How to Use Vintaj Patina without a Paint Brush

SKU VID-1871
Designer: Kat Silvia
In this video you will learn what to do to apply your patina when you don't have a paint brush handy. You can use a few paper towels to create a vintage boho style on metal element. You will also see how to complete this pair of earrings using jump rings.
Audio Transcript
Note: This audio transcript is auto-generated and may not be completely accurate.
hi this is kat with and in this video i'm going to show you how to use patina without a paintbrush now i have some beautiful vintaj patina here and this is in the verdigris so it's that beautiful turquoise color and i have some lovely little hammered findings here and i'm actually going to show you all the way through to finish it off to make a complete earring set so i think this is really kind of an interesting thing sometimes we find ourselves not having all of the right tools at the ready but we want to complete a project so i thought this would be a really fun little video so i have a little these are just like little sticky notes here and then i also have some extra paper towels and i ripped apart a couple of them because i'm going to kind of show you how we're going to use this all right so go ahead and give your patina a little shake and now what we're going to do is we're just going to pour a little bit onto our surface here you can kind of get a good little little thing going there close up our patina we don't want that to dry out and then i'm going to take one of my little ripped paper towels here and i'm going to kind of bring it to a little bit of like a point so i have a little bit of a dipper now i'm going to come here dip and you see how it really soaks up a lot of that color now this paint does dry pretty quickly so what we need to do is in your other hand have a clean one ready to go because we're just going to kind of hold it start dabbing and now i want to pick it up with the other one and now i'm going to start to wipe it off immediately just on that front side there okay so we want to kind of fill in some of those holes there and then just dab it so it kind of has that little bit of a look to it so you see what's happening there now you can wear gloves if you want this just can come off with just some nail polish remover on your hands you're going to be fine all right so you can always just grab a little bit more you see how fast it's kind of drying and then just dab dab dab and you can add as much or as little as you want i just wanted to add a little bit of color to this and then just kind of dabbing some of it off there there we go all right so that's kind of cool it looks a little aged now i like that look all right so we're just going to continue to do that and you'll probably be able to see this a little bit more on some of the bigger pieces i'm going to do here and you can see that you know you kind of get the hang of it you figure out how much you want to do and you can make really quick work of this because like i said it does dry fairly quickly here but i'm just setting things off you can see i've covered my work surface here with a little paper towel all right now let's get into some of these bigger pieces here all right so now we can kind of really splotch some color on there and then come in with our clean paper towel and just dab away some of the wetness there but if you want more of that kind of heavier look you can absolutely just kind of add more there all right and i'm just going to flip that over there we go all right you can see my patina's starting to dry a little bit on my pad you can also see how little it actually takes to do this entire pair of earrings all right so i think that's going to be good for that one and you can always add more and i might actually go back and add more to my little circles now that i'm adding a little extra to these ones here but it's kind of like you know the old school sponge painting that you know you can do on walls and everything like that so i thought this would just be a really fun fun way to showcase this there we go flip it over now if you didn't want to you didn't wouldn't have to kind of wipe it away you can either use a vintaj block we have those here at beadaholique as well and what the block does is it will actually sort of grind down some of the metal so it's a nice little buffing block so you can do that as well all right so kind of kind of cool and organic you know each piece is going to be a little bit different so if you're making these to sell what i recommend is you do this all in one sitting that way you have a consistent result but i actually i'm really liking the way these are kind of looking very cool all right so i'm just going to set all this stuff aside here and because the patina dries pretty quickly we're going to move on to our jump rings all right so yeah look at how cool these pieces look they're just really fun you can see i have a little bit on my hands but that's okay i'm not mad at it i'll take care of that later all right so now we need to do is just come in with a couple little jump rings here and just give it a little gentle twist to open that up there we go and i'm going to put the longer piece on the shorter side here and the way these earring findings are they're actually um they're not mirrored so they're multiplied so you'll be able to see that we'll kind of create two exactly the same and that's that's a choice for an earring design i actually kind of like these earring findings they're a little they're a little geometric and kind of kind of funky so i like it all right let me just come in with this one here and just go ahead and close that up make sure we have a nice good closure so there is one earring done with my patinaed fingers in the way all right so you'll notice on this guy here the kind of triangle he does have a a dip in his side and i'm going to put that towards the center there so you want to make sure that that's the only one that you really have to be careful of how you attach it so just come in here making sure i'm slipping on that loop the right way there we go and one more jump ring there you go all right so that is my little pair of earrings here and it's really fun you can and again you don't have to have a paintbrush you can absolutely do this with a paintbrush you can dab it the same way but i just thought it would be really fun to show you how you can work with patina even if you don't have all the right tools all right so thank you so much for joining me guys you can get everything you've seen here over at and if you're new to our youtube channel here be sure to hit that subscribe button below to get all the latest from

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