How to Make the Beaded Loom Bracelet Kits by Beadaholique

SKU VID-1088
Designer: Julie Bean
In this video learn from start to finish how to make a beaded loom bracelet. You will learn how to thread your loom, follow a pattern, create a beaded loom section, tie off your threads, and attach a slider clasp. The 6 bracelets featured in this video are all exclusive Beadaholique jewelry kits.
Audio Transcript
Note: This audio transcript is auto-generated and may not be completely accurate.
Hi, this is Kat with and relies now these are all made in the united states and she uses a fine pewter to make these and i love them because a lot of them are double-sided or she'll have for example this is one of the beads here and this is a Sphynx bead and on the back is a little sort of little quote that she has says the final mystery is oneself and this is one of these sort of flat beads you can just sort of see it in my hand that and the hole is actually quite large which is nice for stringing but i just want to go over a couple of them cuz i think to see them in three dimensions is really neat this is one of the cutest little ones it's a spaceship and it you can see it has a nice again that big hole right there and just look at the amount of detail that goes into this work i just think this is what really sets this whole brand apart I have a little frog here and as you can see his loop is in his hands there so you can kind of hang him or you know maybe have him going across the bracelet we have a little goldfish here and you can see that this hole is a little bit smaller because it's part of his fin and we also have a little mermaid and a clamshell and again this is three dimensional three dimensional excuse me so you do get that really pretty shape in the back now this is one of the more interesting pieces where you can tell that there is definitely a hole there if you wanted to hang it but you could do a connector or you could be hanging stuff or gathering it on the sides as well so this is a really fun unique piece we have the little man Drake here and you can see that this particular hole is on the back but you can also see that the feet are attached so if you did you could hang something from there as well and there's also closed loops within these of branches up here at the top and again the same thing with the mermaid she has a little loop on the back of her neck right there but all of this is closed so you can use all of those this is the same type of thing with the Viking dragon as well now the loop here is at the bottom and base of the tail but that might be hard to hang something from the top but you can hang it from here in here or to the sides really kind of great stuff and we have a little little dachshund here and a little chubby Pig as well so those are just some of the pieces that we have in this new launch of green girl and be sure to check out we have many other items from them we also have different finishes that we have gold and smoochy as well and I really think you guys will have a lot of fun designing fun whimsical pieces featuring everything we have from green girl studios I hope you enjoyed this video you can find more videos and projects at you

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Loom room

I have a metal loom and ran out of room to finish the Riviera bracelet!


I truly appreciated the video. This was my first loom beading kit. The instruction video was easy to follow and helped me on my beading path. Thank you for making it easy for a first timer.

Great easy demonstration

Thank you for the video. You did a very nice job explaining everything, you took your time and explain every step. I’m seen this video last week, I liked the bracelets, so I ordered one and I’m back to rewatch this again to make sure I don’t mess up( not with your help)
Great explaining. Love the bracelets. I’m a customer now.
Thanks for all the videos. I’m learning to bead.
Keep up the great videos and patterns