we add our clasp so now we're ready to add on our clasp and jump ring on the opposite side of our necklace I'm gonna take one of these same jump rings as I used before and just link it on to the end portion of my five and a half inch chain and close that up now for the class rather than using sort of a large clunky jump ring that would out size the clasp I'm just going to use one of the links on the chain as a jump ring so I'm going to open that up slide on the loop of my twelve millimeter clasp and close the ring so that's the galatea necklace I've really enjoyed making this design using becky nunn it's beautiful components they're all available at be sure to click the bell and subscribe on our YouTube channel for all the latest updates thanks for watching
hi this is Alexandra at beadaholique to so you how to make the Galatea necklace featuring a Nunn design so let's take a look at these beautiful pieces that have come out for Becky nuns winter 2020 collection we have a couple different sizes of this succulent design in the 12 and 16 millimeter we've got some beautiful big flowers in the signature colorways that she does at the metal finishes in the gold silver and copper there's these neat seventeen millimeter tubular horizontal beads that are actually drilled through the middle we'll be done designing with those and just to see the difference there's a very shiny silver and then the more burnished antique there's these three different sizes the six nine and thirteen millimeter of the faceted round charms and the Nautilus charms which will also be designing with so here's a necklace that uses those neat faceted rounds just to show you how well they go together the pieces just really speak for themselves so let's get started we're gonna bring in our components for this necklace now this is the Galatea necklace which I called after that God is a calm seas I was very inspired by the organic natural style that becky nunn is so well-known for us all we need are some cable chains I've got a couple different lengths here that I have prepared I've got five and a half inch lengths here and then 6 1 inch lengths all prepared I actually didn't have to cut these apart I just separated the links by opening and closing them I've got some at six and a half millimeter jump rings also by becky nunn they're really nice sort of brushed look to give them a bark look dark finish and then a 12 millimeter lobster clasp I've got a couple of itty-bitty 2.5 millimeter metal beads we'll be using one of these horizontal beads and the nautilus shell which is about 22 millimeters I'm also going to need some 22 gauge wire and for tools I'll be using some round nose pliers chain nose pliers bent nose pliers and some cutters so let's go ahead and get started I'm going to begin by cutting ten inches of the craft wire with my flush cutters and I'll bring in my pliers here I'm gonna make a wrapped wire loop on one side just by taking my round nose plier about an inch down make my 90 degree angle rotate my pliers create loop off the top and down over the bottom there open that up just a little bit and I'm going to slide on my Nautilus pendant and close that wrap up just grab my other pair of pliers and create a couple coils once and twice you can clip the extra and now I'm going to slip on one of these tiny beads and this is going to help to stop up that larger hole size of this artisan bead that we'll be using so let me take one on to either side of that bead and I'm gonna create another wrapped wire loop at the top following in the same direction as my previous loop so I'm gonna pull toward my self gripping there at a 90 degree angle come up and over the top match the size of my loop on my plier come around the base and again I'm gonna coil once and twice and just fill the space up to that little tiny bead and at that point I'm gonna take the remainder of my wire and start to create a nice casual coil around this bead coming around crossways once and then around one side in a loop a second loop and a third loop and then I'm going to bring my wire up around the back and over the top and cross to the opposite side of the and do the same thing creating one two and three loops and over the top of the bead here on that upper coil I'm going to trace over my previous wrap and just kind of bulk that up in a neat line and I'm ready to clip and tuck my wire so this is just a nice way to tie in that beautiful organic feel and create a pendant there that's sort of rustic so to put together the necklace I'm going to bring in my bent chain nose pliers and some of these jump rings and just start to piece everything together using these nice big jump rings and I love mixing the metals too that's always fun to do with Becky nuns pieces I'm sliding on the end links of two of my one-inch chains and I'm going to close that up and then I'm going to do the same thing on either side of the necklace just assembling the one-inch chains together using these jump rings the jump rings add their own sort of design element give the piece a nice feeling of space and weight at the same time bring this next one in I'm gonna bring three jump rings on either side of the necklace kind of like bubbles know that I'm thinking of it very watery nautical oops I forgot to add my next chain let me pop that on there mmmh and one more jump ring this one's gonna link these smaller bits of chain unto my longer five and a half inch length so to complete this project you would need about seventeen and a half inches of chain to create a 19 inch necklace and I'm going to go ahead and do the same thing on the opposite side and then I'll meet up with you when we add our clasp so now we're ready to add on our clasp and jump ring on the opposite side of our necklace I'm gonna take one of these same jump rings as I used before and just link it on to the end portion of my five and a half inch chain and close that up now for the class rather than using sort of a large clunky jump ring that would out size the clasp I'm just going to use one of the links on the chain as a jump ring so I'm going to open that up slide on the loop of my twelve millimeter clasp and close the ring so that's the galatea necklace I've really enjoyed making this design using becky nunn it's beautiful components they're all available at be sure to click the bell and subscribe on our YouTube channel for all the latest updates thanks for watching
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