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Hi, this is Kat with beadaholique.com 'pls here of a pair of earrings that I have and in this one you'll notice that I didn't add a jump ring to the top so I added a large jump ring just around the entire form and it's just a circular brick stitch and then down here we just added some quarreling and then in this other example I have here which is what I'm going to be showing you today I have sewn in a closed jump ring so that it doesn't move at the top there for my earring and I also did an extra little embellishment by just adding little gold beads to the tips just to kind of showcase that beautiful coralline technique so to complete this project which are going to need is 11/0 Toho seed beads I have a 20 millimeter ring here and this right here is a 5 millimeter 20 gauge closed jump ring I'm going to be using the fireline in the smoke size B now I'm going to be using the smoke so that you can see it a little bit better today but you'll notice in my two examples here I used the crystal fire line a pair of scissors as well and I've gone ahead and thread my size twelve beading needle with a good wingspan doubled over for my thread so let's get started so first what you're going to do is take your thread and you'll notice that my tails don't quite line up because what you're going to do you're going to take one tail the longest side and do just a simple overhand knot on top of your form and then do another overhand knot just for a little extra security and make sure it's nice and tight so this is what you should have now two knots on top of your form and I still have a good eight inch tail or so because I'll need to weave that in later so go ahead now and take your needle and you're going to pick up two seed beads and go ahead and bring those down to the form here and what you're going to do is you're going to go underneath you're going to want to keep those seed beads on that side and you're going to go up through that first seed bead there and now you'll just need to kind of wiggle it into place and just make sure that they sort of sit right next to each other just like so so now moving on you're going to pick up one seed bead and you can get it all the way down on your thread there we go and now what you're going to do is you're going to come up through the back of that and you'll notice that it's a little tricky in the beginning but now you'll just want to keep working around that ring and keeping those thread bridges just going up and over so again you'll pick up one seed bead and go down through and you'll notice it starts to sit on top a little bit better and up through and pull tight making sure that it is following that little path that you've created and you're going to do this all the way around the ring and then you're going to come back to the center and I'll show you what that looks like in just a moment okay so now I've come all the way around my form and you'll notice that I still have a little bit of gap there and when you get to this point you'll need to decide whether or not you have enough for two beads or if you have enough room for one bead I'm going to say that's probably about a space of one bead because you don't want your beads to get squished and sort of kink on you so I am going to add one more bead that looks good and now you'll notice that I don't have a bridge between the first bead and the last bead there so what I'm going to do is just sort of act like that's a new bead I'm just going to go down and back make sure your tail does not get caught in there down and back and then just going to go through and up into that first bead there come on needle there we go up and through that first bead just sort of finishing that last little one right there so now you have your thread coming up here so what we're going to do now is we're going to do another row but instead of going around the ring you're going to be using these thread bridges so just like before you're going to pick up two seed beads and go ahead and string those all the way down and now you're going to go back through one of those thread bridges the next one and up and now you're going to go up through that second bead and you're just going to get them to lay flat kind of right next to each other just like we did in the first round so now you go again and you pick up one seed bead move on to the next thread bridge and then go up and pull tight and you'll see that they're starting to sit nicely together so you just keep going moving on to the next thread bridge now you'll come to a point where because this row will be a little bit bigger you'll notice that you won't move on to the next thread bridge you'll kind of squish one into that second one keep making sure you have good tension on your thread and on to the next one here alright and now I've done a few and what I'm going to do now is you'll notice on my other example here we set that down for a moment on my other example what I've done is I have added that closed jump ring and I have kora Lang down here at the bottom now on this other example I have not added the jump ring so you can keep going until you're ready to start quarreling but you'll need to kind of decide if you do this method where that center point is going to be for your quarreling now an easy little trick for that is to go ahead and add your jump ring early don't wait until you get halfway around or to where you think you're going to be so go ahead and pick up that jump ring and just slide it down just like so and now don't even worry about it it's on your thread now so you're just going to keep going and this is one of the examples where I'm going to reuse that same bread bridge right there because I want to get that nice and tight in there and you see that the jump ring is caught and just for a little extra security so I finish that that stitch there and I want to make sure that jump ring sits on top there for a little extra security what I'm going to do is I'm going to take my needle go through the jump ring go down through that bead and up through that last bead there that I just strung we need to wiggle your needle in there because it should be tight if you're keeping good tension and there you go so now you have two thread bridges there and that helps to just give that little extra security so now you're just going to keep going so that is officially now the midpoint of my ring and where I'm going to start the coral Aang I can use that as sort of a guide so you're just going to continue on doing the same method as before that circular brick stitch all the way around until you get to that point where you want to start your coiling and I'll show you what that looks like in just a moment so now I've done that second row of brick stitching all the way around to here and I'm going to do a little bit less correlate on my example here just to give you an idea so I can then finish it up for you quickly in this video so now I've added that last bead there so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to add it maybe 15 or so there's no exact science to this so this is your chance to really get creative so I'm going to add my first stitch of quarreling so go ahead and pick up 15 or so beads and thread that down and what you're going to do now is you're going to take your needle skip that first bead and go up through let's say the next four go ahead and pull that tight and now what I'm going to do is I'm going to pick up maybe three more beads pull that all the way down so I've taken those three and I've strung those down here so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to not go over that first one and go back through those two beads there and pull my thread tight and now I have my thread coming out of this bead here so I'm going to need to go back up through the next bead and you can go up about just a few beads there we'll go up a couple more go get a little bit higher and go ahead and pull that all the way through so now I'm going to do another little quarreling and I'm going to let's add four beads this time and thread those all the way down and again skip over that first bead and go into the next three and you can do this all in one fell swoop go all the way back up to that first bead that you strung in your core length section so that is your first coral and now I'm just going to flip this you can kind of see how I'm working now what's happened is I'm using that thread that is coming right out of there so what am I ready to do now pick up one more and go down through and I'm going to sort of continue that brick stitch and you see how that sort of pulls it nice and tight together and just go back up through that one bead and now you can see it all kind of comes together and it's nice and tight there it still has a little bit of movement but it is a little bit tighter and kind of kind of wobbly but that's sort of the look that you're kind of going for so I'm going to do now is I'm just going to start adding another length of coral so go ahead and pick up as many seed beads as you like again usually ten to fifteen is good you can kind of vary it you can you know sort of make a few a little bit longer kind of layer um it's entirely up to you this this part is just this is the fun part so go and slide that all the way down now if you ever want to kind of Judge how long you want to make it you can sort of guide it next to the one that you're there so again go ahead and pick up your piece and you're going to skip that first bead and I'm going to go a little higher in this one so I'm going to go up through about five or so pull that tight and I'm going to pick up four more beads throw the low the way down go through not the first one put the next three and back up and you can do this as much or as little as you want you can make these really thick or you can just do a couple little ones I'm going to show you kind of a little fun variation if you pick up two and slide those all the way down sorry this is so wobbly so you pick up two and then all you're going to do is just end up going back through only one bead so you can kind of add just a little tiny one if you just want a little extra embellishment and I'm going to go all the way back up through to that last bead and finish this Coraline and again just pick up one bead and go through and you just sort of just continue that brick stitch and back up through and you're ready to start your next Coraline so what you get is you get that nice coral look while keeping the brick stitch going so it's not interrupted at all and I just want to show you on this other example here you'll notice that I've added the little gold beads and all these beads represent is that last bead in that stitch so when you go all the way down make sure the last bead that you're not going to go back through is that other color bead your gold bead if you if you like it and then you just keep doing that throughout the Coraline technique so that's all that you know the sort of little embellishment does is you just sort of pick up that different color bead I think it just adds adds a little something extra so I'm going to finish doing a few more Cora lines and then I'm going to get back to here and show you how to finish it off okay so I just finished up my last bit of coral in there so again just continuing that brick stitch pick up one bead go under that next thread bridge pull tight and go back up through that one bead there and here's where you're really going to want to tighten it up there we go and just push that together and now all you're going to do is just continue on in that brick stitch just by picking up one bead making sure it doesn't get caught in your core line and back up through and just continue this all the way around and I'll meet you right back over here in just a minute okay so I'm just coming around again to that same spot where you're going to need to decide if you need one or two beads in there so let's pick up one more under that thread bridge and actually I think I am just going to do that one bead I thought I might have needed to but I think it will look better if I just again just go into that next bead you're just going to go down through and towards the back of that bead you're going to find that thread bridge and come up through and now you're going to go up through that bead to sort of complete that last little one there now there's a little bit of a gap but if you just go ahead and pull that tight together it becomes seamless so now you're just going to take this tail and I'm going to go over one more bead and down and what I'm going to do now is I'm going to sort of do a little cheat knot by going through that little section leaving my loop coming back around and through that loop if you can see that and all I'm doing is just creating sort of a little hidden knot in there just didn't catch let me do that again just take your needle down and what you're looking for is to come up through that thread bridge there there I think I caught it there we go and now just push your needle through there we go there's that knot I was looking for and I'm just going to weave up through the next one pull tight and leave down and I'm going to go ahead and cut up this portion of my thread and this one as you know was already secured by a knot so all you're going to do is take your needle off of your other thread set that aside go ahead and thread your needle on to this end and now what you're going to need to do is just take that thread and you can just go up through that bead right there see so it's coming out that front side now and I'm just going to go up through over and down and that's it that's all I need to do because I already tied a knot in the other end go ahead and take your needle off clip that and there you have it that is how to finish off that quarreling around that brick stitch and this is a fun little technique and you'll see obviously in this one you have that you know black thread that you'll see but you don't really see any of that crystal thread here so it's a nice fun seamless look and like I said you can keep going all the way around here and turn this into a necklace by using just a bigger jump ring or you can sew in your jump ring and add a little embellishment here so this is just a few different options for that Coraline technique I hope you enjoyed this video you can watch more videos and find all of these supplies at beadaholique.com you
Hi, this is Kat with beadaholique.com 'pls here of a pair of earrings that I have and in this one you'll notice that I didn't add a jump ring to the top so I added a large jump ring just around the entire form and it's just a circular brick stitch and then down here we just added some quarreling and then in this other example I have here which is what I'm going to be showing you today I have sewn in a closed jump ring so that it doesn't move at the top there for my earring and I also did an extra little embellishment by just adding little gold beads to the tips just to kind of showcase that beautiful coralline technique so to complete this project which are going to need is 11/0 Toho seed beads I have a 20 millimeter ring here and this right here is a 5 millimeter 20 gauge closed jump ring I'm going to be using the fireline in the smoke size B now I'm going to be using the smoke so that you can see it a little bit better today but you'll notice in my two examples here I used the crystal fire line a pair of scissors as well and I've gone ahead and thread my size twelve beading needle with a good wingspan doubled over for my thread so let's get started so first what you're going to do is take your thread and you'll notice that my tails don't quite line up because what you're going to do you're going to take one tail the longest side and do just a simple overhand knot on top of your form and then do another overhand knot just for a little extra security and make sure it's nice and tight so this is what you should have now two knots on top of your form and I still have a good eight inch tail or so because I'll need to weave that in later so go ahead now and take your needle and you're going to pick up two seed beads and go ahead and bring those down to the form here and what you're going to do is you're going to go underneath you're going to want to keep those seed beads on that side and you're going to go up through that first seed bead there and now you'll just need to kind of wiggle it into place and just make sure that they sort of sit right next to each other just like so so now moving on you're going to pick up one seed bead and you can get it all the way down on your thread there we go and now what you're going to do is you're going to come up through the back of that and you'll notice that it's a little tricky in the beginning but now you'll just want to keep working around that ring and keeping those thread bridges just going up and over so again you'll pick up one seed bead and go down through and you'll notice it starts to sit on top a little bit better and up through and pull tight making sure that it is following that little path that you've created and you're going to do this all the way around the ring and then you're going to come back to the center and I'll show you what that looks like in just a moment okay so now I've come all the way around my form and you'll notice that I still have a little bit of gap there and when you get to this point you'll need to decide whether or not you have enough for two beads or if you have enough room for one bead I'm going to say that's probably about a space of one bead because you don't want your beads to get squished and sort of kink on you so I am going to add one more bead that looks good and now you'll notice that I don't have a bridge between the first bead and the last bead there so what I'm going to do is just sort of act like that's a new bead I'm just going to go down and back make sure your tail does not get caught in there down and back and then just going to go through and up into that first bead there come on needle there we go up and through that first bead just sort of finishing that last little one right there so now you have your thread coming up here so what we're going to do now is we're going to do another row but instead of going around the ring you're going to be using these thread bridges so just like before you're going to pick up two seed beads and go ahead and string those all the way down and now you're going to go back through one of those thread bridges the next one and up and now you're going to go up through that second bead and you're just going to get them to lay flat kind of right next to each other just like we did in the first round so now you go again and you pick up one seed bead move on to the next thread bridge and then go up and pull tight and you'll see that they're starting to sit nicely together so you just keep going moving on to the next thread bridge now you'll come to a point where because this row will be a little bit bigger you'll notice that you won't move on to the next thread bridge you'll kind of squish one into that second one keep making sure you have good tension on your thread and on to the next one here alright and now I've done a few and what I'm going to do now is you'll notice on my other example here we set that down for a moment on my other example what I've done is I have added that closed jump ring and I have kora Lang down here at the bottom now on this other example I have not added the jump ring so you can keep going until you're ready to start quarreling but you'll need to kind of decide if you do this method where that center point is going to be for your quarreling now an easy little trick for that is to go ahead and add your jump ring early don't wait until you get halfway around or to where you think you're going to be so go ahead and pick up that jump ring and just slide it down just like so and now don't even worry about it it's on your thread now so you're just going to keep going and this is one of the examples where I'm going to reuse that same bread bridge right there because I want to get that nice and tight in there and you see that the jump ring is caught and just for a little extra security so I finish that that stitch there and I want to make sure that jump ring sits on top there for a little extra security what I'm going to do is I'm going to take my needle go through the jump ring go down through that bead and up through that last bead there that I just strung we need to wiggle your needle in there because it should be tight if you're keeping good tension and there you go so now you have two thread bridges there and that helps to just give that little extra security so now you're just going to keep going so that is officially now the midpoint of my ring and where I'm going to start the coral Aang I can use that as sort of a guide so you're just going to continue on doing the same method as before that circular brick stitch all the way around until you get to that point where you want to start your coiling and I'll show you what that looks like in just a moment so now I've done that second row of brick stitching all the way around to here and I'm going to do a little bit less correlate on my example here just to give you an idea so I can then finish it up for you quickly in this video so now I've added that last bead there so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to add it maybe 15 or so there's no exact science to this so this is your chance to really get creative so I'm going to add my first stitch of quarreling so go ahead and pick up 15 or so beads and thread that down and what you're going to do now is you're going to take your needle skip that first bead and go up through let's say the next four go ahead and pull that tight and now what I'm going to do is I'm going to pick up maybe three more beads pull that all the way down so I've taken those three and I've strung those down here so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to not go over that first one and go back through those two beads there and pull my thread tight and now I have my thread coming out of this bead here so I'm going to need to go back up through the next bead and you can go up about just a few beads there we'll go up a couple more go get a little bit higher and go ahead and pull that all the way through so now I'm going to do another little quarreling and I'm going to let's add four beads this time and thread those all the way down and again skip over that first bead and go into the next three and you can do this all in one fell swoop go all the way back up to that first bead that you strung in your core length section so that is your first coral and now I'm just going to flip this you can kind of see how I'm working now what's happened is I'm using that thread that is coming right out of there so what am I ready to do now pick up one more and go down through and I'm going to sort of continue that brick stitch and you see how that sort of pulls it nice and tight together and just go back up through that one bead and now you can see it all kind of comes together and it's nice and tight there it still has a little bit of movement but it is a little bit tighter and kind of kind of wobbly but that's sort of the look that you're kind of going for so I'm going to do now is I'm just going to start adding another length of coral so go ahead and pick up as many seed beads as you like again usually ten to fifteen is good you can kind of vary it you can you know sort of make a few a little bit longer kind of layer um it's entirely up to you this this part is just this is the fun part so go and slide that all the way down now if you ever want to kind of Judge how long you want to make it you can sort of guide it next to the one that you're there so again go ahead and pick up your piece and you're going to skip that first bead and I'm going to go a little higher in this one so I'm going to go up through about five or so pull that tight and I'm going to pick up four more beads throw the low the way down go through not the first one put the next three and back up and you can do this as much or as little as you want you can make these really thick or you can just do a couple little ones I'm going to show you kind of a little fun variation if you pick up two and slide those all the way down sorry this is so wobbly so you pick up two and then all you're going to do is just end up going back through only one bead so you can kind of add just a little tiny one if you just want a little extra embellishment and I'm going to go all the way back up through to that last bead and finish this Coraline and again just pick up one bead and go through and you just sort of just continue that brick stitch and back up through and you're ready to start your next Coraline so what you get is you get that nice coral look while keeping the brick stitch going so it's not interrupted at all and I just want to show you on this other example here you'll notice that I've added the little gold beads and all these beads represent is that last bead in that stitch so when you go all the way down make sure the last bead that you're not going to go back through is that other color bead your gold bead if you if you like it and then you just keep doing that throughout the Coraline technique so that's all that you know the sort of little embellishment does is you just sort of pick up that different color bead I think it just adds adds a little something extra so I'm going to finish doing a few more Cora lines and then I'm going to get back to here and show you how to finish it off okay so I just finished up my last bit of coral in there so again just continuing that brick stitch pick up one bead go under that next thread bridge pull tight and go back up through that one bead there and here's where you're really going to want to tighten it up there we go and just push that together and now all you're going to do is just continue on in that brick stitch just by picking up one bead making sure it doesn't get caught in your core line and back up through and just continue this all the way around and I'll meet you right back over here in just a minute okay so I'm just coming around again to that same spot where you're going to need to decide if you need one or two beads in there so let's pick up one more under that thread bridge and actually I think I am just going to do that one bead I thought I might have needed to but I think it will look better if I just again just go into that next bead you're just going to go down through and towards the back of that bead you're going to find that thread bridge and come up through and now you're going to go up through that bead to sort of complete that last little one there now there's a little bit of a gap but if you just go ahead and pull that tight together it becomes seamless so now you're just going to take this tail and I'm going to go over one more bead and down and what I'm going to do now is I'm going to sort of do a little cheat knot by going through that little section leaving my loop coming back around and through that loop if you can see that and all I'm doing is just creating sort of a little hidden knot in there just didn't catch let me do that again just take your needle down and what you're looking for is to come up through that thread bridge there there I think I caught it there we go and now just push your needle through there we go there's that knot I was looking for and I'm just going to weave up through the next one pull tight and leave down and I'm going to go ahead and cut up this portion of my thread and this one as you know was already secured by a knot so all you're going to do is take your needle off of your other thread set that aside go ahead and thread your needle on to this end and now what you're going to need to do is just take that thread and you can just go up through that bead right there see so it's coming out that front side now and I'm just going to go up through over and down and that's it that's all I need to do because I already tied a knot in the other end go ahead and take your needle off clip that and there you have it that is how to finish off that quarreling around that brick stitch and this is a fun little technique and you'll see obviously in this one you have that you know black thread that you'll see but you don't really see any of that crystal thread here so it's a nice fun seamless look and like I said you can keep going all the way around here and turn this into a necklace by using just a bigger jump ring or you can sew in your jump ring and add a little embellishment here so this is just a few different options for that Coraline technique I hope you enjoyed this video you can watch more videos and find all of these supplies at beadaholique.com you
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