Audio Transcript
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Hi, this is Kat with beadaholique.com Kebede x' so i first want to start by showing you what the arcus and minnow speeds are so i have a couple of colors here on my table and these are the minnow speeds and I'm going to take my needle here just to pick one up so you can sort of see the whole orientation but there are little cylindrical beads and they have one hole very nice and cute and tiny and then we have the Archos beads and these actually have three holes and they are in a little arc so you can kind of see how that hole is oriented there and you have three holes to work with and they do definitely fit very nicely together if you're looking for a design to do just that so these are the Archos and minnows part Puka beads and this is the aegean sea bracelet that we're going to be making here now I've done a black on black sort of color and today I'm going to do a little bit of a variation on that using blue and for the project you're gonna need some Toho bugle beads and I used a twisted one here I think it'll add a nice little flash I have the Archos and minnows and then I have Toho 11o seed beads as well and the only other thing that you're going to need is a magnetic clasp a size twelve beading needle and I'm using crystal fireline today and just go ahead and use whatever fire line matches your color of beads that you're working with you can also use the smoke as well but I'm using the point zero zero six size of fire line and I just wanted to kind of bring out some of the other colors that we have we do have more colors available on the website but I just wanted you to see how beautiful and fun and some of the different coatings on these beads we have sort of that pastel we have that metallic then we also have some beautiful luster beads as well so have a lot of fun and put your color palette together and we're gonna go ahead and get started making the Aegean Sea bracelet okay so now we're going to begin doing the actual weaving of the bracelet and just to kind of give you a quick overview we're gonna be building little units and sort of moving across the bracelet so let me just go ahead and set that aside so to begin what you're going to do is you're going to pick up one of the Archos beads from that far hole and you're going to come through sort of the back side of that arch and then you're going to pick up one Toho seed bead and just repeat that so pick it up on the outside one Toho seed bead and this is my third one there we go and fourth and final Arcos and one last seed bead now go ahead and slide that down towards the tail of your thread and to add the clasp later you're going to want to leave a good eight to 12 inches or so that looks good and now you're just gonna tie a simple overhand knot bringing those two ends together and you can see that we kind of have our wave pattern starting and just go ahead and double knot just for a little extra security and pull tight there we go okay now I'm just gonna take my thread and I'm going to go through that second hole of the Archos that is directly to the right so you see I've made a little thread bridge there and now what I'm going to do is I'm gonna pick up a minnow speed and I'm going to go through that blue seed bead right there that dark blue seed be and again coming out of that seed bead you're gonna go into the center hole just rotate my work here and we're going to pick up another minnow speed go through that CU bead and i'm just gonna continue to work my way all the way around this unit going through that center hole picking up a minnows and going through that seed bead again through the center hole picking up one minutes and going through that a seed bead I just get my tail out of the way okay so this is what your unit should look like now so you've got this sort of curved pattern and you just want to make sure that your arcs are all going the same way and my thread is coming out of that seed bead right there so what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna again just go through but I'm not gonna go through that minnow speed there and go down and through and now I'm gonna go up through that third hole on that Argos and I'm ready to add my second unit let me just make sure my attentions nice and good just squeeze it together so now I'm gonna pick up one seed bead and the orientation that I want for my next Arcos is to sit next to it just like so so I'm going to pick up that one seed bead and I'm gonna go down through this side of that Argos and pick up one more seed bead and now I'm gonna go back through that same first hole so that it comes and sits right next to it just like so okay so we're ready to move on and to build that second unit so I have my thread coming through that third hole there so all I'm gonna do is retrace that thread path to go through that seed bead one more time down through that first hole up through the center hole and now you can see that it's gonna be a little bit of a reverse pattern but this is sort of where it starts to look a little bit like a right angle weave so you just sort of reverse it what you're going to do is you're going to pick up a seed bead and just to show you because you want to get the orientation of your minnows beads correct what you're gonna do is you're just going to add a seed bead now you're going to go through the top hole of Earth I guess through the front I consider this sort of the front of that art go speed so that you get that orientation they're going the right way so it makes sense okay so then pick up another seed bead and again you're going to be going through that first hole there picking up another seed bead again you're gonna I'm just trying to lay this out for you so that you get the sense and as long as you're arcs are all facing the same way you are in business and pick up one more seed bead and we're going to go back down through that first hole there there we go so now what you're going to do is you're going to go through that seed bead and through the next Argos and now you're all set to turn around and go through that center hole now I'm just going to kind of flip my work around so you can see my first unit is over here now and I'm going to pick up a Minnis and go through that seed bead and this part is just like before and just keep going through that Center so work your way all the way around this unit in the same way and you want to keep really good tension you also want to make sure that your minnow speed faces like faces up so you get that flat circle on top you don't want it so it's sort of facing sideways so you might have to again that's a that's a tension thing so you just might have to kind of wiggle it around okay and then you can see on this unit and this might happen depending on how you're working I'm all the way over here but I need to be all the way over here so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to turn my thread around and I'm going to go through the center hole and I'm going to try to catch that minnow speed I might have to do two passes yes I'm going to have to do two passes you know it's not gonna let me do that so I'm gonna go through that first hole there there we go and all I need to do is just work my way around and securing your work is never a bad thing so I'll just get through this last circle here and I'm gonna meet you over here on this other side now I'm just going up going up through I got a whole tangled so now I'm back at the end of my second unit and I'm ready to go back down through and to make the next unit and you can see that I'm gonna go this way around the unit so you just keep working until you have your desired amount of units I will say that for sizing this is 7 units long and this gives me a six and a half inch bracelet so if you need to do more than that each of the little units is a little under an inch it's between three quarters of an inch to an inch depending on the length of clasp and I'll show you how to adjust that as we get towards it so go ahead and finish your units I'm gonna do seven and I will meet you back here to show you the next step so now we're ready for the second portion and like I said I have seven of my I guess we'll call them wave coming out here and my thread is coming out the orientation of that last hole coming out at the bottom there so now to add on our class I'm just gonna separate my clasp and what I'm gonna do is I'm going to pick up three of the seed beads I'm gonna pick up the loop of the clasp and it will get attached to your needle so just go ahead and go through it there and then pick up three more seed beads and what you're going to do is you're going to go around and back through the top hole just like so and now for extra security I recommend that you go around that one more time so just go up through and you're just retracing making sure to get through all of those seed beads and we're gonna go back down through and now what I'm going to do is I'm going to make sure to catch that last one so go through that last C bead just one more time there we go so this side of the clasp is all nice and secure so now just kind of kind of reorient my piece what I'm going to do is I'm gonna pick up one of my bugle beads I'm going to pick up one seed bead and I'm gonna go through that top hole there on that next part go speed creating a little bridge and now I'm just going to repeat and pick up one seed bead one bugle bead and I'm actually going to go down through this next seed bead so you can see how it sort of creates the other piece wants to come to creates a little angle and you just repeat that so pick up one bugle and one seed bead and go through the top and one seed bead one bugle and go through the bottom and this sort of creates that little sort of scalloped pattern so just continue this all the way across okay so I'm adding that last bugle and last seed bead going through that top there and now I'm getting to the portion where I'm going to go back down and finish off this side of the clasp in the exact same manner so that is what the top row of that scalloping looks like and now we're just gonna go through and because there wasn't a seed bead here I still need to add six so I'm gonna pick up three pick up that clasp and then three more seed beads and I'm gonna go through that top hole same as before and again I recommend that you definitely repeat and go through those seed beads making sure to hit all of them and those last three and again just go down through and you can do this in one step just catch that last seed bead there and now you can flip your work around and we're just going to repeat that scalloping on the other side okay now I'm adding my last bugle bead and I'm gonna go down through that first hole right there and sort of bring those two sides together so now all you have to do is follow your thread path here and I'm gonna go in through some of the main portion here and just tie off my thread so all I'm gonna do is just go behind and come up and go through that little loop and make a nice little knot and just sort of go through that next bead and I'm just gonna repeat that just for security go down through back up and through that little loop he got lost there there he is and just go through that last little bugle bead so now I'm just gonna snip off my thread and you can use a thread zapper or you can just use snips so there's that so all I gotta do is I gotta go back and rethread my needle and tie it off in the exact same way on the other side but that is how to make the Aegean Sea bracelet and again just a note on sizing this will give you a six and a half inch bracelet if you'd like to make a longer bracelet we do recommend that you get extra of the Archos beads so that you'll make sure that you have enough to fill at your length so that is how to make the Aegean Sea bracelet I hope you enjoyed this video you can find more videos and all of these supplies at beadaholique.com you
Hi, this is Kat with beadaholique.com Kebede x' so i first want to start by showing you what the arcus and minnow speeds are so i have a couple of colors here on my table and these are the minnow speeds and I'm going to take my needle here just to pick one up so you can sort of see the whole orientation but there are little cylindrical beads and they have one hole very nice and cute and tiny and then we have the Archos beads and these actually have three holes and they are in a little arc so you can kind of see how that hole is oriented there and you have three holes to work with and they do definitely fit very nicely together if you're looking for a design to do just that so these are the Archos and minnows part Puka beads and this is the aegean sea bracelet that we're going to be making here now I've done a black on black sort of color and today I'm going to do a little bit of a variation on that using blue and for the project you're gonna need some Toho bugle beads and I used a twisted one here I think it'll add a nice little flash I have the Archos and minnows and then I have Toho 11o seed beads as well and the only other thing that you're going to need is a magnetic clasp a size twelve beading needle and I'm using crystal fireline today and just go ahead and use whatever fire line matches your color of beads that you're working with you can also use the smoke as well but I'm using the point zero zero six size of fire line and I just wanted to kind of bring out some of the other colors that we have we do have more colors available on the website but I just wanted you to see how beautiful and fun and some of the different coatings on these beads we have sort of that pastel we have that metallic then we also have some beautiful luster beads as well so have a lot of fun and put your color palette together and we're gonna go ahead and get started making the Aegean Sea bracelet okay so now we're going to begin doing the actual weaving of the bracelet and just to kind of give you a quick overview we're gonna be building little units and sort of moving across the bracelet so let me just go ahead and set that aside so to begin what you're going to do is you're going to pick up one of the Archos beads from that far hole and you're going to come through sort of the back side of that arch and then you're going to pick up one Toho seed bead and just repeat that so pick it up on the outside one Toho seed bead and this is my third one there we go and fourth and final Arcos and one last seed bead now go ahead and slide that down towards the tail of your thread and to add the clasp later you're going to want to leave a good eight to 12 inches or so that looks good and now you're just gonna tie a simple overhand knot bringing those two ends together and you can see that we kind of have our wave pattern starting and just go ahead and double knot just for a little extra security and pull tight there we go okay now I'm just gonna take my thread and I'm going to go through that second hole of the Archos that is directly to the right so you see I've made a little thread bridge there and now what I'm going to do is I'm gonna pick up a minnow speed and I'm going to go through that blue seed bead right there that dark blue seed be and again coming out of that seed bead you're gonna go into the center hole just rotate my work here and we're going to pick up another minnow speed go through that CU bead and i'm just gonna continue to work my way all the way around this unit going through that center hole picking up a minnows and going through that seed bead again through the center hole picking up one minutes and going through that a seed bead I just get my tail out of the way okay so this is what your unit should look like now so you've got this sort of curved pattern and you just want to make sure that your arcs are all going the same way and my thread is coming out of that seed bead right there so what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna again just go through but I'm not gonna go through that minnow speed there and go down and through and now I'm gonna go up through that third hole on that Argos and I'm ready to add my second unit let me just make sure my attentions nice and good just squeeze it together so now I'm gonna pick up one seed bead and the orientation that I want for my next Arcos is to sit next to it just like so so I'm going to pick up that one seed bead and I'm gonna go down through this side of that Argos and pick up one more seed bead and now I'm gonna go back through that same first hole so that it comes and sits right next to it just like so okay so we're ready to move on and to build that second unit so I have my thread coming through that third hole there so all I'm gonna do is retrace that thread path to go through that seed bead one more time down through that first hole up through the center hole and now you can see that it's gonna be a little bit of a reverse pattern but this is sort of where it starts to look a little bit like a right angle weave so you just sort of reverse it what you're going to do is you're going to pick up a seed bead and just to show you because you want to get the orientation of your minnows beads correct what you're gonna do is you're just going to add a seed bead now you're going to go through the top hole of Earth I guess through the front I consider this sort of the front of that art go speed so that you get that orientation they're going the right way so it makes sense okay so then pick up another seed bead and again you're going to be going through that first hole there picking up another seed bead again you're gonna I'm just trying to lay this out for you so that you get the sense and as long as you're arcs are all facing the same way you are in business and pick up one more seed bead and we're going to go back down through that first hole there there we go so now what you're going to do is you're going to go through that seed bead and through the next Argos and now you're all set to turn around and go through that center hole now I'm just going to kind of flip my work around so you can see my first unit is over here now and I'm going to pick up a Minnis and go through that seed bead and this part is just like before and just keep going through that Center so work your way all the way around this unit in the same way and you want to keep really good tension you also want to make sure that your minnow speed faces like faces up so you get that flat circle on top you don't want it so it's sort of facing sideways so you might have to again that's a that's a tension thing so you just might have to kind of wiggle it around okay and then you can see on this unit and this might happen depending on how you're working I'm all the way over here but I need to be all the way over here so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to turn my thread around and I'm going to go through the center hole and I'm going to try to catch that minnow speed I might have to do two passes yes I'm going to have to do two passes you know it's not gonna let me do that so I'm gonna go through that first hole there there we go and all I need to do is just work my way around and securing your work is never a bad thing so I'll just get through this last circle here and I'm gonna meet you over here on this other side now I'm just going up going up through I got a whole tangled so now I'm back at the end of my second unit and I'm ready to go back down through and to make the next unit and you can see that I'm gonna go this way around the unit so you just keep working until you have your desired amount of units I will say that for sizing this is 7 units long and this gives me a six and a half inch bracelet so if you need to do more than that each of the little units is a little under an inch it's between three quarters of an inch to an inch depending on the length of clasp and I'll show you how to adjust that as we get towards it so go ahead and finish your units I'm gonna do seven and I will meet you back here to show you the next step so now we're ready for the second portion and like I said I have seven of my I guess we'll call them wave coming out here and my thread is coming out the orientation of that last hole coming out at the bottom there so now to add on our class I'm just gonna separate my clasp and what I'm gonna do is I'm going to pick up three of the seed beads I'm gonna pick up the loop of the clasp and it will get attached to your needle so just go ahead and go through it there and then pick up three more seed beads and what you're going to do is you're going to go around and back through the top hole just like so and now for extra security I recommend that you go around that one more time so just go up through and you're just retracing making sure to get through all of those seed beads and we're gonna go back down through and now what I'm going to do is I'm going to make sure to catch that last one so go through that last C bead just one more time there we go so this side of the clasp is all nice and secure so now just kind of kind of reorient my piece what I'm going to do is I'm gonna pick up one of my bugle beads I'm going to pick up one seed bead and I'm gonna go through that top hole there on that next part go speed creating a little bridge and now I'm just going to repeat and pick up one seed bead one bugle bead and I'm actually going to go down through this next seed bead so you can see how it sort of creates the other piece wants to come to creates a little angle and you just repeat that so pick up one bugle and one seed bead and go through the top and one seed bead one bugle and go through the bottom and this sort of creates that little sort of scalloped pattern so just continue this all the way across okay so I'm adding that last bugle and last seed bead going through that top there and now I'm getting to the portion where I'm going to go back down and finish off this side of the clasp in the exact same manner so that is what the top row of that scalloping looks like and now we're just gonna go through and because there wasn't a seed bead here I still need to add six so I'm gonna pick up three pick up that clasp and then three more seed beads and I'm gonna go through that top hole same as before and again I recommend that you definitely repeat and go through those seed beads making sure to hit all of them and those last three and again just go down through and you can do this in one step just catch that last seed bead there and now you can flip your work around and we're just going to repeat that scalloping on the other side okay now I'm adding my last bugle bead and I'm gonna go down through that first hole right there and sort of bring those two sides together so now all you have to do is follow your thread path here and I'm gonna go in through some of the main portion here and just tie off my thread so all I'm gonna do is just go behind and come up and go through that little loop and make a nice little knot and just sort of go through that next bead and I'm just gonna repeat that just for security go down through back up and through that little loop he got lost there there he is and just go through that last little bugle bead so now I'm just gonna snip off my thread and you can use a thread zapper or you can just use snips so there's that so all I gotta do is I gotta go back and rethread my needle and tie it off in the exact same way on the other side but that is how to make the Aegean Sea bracelet and again just a note on sizing this will give you a six and a half inch bracelet if you'd like to make a longer bracelet we do recommend that you get extra of the Archos beads so that you'll make sure that you have enough to fill at your length so that is how to make the Aegean Sea bracelet I hope you enjoyed this video you can find more videos and all of these supplies at beadaholique.com you
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