hi everyone it is cat and Julie and we are back in our next Facebook live class to talk all about peyote stitch and if you've joined us here on face book life before you know that we always kick it off with a giveaway but all you need to do to enter this giveaway is just leave a comment below so let us know where you're joining in from or how much you like peyote stitch or another bead weaving stitch that you like yeah I was like if there's something else that you want us to maybe cover in a future class you know any comment you leave enters you in the giveaway you can always just say hi so this is our giveaway for this first class here so or for our peyote class here so of course we wanted to make sure that we gave you guys one of our beautiful beadaholique kits and this is going to come with the pattern the beads the thread the needles the clasp everything to complete it and actually here is the completed piece it's just so shiny and so shimmery and I picked out the honeycomb one I thought it was just very nice and appealing and you know kind of you know it goes into fall I think this was one of our summer patterns but I actually really like it cuz the gold is just so gorgeous it is it's very wearable and it's just a really attractive piece so that's one part of the giveaway it's one part of the giveaway you're also going to get some crystal and some smoke fireline and this is what we're gonna kind of cover in our class here that this is what we generally use the most we're gonna give you some of our beautiful new clasps and we're gonna talk about that as well and then this is kind of a neat little tool these are the peyote QuickStart cards and we have a video showing you how to use these but I'm going to talk briefly about that later on in the class and then we wanted to give you a really nice selection of miyuki delicas so we have some eleven oohs here as well as ten oohs and we're gonna start talking about the difference and just different ways that you can use these beads but just kind of wanted to give you all kinds of beads some fun colors and mixes and even some neutrals just to kind of get you started if you haven't tried peyote stitch before so this is a great little sort of starter pack for that and like I said if you're wondering one thing that might be missing here is needles but you're going to get some needles in your package here so you'll be able to actually start doing some peyote with everything that you see here and as captious said this is great starter kit and peyote is a really great starter stitch so if you've been wanting to get into bead weaving and for whatever reason you just you know put it off you thought oh that's gonna be too hard you know whatever it may be peyote is really that great stitch that you can do a lot of different things with it we have some samples down here and we're gonna talk more about these but you can see the wide variety of things you can do just with peyote stitch this of course is a little bit more complicated up here but this is just peyote right here this beautiful ring it's just zipped up so a lot you can do and this is a really great way to get into bead weaving or if you're experienced you can go on to some of these more advanced projects so I'm going to start start off by showing you how to do an even count peyote stitch so I want to really start off right away with that it's quite simple to do and it's really fun and you can make a lot of different designs with it so if we look at my table here I have this little sample I've started now this is using a 10 oh my you keep delicate even and I haven't been able to create these nice even stripes just by the placement of my beads we're going to talk a little bit more about creating patterns in a little bit in the class but I really want to start off by showing how to do this so I have my thread already beaded and because I'm using a smoke fire line I'm gonna beat on the table here it might be a little bit easier to see so to start off with I need to add a stopper bead it's really simple to do I snagged one of Kats beads from her table because I just wanted one that was a different color I'm gonna place it onto my thread pull it down and I don't want to pull it down all the way I want to leave a tail that's gonna be long enough to rethread a needle on to at the end of the day here when I need to tie off my thread so a good eight ten inches and so I'm just gonna go back through that stopper bead in the opposite direction so I make a nice little loop and this is easy to adjust and that's the key is you want to be able to pull it off so you see I can just slide that stopper bead wherever I want it to be now I am gonna be doing even count so I'm gonna need an even number of beads so I'm gonna recreate this little one right here so I'm gonna do three of my gold six of my blue and three more gold that gives me a count of 12 columns so here we go just slide those down so they rest against your stopper bead and now what we're gonna do I'm gonna pick up one more gold and I'm gonna skip the first bead but I'm gonna go back through the second bead and I'm gonna pull it down and now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to make sure these are all nice and tight up against that stopper bead so I kind of want to have to fiddle with the first row a little bit base see how those just stacked on top of each other so now I'm going to pick up another gold and skip over a bead and go through the next one and we do have full YouTube videos on all of these if you want to go back and watch those in a little bit more detail and a little slower perhaps and now I'm gonna pick up a blue now if you had a chart you could be following a pattern this is a really easy stripe design so I know that a blue bead is gonna go on top of a blue bead a gold is gonna go on top of the gold bead get my tail all the way and you see how those are really creating like almost a zigzag pattern and it's just coming together really quickly I'm gonna pull a couple these beads over so my hand doesn't have to keep crossing in front of the camera here okay so now I'm gonna do a blue bead again I'm skipping over one and going in the next one and this first row takes the longest once you've got that first row down you're gonna be able to go really quickly especially with even countin cats gonna talk a little bit in length about odd count and what you have to do to do that it does take a little bit more time but definitely doable ok so I've got a gold bead and I'm at the end of this row so let me show you what I've got I got those zigzags so what's nice about even count is I can just turn around and really essentially fill in the gaps with beads I like to think of it like this I'm going to pick up a gold bead and go through this one and this one should sit on top of the other like so and now I'm gonna pick up another gold bead and I'm gonna pick up a blue bead and you see how much quicker the second row is going or actually third row it's a little hard to count sometimes in peyote rows I always get a little bit confused because essentially you're adding beads for the first and second row in your first run through your first pass through yeah and I have a little bit more of a pattern with the Chevron that I'm gonna do so I'll kind of talk about sort of picking up rows one and two but yeah it really works it really starts to work out nice and quick once you have that s row happening there and I like to work with a comfortable amount of thread so for me about six feet is comfortable I have less here for the camera but you always can easily add more thread as you go so don't feel like you have to figure out how much thread you need for your entire project because you are gonna be able to add more as you go and if you have too much thread I find it just gets tangled yeah and really makes it not quite as fun yeah be honest you spend most of your time not bead weaving but untangling thread exactly oh and speaking of thread we really do like fireline for this I have a project I'm going to show you later in this class with Nemo and it's not my ideal thread for this so if that's something that you've wondered about I wouldn't and like an Aymara ko for this and I think we might have a question as well rachel is letting us know but that is even count peyote okay so April had a question about tension how do you keep the tension firm you know so it doesn't bunch up or sag I think that's a it's a little bit's a practice thing because I used to almost weave my peyote too tight so that it would almost sort of crunch when I like wanted to bend it around a nice pretty form so but I will say this that I've noticed something with fire line that you want to keep a good tension uh-huh not too tiny but if it's too loose it will loosen over time just as the natural thread will just progress so you do want to be careful about not letting it be too loose because it will then get even looser and I have just a little tip that actually encountered this morning because I was finishing up this piece here which I'm going to show you later using some Nemo and I started to have a bead I'm gonna see if I can recreate it it had like this weird little like I'm not gonna able to recreate unfortunately but basically it was doing that and I've gotten to the next row over and it had this loose bead and I was able to just kind of go tug at the ends actually to tighten it up and just kind of pull it in place so I keep an eye on my bead work as I'm going basically every row I'm just kind of making sure it looks right as I'm actually beating versus going ten rows down and then be like oh no I've got this like sagging bead area yeah so just kind of keep an eye on it and fiddle with it as you're going this is really something that you'll get a feel for after you do it a several times they'll be like oh that feels good that feels right and as you're tugging on the thread is gonna kind of make sense to you and then we have another question from Rachel is asking okay so Gita and I pronounce that right asked if we waxed the fireline first and we don't at least I don't know I do wax Nemo first and I have some little wax right here but fireline is actually pretty um pretty soft pretty easy to work with it doesn't really stick very much yeah and the experience I found especially with when using the smoke is that sometimes it does come off a little bit of my hand Swire you know that it is coated in something but the fireline it is just got that really nice braid I don't feel the need to coat my fire line that I will say that when I'm doing loom work I'll coat the Nemo or something like that just because you're passing through a lot of the beads and me Yuki's because they are cylindrical they can be a little sharp on the edges but I've never had an issue on my bead work of the thread cutting because they are cylindrical but they do have nice little rounded edges and if you do come across a bead that has a sharper edge you might experience some issues with that truthfully I don't see why you couldn't wax it if that made you more comfortable with whatever thread you're working with because you're not really gonna see a whole lot of it I just would be careful to not do too much wax on it if that was something that you wanted to experiment with and I will show you how to actually wax thread a wax the ni mo on later in the class so you'll know how to do that if that is something you choose to do yeah that's all good all right well I'm gonna start with doing and talking a little bit about odd count peyote and sort of the reason why you might want to do odd count peyote and the simple reason is for your pattern it really comes down to that I mean you could do any type of pattern in odd count and then when you try to translate it to even you're not going to get that Center aligned so that is sort of what you're looking for so I have a little piece started here and the reason you know that a lot of people learn odd count is to do this sort of traditional Chevron because what I need is I need that point down the center and you're not going to get that with obviously an even count so you're gonna want to do the odd count to do the Chevron so I'm gonna start my piece and I've already added my stopper bead just to save a little bit of time here but I want to kind of talk as I as I pick up my beads regarding a pattern so let's assume this is a this is a printed pattern that I have or you can also follow your own be work if you're recreating this a design but you're gonna pick up the first and second row so you can kind of see that this first row of all of these up beads that is what I mean when I say first row and the second row is these ones sort of fits it in between that aren't attached to anything at the top there so in order for me to pick up to start I'm going to pick up this one this one this one this one and so forth so it's going to be two of these gunmetal two of the turquoise two of the blue actually three of the blue there you've got one turquoise on there I did for you know she's looking out for me see it's a Melissa and I was I was about to double check when I got to the end all right no but that's that's but you know it and that's where it's like I've done that before it's just like you have to be really careful with it especially when you're starting a pattern once you've gotten down the chevron it becomes logical and easy but thank you okay so I have on here so I have two of the gunmetal two of the turquoise three of the blue and so I just need two more turquoise and two more gunmetal so I'm going to add that to my needle here alright so there we go so that is actually the first and second row of my beadwork so I'm gonna go ahead and slide that down all the way to my stopper bead and now this first part is gonna look really similar to what Julie was doing so all I'm gonna do now let me kind of make sure it faces the right way there all right so I'm gonna pick up one of my gun metal beads skipping over that first bead going into the second and I'm gonna pull that down and it's gonna create that nice little T and sometimes you have to kind of wiggle around your beads just a little bit here we go alright everybody happy good alright and now you can see that I need to pick up another gun metal bead so I'm skipping over that turquoise going into the next turquoise all right there we go and picking up a turquoise and I'm gonna skip over that first blue gonna go into that second one and you want to make sure that your bead we beadwork is not flipping around it can easily twist but you don't want that to happen here all right and then one at a time guys all right so one more skipping over that blue going into that turquoise there all right and then I'm going to pick up a gunmetal and now you can see that I have this sort of extra hanging bead so where Julie had originally done her isn't finished she would have just turned right around and added that next one but I have this extra bead because it is odd count so here is one example of the turnaround that you're gonna need to do so I need a gun metal bead for my pattern now I'm gonna scooch my stopper bead out of the way just ever so slightly all right so what you're gonna do now is you're gonna start to work with these five beads so the one on my needle here this gunmetal gunmetal gunmetal and turquoise okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go down through this one here without poking yourself with your needle and what I need to do is I need to try to get him to sit on top there just like so but now I have to turn my thread around so I'm going to go through both of these now you can go through two beads at once or you can do one at a time whichever is more comfortable for you and now I need to turn around again go down through this turquoise bead and I promise you this does get easier the more rows of peyote you do and the less you get your tail of your other piece caught in there all right we go and now I need to go through that Center bead through that bead there and like I said all it really is is just a little crisscross and then you want to come out your top bead just like so all right and now I'm gonna start and do another row I'm just gonna kind of cinch up my work a little bit and this is where that sort of you got to feel out your tension comes into place all right so now I'm just going to continue my pattern because now I'm at the point where I need to turn around and you'll see that the nice thing about the miyuki delicas is they kind of have this little satisfying a little lock in place because of their shape now you can do peyote with round beads as well and we'll kind of talk about that a little bit you can even do peyote with some Czech glass beads or what are some other beads that we can that we can use here I know we've used some we've used Toho rounds we have Miyuki rounds as well alright so there we go alright so now I'm just gonna continue my pattern and I'll actually finish this piece it sorry yeah I'll actually finish this piece off-camera so it'll be a full project for you guys so if you're curious about just how to do this simple pattern alright so what I want to do really quick because I want to get back to the other end to show you the difference so in odd count peyote you're gonna do that even turn around on one side and the odd turn around on the other side so let me just get back there real quick okay so again we have our bead that is just sort of sticking out there to the side and I can't turn around because there's no place for me to turn around my thread so what I'm going to do is I'm going to add my color bead and I'm going to go down through and I'm actually going to go up through all three of those beads there and get him situated up top there we go and now you just go down through one bead out through two and up and around through that one so it does get easier the the faster you sort of get down into it but that is the basic of the odd count peyote so I'm actually going to continue a little bit and then maybe I'll show you another one of those turnarounds when it becomes a little bit more clear it's a little easier to see when you're a little further along within a piece absolutely and actually Julie has a piece of odd that she's going to work with I do I'm going to show you this in just one moment but really quickly I do want to just show you some of these pretty examples on our table before I do another technique show you some stuff so these are all different examples of peyote so this one's actually using czech glass beads with an edging this here has a pretty little tube clasp that's been attached to here that we've actually created a toggle and we do have videos showing you all these different techniques but that's actually a fully bead woven piece of jewelry so that's a fun way of doing it you see you can actually continue your pattern there so and then we've got these guys here you can see that Center Point so whenever you see a nice Center point like that you could be pretty sure it's gonna be odd count a lot of these other type patterns you can do even you can create your pattern it's really a preference thing whether you want awed or even and it is a pattern dictated decision and then these here are actually just pody as well but with different sized beads so nothing at all changed in the stitch and it's hard to believe because these are so dimensional and so fun but that is exactly what Kat and I were just doing yeah nothing changed except for the bead that we picked up on our needle which is really really fun I love that so much and I think Rachel um was also letting me know that we have another question oh she wasn't sorry but keep them coming we love questions this one Rachel just did which is a really pretty peyote piece and then she did some actual embellishments on the edges too so that was super fun and so that's just some of the variety that you can do and then speaking of a variety what we can also do is we can use these wonderful form so these are nice flat bracelets or three-dimensional and then these here are bangles and you see they've got these really nice channels and this one has bead work that's been put into it so this beadwork was created separately and it was added later and I'm going to show you how to do that with these little earrings and these are by Nunn design and I have created an odd count piece of peyote and it's already finished and I made it just long enough and just wide enough to go into that channel and I'm gonna show you how to attach it so we're just gonna glue it we're literally gonna glue it in place that's pretty easy and so I'm gonna do that right here so this is the piece that I was talking about that I did with my mom and so this is an I'm I use and I did it with Nemo because I thought the way it was gonna lay in the channel you're actually going to be seeing the thread and so I wanted the thread color to match the gold and os-- of the color palette that I was using I don't recommend using Nemo for this it was really one of the rare times that I did it and I ran into a lot of problems so what I ran into was nodding of my thread it just didn't go in as smooth I also ended up piercing this thread so if you look at the Nemo one thing that's really quite different about it compared like a fire line is I'm gonna be able to do this on purpose it happens on accident a lot okay here you go you see you can actually pierce it and it starts to fray that was frustrating I would end up with some frayed little edges or not or tangle so it is possible and I also promised I'd show you how to wax it I'm going to do that real quick but not ideal and I really also was okay with the Naima because I knew I was gonna glue this into a setting versus worrying about it being strong enough for everyday use so this is a well-loved thread conditioner this is thread heaven you can see it's quite messy on the inside all you need to do it's messy because we've used it a lot is lay the thread down into it put your finger over it and pull it through it and it's really just as simple as that it coats it and it does help to prevent fraying and nodding and I love and I use it for my loom work all the time it's great but just with this bead work when you're doing multiple passes and it's just a little bit more challenging so I first figured out how many beads I need it and I don't have these guys spilled out but basically I just put them on my needle and set them in there so if I was doing the ten O's which I think are gonna be too big for this I just put them on my needle and I set it down to see if they would fit and I realized that three would fit nicely allowing for that little bit of thread on the edge so to secure this into place I'm going to put a little bit of e6000 glue on my post-it pad and I'm just going to take a toothpick and I'm gonna put it in the channel and I want it to cover the whole channel but I don't want so much that it's gonna spill out and I'm going to end up seeing a lot of the glue I also remember with any type of glue it will seep through the not the holes in the beads but you know that the space tweeting the beads where you have your threads so you wouldn't want a big glob of glue to saturate your beadwork piece and then show on the front now if you're using e6000 it does dry fairly quickly so just keep in mind you want to be doing this when you're ready to apply your piece not necessarily ahead of time okay so we've got our glue I am just going to lay my beadwork into it press it into place like so and let it dry that's it so I have a little bit of time to to move it around if I need to to make sure it's exactly how I want it but I think that is gonna be a really fun earring especially for fall so I like this color palette with the gold so that's all I needed to do to go ahead and set that into that little channel earring I love how you can really use peyote just for like little embellishments cuz not everybody wants just this big strip of bead weaving around their wrists or what-have-you so there's a lot of ways to just add this little tiny embellishment and the color combination is just so beautiful you know I think this would be a great gift item if you don't want to take a lot of time you want to do something handmade you love bead weaving you love peyote but you also maybe are making five different gifts for the holidays are for birthdays or whatever it may be this is a great way of being able to really present something very nice but not have to spend hours and hours and hours doing it and you know what I think of I have so many tubes of beads at my house that have this many in there and this would be perfect like just to do like just like a color mix or something I'm like oh all the blues I have leftover cuz I'm just looking at that and going it doesn't really take that many beads and like yeah I know you get a lot per tube and it's like you know but I have a lot of tubes that have just a few beads and it's like well what am I gonna do with that yeah that's a great - yeah or this little channel one June I mean that's not gonna take that many beads and it's gonna work up really really quickly and then that's a really nice style it just just right now with all the stacking bangles and stuff just to have one really just kind of pretty striking beat Bowman we see a lot of loom in there as well yeah so you know I just like that style is that's a fun variation and we do now have a question two questions so these were eleven oh my you keep delicas really quickly it's a great opportunity because I did want to show this as well I want to show you the size difference between an 11 oh and a 10 oh you think oh it's just one number difference these are 11 o's like i used for the earring and these guys are 10 o's so quite a bit different also i want to show you this size comparison so this was even count 12 across this is odd with 10 oh my Yuki's and this is odd count and this is using 11 oh my Yuki delicas and it's 13 columns so you see that this is actually more columns but it's quite a bit smaller than the other piece so just kind of a good size comparison yeah and just as a tip if you're doing a slightly more simple design I think that 10 O's work if you want something that's really intricate like you can see down here some of the patterns are very very detailed that's where I would point you to try to use an 11 o because you're just gonna get a little more definition in your in your stitching so and for our second question oh this is by Nunn design and it comes like this you actually get a pair of them and it's just a really pretty that's antique gold finished and it has the earring backs already on it it's a finding you can find it on beadaholique.com in our earring section yeah it comes in a couple different color finishes I love them and it's from basically the same collection as these channels bracelets these are fine done design as well but it's just it's nice it's ready to go so all you have to do is add the bead work which is really good it makes it nice and easy it sure does and the quality is nice it's nice weight to it - mm-hm is little steep yeah I want to show you guys really quick I got a little bit further in my odd count so I'm gonna show you that turn around one more time when and now I have a couple of beads that are a little different color so I think it'll make it a little bit easier for you guys to see because I get a lot of questions on the YouTube about this so so I'm picking up my next color bead so I'm here on the edge and you can kind of see on my fingers there so the five beads that I'm working with again is the one on my needle these three turquoise and that blue bead right there so you just go down through and I can actually at this point go all the way through all three beads and kind of pop him right up there and then I'm just gonna go down through that adjacent bead and you'll see that the thread kind of just pops right in so you don't really even see it anymore and then you just go down through the side other beads so that's you know once you get to a point where you can actually kind of hold it with your hands it does become quite a bit quicker so that's that turn around just one more time and again we do have that YouTube video on it but that's the the trickiest part of odd count peyote but I think it's it's worth it for the patterns that you can kind of create with it absolutely I think I want to take this moment because we've done some techniques just show the giveaway one more time I was just feeding and we love sharing that so here is our giveaway and we have a peyote bracelet kit now this is gonna be that even count so if you're a beginner this is still a great pattern to follow and it's geometric so the pattern is just very very logical so it's a great great starter thing also it just looks really pretty and then we have some crystal and some smoke fireline to kind of get you started here and I chose a good bunch of beads here we have some of those eleven o delicas and then I have some ten o delicas and these are great to sort of practice if you're new or just kind of just some fun neutral colors to get you started we have some lovely tube clasps here and I have some with the vertical loops and with the horizontal loops and there's different attachments and we of course have videos showing you how to do that and then this is a good opportunity for me to show you the quick start peyote cards now this is a three pack and you'll be able to use your eleven eleven o size seed beads with these and let me just take a quick second to kind of show you what those are so you can use these QuickStart cards and we do have a multipack so if you did want to do one that has 15 11 8 and 6 you can do that and what's really nice is the instructions are very clear of course we do have a video showing you how to do that but it's just these nice little cards and you can kind of see it in practice here on the cover but you just take the card and you just thread your needle through that little hole there and then you can kind of set up your first row so it's just a nice little stitch and it gets you started right away and then when you're ready you can just pull your thread out and all of your beadwork is there ready to go so it's a nice little thing because you know like we were saying and like it was clearly demonstrated especially by me I'm starting peyote can be the hardest part that is but once you get it it's really nice and easy but these cards can kind of help you it's a nice little little technique or you know if someone you know like speed weaving and it's like hey I might want to try this you might not have heard of ENSO kind of a cool little cool little trick oh I did want to talk a little bit about some of these guys here a bit of good effort I think this is a great lead because we kind of covered you know the ones which are more nutritional peyote they thank when you think of peyote you think of these really fun patterns you can get a lot of different shapes we got like leaves going and cherry blossoms there's a lot of things you could do I think this is what we really think of often we think of peyote but yeah there are a lot of other things you can do with it as well so I'll let cat kind of talk about what's what's right here front of her yeah so these are some slightly more dimensional pieces this is a chili nice spiral or shalini spiral depending on where you're coming from but this is just a great technique and this uses actually some of them yuki delicas as well as the Toho around seed beads in these particular designs but all this is is a tubular peyote which you can see right here in these earrings and it's the exact same technique as a tubular peyote but again just with different sized beads so you remember how we were talking about some of these flat pieces using different sized beads this is the exact same technique just different sized beads that's that's the only change but then you get this beautiful spiral happening and we have videos showing you how to do this as well as how to seamlessly join us you can make yourself a nice little angle so little it's just it's something really fun that I you know and I will say this these are a little time-consuming but the result is so gorgeous I don't mind yeah it's it's really beautiful and I think that's one of the fun things I do you want to remind people or if they're not aware of it please do check out our YouTube channel we have so many videos and a lot about bead weaving and a lot about you know how to do increases in peyote how to do decreases how to tie off your thread how to add more thread how did you even count how to do odd count we really have a very complete library available to you to check out if you're learning the technique so oftentimes you know if you're doing it and you're like I wonder how you do that check out our website check out our youtube channel most likely we have a video showing you how to do it so whatever stage you're at in your bead work that you're like I really could use a hand I could use some help yeah we have it and if we don't tell us something you want we'd love suggestions and we do take them a lot of your videos are like Oh someone's asking because you know I think we've been doing it for so long that sometimes we forget that's like Oh everybody comes in at a different level and you know it hasn't learned a certain technique or once kind of a refresh on something or oh how do you just add that one earring hook I'm happy to do a video on that cuz it's you know we'd really just want to show you guys all the possibilities so if there's anything send us a Facebook message or you know shadows out on Instagram I'm on there all the time so I'm checking for us so you know just just let us know cuz we're here to kind of help you guys yeah and we love this this is and I hope that comes to really have a good time we're always opening and laughing and creating and being inspired and we're inspired by YouTube and we're inspired by your you know comments and all that and it's just great and so we want to be there to help you and help you really be able to pursue your passion of beading and enjoy it so so just um some other quick things that we have here we have a triangle peyote earring and I only have on here and I can't find the other one he'll come back I was like I'll find them one week yeah just like space but this is also peyote too so this is a little bit more of a dimensional peyote and we do have this video available to you and it's a great little technique and I just love how simple the pattern can be but how sort of advanced it really does look you know so if you want to impress your friends you can make some of those and then again with some dimensional peyote we have this video as well and it's just a really kind of cool technique of sort of folding the peyote in in on itself to create a beautiful bail on this lovely gemstone doughnut and then this is a little ring here and Julie kind of pointed this out earlier it's the seamless join and like I said you know what we do have that video as well and last but not least I do want to talk a little bit about kind of using some other types of beads because we talked a lot about using the miyuki delicas and these particular earrings right here and this necklace these use the Miyuki rounds now these are one of our new designer palettes and these are actually launching today on our website so you can go and you can find those out but this is just sort of a nice little way to again add that little focal or that tiny little embellishment and you can see how few beads this really does take so you can make multiples you can make you know definitely a pair of earrings or if you're like me raid your stash just to kind of put together so that's sort of what we got for the Miu key rounds and our palettes and like I said those will be on beadaholique.com today so very exciting that's definitely a fun thing to you know be able to expand on because you can create a different look yeah it really does create something completely different and then that's what I kind of like about it now before I get off of my track over there I do want to point out to you guys that we do have a peyote stitch page on our website that has kind of all of our videos and a lot of these projects that we've talked about so we can send you there but what's really nice is we have a couple of downloads so I have a download here and this is what it looks like when you print it off in color this is an even count peyote stitch and this really just walks you through it it even walks you through adding that stopper bead again so in case that was you know we did that too fast or something you can have this sort of put it in a binder and definitely keep it and we will be doing one for odd count peyote very soon as well but then we also get a lot of questions on how we create our patterns now there's some free software out there but we did want to provide you guys with some of this sort of peyote graph paper so I'm actually gonna put this down on the table so I stopped moving it around but you can just sort of see especially by looking up here the reason you can't use like a graph paper to do peyote is just the way that they sit they kind of sit like little tiles up and down so what you can do is you can take some colored pencils or I've actually even seen people just kind of draw on these or just mark them up but you know this is a free download and you can print up as many pages as you want so you'll be able to find this on that page on our peyote page at beadaholique.com so just some little extras that we want to kind of give you guys they're totally free so feel free to print them out and you know absolutely and if we do a peyote project on beadaholique.com if you look on the project page it has a pattern on there for it yeah which is fun so you're gonna be able to get that too I think one last technique I want to show just because we're kind of getting towards the end here we have gone ahead and we showed you how to start I want to show you how to tie off your thread I have four she does that just really give away just one last chance for the giveaway guys here go ahead and leave your comments we'll be choosing a winner in just a minute after Julie's done here so go ahead and leave your last few comments Pat all right take it away Julie perfect you know all right so I'm gonna take my needle off at this end so here I have my piece and here I have the end now if I was going to do a clasp like this I wouldn't end it like this I would go ahead and I'd Stitch the clasp on and again we have videos for that but let's say I'm doing like what I did right here I just needed to end it I just needed nice and clean without threads hanging off and it needed to be secure so remember we talked about leaving enough thread at the end near your stopper bead to rethread your needle on to it so at this point you just grab your stopper bead and you just pull it off like so now we're going to go ahead and put our needle back on to our thread and so you see where my thread is exiting so it's exiting that end corner bead all I need to do right now is weave it in and tie a couple quick little knots so I'm just gonna retrace my steps and it doesn't really matter which way you go you have a lot of flexibility here you just don't want your thread to show so I'm not gonna jump over any beads I'm gonna definitely go through adjacent beads but I'm basically just weaving it in you can even change directions I like to change directions on mine I think it provides a little more strength to it yeah I do too it's quite freeing this is not hard to do this yeah this is nice and then what I like to do is I like to just catch under a thread bridge this is gonna be your only tricky part especially if your tension is really quite tight but I actually just went under a little thread bridge right there and I created a loop and that loop is now available for my needle to go through and I just pull it down and that just created a little knot and now by going through another bead that knot is going to get pulled into the bead and since it was just a simple little knot we don't even see it so you can just keep doing that I like to do a couple I'm not going to do a couple on camera here because it's just the same exact thing that I just did but yeah you just weave in your thread tie a couple little knots and then snip it off but you see now we no longer have that thread coming here and after you tie another knot or to just snip it and you're good to go and then you have a nice secure end and that is how you would end it and then is it pretty much the same technique if you're adding more thread as you go midway through see if you look at this piece I have a couple threads hanging off the middle that's where I stopped and added more thread I would just weave these tails in the exact same way yeah and it's you know it's just about kind of turning it around a couple of times adding a knot here but you know don't make it complicated that should be because you want to get back to the weaving the fun part yeah yeah so it's just it's a nice little technique and then you don't have any tails or threads or anything like that so I'm realizing that one thing I didn't bring to bring out today so I've been using my little snips here but we also do have something in there thread burners or thread zaps and those are really great because you can get really nice and close to your beadwork so that you don't even have any semblance of a tail I know sometimes if you try to use scissors or something on the middle you might have that little tiny tail sticking out but the thread burners are really great and it kind of seals up the end of the thread to keep it from pulling through and fraying so it's actually just extra security when you're doing a lot of tie offs especially in something like this where the Selenia spiral where you are using it a lot of thread you know you'll have enough to kind of tie off and make it tidy we like our tiny bead right here so all right well if we have a winner we do we do all right it is Terry oh look I'm hoping I'm saying that right my apologies if I'm not congratulations you won the peyote giveaway and we will go ahead and we're going to send you a message and we'll get your address and we'll ship it off yeah that's great and then really really what quick I want to show you one little teaser for something if you love doing bead weaving um these guys here are not peyote they are a combination of a brick stitch and ladder stitch with some fun fringe these are our new exclusive beadaholique they are live today and they move and they are a lot of fun they've got that great fringe but this is really a great way of exploring a couple more stitches so if you maybe you're picking a peyote you love it you want to try something else here you're gonna learn brick stitch as well as ladder stitch as well as how to do a beaded fringe and you can then start to combine different stitches once you learn peyote and you've learned brick you've learned fringe you can combine them and create a whole host of different projects yeah and this project actually is a strip of peyote and then the embellishment on the side is a nice little brick stitch so you can just kind of see how you can really combine those things it's very cool so lots of opportunity there and I just love the color palette I just want all of those earrings it's just like it's September first Labor Day weekend but I am ready for fall yeah me too I'm ready I want some like you know pumpkin pie I know I was like apple cider you know their pumpkin spice ones over there and they're just so fun so um but thank you so much you guys for joining us and commenting and being a part of this we love doing what we do and we love it because of you guys so congratulations to our giveaway winner we'll be sending that out but be sure to check back with us we are doing a whole episode in October the first Friday of October and it's gonna be spooky Halloween jewelry and fun things to wear for Halloween so be sure to check back with us for that but until then I will see you next time and thank you so much again yeah have a great weekend everyone bye-bye
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Customer Reviews
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Clear recently viewedInstructions are great but the cameraman need to be still! So hard to watch when it’s moving around and shaking like that!
I love peyote stich because there are so many awesome possibilities to creativity! It's beautiful and so enjoyable. Can't wait to learn more techniques. That's the best part there is always more to learn. The display of various designs is beautiful in this video! I really love it and it makes me want to do more beadwork and learn more techniques. Thank you for inspiring me today!
I just saw this video and again you guys are great at explaining everything. You make the complicated things become easy. Really want to catch you live