Audio Transcript
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Hi, this is Julie with beadaholique.com aterial you're working with we have loom needles these are great because they're extra-long which is really easy to work with when you're working with a loom let's say you're doing something that has a thicker cord like an S LAN maybe you're doing beaded kumihimo or something like that then you're going to want to consider a needle that has a nice big eye to go through so here I'm gonna lay it down on the white hopefully you can see this there is a wire loop on this twisted wire beading needle and that's very easy to just get your cord through and that that loop is gonna collapse when you go through the bead so it's gonna have a nice tight profile of the needle to go through maybe it's a little bit smaller sized hole of your bead there's also an actual needle called a big eye needle we use these quite a bit in the design space so it actually has a very big flexible eye and it too is super easy to just thread and then you can put your beads on the needle slide them down onto your cord and just remove the needle when you're done if you're working with beading wire there are different needles for that as well here I have a couple of the speeder beaters and they have a hollow core and an exposed end where you just put the beading wire into the well slide it down then you're gonna be able to hold the needle put your beads on it and slide it down onto your beading wire there's also these flex wire needles they have an eye to them and they're meant though to work with wire but only very very thin wire point 1 0 or smaller so I'd really recommend these with soft flex and that very thin narrow wire there's also a product which is a gum arabic glue and this is actually in place of a needle it is liquid if you can kind of see it in here and you're just going to coat the tip of whatever you're using perhaps you're doing a cord with this let it dry dry hard and then that tip of the actual braid or the cord is going to become your needle you're not going to need another product on top of that then we have what I would I guess cuz they're a more traditional needle these are beading needles and they're by all different companies all our lovely we've worked with them in the design space quite a bit you'll want to notice that there are short and long so here is a size ten short compared to a size ten long and that does just relate to the length of the needle and they also come in different sizes 10 11 12 13 the larger the number the smaller the eye and the thinner the needle so a size 12 needle is going to have a smaller eye and be a thinner actual needle than a size 10 so if you're working with really small beads perhaps my uq delicas in the 15 oh you're going to want to consider like a size 12 or 13 needle if you're working with a little bit larger beads you can go with the larger size needle which is going to be I like a 10 or an 11 then finally there are these pins they're just pins they don't actually have an eye you're not gonna string anything onto them but they're really helpful if you're wanting to hold some pieces in place maybe you're doing some breathing you want a whole different strands in place and finally which kind of goes with me those are these thread conditioners different brands again we've used them all we like them and they're gonna help you to condition and strengthen your thread you might want to use them if you're doing something with Keo or 9 mo because they're also going to reduce tangling and nodding and if you've worked with this type of thread you know that it does not up and tangle quite easily especially if you're doing a lot of multiple pass throughs so I hope this quick overview gave you a little bit better understanding about your choices of needles and the different ones that are available to you you
Hi, this is Julie with beadaholique.com aterial you're working with we have loom needles these are great because they're extra-long which is really easy to work with when you're working with a loom let's say you're doing something that has a thicker cord like an S LAN maybe you're doing beaded kumihimo or something like that then you're going to want to consider a needle that has a nice big eye to go through so here I'm gonna lay it down on the white hopefully you can see this there is a wire loop on this twisted wire beading needle and that's very easy to just get your cord through and that that loop is gonna collapse when you go through the bead so it's gonna have a nice tight profile of the needle to go through maybe it's a little bit smaller sized hole of your bead there's also an actual needle called a big eye needle we use these quite a bit in the design space so it actually has a very big flexible eye and it too is super easy to just thread and then you can put your beads on the needle slide them down onto your cord and just remove the needle when you're done if you're working with beading wire there are different needles for that as well here I have a couple of the speeder beaters and they have a hollow core and an exposed end where you just put the beading wire into the well slide it down then you're gonna be able to hold the needle put your beads on it and slide it down onto your beading wire there's also these flex wire needles they have an eye to them and they're meant though to work with wire but only very very thin wire point 1 0 or smaller so I'd really recommend these with soft flex and that very thin narrow wire there's also a product which is a gum arabic glue and this is actually in place of a needle it is liquid if you can kind of see it in here and you're just going to coat the tip of whatever you're using perhaps you're doing a cord with this let it dry dry hard and then that tip of the actual braid or the cord is going to become your needle you're not going to need another product on top of that then we have what I would I guess cuz they're a more traditional needle these are beading needles and they're by all different companies all our lovely we've worked with them in the design space quite a bit you'll want to notice that there are short and long so here is a size ten short compared to a size ten long and that does just relate to the length of the needle and they also come in different sizes 10 11 12 13 the larger the number the smaller the eye and the thinner the needle so a size 12 needle is going to have a smaller eye and be a thinner actual needle than a size 10 so if you're working with really small beads perhaps my uq delicas in the 15 oh you're going to want to consider like a size 12 or 13 needle if you're working with a little bit larger beads you can go with the larger size needle which is going to be I like a 10 or an 11 then finally there are these pins they're just pins they don't actually have an eye you're not gonna string anything onto them but they're really helpful if you're wanting to hold some pieces in place maybe you're doing some breathing you want a whole different strands in place and finally which kind of goes with me those are these thread conditioners different brands again we've used them all we like them and they're gonna help you to condition and strengthen your thread you might want to use them if you're doing something with Keo or 9 mo because they're also going to reduce tangling and nodding and if you've worked with this type of thread you know that it does not up and tangle quite easily especially if you're doing a lot of multiple pass throughs so I hope this quick overview gave you a little bit better understanding about your choices of needles and the different ones that are available to you you
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