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Peyote Bracelet - Fireworks - Exclusive Beadaholique Jewelry Kit SKU: KB-GP-052JX $37.99 |
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Cellini Spiral Bracelet - Christmas Wreath - Exclusive Beadaholique Jewelry Kit SKU: KB-GP-056YD $25.99 |
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Wrapit Professional Series Duo, Bracelet Beading Loom with 2 Tracks SKU: XTL-6136 $24.99 |
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The Beadsmith Wire Looping Pliers - Concave And Round Nose SKU: XTL-5032 $14.99 |
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Multisizer Ring Sizing Gauge, Measures US Sizes 1-17, White with Black Lettering SKU: XTL-9000 $1.69 |
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Quick Start Peyote Card Combo Pack, By Deb Moffet-Hall 15/0 11/0 8/0 and 6/0 Sizes SKU: XTL-9948 $22.99 |
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The Beadsmith Micro Mini Jewelry Tool Kit - 4 Plier Set SKU: XTL-7004 $19.99 |
hi everyone it is Kat and Julie and we are back for another live event so today we are talking all about gifts and kits for beaters so I'm really excited to just kind of dive in and just really start talking about stuff but if you've joined us on our life before you know that we always kick it off with a giveaway so for today's giveaway you know because we're gonna be talking a lot about kits and these are gonna be great gifts for yourself or for someone else we are giving away two full kits today so we're giving away one of our newest ones and you're going to see this here in just a second it's gonna be the peyote bracelet kit in the fireworks pattern and then we're giving away a rapid loom professional series duo that comes with one of our gemstone kids so I actually have the two finished kits right here on my table here so you can actually get a chance to see what you'll be able to make so we have this beautiful green agate here and this is a lovely gemstone and this is going to be a nice little leather kit and you're gonna be able to make that and what's really nice is you'll be able to actually make the whole kit with the tools and if you want you can always buy refill kits and we're gonna talk about that in a little bit but then this is one of our newest holiday kits that I created here this is the fireworks peyote so it's just really nice and really sparkly and I think this will be part of my New Year's outfit this year for sure that's what that was this one will probably disappear from the design today is around December 31st so these are the two kits that you will be able to make if you win our giveaway now you're probably wondering how do I win all you have to do is you have to leave a comment right down here below and we're actually going to give it away live so you have to be joining us live in order to win but just leave any kind of comment let us know where you're tuning in from what gifts you're excited to make and give and receive for Christmas and what's on your wish list so we want to know so be sure to just leave a comment below and we'll announce the winner as soon as we are done with our class here today so yeah so let's go ahead and kick it off go ahead Julie it's dive right in well we've had so much fun preparing for this class because it was like shopping for us it really like what what do we like to receive as beaters and crafty people as gifts for the holidays so if you're tuning in whether you are looking for a gift for yourself something that you can make and give to someone else or some supply is that you can give as supply or a kit gift yeah she's someone else those are the things that we went shopping on our own websites and we went to beadaholique.com did this and we went shopping so everything that you see here is available at beadaholique.com so first off I want to introduce you to something brand-new launching on the website today and this is something that we do every single year is we come out with holiday versions of our most popular kits for the year so we are releasing them today and so I'm going to start over here and now these would be great to either make and give as a finished piece to someone you love or or to actually give them the kit so they can have the fun of making it so right here we have two shalini spiral kits and these are so pretty and the kits will provide the beads and the full instructions everything you need to know to figure out how to make these and we also have full tutorial videos for all these kits as well so like here was the release that we did earlier in the year so we did all of these ones and now we have the Christmas and the New Year's version as well so other kits that are great holiday kits I'm gonna start to pull some of these guys off we have a memory wire gemstone kit so this is malachite noodle beads wood beads a little star charm and memory wire is great because it really is one size fits all so if maybe you don't know someone's wrist size you want to give us a gift this is a great option same thing with these little loom bracelet kids this is a loom duo so with a kid like this you can either get the full kit which is going to include the loom or you can buy the refill which will just be the beads and the findings so here is the jewel loom that would come with this kit so this is a really nice gift because it's all-in-one so if you want to give something to someone who's maybe they love to quilt they love to scrapbook they're really crafty and you don't know if they've really experimented with jewelry making before you don't know what type of tools they have this is a great option because you're gonna get the loom you're gonna get the needle you're gonna get all the beads you're gonna get everything that you need to make this complete project and so when you gift it to them you know that they'll have everything which is really nice so then another kit we have is this kumihimo wrapped bracelet and we did like a nice Christmas red and gold and this one too is available as a refill or a full kit that's going to come with the disc and the bobbins and everything you need this is a wrapped bracelet with a pretty little button again this was adjustable which is nice so this one it was done on the rapid loom and the rabbit loom is something I definitely want to experiment with for Christmas oh yes once you start playing with the rapid loom it's hard to stop it's hard to stop it's almost instant gratification because it doesn't take that long to produce a really pretty pretty design so then I'm gonna go over here and show you a couple of our other holiday kits so we have two new fringe earrings we got the Christmas one which is just total Christmas and then we got more of a New Year's one and then down here we have these pinch bail earrings and these are featuring Swarovski crystal for the holidays and of course we just did one earring of each year but you wouldn't get everything you need to make this set and then over here we have a strong pearl necklace and we've added these little wonderful crystal rondelle's to make this really fancy and holiday like and then we've got this clasp as well so I would love to be hearing from you guys what type of projects you're gonna make to give people cuz I know I've started to think already like what am I gonna make yeah so and I make a list every year I make a list I think of what am I gonna make and oftentimes I'll make the same thing for multiple people I was so funny cuz I was just like there was one year I was really into kumihimo so everybody can we him of bracelets and then I was just saying earlier to Julie that I think I'm gonna do some peyote this year so everyone's gonna get peyote bracelets or you know some form of that but it was just like yeah I tend to like kind of get in the mode of like alright everybody's getting loom bracelets or everybody's getting the fringe earrings so I'm the same way that's so funny and I actually I try to think like who's gonna be at the same party yes so I vary it so I'm not giving like the same exact item and you're like oh they live in Boston and they live in San Francisco so they can get the same exact we'll never see each other exactly so do you do that too yeah sorry sorry buckles it does to make it a little bit easier well and you know it like with a lot of things and you know we keep talking about these refill kits but they're really they're so great because once you have the tool you just want to keep making different things and it offers you the chance to you know get the same color or get a different color but you can just keep making those gifts and even the fringe earring kits come as refills as well right so that's actually really nice so you can just just keep kind of you know making them in front of the fire with hot cocoa I know once you've made one you really know how to do it and then you kind of start to feel a little bit you know you are really kinda like in a groove yeah like you know as I was looking to say for me with peyote I'm really fast now when I started I was not very fast but like now I'm just like you know it's like it's kind of it's very thin if I feel the same way with kumihimo that's another one of my my Zen practices yes making beaded kumihimo I am very envious of how fast you are with peyote yeah thank you she's really fast many years many many years Wow so yeah so actually speaking of kits we do have some older ones that we actually launched from previous years so I just want to kind of point those out cuz we do have those this year as well so so if they're ever about you you look over here so this is a candy cane this is a classic eight warp kumihimo braid it uses the round disc and this is a wrapped bracelet which is really fun and then over here I have more kumihimo these are actually made into necklaces so you see that you have a lot of choice when you're doing kumihimo this is one of those techniques and skills that once you learn is really addictive and then you can start to think well how would I vary it what type of shaped beads would I add would I add more seed beads would I change the colors around what I create spirals there's a lot you can do with kumihimo it's really fun to learn the basic skill and then you can expand it looks like knitting or crochet or anything like that you learned the basics and then you start to really play with a technique I have a couple other projects down here so this these are all peyote each and every one of these are peyote and you can see how fun the patterns are you can do so much with them and you can really do it as fun and holidays you want or you can do stripes or diagonals you could do anything you want so a lot of fun with that here's another kumihimo one right here and then here's some bead weaving so a lot of variety maybe you want to try a new skill this holiday season kind of challenge yourself like you've never tried peyote before maybe you want to try it and then make all your gifts yeah you know and have the joy of doing that and then I know Kat has some more kits in front of her as well so these are some more of the loom to as you've seen that we've made a version for the holidays but you know these are also sort of just those really classic styles and patterns so you know I know it's it's always hard to give a Christmassy gift on Christmas because then it's like oh I got to make it really fast and wear it really fast so sometimes you want to make something that can be wintery or you know we're gonna be talking a little bit more about New Year's of you because it's sort of if you wanted to give a gift that you know someone's gonna open on Christmas then they can actually have time to make New Year's jewelry or something like that so it kind of continues to roll into the next year or if it's just sort of wintery so you can do something like that so yes I have a couple of the Loom duo's here and you can see and this just kind of points out to you the limb duo's are two smaller thinner lives and then this is a full loom piece that you're going to get here and this is a completely separate kit so you can buy the one loom or you can buy the duo so you just kind of it's a nice little sort of if you know someone that likes to wear thinner jewelry or if someone wants a really nice thick beautiful bold pattern so you can do a version like that as well and again these are made using that beadalon jewel loom and you can do again refills and full kits and all of these I don't know if we said oh they're available at beadaholique.com so if you guys want to head to the link that I think is above our head there that's where you'll be able to shop all of these great exclusive beadaholique.com remind you of our giveaway that we have here you're gonna get two of our kits you're gonna get the fireworks peyote kit which you're going to be able to make here and then you're also gonna get the double wrapped leather gemstone wrap it kit as well and you're actually gonna get the full kit of that wrap it so that you'll be able to buy some refills for yourself or friends so really cool so all you need to do is just leave a comment below and we'll be choosing a winner at the end of our class today so yeah so and one last kit that I want to kind of just draw your attention to is these guys over here these are kumihimo as well and these are sort of a graduated bead style and these go all the way full around to the back and these are just again really fun another use of that kumihimo julie's over there uses chain and these ones are full kumihimo so if you're really into it and you want to create something kind of fun and funky that's a great chance to do so absolutely well I think that covers a lot of the kids we have on our table we actually do have a lot more on the website you know please do check out we tried to cover a lot of holiday ones but check out the other ones but I also wanted to show you some of the other stuff we pulled so that we had fun that we're thinking well what would be a really good gift idea so if you are you know a mom a sister a daughter you're looking for someone or a son or a husband you're looking for someone special in that you know likes to make jewelry but you don't know what they have you think okay well they've got a la supplies but I don't know what they need I don't know what they have that would be a really good option or this would be a really good option these are our beadaholique basics kits and these are really things you can never have enough of things like head pins so if we look on the back here there's just so many head pins there's 450 pieces here and this comes in this great little case you can wrap it up put a bow on it so there is a clasp pack with 210 clasps a clamshell not cover a variety pack if you do a lot of like pearl knotting all different finishes and then there's also an earring one which is really great so this is a nice almost like a general gift like that yeah everyone is going to like they're going to appreciate they can never run out of they can never have too many and I love that the boxes are and you can actually move the little dividers in there so when you're done with the box or done with the components you can kind of move stuff around and it's a great little storage thing so it's actually really I want those I want those stairs like those are on my list yeah those are my list yeah definitely I am always running out of head pins and I never know where to find them so I have the nice boxes key exactly exactly what don't have the boxes but our nice variety packs too are these little findings kits because you get an assortment of like the earrings the head pins and jump rings and the clasp and different assortments it's a little bit more mix yeah I'm not quite a specific that'll let you make a bunch of earring projects all you have to do is add the beads type thing these would be a great stocking stuffer idea I know in my family we try to keep stocking stuffers under 10 dollars usually under 5 mm-hmm and so I pulled some other items which I think would just be really fun little stocking stuffers if you are thinking about someone that you can give a gift to so this little bead scoop cat is always using this and I'm always borrowing it from her desk I should just grab one of mine when it's not on my desk I know it's on Julie's yeah because it you can see in the picture here it really is handy to put it into these little tubes and we actually sell these tubes separately where you can just buy a pack of them and they're empty so you can fill them with your own head pins you can fill them with beads there's this little multi size a ring tool and also these little snips these are some of our absolute favorite pieces that we keep on our work desks here at beadaholique which is a fun little tool so if you joined us with our last live class we actually did a lot of work with delicate jewelry so we have some really delicate rings and this is just a really nice thing also if you are gonna make something and maybe they know that you're gonna make them a ring you can kind of bring this over in size it so you just sort of get to what you think your size is and let's see I'm gonna get to seven there let's see if seven fits my finger seven actually feels pretty good let's see you a little tight maybe let me go to seven and a half all right oh that actually fits me a little bit better so you can see right where that arrow and their souls tiny little notches and you see that number seven and then you can see just to the left of it there it's gonna be that seven and a half so if you're trying to size it you can just move it around and sort of take it on and off and that way it's a really nice little great little piece because it you can do sizes and half sizes so if you're doing any beating or if you wanted to purchase some of those rings this is a really great little tool and I want to say it is a dollar ninety-nine yeah yeah and this is and it you know I just undid the whole thing so it actually comes flat which is really nice and this is actually a great thing to give someone especially if they do shows they can have this there for someone to help them find the right size and try it on so yeah it's actually a really great little tool so I hope it finds its way in my stocking this year it's a great little one and that actually reminds me I did pull a couple other things that I thought would be good if you know someone who sells jewelry yes um so I grabbed this so this is a little me pull it we didn't have enough room on our table we were we're bringing them on so this is by the beadsmith and these are mini tools and you get all four of them and this is under $10 and so you get a nice assortment of tools that you could use for a show like show repair there's always seems like an incident where jump ring comes undone or you need to redo a loop so you get a cutter you get a round nose you get a chain nose you just get a bunch of really nice ones here you get great assortment a little flat nose as well but they're small they're compact they'd be great for travel if you know someone who really likes to travel and make jewelry I know personally I don't bring my favorite tools when I travel I bring I bring my little guy I bring you little guys I'm size wise but oh so I don't want to lose my great tools I'm always afraid as I've got you know I I have three year old and then you're always like shoving stuff in the car suitcases and he is then pulling them out and I just I don't know I'd hate to travel up to Grandma's with my favorite tool set and have him take it out and get left there oh no so I would rather bring these guys yeah and then these guys over here are some really great little tools and these are these stuffers as well all of these are under $5 each these are great standards and yeah so a little bit of more compact size than some but us a really nice great value and you've got that bent nose and you have a round nose you have this wonderful flat nose so a lot of different options if you you know know someone who likes to travel and make jewelry or know someone who does shows and sells their jewelry those are some fun options that would just be really thoughtful um I know for me when I am thinking of gifts I try to think what would someone really like you know what what do they do in their life what colors do they like what are their hobbies and then try to get something that's targeted to them well actually it's so funny speaking of colors so we have this beaters tool set here and this you actually get to choose the color that it comes in so I'm actually gonna kind of open this up right here so you can see it's the color option series is is listed there on the bottom but this is really neat I have this one in purple but this is a really nice great tool kit especially if someone is really just getting into beading or wants to do like we're talking about traveling you know tis the season for travel so I know a lot of people are getting out there on the road and stuff and this is actually really nice because it keeps all of your tools nice and in their place and you actually get a couple of extra nice little tools here you get a split ring opener and a pair of tweezers which are really helpful if you're gonna be doing any of that pearl knotting or anything but I love that it has these little pieces of fabric here that really help protect your tools so that you can just bring it and it has a nice little magnetic clasp there at the top so this is a great great thing and it comes in different colors so we have pinks and greens and blues and purples and like I said I have the purple one that's my favorite color so but yeah so I just I just think this is really neat and we have some other kind of funky ones a little bit more of a funky taste yeah I wanted to open this one since we are looking at tool sets right now um this is one of really our most popular toys that it always is a top seller especially around the holidays so you know people like to get this one so of course the case very run zebras you open it up and the tools are actually zebra striped as well so that is just too fun I love that yeah that's really unique and so I got this for my mom last year for Christmas and she goes honey I love it because I never lose them because I can always because they don't blend into anything else they're not like a dark color she's like I can always find them cuz I don't have anything else that's zebra pattern like good good choice glad I got it for you mom real quick before we go on to anything else I do want to show two other kind of unique tools um so this would be something if you know someone loves beading and you think they might already have a lot of tools yeah these are more unique and specialized this is our wire looping pliers it is our absolute I would almost say in the design space our number one favorite tool oh yeah we use it all the time and it takes the place of using a round nose plier to make wrapped wire loops and simple wire loops we have a lot of videos showing how to use this if you're curious we use it all the time and then this is a really nice crimping plier and that's actually a foreign one and you can use it as a chain nose plier as well so this would be another like almost deluxe upgrade tool if you know someone who has some basic tools and you want to get them something special and really unique yeah and that's great you know if you know that someone likes to do stringing projects or anything that you're gonna use creams for so yeah it's actually really a wonderful tool and again those are the two most requested things that we get asked all the time cuz we use them in videos so much that everyone's like what are those tools so those are what we use guys so if you're curious over the over the years of what we do but yeah so and then kind of continuing on with the tools and sort of the sets of things we have some beautiful bead palettes so these are our designer blends palettes here that I'm going to just draw your attention to and we have just a few of them here we actually have many many more at beadaholique.com but what I wanted to kind of point out to you is that we do have some Christmasy style ones but we also have some so just think about the person that you're buying and maybe what colors they wear we have some beautiful mica delicas we have the Miu key rounds and you can just see how large these tubes are so you're really getting an amazing value and actually all of our palettes you're actually getting 10% off as though or if you were to buy the individually so it's actually a really nice value for you the customer as well so just some really beautiful colors here and some classic colors and the thing is is you don't have to use these all together if you know that someone might just want to stock up on seed beads again it's just a great value so we have Toho and Mookie C bead pellets and we also have some Czech pallets as well and I know we do have a question and I'm gonna start to answer the question feed you want to show a seed bead organizer and let me forget about pal all right this is one of our favorite things too so our question is so we're gonna it's a jewel loom hard to use nope nope nope umm of course it's almost objective but if I could have the jewel loom yeah this I have at home I use it all the time let's go ahead and open this guy up so you can see what it is we do have videos showing how to use this and in all of our loom kit videos you're also gonna see how to use this but what's nice is it's very compact it comes with a full instruction manual and basically you just kind of bend it a little it's flexible you put a rod down the middle very easy to use you just secure your threads to the back we do have full instruction on it I find it so easy to use and I like how lightweight it is because often I'll be looming like this yeah I kind of do it at an angle and very easy it comes with needles it's really it's just a nice piece and I would say it's very easy it's not hard to get the hang of very sturdy a great piece so this I definitely use myself all the time well and that's definitely one of the reasons why we chose this particularly to give with our kits because it's it's a very beginner jewel limb it's very simple to use and you know cuz we're always looking out for you guys as well we want to make sure that you guys are having a good experience learning and new techniques yeah that's part of the reason why we love to do videos and especially if you guys ever have questions we're always here for you so we just want to answer and keep you guys creative because there's nothing worse than getting frustrated when you're trying to learn something new and not having a place to go or someone to ask questions to so we're here for you so if you do have questions even if you watch the video and still just are missing a step or having some trouble let us know here for you don't give up because a lot of this is it's it's too fun to give up so I do want touch on that real quick one thing we also try to do with the kits is we have the video to help explain how to do it they also always come with full instructions yes and we spend a lot of time and to be honest a bit of frustration is not easy to try to draw out little beads and thread paths but we would rather be frustrated than you but we do it because we know everyone's different type of learner and if you are giving a kit as a gift some people are visual learners like they want to watch a video and other people want to see it on a piece of paper they want those thread paths and that's something really unique that we do with our kids is you do get that in with the kids they're beautiful they're printed out and it will show you the actual diagram of how to do it so we have that for the different bead weaving stitches we've got that I'm going to show you right here oh so maybe I cuz we got it right we got it so this is the fireworks kit and this is actually the one that you'll get so I just sort of opened it up so you're getting this beautiful written instructions here that will walk you through it but what you're also getting is you're getting some beautiful bead patterns here nice and easy to follow it's you know start here work down but then you're also gonna get some written instructions that might look similar to something that you might see in a bead magazine so if you're familiar with learning that way this is a great way to sort of introduce so you're getting all of this literature with your kit and then there is a full video showing you how to do that particular technique as well yeah like we're like Julie was saying we really want to make it easy for you guys to learn something new and to enjoy it so that's it if you ever juice you know it's if you still need help call us call customer service what customer service does is they are really knowledgeable they answer your questions are there to pick up the phone or chat you see the little you know chat with us on the website if they ever can't answer a question because we we do the designing of the kits yes or the projects if they can't answer question they send it to us and we then answer yes oh you're gonna get answer you're gonna get help so just know that you have resources to call if you ever do have questions about beading and then sometimes it is easier for us to answer like we got this we got this one because we are we're actually doing the designing we do all the designing in-house we were the ones who create it like cat me this amazing fireworks one that we all are just I think I might be making one for Julie yeah so um yeah please do please always reach out to us yes any time so um continuing back to some storage ideas so if you are into beating and beat a lot so this comes in a nice little like portable package here on a light nice little carrying case but see if I can sorta get it out here so this is sort of how it appears flat so you can put all of your beads and here you see I've put one of our larger tubes in here and then one of our smaller tubes just so you can kind of see how that works but what's really neat is there's a little piece of velcro here and I'm gonna disappear for some you just sort of put it together and you velcro the side here and what you're creating is this really cool little fun Tower so now you can have all of your beads at the ready you display it for you so maybe you want this is a little space saver and it's just it's so fun and then when you're done you can just unbell CRO it wrap up all your beads and put them back in yet you're a little go bag so it's a great little thing so I like it yeah I feel like I think everyone can use if you're a member a gift and he really not sure what someone would really appreciate but you know they like to bead yeah that's kind of a guarantee they're gonna like it and you know I just I I do like the bag and so I'm like oh it has handles in the nighttime and I just love it so you can actually kind of fit your tools on the side here if you want to just kind of clip a few tools in or some some extra threads or anything like that so it's a really nice little little case so it's kind of fun and we do have some other cases as well this is another little great one this is one of the first things I think I actually bought here cuz I was like alright I gotta start organizing so this actually has nice little compartments in there so this is great for maybe some larger beads or something that doesn't a tube let's say it comes in a bag and you don't want to have to you know have them all in a shoebox like I started so this actually comes with all that and it actually comes with a pair of tweezers as well which is actually really kind of cool so so you can see the tweezers on the back there but yeah all those nice little compartments so again if you're not sure if you want to get beads if you're not sure because I know sometimes beaters were particular on what we like to do so if you're a little nervous about that storage is always always a great gift idea for anyone who does crafting and storage and that kind of thing so it's actually what I've given my mom and my grandma for two years straight I'm gonna do it again this year because I know they use it and they see they use it and when you buy beads over the years they have more storage yeah so it's always just I don't I feel like as we as like really crafty people one we don't like to get rid of anything good we think we might use it again something oh yeah so we might use it again someday and then we try something new it's like oh yeah I love that technique or I love that and then you gotta buy all their supplies and so then you need a place to store so storage is always appreciated so yeah and that's why I love the little variety packs that we have because they come with their little compartments and we actually sell these checklist bead mixes and this comes with a nice little compartment here it's a nice little plastic case and keeps them all separated and this is you know just a great thing for you know I keep saying that my favorite color is purple so I'm gonna what I wouldn't mind this but it's like oh if you know if someone has like a favorite color palette you can pick one of these we have some greens and blues and reds and just yeah really gorgeous and just kind of fun stuff different stuff but they probably don't have in there in their packs but you're getting just a little bit of everything with these so just kind of fun stuff and this could be another little great little stocking stuffer you know kind of idea like that's them or if you have someone maybe who's just getting into beading or you want to introduce them to beating you could get them a pack like that and then you can get them like a little finding scare and then if you want it to you can get them like this little mini toolkit when they're definitely oh their puzzle suddenly they can start to actually just make projects and get going you can combine a couple little things and it's nice that's a great idea like that so we have a question hi sissy sissy asks what's my favorite beating board why I'm so glad you asked feel like I'm on like I don't know because we had we wanted to put all this stuff on the table and then we actually had to take a lot of it off it's not room okay so this is my favorite beating board and you actually kind of see it in action down here so you're gonna have a nice big space to put your beads and then you have all those really nice little notches there to help with sizing so this is actually one of my favorite ones and this is really just a good to go kind of travel board we actually do have a travel kit that has a little tiny beating board it's maybe about a quarter of this size in it that comes with tools but that's all kind of locked away and that's actually really that's another really good one speaking of this type of thing we I actually brought out one of our mats and this is actually a printed beading mat so this is gonna keep your beads from rolling but you're gonna see the same sort of style in both of these so this is again it's just a really great little gift so this you can actually get and it'll help you with inches and what's really nice is it's so lovely to have that sort of ruler right at the bottom of your little beading mat so this is this is a great gift but yeah I do love the beadsmith the bead board and this is the one that we use and it just sits really nice on a table and it keeps everything from rolling away also it's rigid so if you did need to move it like I usually work on my dining table yeah I love you my dining table and then so I don't we have to eat dinner so I have to pick up my beadwork and this is a goes to this because it's soft so you can just go and then move it to your dresser or your kitchen counter or wherever you're gonna move it until it can go back to the dining tonight definitely migrate that's the very same fashion that's like we've gotta move this there you know but yeah so but this is our one use here a lot so we have another question hi Susan okay so I keep track by never ending at the end of a row okay so the question is how do you keep track yes where you are in a peyote pattern mm-hmm I always keep track and like I said I never finish a full row because then I have to go back and sort of recount the whole row and then you're having to recount the sides but if I know I can usually find it if I cut it off in the center so that's my little trick how interesting yeah um I usually if it's a repetitive pattern I count the repetitions mm-hmm so in something like this you can sort of kind of kind of in this okay it's not a good example it doesn't work though it's great so if you were looking at this you've got one two three four points I say I left off here I'm not gonna start counting from here I'm gonna count from the last point so I'll be like okay I'm one I'm two points in about halfway through and then I just count a little bit but I look at the repetition because most patterns not all but a lot of patterns whether they're loom or peyote they are a repetitive pattern yeah to some degree and so you usually that's what I do that's my trick well and you know especially if I'm following it on paper I I'm always there with a pencil just knocking off where ya completed that way I kind of know that I can go back and try to find find my place a little faster right but yeah that's what I do kind of got a first account but yeah try to try to find a good stopping point if you're like in the middle of a like a big firework or something I know when I was working on this one it was a little bit all over the place and that's sort of the idea that I wanted to go for but like let's say I got to like the center of one of the fireworks I knew it was that center point yeah that's where I would stop so I wouldn't just stop and sort of a section of back laughing yeah cuz then I was just like oh no I'm never gonna find that spot again so but yeah I always try to like stop in the middle of a section of the pattern if that makes sense mmhmm yeah lots of little tricks yeah all the kind of things that you just learned how funny yeah so yeah well well Zika may be covered a lot of what's on there we do have a section on our website on beadaholique.com which is called gifts for beaters so please do check that out we've also created some holiday gift guides on there as well yeah we have a winter wonderland so if you know it's snowy in parts of the world already so yeah I all means and that's also you know we were saying some of the gifts you know to give if you're giving it at Christmas give them something wintery that they can wear for the next few months while it's still winter absolutely so I think we should do one last shout out to our giveaway and then we're gonna pick a winner so if you haven't commented yet comment really quickly because we've got to pick our winner here and this is the giveaway so these are the two kits that you're going to be able to make with this lovely giveaway you're gonna get that fireworks peyote and you're gonna get the rapid duo series professional and I just want to make one little quick comment I know we've talked a lot about and a lot of our things are really fun and colorful for the ladies but this rapid loom we actually do have a kit that is black and gray for the men so if you are making some jewelry for the men in your life this is a great little kit so it has that nice little sort of black onyx gemstone and it's just a bit more masculine although I actually kind of like it I think it's very nice and sleek it doesn't have to be yeah ask Yulin at all but we do have several things that are great for the men as well we have cufflinks and all kinds of fun stuff so absolutely so don't forget about the girls yeah and one last note just because I totally forgot about cuz we've been using them another really great gift that I'm gonna be asking for our display pieces yo don't forget that you know these are really like a nice way of just people being able to display their jewelry but it's nice to give as a gift because we don't often think to buy these for us ourselves and yeah something that we kind of overlook like oh I've got I need beads I need tools I need this and I often leave - the last thing to buy is the display bus and the pieces but it really is nice it's very gratifying to see our work displayed so that's just one other thing and hopefully that gave a few more minutes for a couple more people to comment and now we're ready to pick our winner alright alright alright so congratulations to Beatriz Martinez libo congratulations so you have won this get these tickets lovely to k-paul congratulation graduations um so we will send you a little message here and then B if we don't get to you be sure to send us a message sometimes our wires get a little across so I want to make sure to get it to you so you have one and we're so excited so just thank you so much everyone for joining us again we love doing these live events it's a great opportunity to you know interact with us ask us questions in real time and if you're watching this later be sure to keep commenting we're still going to be monitoring the feasts I like to our best to get to all those questions and yeah just happy shopping and you can get again all of these things at beadaholique.com we have great sales going on especially through the holiday so it is a great time to stock up on a lot of things and get creative get beading and yeah just have a lot of fun and we wish everyone a wonderful holiday season yeah we'll be back here very soon just in a few weeks and I hope you doing some more Christmas stuff so be sure to join us and if you want more information on that head over to our Facebook page give us a like and you'll get all the updates on what we are doing here at beautiful Lake it's gonna be fun that's gonna be the holidays yeah all right thanks everyone have a wonderful Friday bye
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