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Hi, this is Julie with beadaholique.com a female candy cane so this could be an ornament a decoration whatever you want to do with it it's really quite fun and easy to make so you see this actually gonna keep its curved shape because in addition to doing traditional beaded kumihimo we're gonna be placing a wire core in this as well we're gonna be actually beading around our wire course I'm going to teach you how to do that as well in terms of the supplies you're going to need they're pretty simple there are some e6000 to glue on your cord ends I have some s LAN in red you're going to need a couple tubes of two different colors of beads here you see I've done red and white and here I've done red and green these are all Touhou size 6/0 seed beads you'll need these cord end caps and you're going to need some wire I've chosen red to match my s lon and this 18 gauge so those are the actual supplies you need and just a quick little tip here before I go into the tools you're going to need this project to make a candy cane this size will take approximately a tube and a half of each color so if you wanted to make two of these all you'd have to do is buy one more tube of each color and you'd have enough supplies to make to and of course just another set of these end caps but you'd have enough glue s lon and wire so those are the supplies now in terms of the tools you're gonna need a kumihimo disk you're going to need a kumihimo weight some bobbins so these are kumihimo bobbins you'll need eight of them because we're going to be doing an eight warp braid a cutter a pair of scissors a round nose plier a ruler a little piece of scrap paper or a post-it note and some tape so let's first start by cutting our S lon as well as our wire so for the wire core you're going to want 14 inches of wire and it doesn't have to be exact because we are going to be trimming some off as we go so there's our core and then for the s lon let me just move some of this other stuff out of the way you're going to want eight strands that are 36 inches long each so there's 18 inches 36 now we're just going to need eight of those all right now that we've got our strands cut we're gonna need to load our beads onto our strands of s lon and our bobbins so what you're going to need I'm gonna do this lay this out so is a little easier to comprehend so I said we needed a tube and a half approximately so I've already spilled out some of this tube and that's almost half a tube there we go alright so I've put this tube aside that's half full because we're not going to need that we'll save that for another project and then go ahead and open up your other tube and add that to the pile now you could count these out if you wanted to we need for approximately even lots but I'm just going to eyeball it because we can always take beads off of a strand and add it to another strand at the end if we get to that point so what I find is easiest just make four little piles that look approximately the same even take a little piece of paper and scoot them one that looks like it has more than the others just good a few extra beads over okay that looks pretty good like I said doesn't have to be exact so now we're going to load these on to four separate strands of the red as lon and I'm going to do one to show you and then I'm going to do the rest off-camera because I know this could be a little bit a longer video and I'd prefer to save a little bit of your viewing time so let me show you how to do one and then you can do the other seven with the red beads and the green beads so take a piece of tape and put it on the end of your strand and then go ahead and tape that end into the inside well of the bobbin winder few times you see I have a second little piece of tape ready to go so I'm just going to put that on my bobbin for right now because I need it right this instant and I'm going to be using just the end of the s Ilan as a needle and it's pretty stiff I'm going to put all the beads from one of my piles on to this strand of s lon now I use the piece of tape to hold the SL on in place inside the bobbin just because when you start adding this many beads it can get kind of heavy and that can cause the S lon to pull through and out of the bobbin so just as a good way of making sure your your cord stays in place now that you've got all your beads go ahead and let them slide down into your bobbin and I would recommend keeping about half of them outside the bobbin and half of them inside the bobbin and they do a couple more wines and you want to make sure you have a decent tail I'd say at least about 14 inches just because you're gonna be tying a knot on this end and you're gonna be loading this onto your disk so now go ahead snap your bobbin shut now this other little piece of tape I would recommend putting right where your cord exits and that is then a stopper again you're just trying to make it so that the beads because they are heavy don't pull out of the bobbin too easily so there we go they're ready to go so now you'll want to go ahead and load up three more of the strands of red s lon with the green beads and then do the exact same thing with the red ones so you're gonna end up with a total of eight bobbins loaded with beads three green and three red and then I will show you how to go ahead and load them onto your disc our bobbins are all loaded so now it's time to go ahead and place our threads onto our kumihimo disk so gather up the ends of your threads that are coming out of the bobbins just want to line them up in your hands don't worry if they get a little bit tangled you're going to be untangling them here in a second anyways okay so we've got all the ends now you're going to take them gather them together and just make a simple overhand knot making sure you capture all of them just like so and pull that knot down towards the end of your ends okay so now take that knot and thread it through the kumihimo disk there's that hole in the center and you want to go from front to back if you're not familiar with a kumihimo disk the front top side is one with all the lettering and the numbers and the back side is blank so now you're just going to take your kumihimo weight and pinch it on to that knot now you're gonna line up your threads on the disk you'll notice along the outside edge of the disk are a series of numbers from 1 to 32 and all these little notches and in those notches that you're going to put your threads and we're going to start with the 32 up top and the 16 closest to us and to get the spiral pattern that we have in our candy cane we're gonna line up a red thread or I should say a thread with red beads on it to the left and the right of the 32 and also to the left and the right of the 16 and then we're gonna place the green beaded threads to the left and the right of the 8 and the 24 and they're sort of nose nice handy dots right there to kind of give you a good direction of where you want to start this is gonna be a standard eight warp kumihimo braid and what I want to do is gather my thread so I've got a green one okay so to the left of that eight actually it's to the right depending on which way you're looking at this here's another green one to the other side of that eight dot here's what I mean by you're just untangling them you're just kind of walking them out if they get a little bit tangled okay so we've got more greens so let's go to the 24 dot and put a green on one side of it and then my last green one the other side of the 24 and then a red one to the left and the right of the 32 and the left and the right of the 16 so if you are just going to make a kumihimo bracelet it is at this point that you would start your braiding but since we are making this candy cane and we want it to hold its shape we need to insert a wire into our knot right now so that we can actually braid around the wire so this is something very different and new if you're used to making jewelry out of kumihimo braids you probably have not tried to braid around a piece of wire so we've got our wire we cut it in the beginning of this tutorial and we're going to take off our weight and we are going to slip the wire into our knot and you can even loosen up the knot a little bit if you need to that's why it was just an overhand knot so there it goes it just went right through the knot now I can go ahead and tighten that knot back up and also at this point and this is when you need the round nose pliers just make a nice pretty loose big loop at the end and that's just so you don't accidentally pull your wire through the top side so that loop will prevent it okay so I'm gonna adjust the tension again on my warps so these are all warps or these threads now when you're braiding kumihimo I referred to as warps and I'm going to stand up here if you were doing this at home most likely all of this would just be hanging in your lap and you wouldn't need to stand but because I've got the table right here I am gonna stand so that's that noise you probably hear in the background and I'm gonna feed my wire down through the backside and I just want a couple inches sticking up top and then you see my hands through the hole here I'm actually gripping the wire between two fingers so now we're gonna start our braiding and we're going to do it just as if that wire was not even there so we're going to start with the warp to the left side of the 16 and we're going to pull it up to the little slot on the left side of the thirty-one now with our next war we're going to take the one that's to the right of the 32 and pull it down to the slot that's to the right of the 15 so left up right down and rotate to your next set of warp threads so again left thread up right thread down and rotate now notice on this one it's the same as what I've been doing this whole time but I do want to point it out for the left thread that's going up to the left I'm making sure I stay to the left of the wire I'm not going this way so I'm making sure I stay to the left of the wire and put it in it's not same thing with the right thread that needs to come down so the right throw that's coming down is staying to the right of the wire and going into its notch and then we're going to rotate again so it is the same eight warp kumihimo braid that you might be familiar with all that's different is we got that wire that we're working around so left up right down rotate left up let's lift up right down rotate now you want to do this for about three-quarters of an inch to start with and when I say three-quarters of an inch I mean the braid is going to start to develop here by doing this technique and that's gonna allow us to have a nice solid braid without beads on it to attach our cord into so left up right down rotate left up right down and then rotate this is very zen-like it's very calming okay so you'll notice I just put the left one up and I just want to give you one quick tip here if you need it to put down your work for to go make dinner for a day a week whatever always make sure you end with three cords up top one down at the base so you could technically put this down it can get knocked around when you come back to it you'll know that that section with the three warp threads needs to be up top and you're just ready to pull the right side down so it's a great way of marking your place so I'm just going to keep doing this until I get that 3/4 inch of brave done and then I'm going to show you how to add the beads now one thing I am noticing what's happening as I'm doing this is I'm getting a little bit tripped up on my wire that's because it has a curve in it so just straighten it out if that happens to you there we go that should be better now and then also I am still holding the wire that's just at the beginning here until I get a really nice braid started and then at that point I will release the wire and what you can also do if you want for attention and remember I stopped with three up here so I know where I stopped you can actually put the kumihimo weight back on and just be gripping the wire - and that - also helps to keep the wire straight and hanging down at a nice straight line outside of your outside that little hole but again I am still gripping it with my fingers I just find that really helps to keep it from wobbling to begin with now we're ready to add our beads so our technique is not gonna change we're just gonna slip a bead under each warp thread as we do our braiding so what I mean by that is here we're pulling up to the left warp thread instead of just directly putting it up to the left we're going to take one bead slide it down and let drop into the well and then we're gonna catch it under the nearest warp thread and then just continue with the same technique where we just put it up to the left so same thing with the right thread so right down but just grab a bead let it slip and fall into the well catch it under the nearest warp thread and continue placing it where you would have placed it all along if you weren't doing beaded kumihimo so rotate grab a bead let it slip in catch under the warp thread nearest to it and continue with your same technique so there goes that bead it's really important that does catch under the warp thread if you want a nice spiral I do a few of these so that you can see the patterns start to emerge it is nice not to be having to hold that wire at this point you'll want to try to keep your tension fairly even as you're doing this and a good way of doing that is just kind of checking your warp threads and making sure that your beadwork is in the center of that hole and just that all the threads are nice and taut okay I want to show you what pattern we have and I'm gonna give you a few extra pointers and then I'm gonna do the rest of the braiding off-camera because it would just be way too long of a video if I did all on camera I will come back and show you how to actually finish it off and add the end caps this is what we have if you see that spiral pattern has started got the wire here as you want to add more wire because what's going to be happening here is you're going to notice that you have less and less wire and you're going to want more you just can hold your beadwork and pull the wire so that you have more to work with it's very easy to do then we've only added half of our beads essentially to the top side of each of the bobbins when you get to the point that you need more beads you've already got them strung all you do is you take off that piece of tape if you chose to use it pop open your bobbin and just allow more beads to come out of it wind it back up as much as you're comfortable working with it and replace that piece of tape and suddenly you have more beads so like I mentioned I do want to do the rest of the actual beading here the braiding off-camera just because it will be too long but it's the exact same technique that you're just going to follow until you've braided with beads ten inches of your spiral pattern and then it'll make a candy cane this size so I want to show you where we're at now we've got the ten inches of beaded kumihimo finished we still have that wire sticking out the base and then the wire up top as well if you need to you can keep pulling that wire as much as you need you just carefully work it up and at this point we don't need any more beads but we do need to do another non beaded portion so that we have something to attach our cord end to so I have left with the three strands up top so I'm just going to complete this rotation by pulling this right cord down to the right without a bead rotate and then just follow the exact same technique of doing kima kumihimo but without beads so it actually does go a lot faster to do this last part so same process I'm just not slipping those beads into the well and again you're gonna want about half an inch to three quarters of an inch of non beaded braid here at the end okay here's what we've got and that's a long enough for us to work with so at this point you're gonna take the kumihimo weight off of the base and you're gonna clip it you're gonna pull this through a little bit you're gonna clip it to the end of your braiding just to keep your braiding intact when you pull all your strands off the disc so I'm actually able to sit down again now okay so let's go ahead let's pull all our strands off you can gather them up and you can just cut them at this point and all these bobbins even working with can just get set aside and used for your next project and I do want you to take two strands though of the S long that are left and you're gonna use these to finish your Kumi end here so the disc is done so at this point go ahead and curve your can be came in to an approximate candy cane in a shape and you're just doing that because you want the wire to kind of curve and pull up if it's gonna pull up out of the end at all before you finish the ends so there we've got a nice candy cane shape and to finish the ends we're gonna start with the one that doesn't have the weight on it you'll notice that the cord end interior well is actually a little bit bigger than the braid but that looks nice when it's finished because it's similar to the size of the thicker braid with the beads but we do need to bulk up this section a little bit so that when we glue it in place it really has something to grab on to so to do that take one of your scrap pieces of s lon place it under the braids and tie a surgeon's knot you're going to tie a couple more knots and you're just bulking up that area so you can put it under the braid again tie another knot there we go so you just see that it's now thicker along that area of the non beaded braid let me do it a little bit more no science here we're just adding a little thickness trim your ends and then look at the length of your cord end and just make sure that where you did that extra thickening is not beyond the point where your cord end would be and if it is you could just scoot it up a little bit so now because we actually have that wire core we're not going to want to just use our scissors to cut through the s lon which was what we would normally do if we didn't have that cord instead we're gonna want to use cutters go ahead cut through everything at once and then I grab a little extra piece of wire to use as an applicator for my glue and this is a brand new bottle so if you've not opened a bottle of East 6000 before there's a little point on the top side of the cap you just turn it upside down press over that seal and that then opens up the glue okay and put a generous amount of glue inside the well and really spread it along the sides now you're gonna fit that cap over your cord there we go I don't really shove it in there a little bit of glue comes out the end don't worry about it just wipe it away with your piece of paper okay so that end is now finished we want to do the exact same thing to the other end where's my strand here it is now you go so use a gold and cap here two would look quite nice I have silver ones but gold would be very pretty festive as well so we're gonna do the same thing here now if you do have those straggling pieces it helps if you twist the cap there we go and then I'll go back when that's dry and just trim off that one little piece but we are now set in our beaded kumihimo Christmas ornament that is shaped like a candy cane is now complete so we got the red and white and we have the green and red you can find all the supplies for this as well as additional kumihimo projects and instructions eppie - holly calm you
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