Audio Transcript
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Hi, this is Kat with beadaholique.com beads now these are seven millimeter beads and we have lots of fun colors that i want to start off down here showing you the orientation of the holes now these have two holes in them and they are sort of side drilled so you'll notice that they look like a little button if I can kind of turn it to the side there you'll see that they have let me just scooch it up there we go you see they have a flat side on one and that sort of rounded dome on the other and you can sort of see how far down those holes are and they're just drilled right through the center and like I said these are checkmates for their czech glass and by being checkmates they fit with the whole checkmate to hold beading system so you can use these with many of the other checkmates beads that we have now I just want to point out some of the beautiful colors we have some beautiful purples we have some neat little Picasso's we also have your traditional silvers and hematite and then we have several different varieties of turquoise and blue so lots a different variety there I want to point out this one this is probably one of our best sellers this is a metallic mix so you actually get a lot of these beautiful colors so if you're planning on only maybe using one or two just to intersperse in your design this is great because when you get a pack of all different colors and you can pick out two purple ones or two green ones whatever you like so it's a really fun little color mix to purchase we have some more colors over here we have some of the picasso and these are opaque and you can see it and it has a nice little sort of sheen to it so you're really getting a lot of variety to add to your designs that way now this is a project that i have made and this features these bees with Toho beads in between and all I did was I put two wires of memory wire through it to create a fun little stacked idea so you can use to hold these this memory wire you just sort of do them side by side and you create a nice little bracelet that way so there's a lot of fun ideas feel free to experiment with feeding and even beat embroidery so one more time these are the checks mates and they are Czech glass seven millimeter round cabochon beads I hope you enjoyed this video you can find all of these beads and many more supplies at beadaholique.com you
Hi, this is Kat with beadaholique.com beads now these are seven millimeter beads and we have lots of fun colors that i want to start off down here showing you the orientation of the holes now these have two holes in them and they are sort of side drilled so you'll notice that they look like a little button if I can kind of turn it to the side there you'll see that they have let me just scooch it up there we go you see they have a flat side on one and that sort of rounded dome on the other and you can sort of see how far down those holes are and they're just drilled right through the center and like I said these are checkmates for their czech glass and by being checkmates they fit with the whole checkmate to hold beading system so you can use these with many of the other checkmates beads that we have now I just want to point out some of the beautiful colors we have some beautiful purples we have some neat little Picasso's we also have your traditional silvers and hematite and then we have several different varieties of turquoise and blue so lots a different variety there I want to point out this one this is probably one of our best sellers this is a metallic mix so you actually get a lot of these beautiful colors so if you're planning on only maybe using one or two just to intersperse in your design this is great because when you get a pack of all different colors and you can pick out two purple ones or two green ones whatever you like so it's a really fun little color mix to purchase we have some more colors over here we have some of the picasso and these are opaque and you can see it and it has a nice little sort of sheen to it so you're really getting a lot of variety to add to your designs that way now this is a project that i have made and this features these bees with Toho beads in between and all I did was I put two wires of memory wire through it to create a fun little stacked idea so you can use to hold these this memory wire you just sort of do them side by side and you create a nice little bracelet that way so there's a lot of fun ideas feel free to experiment with feeding and even beat embroidery so one more time these are the checks mates and they are Czech glass seven millimeter round cabochon beads I hope you enjoyed this video you can find all of these beads and many more supplies at beadaholique.com you
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