Audio Transcript
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hi this is Alexandra with beadaholique use the ring weaver tool by beadalon so this tool is for weaving wire into shapes if you see that I've done here and some various designs I've come up with and on the tool itself it shows you the sizes that it makes four six nine and eleven and that's based on where you place your pegs in the tool so the first thing I'm going to do is put this tool together by taking these pegs and placing them where I want them now this is subtle I'm going to try the size nine and that is just within the outermost ring so it almost looks like there are three sizes but in fact there are four so let me go ahead put these in and you'll notice that each one's got a little standard tip that's a bit wider and hold it in place and that's what locks it in there so I put them to the side first I'll be working my way all around and see my different projects I came up with I was very inspired four ways to use this tool besides just for making rings to give you earrings see necklaces add beads so it is a nice versatile clever invention once I get these in I'll be adding the little foam pad that you see down here to keep them in place the tool does come with a couple of extras just in case you need them alright I've got what I need there and now I'm going to put my foam pad in just like so you here's a note for disassembling all you do is push on one of the pegs and the foam will come out of the bottom so I've got that set and you'll also notice there's a little notch right there and that's my starting point so once I cut my wire I'll know where to place it my ruler in and the measure twice for two inches of wire I'll be making a natural copper frame out of 24 gauge wire about 40 so to start and load the wire I'm going to fold it in half so I have even a mouse on either side at my halfway point I'm going to load that onto the tool on the peg just to the right of that notch so having loaded my wire onto that peg just to the right of the notch I'm going to begin my weaving by taking the right hand wire and weaving it in between the notch it's hooked on and the next one so you see as begun to weave the wire in and out of those pegs starting with the right hand wire over the top of the left and now I'm going to bring that second wire over the top of the right and that's how it all turning all the way around you just want to make sure that you get on to the proper peg with the proper wire to keep that pattern going taking the right wire over the left left over right and just continue all the way around once I get back to my starting point I'm going to continue in the same fashion over the first band and create a second and then a third alternating wires weaving in and out and see I'm holding with my thumbnail just to keep it secure you right over left right over left so I'm approaching that notch again I know that I'm going to start the second row in the same way and I'm going to continue like this and once I'm done with my third round I will show you the next step so I'm finishing up my third round of wrapping and you can see from the amount that I have left I could elect to go around again if I wanted can really make as many bands as you want depending on the length of wire that you cut but what I'm going to demonstrate here is the next step using the remainder of my wire I'm going to pull my work up to the center of the tool like so and taking one side doesn't really matter which because I'll be using both for the same purpose I'm going to take the end of one and tuck it and looking at which peg I'm against I'm against this peg here and so I'm going to tuck my wire back through my weaving against that peg sometimes my pliers can help me in this process as well but I have a long enough wire that it's workable here and pulling through the key is to unkink that loop so it doesn't Bend and get stuck you use my pliers to help me with this the hard part is getting this first couple of lengths through and once I have it secured I can take the whole ring off and work a little easier so with the same wire having come through my first reentry I'm going to repeat that in Reverse the second peg so let me get my pliers to help me get this wire through I'm going to guide it back through up against that next one and in this fashion I'm going to weave in and out of my loop to create a frame for my work to help keep the shape of the ring so designers choice here you can also if the 24 gauge is causing kinking and coming through difficult you can use 26 by replacing the wire but for simplicity here and for strength of the ring I'm going to stick with it and work with the 24 gauge coming back opposite directions to the next loop and I want to make sure that I get it through so that it is catching over the intersection of the wires and that's what's going to hold it together so once I get this one I'll pull the whole ring off and then I'll have an easier time weaving in and out because the pegs won't be in my way pull that through and now you can see that the frame starting by weaving in and out like so I'm catching it on that intersection and weaving back through and I'm going to keep going this way around the perimeter of the Ring and then I'll show you how to finish it off and the key also is to keep your tension on the previous poll so that they stay tight so when it starts to pull out on itself to use my thumb to brace that back is finishing up my last loop here and what you can elect to do is go back with the other wire and reinforce in the same way or just wrap it off you don't actually need two wires going through so what I've done for example in this design is use my extra wires to go ahead and continue wrapping beads on either side that's another option but for the purposes of this video I'm going to go ahead and finish this off now I'm going to clip most of my extra wire off and weave my wire in just by coiling it around one wrap on the frame now do that on with each each wire using my pliers to help me fit that through and pull it taut and you'll just want to make sure that the end of your wire is not going to be against your finger where it's rubbing you want to make sure it's in a tight spot where it will coil in tough nicely and be secure so I've got the one now I'm going to do this one in the same way pulling back around one of my wrap make sure my coil is tight click the extra and tuck the wire is so mess the three-banded version of the size 9 and let's check it here on the mandrel and that looks about right it can even stretch down to a nine and a half now how to make the woven ring using the removing tool bite beetle on all of these projects bundles tools and supplies are available at beadaholique.com and also be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for all the latest updates thanks for watching you
hi this is Alexandra with beadaholique use the ring weaver tool by beadalon so this tool is for weaving wire into shapes if you see that I've done here and some various designs I've come up with and on the tool itself it shows you the sizes that it makes four six nine and eleven and that's based on where you place your pegs in the tool so the first thing I'm going to do is put this tool together by taking these pegs and placing them where I want them now this is subtle I'm going to try the size nine and that is just within the outermost ring so it almost looks like there are three sizes but in fact there are four so let me go ahead put these in and you'll notice that each one's got a little standard tip that's a bit wider and hold it in place and that's what locks it in there so I put them to the side first I'll be working my way all around and see my different projects I came up with I was very inspired four ways to use this tool besides just for making rings to give you earrings see necklaces add beads so it is a nice versatile clever invention once I get these in I'll be adding the little foam pad that you see down here to keep them in place the tool does come with a couple of extras just in case you need them alright I've got what I need there and now I'm going to put my foam pad in just like so you here's a note for disassembling all you do is push on one of the pegs and the foam will come out of the bottom so I've got that set and you'll also notice there's a little notch right there and that's my starting point so once I cut my wire I'll know where to place it my ruler in and the measure twice for two inches of wire I'll be making a natural copper frame out of 24 gauge wire about 40 so to start and load the wire I'm going to fold it in half so I have even a mouse on either side at my halfway point I'm going to load that onto the tool on the peg just to the right of that notch so having loaded my wire onto that peg just to the right of the notch I'm going to begin my weaving by taking the right hand wire and weaving it in between the notch it's hooked on and the next one so you see as begun to weave the wire in and out of those pegs starting with the right hand wire over the top of the left and now I'm going to bring that second wire over the top of the right and that's how it all turning all the way around you just want to make sure that you get on to the proper peg with the proper wire to keep that pattern going taking the right wire over the left left over right and just continue all the way around once I get back to my starting point I'm going to continue in the same fashion over the first band and create a second and then a third alternating wires weaving in and out and see I'm holding with my thumbnail just to keep it secure you right over left right over left so I'm approaching that notch again I know that I'm going to start the second row in the same way and I'm going to continue like this and once I'm done with my third round I will show you the next step so I'm finishing up my third round of wrapping and you can see from the amount that I have left I could elect to go around again if I wanted can really make as many bands as you want depending on the length of wire that you cut but what I'm going to demonstrate here is the next step using the remainder of my wire I'm going to pull my work up to the center of the tool like so and taking one side doesn't really matter which because I'll be using both for the same purpose I'm going to take the end of one and tuck it and looking at which peg I'm against I'm against this peg here and so I'm going to tuck my wire back through my weaving against that peg sometimes my pliers can help me in this process as well but I have a long enough wire that it's workable here and pulling through the key is to unkink that loop so it doesn't Bend and get stuck you use my pliers to help me with this the hard part is getting this first couple of lengths through and once I have it secured I can take the whole ring off and work a little easier so with the same wire having come through my first reentry I'm going to repeat that in Reverse the second peg so let me get my pliers to help me get this wire through I'm going to guide it back through up against that next one and in this fashion I'm going to weave in and out of my loop to create a frame for my work to help keep the shape of the ring so designers choice here you can also if the 24 gauge is causing kinking and coming through difficult you can use 26 by replacing the wire but for simplicity here and for strength of the ring I'm going to stick with it and work with the 24 gauge coming back opposite directions to the next loop and I want to make sure that I get it through so that it is catching over the intersection of the wires and that's what's going to hold it together so once I get this one I'll pull the whole ring off and then I'll have an easier time weaving in and out because the pegs won't be in my way pull that through and now you can see that the frame starting by weaving in and out like so I'm catching it on that intersection and weaving back through and I'm going to keep going this way around the perimeter of the Ring and then I'll show you how to finish it off and the key also is to keep your tension on the previous poll so that they stay tight so when it starts to pull out on itself to use my thumb to brace that back is finishing up my last loop here and what you can elect to do is go back with the other wire and reinforce in the same way or just wrap it off you don't actually need two wires going through so what I've done for example in this design is use my extra wires to go ahead and continue wrapping beads on either side that's another option but for the purposes of this video I'm going to go ahead and finish this off now I'm going to clip most of my extra wire off and weave my wire in just by coiling it around one wrap on the frame now do that on with each each wire using my pliers to help me fit that through and pull it taut and you'll just want to make sure that the end of your wire is not going to be against your finger where it's rubbing you want to make sure it's in a tight spot where it will coil in tough nicely and be secure so I've got the one now I'm going to do this one in the same way pulling back around one of my wrap make sure my coil is tight click the extra and tuck the wire is so mess the three-banded version of the size 9 and let's check it here on the mandrel and that looks about right it can even stretch down to a nine and a half now how to make the woven ring using the removing tool bite beetle on all of these projects bundles tools and supplies are available at beadaholique.com and also be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for all the latest updates thanks for watching you
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