How to Make a Wire Frame and Add Texture Using the Whammer Deluxe

SKU VID-1738
Designer: Kat Silvia
In this video you will learn how you can use the features of the Whammer Deluxe to help create a simple and elegant wire frame. This wire frame can be used to wire wrap beads and can serve as the centerpiece for many other designs.
Audio Transcript
Note: This audio transcript is auto-generated and may not be completely accurate.
hi this is kat with this side this is the side that you cannot detach this side we're gonna detach I'm going to show you that in a second but this side is the convex steel head and this is going to be great for flattening spreading your work work hardening it and it's gonna keep that nice strike zone right in the center so that's probably similar to something that you've seen before now if we flip it over on this other side this is the flat brass head and this is sort of going to be great if you're wanting to flatten anything or if you're doing any metal stamping and you can see that I'm just twisting it off ever so slightly and it comes off very easily I'm gonna set that aside so I do have a nylon tip as well and we're actually gonna start by using that one here today but it's gonna be that same size and this is gonna be really great and I'm gonna actually show you how to we're gonna wrap on to here but this is great if you're smoothing out kinks and wire or if you're working with like a colored wire and you need it to not provide any scratches so this is the nylon tip now the other two ones are a little bit more specific so this one here this is a dapping head and this is gonna be that really great little dimpled texture on wires that are 20 gauge and thicker so we're gonna use this one in our video here today too and then finally I have this one and this is a pic head so it's gonna be great if you're wanting to do some hatching let's say you want to do some linear hatchings because it's got that nice little straight edge there so you can really kind of get in some X's or just some nice sort of hatching there so again they all just work the same way you just unscrew this one and screw it right back on so I'm gonna start by using the nylon jaw or excuse me not nylon jaw the nylon head here I do have some nylon jaw pliers that I'm going to be using so let's go over a couple of the other tools that I have I'm going to be using 20 gauge wire here today I have my steel bench block here and this is that removable one I have my wire rounders I have a round nose plier a chain nose plier a flush cutter here's my nylon jaw pliers and then I also am going to be finishing the look by using the Weber's bail making pliers and this is that seven millimeter and nine millimeter that we're gonna be using so let's start off here and I want to just take off maybe about let's say eight inches or so of the wire you can kind of eyeball it now I'm gonna use my nylon jaw pliers to just kind of run it along there and you can see that I keep it on the spool to do this it just gives my hand something to grip on I just want to kind of just straighten it get out some of those little small kinks there doesn't need to be too straight because we're about to bend it anyway all right I'm just gonna clip that off and set that aside alright so I have my wire here yeah just straighten out that side there we go so what I'm gonna do is I'm actually gonna use this not as a hammer but a little bit more as a dowel because it's gonna be able to sort of focus that wire by bending it around so I'm just gonna come and find the center point my wire just like that and I'm just gonna kind of Bend it up and over and crisscross at the top there just like so now you can see that when you push it it kind of springs back open so we're gonna do in this video a nice little teardrop shape but if you wanted to you can use this exact same technique to press it a little further and go all the way around to get a rounded shape so just like that and now I have my teardrop shape so I'm gonna set that aside for just a moment and now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take my chain nose pliers and I'm gonna find where I want that Bend to be let's say I want it to be a little shallower so I'm just gonna come down there together holding my wire and I'm just gonna bend the top one straight up this is very similar to wire wrapping a briolette and I'm gonna bend the side one or the back one to the side so does that make sense so I have the top one here and you see that little cross point there so it can still spring open there so that's why we're gonna do our little rap now and I'm going to help myself by taking where that little kind of notches and just sort of bending that around just ever so slightly to kind of get it started for myself and I'm gonna bend it around and wrap it once and then I'm gonna kind of turn it all in my hands because 20 gauge can be a little thick but that's what we want I'm gonna wrap it twice bringing that wire making sure it sits in the back there so now I can come in with my flush cutters and trim that wire off so now to finish this little look here I'm gonna come in with my round nose pliers and I'm just gonna ever so slightly just bend it back wrap it up and over the top now here's another variation you can do I'm gonna do a simple wire loop just by bringing my wire across there and coming in with my flush cutters and cutting that but you could also continue to do a wrapped wire loop if you wanted to as well so there's lots of options here when deciding what you want this to look like for yourself alright so now I have my little frame there my little teardrop but let's see what else we can do to add something to it now you can absolutely start wire wrapping with this as it is but I'm going to show you how to use the texturizing part of this hammer so one thing I'm going to do is I'm going to take off my nylon jaw I'm going to add back on that brass and what I want to first do is I want to flatten out that wire now because we have our loop are wrapped already there I'm going to move that off to the side of my bench block and just kind of hold that with my fingers and all I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna hammer and I'm gonna hammer around just sort of that bottom bottom two-thirds of that alright so here we go loud noise all right so now you can see even on the front in the back we have that nice sort of flat edge there and it comes to that rounded so you can go all the way up if you like I like to kind of keep a little a little geometric kind of style happening there and really focusing on those little rounded pieces and the flat pieces so let's say you're happy with that and you want to maybe do a little bit more so here's what I suggest let's go ahead and take off that brass flat head and let's add on our dapping head alright make sure he's nice and secure in there alright so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to tap going around and it's gonna give us a little bit of a hammered look now again watch your fingers and here we go loud noise and I'm going to flip it over and repeat all right so we have a nice little hammered thing happening there love the way it's shaping up very nice alright so one last thing I'm gonna do and this is only if you need to I'm gonna come back in with that nylon jaw pliers and without messing up any of the hammered that I have there I'm gonna do some light taps just to sort of get it back to its original mold here there we go all right so you can see that we have a really nice little textured look there onto our 20 gauge wire now if you do use this with a thicker wire you can of course you'll see it a little bit more but I like that it's very nice and subtle there alright so let's say we have our frame and we want to turn it into an earring well what we're gonna do then is we're gonna take off a little bit more wire I can go ahead and get that a little a little straighten there we go cut that off and now we're going to use our round nose pliers here on one edge and we're gonna curl it in to make a little simple wire loop but a simple wire loop that doesn't bend backwards it just goes right along the edge of that wire just like so and then we're gonna take it into our bail making pliers with the 9 millimeter on this side because what we're gonna do is we're gonna wrap it up and over the top and around creating that classic earring hook shape just like so and then you can decide how long you want it to be what I'm gonna do is I'm actually going to clip mine just about right underneath my loop there and in order to give it a little extra you know style we're just gonna come in with my round nose pliers I'm gonna grip it a little bit higher than I normally do and just give a little bend backwards just like so now this is gonna be really sharp going into your ear so we want to fix that so what we're gonna do is we're gonna use our wire rounder tool and just place that on the end there and all you're going to do is just kind of twist it and keep twisting it until it softens you'll see and you can check this what we're doing is we're kind of fixing any of those little burrs that might be left behind because we don't want that too you know it's not gonna feel good on your ear we don't want that to go through our ear all right so just a little bit more you might have to do this for maybe a minute or so but you can already see that it's getting a little softer and a little rounder there I'm just gonna do it a little bit more so you can see all right there we go it's looking good all right so the last thing is we're just gonna take our chain nose pliers open that little loop that we made in the beginning and slip on our earring and like I said this could be the very start of a project you can make it much bigger you can add some wire wraps to it you can adjust it however you want you can add more texture it's just a really simple basic design this can also be used to create a wonderful pendant as well so if you are trying to create maybe a set of jewelry you can use this as a beautiful pendant frame all right so that is how you can use the wire elements in the 20 gauge with the Whammer to create a beautiful wire frame I hope you enjoyed this video you can see even more videos and tutorials by heading over to

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Interested in Wire Working Tools

Just started to expand into wire working and this looks like a great multi purpose tool instead of buying one of each.