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Hi, this is Kat with beadaholique.com when you purchase a kit from us you'll actually get all of the components that you need so for example i'm going to be showing you how to do this particular leopard print peyote right here so you'll get your needles your smoke fireline your clasp and all of your beads needed to complete this bracelet now what you won't get that you will need is you'll need some sort of snips a thread zap or a pair of scissors to clip your thread and you'll also just need a scrap bead to use as a little stopper bead but that's it so these are all items that you will have in your house and you can just purchase all of this and you'll be ready to go to make your kit now another thing that you'll actually get when you purchase a kit is you'll get our instruction sheets and they look like this and this is for this particular peyote kit you'll also receive the appropriate pattern for the kit that you have purchased and for example in this one we have the leopard print and I'm going to show you how to read this pattern and make this bracelet so to start I've already added a length of fireline to my needle and go ahead and only use as much as you're comfortable working with you're going to need to add more and tie off as we work so don't get too caught up in trying to use one piece of thread for the entire piece so the first step now is to add that stopper bead so go ahead and pick up your scrap stopper bead and go ahead and just slide it all the way down and you're going to want to leave a tail of a good 12 inches or so because this will be what you're going to attach your clasp with at the very end so now I just take your needle and go back through and what will happen is it will catch right in that little loop there okay so now I'm going to show you quickly how to read your pattern and peyote is very interesting because it has up beads and down beads you'll notice and here I'll just use my sort of scissors to point to you here so this row is all of your up beads and this is considered row one but when you begin you're going to start and you're going to pick up rows one and two simultaneously so Row two is these down beads that sit right in there so as you're picking up your beads per your particular pattern but this one you're going to pick up a bronze a bronze a black a gold a gold a gold a gold and so forth so go ahead and we're going to pick up those first two rows in our pattern and you're going to want to make sure that you have twenty-eight beads on your thread before beginning because that means that you've correctly picked up your particular beads so I'm just going to do that really quick and then I will be right back to show you the very next step okay so now I have my first two rows on my thread and now what's going to happen is let me show you on the pattern over here I'm coming out of that last black bead that's right there and I'm going to take my thread and come around and I'm going to start adding the third row and this is going to be that gold bead and then I'm going to skip the second column there and I'm going to add a black bead and then skip a column and the bronze bead and so on and so forth so I'm going to go ahead and take my strand here in my in my fingers and just sort of hold it and again like I said we're coming out that black bead and I want to add a gold bead so I'm going to pick up the gold bead and I'm going to skip over the first black one and I'm going to go into that second black bead right there and you'll see it'll just sort of sit once I finagled it it'll sort of sit like a little tripod right there you see that so now I'm coming out of that black bead and the next bead I'm going to add is actually a black bead as well so just pick up a black bead and skip over that first bronze bead and go into the second there so that it will sit just below I'll move my finger just in a second there we go so as you can see it's starting to sit like a little zipper so you'll just follow along in your pattern and you're going to be adding your third row so I'm going to do that and I'll show you how to turn it around at the other side here okay so now you've seen that I've come back around after finishing that third row and I'm coming back out the side with my stopper bead so now all I'm going to start to do is just weave down into the pattern so just following along with my pattern I need a bronze bead so I'm just going to pick it up and just turn it around by going back through and that's all peyote is so you'll just be picking up your next bead and going through and it should just sit nice and on top there and I'll be back in just a minute to show you how to tie off and add in some new thread as you'll need to do as you work along your bracelet okay so now I'm going to show you how to tie off and add more thread and you'll just need to do this maybe a couple times throughout your bracelet so basically I've ended in the middle of a row here and I just have my thread coming out so what I'm going to do is I'm going to take my needle and I'm going to go underneath from the backside here and I'm going to go underneath through and try to catch that next thread bridge that's right there I am just the rear so I have my needle coming up through so I'm going to pull through and I'm going to put my needle through the loop that's right there and create a little surgeon's knot that I'm going to tie right down there now I'm going to go down through this black bead that's on my work here and you'll see that all I want to do now is I want to hide this thread so all I'm going to do is I'm going to trace a little thread path so I'm just going to go down through that next bead there and you can kind of do this with whatever pattern you want there's no specific way but what you what I like to do and what I recommend you do is sort of get your thread going one way and then simply just turn it around so it sort of creates a nice little loop in there and you can also then just sort of hide it that way okay so I have my thread coming out on the backside there so it'll just be a little tail but what I'm going to do is I'm just going to remove my needle and to sort of push that aside and I'm going to take another length of my smoke fire line use my snips go ahead and thread the needle and you don't need to put a stopper bead on this particular thread because we're just going to tie it in so again I have my thread and I ended it here you can see that sort of gap where it sort of drops off so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go back a couple of beads and I'm going to come in maybe around over here and I'm just going to take my thread and go through and again you're going to want to leave just a little tail enough to kind of hold on to and I'm going to go through the opposite direction on the bead just below where I went in so I'm working with those black beads right there you can see and now what this is going to do is this is going to create a nice little loop so that when I go back through I'm coming right up the same way so now I'm just going to follow that top thread path there I'm going to get to a bead before I add another one I'm going to go down through that thread bridge same as we kind of did before and I'm going to tie a little knot to secure it I'm go ahead and pull that tight and now just continue along with that thread path going through too many there there we go and now I'm coming up through that last bead there and now I'm ready to continue adding my rows and now I just continue might be breathing just like so so that is how you add on new thread and tie in the old pieces and all you'll need to do is when you get to the end and I like to do this at the very end is just go back through and just snip off all of my extraneous tails that I have that I've added throughout so go ahead and finish weaving your piece and when you're done I'll be here to show you how to finish off the clasp so now once you've finished weaving your entire portion of your desired length you're going to want to make sure that you have one thread this is my starter thread as you can see with my stopper bead still on it coming out this side and the opposite ends thread coming out the other side of the peyote and this is really important in order for your clasp to sit properly now if you look back to your instruction sheet you'll notice that we do show you how to do the clasp and it's a very simple up-and-down weave and this is the same for both sides of the clasp now I'm going to show you how to do one side right now so I'm going to take my tail here and just sort of flip it around so you can see the orientation of the beads so I'm coming out of that downbeat that's right there so I'm just simply going to take my needle and I'm going to go through the bead that's right below it and I'm going to try to catch the next bead next to it so I am coming up and what I'm going to try to do is I'm going to work my thread so that I'm coming up this particular gold bead right here now yours might be a different color depending on the length of your bead weaving that you've done but just work the thread over to that position you can either go through one bead at a time or two depending on how tightly your beads are woven in there but I need to get to that third bead so I'm coming out the top there you see your my thread is coming out so now I'm ready to attach the clasp now for this particular pattern I'm going to be using the gold beads to do the entire class because it just gives it a nice sleek finish however if you've chosen one of the other patterns for the zebra I recommend doing the black for the tiger the orange and for the snow leopard doing the white but it is entirely up to you you should have plenty of beads of each color if you'd like to vary that up for yourself so now to attach the clasp we're going to pick up two gold beads and I'm just going to slide those all the way down and now I'm going to take my clasp and just sort of hold it there with my fingers and I've left it clasped to do this first side and I'll show you why in just a second so I go up through that first hole there and now I'm going to pick up two more beads and now I'm going to go down through the next up bead which for me is this first bronze bead right there and make sure that your clasp is flipped the right way this first loop can be a little tricky just because you're trying to get it situated and you want to make sure that you have two beads on either side of that loop just like so so now I'm going to take my needle and go down through the next bronze bead there just one and come up through the next bronze bead so I'm just following that thread path going backwards so now I have keeps getting flipped around there there we go so now I'm coming up through that second bronze bead right there and again I'm going to pick up two gold beads making sure your thread doesn't get all tangled two gold beads and I'm just going to go back up through that hole on the second loop there pick up two more gold beads and go down through the next bronze bead there to create that bridge there we go so now that you have two it's a little more secure so again just going down through the next bead and I'm going to go up through this black bead right here and now I'm ready to attach the third loop two gold beads on my needle back up through two more gold beads and now down through the next up bead which on mine is gold and you thread it down again and up pick up two more gold beads and you're going to want to keep working the same way so you can see I'm working from the back forward and I keep going around in a circular motion that will just keep all of your threads facing error I'm sorry all of your loops facing the same way so again just following along with the pattern and now we're coming to our final loop here and by this point you should be at your third I'm sorry your fourth up bead because you're going to create that last bridge between that last one and the third one here so it starts on the third one on this side and it ends on the third one on this side so if you've done this correctly your clasp will be perfectly centered two gold beads through the loop and two more gold beads and then down through those two beads there now if you like you can turn your thread around and go back through but I find that this is strong enough to attach for myself so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to show you really quickly how to tie it off so I like to go up through that black bead so it's that second bead from the end there and now you can create a little surgeon's knot going through that thread bridge catching it and tying a knot and pulling it tight and then just go through that second bead going down there and now I just turn my thread around going up through here and up through this second bead right there and I'm going to go up through one more just one more there you go and now I'm in a position to make one more surgeon's knot just going to go back through there catching that loop pulling tight and now just through that last little bead right next to it and then I'm done so I'm just going to remove my needle and now you can either use your thread zap your snips or your scissors I'm going to use my little thread zap here and heat it up and just zap off that tail okay so you can set that aside so now to do the other side you're going to want to make sure that you unclasp it and make sure that it is flipped because when you bring your two sides together you want them to match you don't want to get there and have them be the same so you have to make sure that they are separated in the right way and so all you'll do to do this second part of the clasp is you'll just move on remove your stopper bead and simply attach your clasp because you're coming out the same way so you'll be doing the same finishing technique for the side of the clasp so now I finish both sides of my clasp and my bracelet is now all finished and ready to go so you just clip it like that slide it in and you're all set so I hope you enjoyed this video and please check out all four of the patterns that we have for our animal print peyote and this is an exclusive beadaholique.com you
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Clear recently viewedI really wish I would add a word chart with your poyeto patterns.