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hello I'm Fernando de Silva I'm the creative director of John bead and I'm here at the beadaholique headquarters in California to teach you how to create this beautiful pair of chandelier earrings applying Chinese knotting technique you're going to feel beautiful modern and ultra hip you're going to love it we're going to be making a pair of earrings featuring a double coin not created with Chinese knotting techniques a couple years ago I wrote this book of teaching how to use different Chinese noddings into and turn them into jewelry so the booklet book was published by Jon bead and you can see that I showed in the booklet how to use the notes first and I selected personally select the best notes that they can be turning into accessories so there you can apply them into jewelry but also you can apply them into clothing where the book after I finished showing how to use the knots how to do the knot I have a teacher three projects that you can apply this interesting not one of my favorites not to the notes that I'm going to be using now and we're going to be creating these earrings that use the double coin not the double coin art is pretty much like symbolizes longevity and prosperity and it's pretty much like features to ancients like antique Chinese coins overlapping together so the cord is very important when you're doing you in creating designs with Chinese Nanak so the chordal cannot be twisted but cannot be too flimsy for that we're going to be using lovely knots that's the cord that's a cord that comes in bobbins of twenty yards and comes in two different size two millimeter in one millimeter to make your jewelry or your statement piece more visible e I recommend that you should use the tool sighs because it makes more substantial and you can see how really what you're doing of the knot we're going to be using two different colors we're going to be using strawberry pink in the ivory color we are also going to be using some of the drops from the tropical punch line I don't be as well we're going to be adding some beautiful end caps by Tara cast and also these wonderful pinch bells little peach bells that we're going to cut pretty much the top part and just using the body attach it to a jump ring and of course some people do this knot is just holding you know the cord on their hands I like to use the board's because also you can visualize what you're doing with the cords and see what which-which weave in which cord is going in there over each other so we're going to cut four pieces of cords in 22 inches we're going to need two pieces of 22 leaves in strawberry pink in two pieces in ivory also correct your cord the first thing that I would suggest you to do is to stiffen the ends and to do that I'm going to use nail polish just a clear nail polish that you can buy any pharmacy and this is going to help you to weave in and out the cord during the process of graying the knots so you just add a little dab of like maybe like a quarter half inch or a quarter inch you know from the at the end of each cord and then you let it dry magically I have already are required to dry see I have two pieces of the strawberry pink and then I'm going to start using the board and some pins to hold it down the shape that we were creating so it makes easy for you to see what you're doing so first we're going to do this counterclockwise loop the bottom portion of the cord I'm going to be calling the running and a so you're going to see in the book that this is the portion a and the top part or the running and the top portion of the car this and I'm going to be calling them B so you're going to see in a book like this is the a and you're going to pretty much be within work with the B section of the cord I'm going to be using here two cords and then we're going to add two more cards in on a different color just following the thread so here have your loop remembers counter clock wise and when you lay these two chords you need to make sure that they do not overlap because that's not going to make it really pretty so you need to make sure that they are there sitting next to each other not overlapping each other okay so I'm going to bring down the center of this portion of the knot first and when you pin down you don't need to pin down exactly like best through the quarter because you don't damage the cord you just is lightly touch the edge of the cord so you can keep it that shape and perfect for matter okay now we're going to ping this top loop you're going to start making a second loop but before that you pin at this place move cords and then you move your running cords be over a 2/3 of the big center loop and then under they running cords a so this is running cords a and this is random coil B now we're going to go and make a loop around the outside of the pins the two pins on the right and then you're going to go with one of your ring cord ends even a big this one and then you're going to go over and then you can use a pair of pliers a pair of pliers of flat nose pliers to go under so he went over this portion of the second loop then you're going to go under that first loop to the center of the first loop and then we're going to cross this portion of your knot and then you're going to go over on the opposite side of the main loop so you pull one first now we're going to repeat the same one since you run your first chord now make easy for you just to follow like track with the chord the same movement so I'm going to go under and then we go first over now under over in under again this is pretty much the design of your loop so this is a double coil but now you need to adjust the shape right so in this size so I would say you can umping the top portion and then you just start sizing adjusting make it smaller just leaving enough room for you to add the second color okay so here is you have your not pretty much done but now I want to add the second color of core that we're using that's the ivory I already did the ends you can see that stiff and then you're going to do the same thing so you're going to go I would say let's start here because it's easy for you to realize that add up in the center and then you just follow this discourse the pink one the outside pink you go under the running cards a let's work with just one and and then you can adjust and bring the other side so now we're going to go over this portion in under again the center then to make to help me I'm going to grab that tip of the cord with my pliers then you go over and under again again make sure that the chords are sitting next to each other parallel beautifully they are not overlapping then you seem to make this movement now you're going to start working with this portion the portion I would say the opposite end of the same chord so let's do this let's grab the tip and go under the space is a little bit tight but it's doable just remember Chinese nodding require a lot of finesse in light hands and patience if you can combine there you can create beautiful designs so I'm going to grab it this step so I'm following this chord so I'll go around then I need a little more of chords so let's pull a little more of the opposite side we have more choir to work with following this discord so we're going to go under the top loop again and then going coming down here to the center over and then under you at the end we're going to just all strings of the court separately let's just add the second ivory court and let's try to do the same just repeat the same thing over start here now I'm going to follow the ivory one first one under the rain requires a three oh then then now it's tricky again but we can do it under this portion and over the opposite side and then let's go around grab the tip of the cord and let's pull it over and then under again can double check to see if you always good let's just finish the last loop and go yeah then I'm going to go under again then you pull over and under and over okay now I have my four cords apparently sealing nicely but I'm going to have to make that adjustment adjustment on the palm of my hand so I'm going to unpin this portion and what I'm going to be doing that here you can see and push against the cork so you can still see the shape of the double coin knot and then I'm going to start pulling it you just randomly start working one side and you have all like symmetrically done in that beautiful knot down on the palm of your hand see all the cords again they need to sit next to each other no cord can overlap on another otherwise is not going to keep the shape or you're not then I'm pulling the inside the inner strawberry then I pull the next one and I'm not the same of the ivory and then the external iron so smaller it's getting smaller and smaller now let's do the same with the center loop inside corn ii outside corn on 3rd one last one from the outside and again we're using this quarter but in reality Chinese nada can be done with many different round cards and I would recommend you to use at least two millimeter or three millimeters size because then makes really visible and you can see nicely the shape of what you are making can you pull here tight see it's getting smaller and smaller one more and I want a little bit smaller so let's see so here you have your double coin on so this is pretty much the body of your pair of earrings of your chandelier but I want a little bit tighter so what I'm going to be doing I'm going to keep doing again I'm going to use actual discord inside strawberry and pull the second strawberry the next I've record in the last one and I'm going to do once again to tight this end this part or the knot is to go to a point when they get to a size this size is really good because you can really manage the entire not at once then I'm going to close this portion too so I can do getting inside strawberry the second and it's from the record third chords the iron the last one so this is a great size for our earrings okay to keep this shape the shape of your earrings really nicely because you know this is a nylon mixture of nylon in in cotton cord so you need to make these very stiff and I do that using again now polish and I was a clear color you're going to make what you don't need to add the nail polish on both sides you just add in one size because this side is going to be the back of your pair of earrings you just need to make sure that you cover the entire surface in this Audis area where they cross and they are weaving in and out or intertwined that those are the areas that you want to make sure that you get some nail polish because it will hold shape much longer once you add beads it's going to add weight so it's definitely like a must to do in order to add little drops and remember we're going to be adding drops they are made out of acrylic so they are very lightweight with their perfect combination for this type of design it's going to make this because we're using a fairly light pink it's going to make all of corners a little bit darker so that's the reason that I've at the end we're going to flip and this is going to be the back of your earrings okay now we're going to let it drive for five minutes and then we're going to trim the top part that we're going to add this we're going to grow into onto one of those big gaps and now I'm going to trim the cords of both sides of the our double coin knot and I would recommend you to trim like 3/4 3/4 of an inch above of the this top curve of your double coin not so that's going to give us pretty much like here and you can cut one by one or if you have a wonderful we sharp pair of scissors you can cut both of them together so now that I cut this portion I will bring that through to the center and then I cut the opposite side in remember we're going to be gluing this section all these cords together onto a bead cone end you can see that there is a little bit of a waste of the cord but it's better to have more cord so you can make and shape up your double coin not then not have any so I really wouldn't recommend you to work with less than 20 inches for each of the the course that you're going to be using it and now we're going to glue put all this together both parts together you can always tape them together to make sure that they fit properly inside of your content remember this is this portion that we glue we cover with nail polish but the front of your earring is going to be the portion that there is no nail polish at all so this would be the front of your earrings okay so let's tape it you you want this really tight then we trim the excess as well here we're going to use e6000 again this is not an instant glue and just say the little bit of the glue inside the VidCon end and you're going to push it onto the cone and component you can always use a pair of pliers I always have a pair of pliers next to me because they always helps with so many applications so this is the body of your earrings now we're going to add the acrylic drops we're going to be using two different size of drops again from this collection tropical punch and then we're going to use like a long one mirror into short on each end to make it pretty and look a better like more professional we're going to use one of these pinch bells but I'm going to get rid of the top section just snipping that off simply snipping off with a cutter pair of credit so I don't use I'm not going to use that because we're not running that onto a chain or a cord so we don't need that I just need that loop that I'm going to add to the earrings through a pair of jump rings now we're going to do it can always grab the pinch pair and then open up with the tip end of your pair of pliers and then this you don't need with a pair of pliers you just put around both holes and then you squeeze it so then it makes really nice finish if you want you can always add a little dab of glue of your favorite glue just to make sure but I don't do it because I want that move freely okay it's better than having that drop really stiff this repeat the same with the other two but drops really as a nice touch of the metal element and they really look good okay you have three of them ready to go Indian you can attach them on the pair of earrings to using jump rings the longer one goes in the center and then here the trickiest part is you're going to add not only through one strains but both strains of your outside chords that in this case is the ivory color okay so we can always hold the one side of the jump ring and then close with the other side so you have this is the center one and don't worry about the shape because as you add your drops then you can just make sure that all of the strands of course are sitting next to each other nobody none of them is overlapping like I said many times but this really makes the difference that's and the other two drops same fashion then you're going to adhere this portion on the right going to add that and then going to add the second one you can always use two pair of pliers to open your jump rings are your fingers if you have strong fingers second and this is the third drop we just create this portion now so it's not complete almost dry but it's not completely dry but here you can see the difference this is going to be the front of it earrings and this is the back so now we're going to add our ear wire so we're going to need one of going to use one of these ear wires that it's very simple but very is like the French ear Y style in terms if this real really cute bow you know at the end it's just just add a little touch of design to the piece and then we're going to use another pair of another jump ring to attach to the cone and close it and then you add to a French wire and absolutely remember what this portion and here have one of your earrings mate back and this is the front and the coolest thing is that you can create any color combination the card comes in 13 different colors and I'm just going to show you that this project actually is I did it and step out these earrings on the booklet but they appear here this is the variation that I created with brown and turquoise and I was a fairly large so roughly crystal in the center with two plastic beads on each side so it's the same design this is a variation that I just created for you our beadaholique customer and I hope you are enjoying you
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