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Deluxe Beaded Kumihimo Bracelet, Pink Iris, Exclusive Beadaholique Jewelry Kit SKU: KB-SP-037E $21.49 |
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Deluxe Beaded Kumihimo Bracelet, Gold, - Exclusive Beadaholique Jewelry Kit SKU: KB-GP-037X $21.49 |
Hi, this is Julie with beadaholique.com and using long waka Tamas and seed beads a couple different color variations that we offer we have gold and white or this pretty pink purpley one this cranberry marsala with a cream bead and then this really kind of shiny fun glitzy one which is hematite with like a silver crystalline silver seed bead so four very different color variations but I think all of them are really pretty I love this look so when you purchase an exclusive kit from beadaholique.com --is the seed beads the glue to glue in the clasp and the clasp also with our kumihimo kids we do also give you the bobbins and the discs so you're going to get eight bobbins because we're going to be doing standard eight warp kumihimo and you're going to get the disc which also comes with an instruction manual you'll get full instructions for this particular kit but it is kind of nice because you're going to get additional information as well so I'm going to show you how to make this one here and in terms of the tools you're going to need that are not supplied with the kit they're really household tools pair of scissors just some tape and some type of wait for your kumihimo now there are kumihimo weights if you do a lot of kumihimo you might want to consider this but you can also make one home I just took a binder clip and some string and tied it to something heavy this is part of my dapping set but you could just use a bag of pennies or whatever you have that is got a little bit of weight to it so let's go ahead and make this bracelet and clear away some of this stuff to begin with so I have room to work we're going to start by cutting eight strands of cord about 36 inches long each all right so we've got our eight strands we're going to take one of them and we're going to load on 34 beads so we're going to want to create this spiral which means we're going to need 8 strands just two seed beads and eight strands just with the maka Thomas and on each strand like I mentioned you'll need 34 but we're not going to alternate it's just going to be either solid seed beads or solid maka Thomas and what's nice about this s long cord is you don't need a needle and actually I got ahead of myself the first thing you're going to want to do so those beads don't just fall off the end let's take a little piece of tape take the end I'm going to tape it into the inside of the bobbin and this just helps to hold the beads in place so pop up in the bobbin place that little bit of tape in there wind it up a little bit and now we have an anchor for our beads so I've got four and I'm going to do 34 once you've got all 34 on we're going to wind those into the bobbin we're just going to let them scoot down towards the end wind it up we want to leave a tail of about 12 inches sticking out of the bottom so now I'm going to repeat that with the Mogga Tamas and there is one little trick I want to show you to the maca Tamas let me just go ahead grab a strand okay wine that now Naga Tamas our directional and what I mean by that is if you see this finished design they're all spiraling in one direction and in order to create that effect you have to load them all at the same angle so here's a ma Gotama bead just show you real quick okay it's not the same on both sides it's not totally uniform the whole is at a slant so like with a little seed bead it doesn't matter which whole side you go in through is identical it's all going to be completely uniform with maka Tamas they do slant in different directions so it doesn't matter which way you load them as long as you load them consistently the same way so I could go from the whole going up like this or I could do the whole going like this all that matters is that for all my beads I do them identical so I'm just going to go this direction so for the next one I need to make sure it's going that same direction and I'm going to do a couple and then I'm going to load one wrong intentionally so you can see what how it looks okay so now I'm going to load one wrong I'm going to have it go up the other direction and go back and load a couple the right direction this kind of seems a little bit tedious but it really makes a difference in the look of your design at the end okay so I have that wrong one in the middle alright so lay these guys down you see how these are all stacking very nice on top of each other and then that one that I did wrong is going in the wrong direction so then when you do this spiral effect that one would stick out it wouldn't nicely just lay on top of the other ones so I'm going to undo these and I'm going to go back and make sure I string them all that same direction I'm and do 34 of these okay I lost count of how many I had so I'm going to go back and count them I'm also going to make sure that they're all going in the right direction and I can quickly tell that they are so I'm just count real quick as I do you want the 34 total 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 so I've got 10 more to go all right I got my 34 maca Tamas so now I'm just going to slide them down and they're heavy they have some weight to them that's why we want that tape in there okay so I've got the seed bead one and the maca tama and I'm going to do three more of each for a total of four maca Tommo bobbins and four seed bead bottoms then I'll come back and I will show you how to load up your disc and how to start braiding now that we've loaded all of our bobbins we need to get the strands loaded onto the disc and we're going to do that by first taking all the ends of our cord and lining them up and then we're just going to tie a simple overhand knot like so and scoot it down towards the end of your cords you don't want to eat away too much of your length with this knot we're going to take that knot now and put it through the kumihimo disk going from front to back and then we're just going to hold it for a moment as we line up our cords so we are going to go ahead and line them up and one tangle them briefly there we go so because we're going to create a spiral effect we need the same type of bead to be opposite each other so it doesn't matter if your magatamas are lined up to the left and the right of the 24 and the eight or your seed beads are the left and the right of the 24 and the eight the important thing is it's magatama magatama or seed bead seed bead and same here so let me show you that how that actually looks so we're going to do the seed bead first so to the left of the 32 we're going to put one of the bobbins with seed beads so now to the right of the 32 we need another bobbin with seed beads I'm going to keep holding that knot okay so here's another bobbin with seed beads we're going to do it to the right of the 32 so then below so obviously the 32 is the 16 so we need another bobbin of seed beads to the left of the sixteen and one to the right of the sixteen so then for our maca Tamas we need it to the left and the right of the eight and the left and the right of the 24 and by positioning them like this we're going to create that spiral pattern so now I'm just going to adjust so that my knot is towards the center there we go we have to flip it over and I'm just going to attach my weight to the knot and what that's going to do is is going to help to pull the braid down through the center of the kumihimo disk it's also going to help to maintain some nice uniform tension so your braid looks really nice and straight so to kumihimo we're first going to do non beaded because we're going to need to attach our clasp at the very end and we don't want to attach it to beads so we're just going to take the Strand to the left of the 16 and put it to the left of the 31 the Strand to the right of the 32 down to the right of the 15 and we're going to rotate counterclockwise once and then we're going to do the Strand to the left up to the left so the bottom left to the top left the top right to the bottom right rotate so the Strand that's to the bottom left goes up to the top left and the top right goes down to the bottom right and rotate and that is all there is to it so left up right down rotate left up right down rotate one more time left up right down and rotate so we're going to do this until we have an inch of braid coming through our disc that is non beaded and then I'm going to show you how to add the beads okay I have not quite an inch but it's almost inch and this is going to actually be enough for me to finish it and you'll notice I stopped with three strands up top one at the bottom and that's going to allow me to figure out where I left off when I want to pick this back up so what we need to do now is add our beads so to do so we have to go to each bobbin and we have to unwind it and we have to scoot all of our beads outside of the bobbin so that they are up towards the disk and then wind it back up and leave yourself a comfortable amount of room to work with and you're going to have to keep adding more cord and what I mean by that is like scooting this along as you go but you don't want to have it be too long to begin with otherwise your bobbins retain as you're working which can be frustrating one thing I like to do you don't have to do this but I find it's easier I take another little piece of tape right now at this point and I just tape my bobbin on the outside and that prevents the cord from slipping it's just the weight of these beads can kind of cause the bobbins to slip out of place a little bit so I'm going to do that for all of my bobbins and once I do that we can then start to do the beaded part of our bracelet okay we're all ready to go so the beauty of kumihimo is beaded kumihimo does not mean that you have to change your technique at all from non beaded you're going to do the exact same method the only difference is that you're going to start to add a bead each time to do so you're going to take your strand of beads you're going to slip one down the Strand till it falls into the well and catches under the thread bridge that it's next to and then you're going to rotate so we're going to take a bead just one slip it down let it fall into that well slip under that thread bridge make sure it catches and continue with the same motion you were doing all along so rotate so that's going to be left up to the left that's slipping that bead in right down to the right but again making sure you slip that bead in and with the Mogga Tamas because they are kind of a little bit of a bigger bulkier bead you're going to want to make sure that they just stay positioned how they should so this is positioning with its point pointing out just the top of it is under that thread bridge let me rotate again and if this gets off to the side a little bit if your braiding gets off to the side just go ahead pull your cords so that's centered again so I want to do a little bit so you can see the pattern starts take shape so left up to the left slipping that bead in right down to the right make sure you slip that bead so here's what I mean by bobbins getting tangled there's nothing you can really do about you just have to kind of work them out you just have to all right so I'm going to keep this up in place so I don't lose my place I'm just going to get these guys untangled now if I had less cord I was working with it would not get tangled and this is actually it's more tangled than it usually gets but it's a good example for the video what to do if it does so I'm just going to lay it down on my work mat try to see what happened here okay it looks like that just looped around I'm just going to pull this guy out and to make sure that you keep your place with your braiding there we go ones undone what did this guy do okay I came through there I can so I have done a lot of kumihimo braiding and I have never had a knot like this happen so it's really actually good that it did happen on camera so you can see how we can fix it there we go that should do it okay so we're back and we're ready to go some more so that bead was still down in there I just did not complete my action so there we go rotate slip that maka Tama in there pull up your thread all the way up to that left position then the right down to the right now if you get really frustrated with your cords tangling you can go ahead and leave some of your beads in the bobbin and work with a even shorter amount of cord that definitely works as well I just do it this way to save time so I don't have to keep adding more beads and what I say adding beads I mean positioning them above the bobbin like between the disc and the bobbin so totally up to you find what works best for you do a few more and then I think you're going to be able to see the pattern okay so here's a good example what I meant by make sure the magatamas are facing like pointing out this one is slipped under but look at how it's facing towards the center of the braid all you have to do is take your finger and just scoot it so that is facing out so a couple good things have shown up in this video that we're not expected I hope that they're helpful alright one more with the seed bead and then I'll show you what we've got so far okay so again my three strands wrap top so I feel like I can stop and we are starting to get a very nice spiral effect going so you're going to continue braiding until you run out of beads when you run out of beads you're going to braid another inch of non beaded kumihimo and I'm going to do all of that off-camera here otherwise this video is just going to be too long but when I come back I'll show you how to actually finish off your braid and attach the magnetic clasp as you can see all of our braiding is done we have that non beaded portion of braid on either end with the beads in the middle so now we're ready to actually tie this off and attach our clasp so to do so go ahead and pinch your kumihimo right where your braid ends and we're just going to pull this off of the disc okay so pull it through a little bit and you can now just go ahead and cut your strands so you won't be needing your disk or bobbins anymore now if you have your kumihimo weight or the little clip you made to begin with the little Kumi weight we're just going to clip that to the other end here just to hold your strands because you see when I let go they start to unravel so we're just going to clip that just to add a little bit of extra security while we work with it so we're going to be using a magnetic clasp and what you're going to need is you're going to need the glue that comes with your kit and you're going to need some more of your s long cord now for the purpose of the video I want to use a different color of s LAN to tie it off just so you can see what I'm doing I'm going to pull out this pink one but you'll be using the color that comes with your kit so you won't need to buy anything additional go ahead and measure off a length of about 12 to 14 inches and separate out your clasp whenever you're working with a glue in magnetic clasp you always want to separate it out when you glue it in just because if this is not completely sealed and you put glue in this well it could seep through to this side and if it's closed it could actually glue your clasp shut which you definitely do not want to do so separate out the clasp we're going to start with one end here and up near the beadwork we're going to go ahead place our s LAN or extra piece of it underneath the braid and we're going to tie a knot now we want this not to rest not right against the beadwork but pretty close and we're going to tie a double knot so essentially what we're trying to do here is you can see that the actual diameter of the clasp is quite a bit wider than the diameter of your braid now it looks completely in scale with the bracelet when it's finished but we need to bulk up your non beaded braid portion in order for it to be really secure in here when we glue it in place so to do that we're just adding extra space you're extra mass so we're just going to tie a series of knots you can really do this however you want you can just tie knot after knot maybe pull it around to the other side you could even wind it a little if you want to wind your cord around it we're just thickening it up now the only thing we're really being cautious of is that we're not going into our beadwork and that we're not creating any winding that is longer than the well of our clasp so we want to be doing the winding up here we want to make sure we're keeping it down towards the beads let me show you kind of what we've got going you see how it's just creating extra space in there and that's going to help to fill up that well a little bit more now for the purpose of the video I'm just going to show you how to do this on one side of the bracelet and then you'll just do the exact same technique on the other side okay so I feel like that's pretty good let's created a lot of extra space so right now I'm just going to go ahead and trim off I lose tails and then take some e6000 let's have a post to note here but a scrap piece of paper would work as well and I also have a scrap piece of wire so I'm going to go ahead cut my braid you can see how that starts to unravel so you want to make sure you have good knots and now I'm going to fill the well of the clasp with glue and I'm going to make sure I coat the sides I really want to make sure that I have enough glue in here so I'm going to be pretty generous okay actually I want even a little bit more glue than that there we go okay so I've got good amount of glue so I'm just going to go ahead take the end of my braid trim off these a little bit closer until that might be the issue and we're just going to fit it into the clasp now you'd be using the same color of s LAN to do the tying work whereas I'm using a different color so that I can see that little pink edge which is sticking out a little bit you want to be able to see that but you see that went right in there and it just disappeared into the well and so you would go ahead and you would do the exact same thing on the other side and then what you would end up with is this if you've got the magnetic clasp on the two sides and you have a finished bracelet using long Mogga Tamas and C beads as a kumihimo braid and all of these bracelets are exclusive kits by beadaholique you can find these on the Beauty holic website and they are called deluxe buted kumihimo bracelet kits you
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