Audio Transcript
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Hi, this is Julie with beadaholique.com making your jewelry so if you're doing things where you're hammering metal working working with a lot of resin or pigments something that might get in your eye we definitely recommend using safety glasses and this is a really nice pair for several different reasons first off it's got these holes drilled into the back of the ear pieces which allow you to attach a strap so these can hang off your neck the actual arms are adjustable there's four different adjustable points so you can get a really nice comfortable fit the plastic is wrap around because you're not necessarily always going to have something fly directly at you if you're done all had jewelry making you know what I'm talking about things just have a way of bouncing around and coming from all angles so these do wrap around which is really nice and then the final feature i want to show you is this really nice molded piece of plastic around your nose which is very smooth so it's going to be a really good comfortable fit and you're not going to get that hard plastic line around the bridge of your nose they're lightweight they're easy to use and they're a really good solid piece of safety equipment you
Hi, this is Julie with beadaholique.com making your jewelry so if you're doing things where you're hammering metal working working with a lot of resin or pigments something that might get in your eye we definitely recommend using safety glasses and this is a really nice pair for several different reasons first off it's got these holes drilled into the back of the ear pieces which allow you to attach a strap so these can hang off your neck the actual arms are adjustable there's four different adjustable points so you can get a really nice comfortable fit the plastic is wrap around because you're not necessarily always going to have something fly directly at you if you're done all had jewelry making you know what I'm talking about things just have a way of bouncing around and coming from all angles so these do wrap around which is really nice and then the final feature i want to show you is this really nice molded piece of plastic around your nose which is very smooth so it's going to be a really good comfortable fit and you're not going to get that hard plastic line around the bridge of your nose they're lightweight they're easy to use and they're a really good solid piece of safety equipment you
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