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Hi, this is Kat with beadaholique.com a step bracelet now these are featuring these super duo duets and these are these little beads right here and if I can just show you they have one color on one side and another color on the other side but they have a nice clean line down the center to kind of make really fun interesting designs so this is the bracelet that we're going to be making in this video and it's using the black and white super duo duets and I also have full white and full black and I'm going to be using Toho seed beads again in white and black and I have a magnetic clasp as well I'm going to be using a size twelve beading needle and then I'm going to be using fireline and this is the smoke color but for this bracelet I did use the crystal go ahead and match your thread to whatever color of beads you're doing this design in but I'm using the smoke today so that you can really easily see it on my table and this is point zero zero six so it's a size B and I've already threaded that onto my needle before we dive in I just want to talk a little bit about sizing for this bracelet so I'm going to grab my ruler here and I just want to show you that from end to end it's about six and a half inches but you'll notice that the weaving is actually only about five and a half so the clasp does add about an inch now if you did want to resize that you'll notice that there are large units and small units and they alternate you'll just want to make sure that if you want to add length that you add evenly or if you want you can start with the end links and sort of adjust it from there so those are a few little tips on how to adjust this bracelet to make sure that it fits for you so let's go ahead and get started so like I said on my size twelve beading needle I have a length of thread about about a wingspan so I'd say about six feet now if you need to add more thread and we have a video showing you how to tie off and add new thread but you might be able to get all of yours in this one pass so to start I'm going to bring out some of those super duo duets and when you're picking them up you want to pick them up in order facing the right way and you'll see what I mean so let's start and we're going to pick it up on the white side so that it sits and then on the black side so that those are nudge together like that and now pick it up on the white and black and I'm going to pick up eight of these so white and black two four six and I need two more white and black so I'm going to bring those all the way down to the end of my thread leaving a tail of about six to eight inches or so we're just going to tie that in later so just I want to just double-check that all of mine are facing the right way this is really important when working with these super duo's so it kind of creates that optical illusion so now just bring your two ends and you're going to tie a simple overhand knot bringing those two together just like so and now tie just one more overhand knot making sure it slips down right in the center of those beads and give it a little tug so now we have a little flower and you can see why it's so important that those beads sit a certain way move my hands out of the way in a second there we go so you can see that I kind of have little slivers now of black and white that danced around so what you're going to want to do is orient your piece so that you have the white going up and down and the black going crossways so now take your thread and you're going to go down through two beads just to move your thread along a little bit you don't want your threat to get all tangled which of course my just did I just pull that through there we go don't want any nuts in our thread okay so now I have my bead coming out one of those white beads there what I'm going to do is take my needle and go back through the second hole of that first super duo and because I'm going to be in a black space there I'm going to add one full black super duo and go through that next hole so to continue I'm now going to pick up a white super duo because I'm in that white space and I'm going to go through the next hole and you're just kind of creating a nice little star here and continuing that optical illusion again pick up a full black super deal and go through the next hole and I'm just going to continue all the way around following the same pattern all right and I'm coming to that last bead there and I'm going to go through that black bead through the super duo duet there and all the way through that black bead and now I'm going to go through the next bead and around through coming out that white bead right there so this is what you should have so far and don't worry about the orientation of where your tail is but this is what you're going to want you're going to want those black ones again continuing that X and those whites continuing that plus sign so now take your thread coming out the top there and you're going to go down through the second hole of that white super duo and now we're going to do something similar so we're going to pick up one super duo on the white side and just string that down so you can see that it's going to sit right up against it right next to it and now we're going to pick up one on the black side one on the white side one on the black side one on the white side oops I picked up one too many I just slide this down here okay so I have four of those super duo duets sitting right there and now I'm going to pick up one white super duo so I'm coming out the white and I have four of the duets and I have one full white super duo and I'm going to slide that down and now I'm picking up on the white side on the black side on the white side and on the black side so I have those four slide that down I'm trying to make this nice and easy for you guys to see how this is going to develop there we go so this is what you should have on your strand and now I'm just going to connect it all and go down through and back around that first white super duo and pull that all together so you see how we've sort of made our second little loop the only difference is that you're adding that white super duo right there so now just take your thread and I'm just going to rotate this in my hand just so you can see and we're going to go all the way through those first four duets and you don't have to go through them all at the same time you just want to make sure that you keep good tension not too tight but good tension and you're going to go all the way through that white super deal so we went all the way through those four up through that white one and now we're going to go down not getting your thread in a in a little tangle there we go alright and now I'm just going to kind of make sure that that tension stays nice and tight so this is what we have now we went through our first one and we had that white super deal and we went through this we added that super deal now we're going to move on to adding the next unit and this is going to be a little bit different so what you're going to do you're going to pick up a super duo do it on the white side and now you're going to string that down so that it sits again that direction so what you're going to do is take your thread and go up through that black side so you've sort of created a little bridge so we went up and down and now we're coming back up again and now we're going to make another loop just as we did the first time without picking up that white super duo like we did in the second time so we're going to pick up on the white side on the black side white black white and black so zero two four six and we're picking up seven because I already have one on there so we're picking up on the white side let me just string all those down towards the end and now we're going to come around and we're going to close that gap on the other side so we're just going to go all the way up and through and through that black bead right there or this the black side of that super duo and now string through the first super duo going the same way and go through that second one as well and again to sort of making sure that your thread is nice and taut and now what we're going to do is we're going to create a thread bridge and we're going to go back around and we're going to do the same as we did before I'm in a black space so I'm going to pick up a black super duo and go through and I already have the white one so you're going to see that we're just going to connect that right there so I'm going through the duet and the white super do and now just continue that thread and go through that next super duo into that black space I'm just going to rotate it in my hand so I can get a little bit better grip and pick up a black one and go through just keeping that tail out of there pick up a white one and go through picking up a black and away and you're just going to do this all the way around this unit and another black one there we go and another white one and now all I have to do is work my thread around and now my threats coming out over here but I need it to be coming out over here so I'm just going to keep working it all the way around and this will also help keep the work nice and tight I know there are many techniques to sort of getting your thread where you want it to be but you can either just keep following your thread path or you can turn it around on these super duos and kind of go back the way you came whichever you're more comfortable with I'll just kind of like to keep keep it going the same direction hurts my brain a little less alright so now we are coming out oh my thread there we go all right let me set this down and kind of show you what's developing here so this is what your work should look like at the present moment and now this is just a continuation I'm going to show you kind of how to add that unit one more time just so you get a chance to see it but it's just this repeated over and over until you get to the portion of your clasp so I'm going to show you one more time how to add that unit so you go up we're coming up through that wipe and you're going to just want to go down through that second hole there and now pick up a duet on the white side on the black side on the white side and on the black side and now you're going to pick up one full white duet or duo excuse me and now pick up on the white side on the black side on the white side and on the black side you just slide those holding down and now bring it together by going through that same hole on that white super duo and now we just continue to work our thread all the way around and it's coming up through that white and I'm going to go down through the second hole there alright now I'm going to quickly add one more of the large units and then I'm going to show you how to do the clasp alright so I'm just working my thread around my last unit here and again I'm just trying to get to that white bead on the end and I'll show you how to do the clasp alright so now I have my work and let's say this is as long as I wanted my bracelet you'll see that I'm ending with two of the large units so all I'm going to do is take my thread and thread it down through the second hole of that white super duo and now I'm going to take my clasp and I'm actually just going to use one half of it it's easier to show and I'm going to use about I'm going to use about four beads to get me I'm sorry three beads to get me to the end so I'm going to pick up three of the white slide those down now if you wanted to this is another area where you could lengthen it if you wanted to add more seed beads just if you're working and you just like oh I just needed an extra quarter of an inch add a couple more seed beads here and that'll allow you to just lengthen that clasp just a little bit you can also use a different clasp I recommend if you want to try using closed jump rings you can also do that as well that's another option to sort of make this your own so string on the clasp and I'm going to pick up three more and I'm just going to go around and back through that loop of the super do and now for a little extra security just because the thread is the only thing holding that together I'm just going to retrace my steps and go all the way around again and all the way back down through that super deal all right so now I'm coming out the bottom of that white super duo and I'm going to start to do the edging now in order to keep the pattern with that sort of really fun interesting mod angular what I'm going to do is I'm coming out of a white so I'm going to pick up one white Toho and one black because I'm going into the black so you'll see that that sort of bridges that little color gap right there and it follows along right along with that cut of that super do so the same thing just pick up one black and one white because if we're reversing it now and pull that together one white and one black because we're going into the black and now what I'm going to do is I'm coming out of the black there but I'm going to be skipping over and connecting it to that next duo that's right there so now I need to pick up two black seed beads skip over that one and connect here so you see how that just pulls it together and now because I'm just doing one I have a smaller gap I'm just going to do one white and now two black Touhou because I'm going into the next black one on that side so it's pulling it together and you don't want to pull too tight you'll get it to buckle so just pull it tight enough so that it's secure and just keep working your way around all right and as I'm coming towards this end here I'm going to pick up one white I'm sorry home one black and one white come here and I'm going to go through that white super duo now I'm just going to flip my work around just because I'm I'm right-handed so you can see I just kind of my clasp is over on this side now and as you can tell we are coming out the same hole so all I'm going to do is just go around again and move on back through so I'm going to pick up three white Toho beads I'm going to string on my clasp and pull that down and three more toes and I'm going to go through just that super duo there and for security I'm just going to go through all that one more time and back and around and pull nice and tight so it's secure and now I'm just going to continue and I'm going to do that same edging all the way back the other side so pick up a white and a black go through the black and I black and away wait in the black and now to black going through that next from there and you'll start to see it take shape all right coming to the last little bit here and I'm just going to go down through that white bead and up through the next couple that it right there so now you have your bead weaving all nice and set up now one extra step that you can do is you can kind of go through again and just if you want just tighten up the edging by going through it a second time but that's really entirely up to you so all I have left now is to just tie off my thread so I'm going to go through a few adjacent beads here and I'm going to go down into the bead weaving go back through that's super duo and now I'm just going to take my thread and go underneath catching that thread bridge that's in that first loop there I'm going to go back through and pull snug to tie a knot now I'm just going to take that tail and just go down through one bead here we go and I'm going to take my little thread zapper here heat it up and just zap off that thread I don't think I let mine heat up long enough I was trying to go too fast there we go don't know why that gave me such trouble there you go and I'm going to do the same with the other side just to tie off that little tail in the exact same manner but that is the basic instruction of how to do this technique so it's really fun and you can do and explore all the colors of the super duo duets and make this your own fun little pattern I hope you enjoyed this video you can find more supplies and more videos at beadaholique.com you
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