Note: Components and tools listed within this INSTRUCTIONS box and the printer-friendly PDF, if available,
may have been discontinued since this project was published. Refer to the PURCHASE COMPONENTS and TOOLS AND
OTHER SUPPLIES sections for current availability.
- Begin by cutting off a square of Lacy's Stiff Stuff beading foundation, about 2" x 2" should be fine.
- Cut a piece of Nymo Thread, about 3 feet or so. Thread it on to your needle and tie a knot at the end.
- Take your needle and come up through the back of your square about a 1/2" from the edge. The fully embroidered hexagon shape will measure about 1" x 1", so be sure that you are leaving enough space to complete the hexagon.
- On to the thread that is coming up through the foundation, thread one silver hexagon bead and one gold seed bead. Scoot them down so they are resting on the foundation. Now thread your needle back down through the hole of the silver bead, and through to the other side of the beading foundation. You should have your seed bead sitting on top of the silver bead. This is what is going to hold the silver bead in place.
- Please see the photo for reference on the hexagon pattern. When you come back up through the foundation, you may have to rotate and adjust the first hexagon to sit correctly. Once you have the first four silver hexagons in place they will be a sturdier guide as you continue with your embroidery.
- To complete the hexagon, continue threading through and work in a zig zag pattern as you build your rows. Your rows will be as follows: 4-5-6-7-6-5-4
- When you have threaded all of your silver beads, tie your thread into the back of the foundation. Cut your thread.
- To attach the ultra suede backing, watch our video: How to Trim the Foundation and Attach the Backing. Using your scissors, cut the hexagon shape out. When you do this, cut straight edges even though the edges of the beads are not flush with the sides. Use the crafters pick glue to attach the ultra suede backing and then trim the edge.
- For this next step, watch our video How to Bead Embroider a Basic Beaded Edge. Cut a 3' strand of Nymo thread and thread your needle. For the beaded edge use the gold 15/0 Toho seed beads. Tie off and trim your thread.
- To attach the ring finding, place a dab of E6000 glue onto the top pad of the ring finding and center it onto the back of the embroidered hexagon.
WHAT YOU'LL NEED: (scroll down for purchase options)
- BMB-3220 - TierraCast Fine Silver Plated Pewter Hexagon Spacer Beads 3.8mm (50)
Project uses 37 pieces. You will need 1 package.
- JSO-0199 - Toho Round Seed Beads 15/0 22B 'Silver Lined Medium Topaz' 8g
Project uses 1 tube. You will need 1 package.
- JR-1058 - Silver Plated Adjustable Ring With 16mm Pad For Gluing (4)
Project uses 1 piece. You will need 1 package.
- XCR-4373 - Beadsmith Ultra Suede For Beading Foundation And Cabochon Work 8.5x4.25 In. - Silver Pearl
Project uses 1 piece. You will need 1 package.
- XCR-4210 - Lacy's Stiff Stuff Beading Foundation for Cabochons 4.25 X 5.5 Inches
Project uses 1 piece. You will need 1 package.
- XCR-8916 - NYMO Nylon Beading Thread Size D for Delica Beads Golden Yellow 64YD (58 Meters)
Project uses 1 spool. You will need 1 package.
- XTL-1026 - Crafter's Pick The Ultimate Permanent Glue Cement Adhesive 4 OZ
Project uses 1 bottle. You will need 1 package.
- XTL-1054 - E6000 Industrial Strength Glue Adhesive (0.18 fl oz)
Project uses 1 tube. You will need 1 package.
RECOMMENDED TOOLS:- XTL-3006 - Beadsmith English Beading Needles Size 12 (4 Needles)
- XTL-5700 - Fiskars 5 Precision Tip Scissors - Super Sharp