Note: Components and tools listed within this INSTRUCTIONS box and the printer-friendly PDF, if available,
may have been discontinued since this project was published. Refer to the PURCHASE COMPONENTS and TOOLS AND
OTHER SUPPLIES sections for current availability.
This bracelet measures approximately 6 inches. To modify the length, simply adjust the length woven respectively. For a longer bracelet you will need additional strands of the Czech Glass 4mm Fire Polish Beads.
- Please watch our video: How to Right Angle Weave. In this video you will see the basic technique for Right Angle Weave. You will notice that the beads are aligned so that they are up & down, and left & right. For this project these beads will represent the 11/0 seed beads. This will mean that the 4mm fire polish beads will be on the diagonal. Please see project photo for clarification.
- So to begin, cut off a strand of thread that is about 6 feet in length, or as long as you're comfortable working with. Thread your needle.
- Pick up the beads in this order: 1 seed bead, 1 fire polish, 1 seed bead, 1 fire polish, 1 seed bead, 1 fire polish, 1 seed bead, and 1 fire polish. Bring the ends together and tie an overhand knot. Be sure to leave a tail of 12 inches.
- Then, without adding another bead, thread your needle through the adjacent seed bead. You are now ready to add the next unit. Pick up 1 fire polish, 1 seed bead, 1 fire polish, 1 seed bead, 1 fire polish, 1 seed bead, and 1 fire polish. Then go through the seed bead your thread was coming out of to complete the full unit. Then move your needle so that it goes around the unit you just strung through 1 fire polish, 1 seed bead, 1 fire polish, and 1 seed bead. Then you are ready to continue to your weaving. This method will allow you to weave one long strand of units. This helps with sizing. For a 6 inch bracelet you will need 16 units. The weaving should be about 5.75 inches. Once you have reached the end, add another full row. And finally add a third row.
- Once you are done weaving you are ready to attach your clasp. With the bracelet in front of you, you should be coming out the top seed beads with your needle coming down. If you are not in this position, follow along the thread path to get here. Again, please see project photo for clarification.
- Pick up 4 seed beads, one loop of the clasp, 2 seed beads and then go through the center seed bead that is part of the bracelet. Then pick up 2 seed beads, one loop of the clasp, 4 seed beads and then into the third seed bead on the edge of the bracelet. If you like, you can reinforce the clasp portion by turning your thread around and weaving back through the thread path of the clasp. Then tie off and weave in your tails.
- Repeat the previous step to complete the other side of the clasp with the thread tail from the very beginning.
WHAT YOU'LL NEED: (scroll down for purchase options)
- BCP-33229 - Czech Fire Polished Glass, 4mm Faceted Round Beads, 50 Piece Strand, Opaque Luster Mix
Project uses 192 pieces. You will need 4 packages.
- JSK-0354 - Toho Round Seed Beads 11/0 PF551 - Permanent Finish Galvanized Rose Gold (8g)
Project uses 1 Tube. You will need 1 package.
- FCL-021 - Slide Tube Clasps 2-Strand with Vertical Loops 16.5 x 4mm, 4 Sets, Copper Plated
Project uses 1 piece. You will need 1 package.
- XCR-1280 - FireLine Braided Beading Thread, 4lb Test and 0.005 Thick, 15 Yards, Crystal Clear
Project uses 1 Spool. You will need 1 package.
RECOMMENDED TOOLS:- XTL-3006 - Beadsmith English Beading Needles Size 12 (4 Needles)
- XTL-5614 - BeadSmith Tools, Thread Snips 4.25 Inches Long, 1 Piece