10 Quick and Easy Jewelry Projects

As jewelry makers, we sometimes feel like making grand complicated projects, and then sometimes we feel like making quick and easy designs. I must admit that I like to make both, and sometimes I will even make a few quick and easy projects while in the middle of a longer project (it’s nice to have that satisfaction of a completed design). Here is my list of my top 10 favorite quick and easy projects.

Scarlet Hoop Earrings. I just made this design last week and I love how it combines two of my favorite ingredients – Nunn Design Earring hoops and PRESTIGE Crystal majestic pendants. When I first thought of making this design, I really didn’t think that the hole in the pendant would be big enough to fit over the curve of the earring hook. I was happy that I was wrong. You can make this design in silver or gold and all three sizes of majestic pendants fit on the hooks.

Timeless Elegance Earrings. I feel like this design can be so easily customized with your favorite colors of PRESTIGE Crystal bicones and then you will have the perfect pair of elegant earrings to match your wardrobe. For this design, all you need to do is place the beads on a headpin and then make a wrapped wire loop at the end. All that’s left is to hang it from an earring hook.

The Sorrento Earrings. This project is made completely by opening and closing jump rings which you adorn with beads and then link together. It’s a very quick and easy project but looks more complicated because of the beads, crystals, and lovely TierraCast focals.

Romance My Heart Earrings. These are so easy to make, just hanging a charm on the end of lovely long earring hooks. I like that you could make these using whatever charms strike your fancy.

Penny Lane Necklace. This project is a just a little more complicated than some of the others listed but not by much. It’s nice in that it teaches you how to easily make a necklace from cut-to-order chain and the medallion accents are sleek and contemporary.

Asian Coin Necklace in Brass. Here’s another project that teaches a great technique that you can use repeatedly. To make this necklace you will be creating an adjustable leather cord necklace, and one that is unisex too! Once you know how to make these easy knots, you can make oodles of necklaces and bracelets for your friends and family.

Golden Star Necklace. This necklace does not look quick or easy, but it really is! The focal is the showstopper here and really creates an elegant design.

Matte Gold Honeycomb Earrings. I love how clean and modern this design is. What’s great too is that the whole construction process is just opening and closing one jump ring for each earring. So easy yet so pretty!

Sweet Holiday Earrings. What is nice about this design is that you can easily customize it with your favorite colors of PRESTIGE faux pearls. You could also consider putting more bicones on the head pin for a little extra sparkle.

Brighton Earrings. Here’s another design that is very quick and easy yet classic and elegant. You can make it in either gold or silver and then choose your favorite color of PRESTIGE crystal pear fancy stone in 14mm to complete the design.

I hope you enjoyed this list. Happy Holidays! Julie

Previous article Quick and Easy Gifts for Moms


Beadaholique - December 15, 2022

@Lynda Marie

Thank you for your comment. We have checked the image link, the text link, and the link to cut-to-order chain for that project on this page and all three work correctly for us. We did notice that once viewing the Penny Lane project page, a printer-friendly PDF version of the project was never created. We have created an uploaded one.

Lynda Marie - December 13, 2022

The Penny Lane necklace project is showing a 404 error.

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